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24559068 No.24559068 [Reply] [Original]

What do coders even do all day? Other than brand new tech, Isn't everything basically coded already?

>> No.24559080

Jerk off in company toilet

>> No.24559093

jesus, if normies only knew how fragile everything is under the hood.....

>> No.24559094

this and desperately try to convince others that whatever the fuck they do is important and interesting

>> No.24559110

>Isn't everything basically coded already?
Kind of from what ive seen, i always try to look for shortcuts and always find them lol.
Like picasso said, good artists create great artist steal.

>> No.24559128

>he said, posting on a functioning message board that allows him to easily communicate and post images to millions of other retards

>> No.24559143

They all work at startups by some rich chink or boomer that made it in real estate or something trying to make the "next Facebook" and just dick around all day until they either run out of money or get bought out by Facebook.

Or they actually work for companies like Twitter or Facebook and spend all their time working on data mining and censorship applications.

>> No.24559158

case in point
this website was created by an adolescent

>> No.24559169

I code utilities for myself when performing large batch operations on my server. On a corporate scale this obviously becomes a lot more important, so there are always new artists. But the general ideas are all rooted in math, algorithm analysis and time complexity etc for certain ideas are fleshed out so you usually take an approach and modify its methodology for your use case

>> No.24559177

I’ve been smoking weed and following crypto charts mostly today. I guess I coded some stuff, too.

>> No.24559196
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coders basically cut and paste stuff from github. its literally just glorified data entry desu. you just need to learn a few simple language so you can read what you are copying then your "project lead" emails you new things to cut and paste and you just do it usually while masturbating continuously because you alwasy have to be on a computer and most people can control the urge to fap to thots all day if its right there ya know?

>> No.24559210

Yeah most stuff is already coded, if it's not a new company usually its just maintenance an fixing bugs and PM jerking off to shitty ideas that generally don't take off.

>> No.24559236

>cut and paste stuff from github. its literally just glorified data entry desu
imagine being this much of an idiot

>> No.24559255

No like my dad asked me to make him a website that lists people, gives them a rating and can only be accessed via login.
And lo and behold i found something that was almost custom made for that purpose and more.
Corders have literarily thought of everything by now.
All you need to know is bash.

>> No.24559274

>imagine being this much of an idiot
sorry i meant PM not "project lead" no offense lol, be honest tho how often is your job hard? lmao

>> No.24559323

lots of reading

>> No.24559324
File: 5 KB, 225x225, EPIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They mine Epic Cash.

>> No.24559363

>censorship applications
could you make some examples please?

>> No.24559462

Where can I find a solidity developer or a normal block chain dev which doesn't charge up the ass 4000$+ for copy-pasting shit that takes 5 minutes?

Are those custom tokens for 80$ legit?

>> No.24559491

is there one i can use to spend the night with a gerbil, no questions asked? I promise it will all go smoothly as i did this once in S America. it's really no big deal. So, do you?

>> No.24559520

You just want an erc20 token?
I'll do it for $80 worth of eth, we could unironically use kleros sirs. But the gas fees would be extra.

>> No.24559596
File: 13 KB, 324x239, Screenshot from 2020-12-05 10-48-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is proof that I've made a token in the testnet before btw.
And here is the contract address
it only works on the rinkenby testnet though.

>> No.24559614

Great, just great OP. Now my perfectionist self is kicking into overdrive
>Don't pay that scammer 35$ to install Windows you can install Windows yourself
>Don't pay your cook.
>Don't pay 500$ for a token, it's a fucking token, it's not an entire blockchain.

>Oh my God why did you bother making an entire game engine from scratch? there's already so many other better engines than yours.
>Oh My God are you retarded? you could had just modded the game if you wanted a new game.
>OMG you modded everything except the important parts: physics, hitboxes, UI, combat, gravity. FallOut, Skyrim, Minecraft, Half Life still feel and play like shit.
>Paying you 1000$ for a game of Pacman? look I understand you make 4000$ a month, but fuck you, I'm not paying 1000$ dollaridos for a copy paste job.

>> No.24559658

Glad I’m not the only one who gets a little work jerk every now and again.

>> No.24559688

"I wanted WoW, no wait I wanted Minecraft, no wait I want Devil May Cry with WoW and Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto"
>Uhhh not possible
>FUCK YOU, you're lying to me. I'll find somebody who can even if it takes me 10 years.

>> No.24559896

and some people don't hate this world

>> No.24559952

competent mathematicians, physicists and chemistrists research new useful shit which will help computers, computer networks and ease human lives in the future once applied
nigger tier average coders are useless monkeys who fill up useless domains and receive tons of money for nothing while consuming for 10 people during their fatass lives

>> No.24560089


>under the hood metaphor

boomer confirmed

>> No.24560113


just deploy a DFO or ITEM. why limit yourself to erc20?


>> No.24560129

My neighbor who develops face recognition algorithms (probably responsible for deep fakes) only gets paid a crappy 3000$ a month.

>> No.24560134

blockchain programming

>> No.24560148

How is DFO compared to Polkadot, Mastodon, Matic, etc.? does DFO have its own blockchain?

>> No.24560175 [DELETED] 

>imagine thinking youre all that

t. Retired programmee under 35.

>> No.24560195

Check the wfh threads, they're absolutely based

>> No.24560196

Coder for financial company here. Its mostly just modernization and optimization for data transfer/storage/retrieval. Day to day I'm just trying to get services to connect with one another

>> No.24560229

kek, the utilities I mentioned were actually in bash

>> No.24560259

Mind on the money
Money, on the mind

>> No.24560557
File: 14 KB, 403x335, 1594958362185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you even do this when there's a pajeet next to you dropping logs stinking up the whole room and dudes rolling in and out pissing on the walls

>> No.24560773

unironically this. software projects are like a massive web of shitty connections. if one connection breaks, other shit will break. things are very very fragile. one character changes can cause insane bugs in critical code

>> No.24560793

so? if it's so easy why aren't you making 300k like the rest of us, neet faggot