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File: 3.33 MB, 3840x2160, 1598634396212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24511341 No.24511341 [Reply] [Original]

Comfiest hold of my life... Dashboard is coming before the 15th. You have been warned.

>> No.24511364

Also, roll out the Staxmas memes faggots, what are you waiting for?

>> No.24511555

I hold STA but it's funny how this thread got literally no reaction whatsoever kek.

>> No.24511778

bc we all know that this is a moon mission easy money fr why slave

>> No.24511927

What is teh make it stack? 250k?
And whats with the dashboard?

>> No.24511970

we are all gonna make it

>> No.24512126

1¢ when?

>> No.24512187
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Fudders btfo, laughing all the way to $10 EOY

>> No.24512213
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>it seethes

>> No.24512252

>it greeds

>> No.24512301
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>> No.24512324


>> No.24512356

What is the dashboard going to do to the price of STA and why?

>> No.24512506


It will allow users to see the price changes of STA.

>> No.24512600
File: 940 KB, 1178x1080, 1606883582936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard by the 28th, where'd you here the 15th?

>> No.24512758
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Honestly I could careless about the dashboard's price effect, I am more pleased with the fact that this is no different than the Balancer refund as well as Statera refund from dev wallet. Met with constant fud of "never going to happen", then it comes to fruition and fudders disappear unable to cope with the fact that they have been saying 'X will not happen' but then 'X does happen'

Fudders are negative miserable beings that rely on being disingenuous to others in order to get by in life, they are worse than enemies because they act as if they have your best interest in mind (see: altruistic fudders) but in all honesty they want you to be miserable with them because they are losers and will never amount to anything due to their misguided efforts
Maybe price goes down with dashboard, nobody knows, that's the point. Although, the fact that it was promised and is actually going to be released, that is a net positive for Statera and is one more bulletpoint to add to the list in pic

>> No.24512832

Marketing hype

>> No.24512863

kek dashboard is the best meme biz has ever created

>> No.24513627

Notice how fudders want this thread to archive
>every single time

>> No.24513628

The dashboard is just going to make the ecosystem easier to understand and participate in. That will help the price in the long term because liquidity and volume are what gives this project an edge. The dashboard itself will likely not do much in the short term except maybe convince some people waiting on the sidelines.
However, marketing is supposed to come with the dashboard and that should help the price in the short term.

>> No.24513817


>> No.24514376
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>> No.24514453

remember that one Statera poster who used to spam every thread saying "98% comfy" then admitted after the crash he was dumping on you all the whole way down while spamming how good of a hold it was? never trust that word

>> No.24514540

No because there was none, funny how that works
>b....but it was a real in my mind

>> No.24514898

Dashboard is a hoax, all the Donation Fund money will be spent on Abu & Megan's wedding in the Bahamas.

t. I'm the best man

>> No.24514924

Wen rugpull

>> No.24515012
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>all 1PBTID fud
Why even bother? (Thanks for the bumps, frens.)

>> No.24515581
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Nothing to say, frens? Not even one of you?

>> No.24515662
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>> No.24515683 [DELETED] 

Hey, have you heard anything about duckdao.io?

Came across this platform, looks interesting with open source crypto card game and investment tools with long-term partnership.

>> No.24515797
File: 254 KB, 1079x1561, Screenshot_20201130-161912_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder. This breaks the Statera bagholder.

>> No.24515833

Already happened

>> No.24516137
File: 19 KB, 700x608, 1601864875541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like groundhog day for the past few months, they repeat the same one-liners and disappear when countered

>> No.24516230

>_> <_<

Can someone tell my why an interface that takes a year to develop is bullish?

>> No.24516383
File: 402 KB, 1080x1724, Screenshot_20201203-095854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yes also I own waruso and snuck all these posts to own you. you must be new here because this fag was in every thread

>> No.24516495

Chart looks extremely bearish. No thanks.

>> No.24516544
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>Thanks for the bumps

>> No.24517128
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>pic related

>found 2 obscure posts after claiming "who used to spam every thread"
Not like this, not the ownerino!! How will I ever recover lol

>> No.24517212

>that takes a year to develop
this is extremely low effort and I hope people fall for it because they do not deserve to be rewarded if they cannot verify that Statera has not even been out for 10 months much less a year and of that time only in the past 2 months~ has there been any mention of a dashboard potential
So disingenuous I wonder how posters like this even cope with living with themselves

>> No.24517226

Comfiest hold of your life that is down 80% in a bull market

>> No.24517258
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Meanwhile all this fud and the 24hr chart shows a strong uptrend, really makes you think

>> No.24517277

You were saying, motherfucker? what a waste of trips

>> No.24517517

200k statera = 2,000,000$

>> No.24517646
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>he knows

>> No.24517728

>takes a year to develop
>Statera itself is only 6months old


>> No.24517916

Not really that comfy of a hold as it slides downward for 4 months but ok

>> No.24518026

It makes me sad that it’s in the red when everything else is pumping, but profits don’t come without pain, so I’ll keep holding.

