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24569692 No.24569692 [Reply] [Original]

>There would be no more crime
>There would be no more poverty
>There would be no more hordes of self replicating socialists demanding increasingly more GIBS
>single moms BTFO, no more state financing them to have children with the worst men
>all problems in western civ fixed with one swipe

All countries that do this, will become paradises on earth.
Countries that do this naturally due to genetic disposition of their population (swizterland, japan), are the best countries in the world right now.

It is time to start forcing politicians to do this. Reminder that they are nothing without the taxpayer money. There are no politicians, no army, no police, and certainly no welfare claimers without you, the tax payer. We hold all the power, let´s make them listen, and make this law become a reality within the next year.

>> No.24569741

It would also be an abridgement to people's right to procreate. If you want something like this, it would have to be a psyop like the state sending out birth control or protection to lower income communities in an effort to help "educate" people on safe sex since most STDs are centered in these communities as well.

>> No.24569763

>people on welfare have to get sterilized
uh oh!

>> No.24569798


They are taking money from other people to survive and exist. They've already "abridged" the rights of others therefore they don't have a right to abridge any further with more welfare case children.

>> No.24569826

>people are allowed to breed and then force others to pay for it.


And the alternative is: people are allowed to breed when they can't support their children, who will then suffer/starve, and we are supposed to just be ok with that. Also bullshit.

Nobody has a "right" to reproduce. It is a responsibility.

>> No.24569828

>She had twins.
Uh oh OP. What do you do?

>> No.24569845

If a guy has more than 1 child on welfare, then he either goes to jail (where he can't reproduce) or gets a vasectomy.

Easy to enforce, and not draconian.

Don't fucking put kids in the world you can't provide for, it is vile and one of the most evil things one can do.

>> No.24569853
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Limit them to NO kids...take them away and ENSLAVE them and STERILIZE all women as a condition of welfare acceptance.


>> No.24569858

Nothing, good for her, she hit the jackpot. State funded twins. The rare ratio of twins or more does not cause a flaw with a 1 child per welfare claimer rule.

>> No.24569860

>wearing a mask is tyranny
>state sterilization is cool

>> No.24569868


Why can't you retards get it through your thick skulls? Taxation is theft. ANY social program produced as a result of theft will fail. All you are doing is moving around a little money while politicians get rich. Have you seen the houses around DC? They live in freaking castles and you still think you can have these people redistribute wealth.

It doesn't work. It will never work. It can't work. Keep your goddamn nigger hands off of my money.

>> No.24569892

>letting people have kids that can't be provided for because they act like animals and don't give a shit if their offspring will suffer or not is ok

There is no win when it comes to reproduction. We won't let children starve, so we won't let people reproduce at will either. On a fantasy unicorn world everyone can have as many kids as they have, and all the kids grow happy. But we live in a world with limited resources, and where children are the ones we must protect the most.

>> No.24569897

How about zero children
Why the fuck is it my job to provide for your fucking kids when I can barely afford to cover my own expenses.
Or lets just ban welfare and they can all go move to Canada

>> No.24569987

Depends. In an ethnically homogeneous society where people value their nation, culture, and people it is in everyone's best interest to ensure that those people are educated and able to receive medical care.
However, since we are about as far off from any of those as a nation could be possibly be I say fuck everyone, especially the government. Fuck nigger, jews, spics, fuck trannies and especially fuck jannies. Also, fuck White women.

>> No.24569997

>>single moms BTFO, no more state financing them to have children with the worst men
Anyone who thinks that the tax refund you get for each kid is profitable is an absolute retard. You get that refund because kids cost WAY more than that to care for per year.

>> No.24570096

All women on welfare should be given free birth control (preferably as an IUD or implant to limit tampering or improper use) and required to use it as a contingency of receiving welfare benefits, including a free doctor visit every 3 months to test them and make sure they're actually still on it.
All men on welfare should be given one of those injectible temporary vasectomies for free and have a free doctor visit every 3 months to check their sperm count.
If you can't afford to take care of yourself, you don't get to have kids that you'll inevitably be unable to afford as well. You're living on money from taxpayers, you don't get to choose. Don't like it? Get off welfare, the birth control isn't permanent.

