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24573680 No.24573680 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on api3

>> No.24573699
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>Shill me on api3

>> No.24573898

fake and gay like linkies

enjoy holding bags

>> No.24574069

Fucking it. I'm pumping api3

>> No.24574544

The lyft to chainlinks uber, not as good but will go up regardless

>> No.24574587

Imagine you are a big company who is willing to put some data on blockchain but needs an oracle service. Do you trust the third party oracles from a literal who like chainlink?
Or do you designate some people from your own company to run a first party oracle through API3?

>> No.24574631

Chainlink is obsolete. Just a matter of time now that API3 has launched.

>> No.24574708

Chainlink became corrupted with 700k dumps for no apparent reasons than just to keep the company afloat. API3 is the real oracle mission.

>> No.24574752

API3 is a pajeet scam

>> No.24574765

Wait, link is centralised?

>> No.24574777

just look at the crabbing going on, it's waiting for the next pump.

>> No.24574810
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To elaborate on this.
To use Chainlink you need to trust chainlink.
To use API3 you don't need to trust anyone.
The slow rise of chainlink is due to the fact that it has had to consolidate itself through a grueling and slow process of proving itself. API3 doesn't have this problem and its rise will be orders of magnitude faster.
If link was the US dollar, then API3 is bitcoin.
Being your own oracle instead of trusting a centralized solution.
Just like bitcoin empowered individuals to be their own bank instead of using a centralized solution.

>> No.24574837

What does the token do?

>> No.24574890

Look into it in the API3 official site, I think that anyone who understands the concept of API3 will be excited readong the whitepaper. I would rather just discuss the tech here.

>> No.24574933

>To use Chainlink you need to trust chainlink.
lel you're a retard. only newfags who don't understand the tech will fall for this shit
>no apparent reasons
they have been hiring loads of people and expanding and buying shit

anyone buying api3, be prepared to sell or get stuck holding the bag

>> No.24574934

So you can't explain it then and the only way you can shill this is by piggy backing off Link's success and popularity so that people will pay attention to your scamcoin.
Fuck off Pajeet.

>> No.24575001

Serves as an insurance for first party oracle data feeds. Read the fucking white paper and dyor.

>> No.24575022
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Stubbornes is blindness.
Tribalism is ignorance.


>> No.24575043

It moons, buy now!

>> No.24575049

Why are you stinkies like this?

>> No.24575082

Explain why your token is needed Pajeet.

>> No.24575109


I don't care about any of your internet coins but I notice one thing
This guy knows something
This guy is not a pajeet

>> No.24575212

Why bother explaining when you have room temperature IQ mate?

>> No.24575237
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>> No.24575316

As if any stinky linky ever could explain why the chainlink token is needed, except for giving Sergey 500k to dump every week. As soon as you ask them, they go radio silent.

>> No.24575399
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>more seethe and insults
>more mentions of Link because that's the only way they can get people to pay attention to their curry coin

Not buying your shitcoin Rakeesh

>> No.24575405

>to use Chainlink you need to trust chainlink.
Node operators are selected by Chainlink (i.e. Sergey) and it is decided by Sergey which data sources they should use.

>> No.24575426

So what is the token needed for?

>> No.24575439

There is no staking so yes it is somewhat centralized. Plus if your API goes down you'd lose you linkies provided that sirgay ever implements staking.

>> No.24575442
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pretty advanced tokenomics desu. this isn't your regular 2017 staking coin.

>> No.24575444

And you see why that is a horrible model, right?

>> No.24575492

Just read it, pretty shit desu, a single staking pool kek, & more emphasis on governance. I'll stick with link

>> No.24575517

>more emphasis on governance. I'll stick with link
>i trust sergey more than decentralized governance
why are you even in the crypto space?

>> No.24575564

O rite cause governance models are the right way to go

>> No.24575618

Yes. It's better than blindly trusting a company with opaque data practices holding 60% of the token supply. The API3 founders have their tokens vested for 3 years preventing them from making giant market dumps.

>> No.24575650

Unironically yes, good luck with your 3 man team though

>> No.24575681

There's 1/10th the supply of API3, so imagine you got in on chainlink at $0.20.

>> No.24575703

Links insurance pool is what exactly ?

>> No.24575731

Is the supply maxed out already? Or more to be made?

>> No.24575741

thanks for your opinion Keenan, eloquent as always

>> No.24575902

APY3: 20% circulating after a week, remainder is on linear schedule for 3 years
LINK: 40% circulating after years, irregular dumps

>> No.24576106

also, no whales. all the 20M is spread across 7000++ wallets.

unlike other coins, it's still early. a lot of people bought at $2 at the auction. now it is $2.3?

>> No.24576464


Okay guise we promise this batch of tokens is “vested” wink wink ;)

>> No.24576551

Well, they're still the underdogs so it's in their best interests to do things right. Just look at their commit history on GitHub. If they don't screw up they'll take a lot of link's business.

>> No.24576611

can u just SHUT THE FUCK UP OK
its a scam. period. u know the drill

>> No.24576615

OK guys, I'm shilled. Will be buying 4 btc worth of api3

>> No.24576639

You must actually be Keenan. You know these things are programmatically enforced using a smart contract? Chainlink shills have a hard time understanding the possibility of a transparent business model.

>> No.24576712
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2/3 done

>> No.24576737


>> No.24576955

Bro, I'm jelly

>> No.24577007

Why are you so triggerd by a run-of-the-mill scam? Bags getting heavy?

>> No.24577380
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Link bags getting heavy. Young new project is threatening

>> No.24577553

why the fuck would an indian band protocol spinoff be threat to Link? gullible idiots

>> No.24577559

Fockin based lad

>> No.24577649


>> No.24577726

This guy fucks with no lub

>> No.24577737
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>> No.24577873

lol insecure LINK Holders are getting maximum scared and try to attack newer, more modern, faster and way more secure oracles of the future.
Even though, Chainlink is still good, especially being the pioneer, but its still kind of outdated now in 2020/21.
So this is literally the upgraded Chainlink.
Chainlink is like yahoo search engine, until Google aka API3 arrived and took over. :D

>> No.24578247

rebranded Chinese scam under CZ and binance.

need i say more.

>> No.24578297

imagine your a huge company relying on a Chinese network to handle billions of dollars worth of data.

Do you trust Sergey Nazorov or do you trust Chinese unknown.

hint: if your a US or European giant I can guarantee you using Chinese software scam would be a no go.

>> No.24578389

API3 can succeed if LINK succeeds.
LINK is for high value legacy orientated usecases.
API3 can be a solution for internet first high throughput transactions.

>> No.24578464

LOL dumbo, thats exactly the point of API3, which is way more secure without a middleman.

>> No.24578765

API3 will be way more vulnerable in its infancy than Chainlink was.
I think this will go down: API3 will do heavy into marketing, they will grow FAST but it will plateau because certain kind of use cases will do especially well while others wont be possible to realize. Knowing Sergay the ruthless, he will either buy API3 and if that does not work he will hire the same guys that "took care" of Compound finance.