>> No.24518164

just breev anon, you’ll make it.

>> No.24518308

I’m finishing my goal stack of 50K today,

>> No.24518366

Why would a token that has been hacked, and willfully paid out out 500,000 dollars out of pocket take a long time to create a dashboard?

Uhh...Anon, you're not too bright. Obviously Statera's team is aware it's deflationary mechanisms are prone to exploits.

>> No.24518373

nice one bro. the stacking never ends. having a goal is good too so that you don’t pour more if you can’t afford

>> No.24518397

or just the feeling of having it accomplished

>> No.24518848
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>> No.24519013

What's everyone's predictions for release day?
I highly doubt it'll be the very end of the month, so I'm gonna say Dec 14th

>> No.24519297

It’s the 28th, man.

>> No.24519374

Haha isn't it COMFY to hold a shitcoin that dumps constantly? I'M JUST SO FUCKING COMFIRINO

>> No.24519496

Too late.
Definitely before Xmas

>> No.24519856
File: 289 KB, 828x1456, 49FA032C-92B8-4C86-8BE5-AA4D2A994BD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with this is that most people have no long term interest in statera. As soon as the price reaches, say $1 there will be mass sell offs and the price will plummet. The whole idea of a $1-$10 sta and a booming ecosystem underlines what a Ponzi scheme the whole silly business is

>> No.24519890

Pasta so stale not even obese mukbangers would eat it.

>> No.24519958

No one countered me

>> No.24520036
File: 26 KB, 541x530, comfyhodlers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're too busy unloading

>> No.24520144


>> No.24520240
File: 61 KB, 589x588, 1597938501783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentionally cropping pic so it hides significant information
Well damn you showed Statera holders time to sell before it rugs

>> No.24520313

What crucial information? How many other people are dumping. See >>24515797

Enjoy holding your bags

>> No.24520319

Don't worry my jeet, statera will be taking the painful, bloody path to zero; no mercy killing by devs here.

>> No.24520430
File: 197 KB, 999x1249, 1606942115453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you fud fags buy the very peak of the massive green dildo that's coming, since paying 10x more is "bullish".

>> No.24520486
File: 3 KB, 970x42, 1602693454188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as he dumps more

>> No.24520507

No green dildo will ever be as big as all the red ones Statera has produced

>> No.24520547
File: 1.15 MB, 1416x672, 8565E914-4F91-47E5-8888-F55E7B581D8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to tpb
>download cracked statera_dashboard.exe
>free shitcoins

>> No.24520590

you STAggots rally up for hopeless announcements every week and literally nothing has happened with this token since August lol

>> No.24520792

Chinese whale was the top holder at one point.
At this rate, he'll have none in 2 or 3 weeks.
Either way, Statera burns, my percentage of holdings gets higher and my retirement gets closer.
Even if most of the top 50 sell tomorrow and the price plummets, I'll buy a huge share of the supply and pool the fucking lot, living off fees alone.
Because Statera literally cannot lose in the long-term.
When are people gonna realize this? :D

>> No.24520922

How much do you have now? I've got 150k & still want more, but can't tell if I'm just throwing money away at this point given all the other coins that are mooning left right & centre

>> No.24521101

Approaching 600k.
I've been here since very early.
Seen the very first real pump to 15c when everyone bought in after following the green candles and the Biz daily generals.
Seen the exploit drama, and then a wave of FUD, which was followed by another pump from 1c to 46c.
Steady hands throughout, because the tokenomics just don't lie.
Buy low, pool high and/or on the way up, and enjoy the freaking ride.

>> No.24521196


Based. What's a realistic price one should be looking to pool at following the dashboard and marketing?

>> No.24521503

Are you any of it, adding liquidity for passive income? The volume is abysmal right now and you could generate some profits while acting as a catalyst for the burn mechanism. There’s too many people holding sta and not pooling as intended.