>> No.24570125

>1 billion subhumans are moved next to your home sweet home

>> No.24570160

How do you enforce this?
CCC style?
Sorry buddy. Your incel view of life isn't relevant. You live in a box and your perspective is not realistic

>> No.24570203

The country has unironically spent trillions of dollars on meaningless wars and bailouts for corporations and pennies on "gibs" in comparison. Grow up.

This eugenic bs would end up accelerating the "white genocide" you're so afraid of, because the biggest recipients of social programs are white women. Whoops!

>> No.24570209

Free birth control and free mandatory doctor check-ups to ensure compliance. The idea that people are simply entitled to taxpayer money with no strings attached is insane.

>> No.24570212

Have you ever considered food stamps and all of the other perks?

>> No.24570221
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Nah and nah, fuck off liar

>> No.24570226

Hello China

>> No.24570251

Yeah, all the stuff you have to use on the kids. The only way having kids on welfare can be profitable is if you abusively neglect the kids' wellbeing. Yes, I know people do just that, but that's why those types of people shouldn't be allowed to have children.

>> No.24570322
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You do this, we lose c0ns000mers and our demographic advantage in the world goes to shit.

>> No.24570381

Renaissance rights do not Trump global stone age rights except where the moral decision comes from the Bible (prostitutes, murder duels, etc.). This is how laws and constitutions generally work.

>> No.24570544

It is coerced. It's not quite theft because they can't rip it from your pockets if you've evaded it.

This said, you are disingenuously comparing the best Libertarian case where we all go around treating each other like adults and falling on our own sword when we fail, with the worst cases of government graft. A utilitarian dictator and a Faustian Libertarian who games people out of their lives using the letter (not intent) of the law are the flip sides. Agree to meet somewhere in the middle. The government gang stops raider gangs from being the norm and saves you the expense of having to become a raider chief before you can become the savvy finance cunt that you want to be today. The government gang, when working as intended, also attempts to solve some accidents of birth so that talented people have the opportunity to do shit like making technology instead of this only being done by the caste that happened to be born to the raider chief.

Just fuck you. You probably think communism fucking works too, since you can't see the failure of the human component in pure Libertarianism.

>> No.24570579

vasectomy for offending men who have a 2nd child while claiming welfare

>> No.24570605

China did the right thing, with bad policies most likely since they are totalitarian.

We can do the right thing with fair policies, since we are the west and have soul.

>> No.24570699

>not letting the market organize people in the most efficient manner

>> No.24570732

If I'm made dictator it's as simple as this: everyone takes a highly standardized and generalized IQ test, multiple times for an aggregate result.

People in the bottom 25% are offered a one time $5k payment to get sterilized. People in the top 25% are offered $10k per child borne. Edge cases considered on a case by case basis.

>> No.24570768

Cry more loser. Chads will always knock up thirsty bitches, even from prison. The only way to reduce poor babies is to provide free contraceptives and abortions. Anything else is the definition of draconian and literal tyranny.

>> No.24570796

It's the same as the problem with healthcare, really. A complete free market healthcare system could work and would be far cheaper for everyone, but it would require letting people who can't pay go without emergency treatment and just die. Since that's something we are (rightfully) unwilling to do as a society, we should just find a way to provide healthcare to everyone instead of this bloated mess we have now, which is bloated precisely because all hospitals and doctors have to be in business for profit but ALSO are legally obligated to treat anyone regardless of their ability to pay, so they have to price everything based on the assumption that some 20% of all patients will just not pay anything to them at all. If those 20% just died and we didn't spend resources on them, the other 80% remaining would get totally fair prices. But that's a society that no one would ever actually agree to, so let's just fucking socialize it (preferably following the Japanese model rather than the European ones) and be done with the whole mess.

>> No.24570875

How to fix society

>invent artificial wombs and eggs
>encourage and empower men to become single dads
>optional robowives for those who can afford them
>exterminate the vaginal jew

Single mothers are dysfunction factories. Women are predisposed to be cat aunts or single mothers if left to their vase desires. We must transition to a post female society.