>> No.24521540

Are you pooling any of it?***

>> No.24521564
File: 128 KB, 319x288, 1603390288533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose are you posting in this thread, I am expecting you will take the "I'm am altruistic anon and only want to help people" which is the most common lie but a thread favorite, meanwhile you insult and laugh at those that you think made a poor financial decision which shows a lack of empathy that directly contradicts said "altruistic anon just wanting to help others"
Now that you have been exposed as a fraud, what will your next dishonest post consist of?

>> No.24521583

16m tokens have been burnt since August, faggot. Wake up.

>> No.24521604

It's hard to say.
$10 EOY is obviously a meme, but over a dollar in 8-12 weeks is certainly feasible.
The dashboard will be bigger than people realize.
Being able to see in plain English what your returns are, as well as a much easier access and understanding of it all.
I can't wait.
There's a train of thought that pooling in increments on the way up could be more beneficial than pooling at the top, not least because its hard to know when the top is the actual top, lol.
I'm personally expecting a lot from the next few months, with a very healthy looking pool at the end of it - which will of course be able to mitigate the dumps better :)

>> No.24521615

Where can I see the dwindling supply, anon?

>> No.24521618

Based. Top 40 here. See you in the yacht party fren.

>> No.24521647


>> No.24521675

Not him but I have a few thousand USD pooled, it slowly moves up and in great BTC dips down slightly; now with the BPT token price on the pool page it makes it much easier to track the price
I would recommend if you had say 100k Statera, pooling 10%+ in Phoenix not Delta and match that with equal amount of the other tokens in the pool
I will probably pool 100k Statera paired with WETH when we pass $1 and just let that ride as well as the rest of my stack ride separate, I haven't seen as good of gains in Uniswap pool as Phoenix or I would have kept that too (moved my Uniswap deltas into phoenix)

>> No.24521685

How does $200,000,000,000 sound?

>> No.24521719


>> No.24521747

Being down 90% from ATH and flatlining is bullish as fuck. Just look at the heavy hitters like EOS, Nano, XRP, XLM! Stachads hold now and you will be rewarded . This could literally hit 10 cents again.

>> No.24521760

Thanks for this. I’m still working my way up to 50K, I’m a bit late to the party, but that buy in at $0.047 feels good.

>> No.24521764

Looking forward to the dashboard so I can understand wtf you're talking about

>> No.24521785

I've pooled on and off since its inception.
I might add some in the next week or so in anticipation of the news and (hopefully) some very nice volume.

>> No.24521816

Also, there’s that low cap with the whole deflation thing too.

>> No.24521862

We 100k sta people will still belong to the elite of the new world order but it sucks that I can not join the top 50 master race

>> No.24521866

Not him but I hold 300k+ and I will pool about 10% once dashboard is out

>> No.24522209

Checked and based.
Are you gonna be adding 30k Sta + the equivalent in wEth?
If even a third of the top 100 holders add a decent percentage to the pool, we're golden.
I can foresee a time when people will not be FOMOing into Statera, but they'll be FOMOing into the pool, lol

>> No.24522215

Anon we are all in this together like a fucking cult. I will give up my seat for you once we make it.

>> No.24522239

statera and kleros threads are generally the longest living on /biz/
both have the best memes

>> No.24522264

Very comfy anon

If you go here, look at the top left, this is only as of recently weeks/month(s) ago
>Balancer Pool Token with USD value
I can probably make it seem more confusing than it is, but in short no matter if you pool an amount of each token (multi asset liquidity) 10% WBTC/30% WETH/10% LINK/10% SNX/40% Delta (WETH+STA) or if you simply just pool even LINK (single asset liquidity), you get BPT in return for your pooling. Previously you had to look at the holder list to see how much X amount of BPT was worth and then divide to find out how much a single BPT was worth; now it's at the top left

$45 per BPT is the local low for past few weeks/month(s)~ and we have seen $65 per BPT in that same span, I do not recall how much they were prior to this because it wasn't worth the bother to calculate, number has gone up over time and ironically as people leave the pool when BTC dumped after touching ATH, my pool worth has gone up. When we return to 80+ holders in Phoenix, I'm looking at an easy 33% increase in my amount; and I expect more than 80 holders before end of year dashboard or not

In short, if $500 is not a major portion of your stack, I would pool at least that much; hell we even have people with $4.29 worth in the pool (0.0812 BPT), just avoid high gas times with ETH if you put a small amount in and only do single asset liquidity to limit how many transactions/gas fees you will incur

>> No.24522298

If you are not waiting for a price target before pooling, you would be wise to pool before everyone else jumps in to maximize profits, you will be fine either way but potentially better off if pooled sooner