>> No.24570932

Just get rid of women since they can't stop fucking chad.

>> No.24570954

>people follow the rules get punished
>people who don't follow the rules don't get punished
>or they just don't care
tale as old as time

>> No.24571007

Fuck you, just get rid of welfare programs. Why should I feed your ugly kid?

>> No.24571021

Who will fight on our wars?
Who will work in the warehouses?
Who will work in the factories?

>> No.24571026


This is the real thing. If people don't want to entertain common sense population control then let's go ahead and cut these bloated ass welfare budgets and reserve it only for the truly, temporarily needy.

>> No.24571067

>The only way to reduce poor babies is to provide free contraceptives and abortions. Anything else is the definition of draconian and literal tyranny.

Ok then, you opted for the alternative, which is to not be draconian and tax people to support other people's children. And now we have children starving.

That is ok though, because starvation is not a violation of the NAP.

Either we put in place policies to ensure we can support ALL children, while making sure their birth rate is controlled, or we let children starve. Let the tax payer be burdened more and more by other people's children is not an option.

>> No.24571070

The children of the colonists we send out to Asia and Africa after genociding the locals

>> No.24571094

which is also why stopping welfare childbirth is a good thing. It also reduces the free healthcare tax

>> No.24571122

agree but we are not there yet

>> No.24571265
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What rustles my jimmies even more are the junkies that live off gibs. I live in Hawaii which is considered a generous gibber and people from other states fly here on 1-way tickets with the intention to live on the streets and collect monthly gibs:
>$800 welfare
>$400 food stamps
>free medicare
>free phone
>free housing if they are drug-free
I just went on a 1 hour run and saw a triple-digit count of hobos: either sleeping in the middle of the path, shitting / pissing on the sidewalk, shooting up, digging through trash, yelling at themselves. You know they are not local because they are all niggers or fucking WHITE males.

Meanwhile there are actual locals who can barely afford to live here.

>> No.24571471

It's like that in every major city. About a mile from my house there's nothing but late teen early adult males living on the street. They collect welfare, sling drugs and just hang out all day behind the gas station. They're dressed adequately, are on their phones all day, at night they go to their tent camp. In the summer when it's too hot for them in Phoenix I assume they either rent an apartment or go back to California for a bit. There was one group near my house. Called the pigs on them numerous times and they didn't do anything. The local spic gang got rid of them, two were killed in the apartment complex where they were dealing and then their camp area got covered in gang graffiti.I didn't even know we still had gangs here.

>> No.24571477

>The only way to reduce poor babies is to provide free contraceptives and abortions.
No, you MANDATE free contraceptives. We have all manner of long-term birth control options. Women can get implants and IUDs that last for years, men can get injections that stop sperm for years, and they're all easily and safely reversible. Men on welfare or in prison should be given those temporary vasectomy injections and have their sperm tested regularly, women on welfare or in prison should be given implants or IUDs and then tested regularly. It's fucking simple, really. It's not tyranny because it would literally just be a stipulation of accepting taxpayer money (or a punishment for severely violating the law in the case of prison), if you go off welfare or get out of prison you can do whatever you want, remove the contraceptive and have at it, but accepting taxpayer money to get by in your life is an admission that you already can't afford to live by your own means, so you don't have the right to subject a newborn child to that life. Not to mention that the cost of raising kids is literally part of what keeps people like that poor, so preventing them from having children would only improve their situation.

>> No.24571478

Hawaii is really a massive shithole inside its cities. Only redeeming part is the rural areas.

>> No.24571505

Fuck you racist mother fucker. We will keep beeeding and replacing you and you ain’t gonna do shit! Seethe harder

>> No.24571531

OOga Booga one European life is worth more than 6 million nigger lives

>> No.24571535

this is basically what planned parenthood started out as

>> No.24571631


damn I thought this time we had it, but they fought back harder

>> No.24571650



>> No.24571695
File: 41 KB, 470x470, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you, the tax payer

>> No.24571863 [DELETED] 

Interesting about the gangs. We used to have gangs of polynesian vigilantes who would take care of business while the police turned away and let it happen. Now they are priced out of oahu, but still exist on other islands, funny story:
Recently a group of homeless people that worship this outrageous nigga who calls himself "Nature Boy" moved to the big island. pic related is the cult, basically a bunch of black girls who have sex with Nature Boy. He makes the most bizarre youtube videos
>I like to be naked
>I'm naked with my kiiids
>I have sex, in front of my kids
>My son comes up and plays with my penis
He has more, where he starts talking about how native Hawaiians were originally black people. Anyway, people of Puna wouldn't have it, found them, called them niggers, broke their shit. They tried to claim racism then the police arrested them for breaking COVID quarantine. He had a video axing for money for the $2k fines and bail. Then they left and decided Hawaii was the most raycist place in the world

>> No.24571894
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, carbon nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting about the gangs. We used to have gangs of polynesian vigilantes who would take care of business while the police turned away and let it happen. Now they are priced out of oahu, but still exist on other islands, funny story:
Recently a group of homeless people that worship this outrageous nigga who calls himself "Nature Boy" moved to the big island. pic related is the cult, basically a bunch of black girls who have sex with Nature Boy. He makes the most bizarre youtube videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBq0T3kwnhw [Embed]
>I like to be naked
>I'm naked with my kiiids
>I have sex, in front of my kids
>My son comes up and plays with my penis
He has more, where he starts talking about how native Hawaiians were originally black people. Anyway, people of Puna wouldn't have it, found them, called them niggers, broke their shit. They tried to claim racism then the police arrested them for breaking COVID quarantine. He had a video axing for money for the $2k fines and bail. Then they left and decided Hawaii was the most raycist place in the world

>> No.24572173


come on man pay tax, it's cool, we are all doing it

>> No.24572265

When was this? I have friends in Hilo. I visit once a year. I love big island, dont feel the love back other than from other transplants though.

>> No.24572676
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It was back in June

>Locals getting pissed off

>They get arrested but want to stay in hawaii

>Police will hold them in jail unless the cult decides to GTFO

Here is the video where he says "All Hawaiians was black at first, ya'll is ignorant."
Also they started harassing sea turtles, which is a no-no.

>> No.24572846

>prolifer only cares about kids when they’re in the womb

>> No.24573014

>started out as
It still is. Poor people have always been the group to get the most amount of abortions, and utilize access to free contraceptives the most.

>> No.24573015

Preventing people without means of support from having more kids would allow us to extend more resources and help to existing kids who need it, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.24573202


The aristocratic upper classes outbred the peasant class consistently in most European societies/countries for the last 2000 years. It's only in the last 150 years or so has it been the opposite that low IQ people have outbred high IQ ones and the results will be disastrous.

Something like this wouldn't be the only thing necessary to fix it, though. Look up "The IQ shredder" and learn about how modern cities incentivize high IQ individuals into lifestyles not conducive to procreation, thus "shredding" those IQ points out of the gene pool. On a macro scale that alone will cause a collapse in probably 200 years or less even if every other problem today was solved.

>> No.24574006

I don't know about that. European society survived just fine during the middle ages being ruled by illiterate, inbred kings while the highest IQ people were mostly monks and priests devoted to celibacy.

Civilization doesn't rest on the top 5% of the IQ curve reproducing. Of course it's a problem that educated people generally aren't having enough children, but I don't see how it will cause the total collapse of society.

>> No.24574091


>> No.24574281

>doesn't understand what accounting adjustments are
They're just really bad at tracking and managing their finances.

>> No.24574300

Good idea

>> No.24574332

we can have state mandated abortions for people on welfare it seems like the best option

>> No.24574618

There is no way that would get any traction in any country that isn't China or Norf Korea.

>> No.24574845

subsidize coupons for free KFC, cheap jewelry, and Nike shoes for having an abortion, with diminishing returns for having too many abortions in succession

>> No.24575031

If this worked then countries with no welfare at all would be the best paradises in the world.