>> No.24522693
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I have a suicide stack for Kleros simply due to the needful memes, you have to analyze risk/reward for investments not specific to crypto, I 'do the needfuls' like any of the others with Kleros simply to get a laugh in now and then, life is too short to be one of these seething fudders

Regarding risk/reward, if $100 is not an amount you can throw into an investment and not lose sleep if you maybe lose it all worst case, you may need to work on getting there financially; plenty of people do not know how to budget finances properly and that is more important than how much you earn
Too many spend $100-$200 a month on netflix/google plus/amazon prime/hbo/cable tv/spotify/video game subscriptions/etc (things you can very very easily do without) and on top of that $X00 per month on a car that is far outside of your means; these are the reasons we see disingenuous $15/hr "living wage" rampant in society, it starts with poor spending and is exacerbated by (banks) (interest) (federal reserve). You can get in control of your own budget and gain better financial positioning to allow yourself to risk $100 every few months if not more frequent; hell many people still buy lotto tickets or scratch offs daily/weekly and do not realize how much they spent annually on those (usually hundreds-thousands). To think that some idiots are so preoccupied with Statera or other investments (crypto or not) that they need to go into internet forums and post negative comments targetting those that have invested into X asset, shows how out of control of their own life they truly are. If they were in control of their own life they would be throwing money into investments that they feel strongly about just like how Statera holders have and continue to do

It's easier to blame someone else/not hold your self accountable and our (society) is promoting to do so

Envy is a disgusting thing and prevents self improvement if you let it

>> No.24522696

Do I need to buy weth and sta in order to pool? And then I get a “delta token” which basically is an IOU from the pool? Can someone explain to a brainlet

>> No.24522756

>I can foresee a time when people will not be FOMOing into Statera, but they'll be FOMOing into the pool, lol
This is actually what was happening, and needs to happen. People need to be able to park their funds in the Statera pool and get better returns than if they entered a pool without Statera. They should never even need to buy the Statera token directly if they don't want to, just happen to have the percentage that's in their pool.
One problem is everyone interested in the project is moonshotting with the token itself. We aren't currently showing appeal to someone to just enter the pool for the benefits.
Something needs to be done to kickstart the pool, which is what the Toast thing was supposed to be I think, but the direction of that project and the potential returns are unclear to most of us.

>> No.24522777

Well said, anon.

>> No.24522799

You are correct

Equally you can pool any single asset of the Phoenix fund
>Delta token (50% WETH+50% STA)

It will make more sense if you go to this site, connect wallet, click add liquidity and it will be on 'multi-asset' by default, click 'single asset' and you can deposit any that is listed there

You do NOT need to have Statera to join Phoenix pool, you can simply pool just WETH if you want, or LINK, or WBTC, or SNX

It was pretty hard to understand at first too, once I added some in multi asset it made a lot more sense and I have since preferred to add via single asset

>> No.24522872

haven’t been pooling because never understood. Will now thanks to you anon

>> No.24522947
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checked and thank you anon

I keep Davidoff's ready for when Statera and a few other investments hit my price targets, will be glad to provide some for guests at yacht parties, they have been aging in perfect humidity sure to be a treat even for those that do not smoke

>> No.24522969

Just announced AMA on the 14th.

>> No.24522988

Good stuff anon, glad that I can help
Phoenix will fluctuate but even with Statera's current price, I am still up greatly (Statera is only 20% of Phoenix pool)

>> No.24523333

Ok hit me with it - how much is a pnk suicide stack?

>> No.24523693

What is the point of the statera token in phoenix? Considering its current demand vs supply + irrecoverable tokens, BTC currently serves the role of effective deflationary token and will eventually be one outright. Why should a statera weighted pool perform better than a neo-phoenix fund sans statera?

>> No.24523751
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I only have 1000, I just really wanted to get it for the memes and it was around/above 10c per at that time, I am certain it will reach $1 and likely well beyond, but I really do not follow it enough to help out more than that
A 'proper' suicide stack is probably 10k

>> No.24523808
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I almost genuinely answered this until I checked your ID

>> No.24523884

the fud is for bumping! would appreciate the insight

>> No.24523922


>> No.24524132
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Thanks for the bumps at least

>> No.24524174

>he doesn't know either

>> No.24524396

Anon thanks for keeping thread alive

>> No.24524411
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>> No.24524470
File: 18 KB, 332x307, 4A22AB7E-FAEB-4EFA-9DDC-6D2705E3DE37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 1 million sta, will I make it

>> No.24524684

Only if you pool some of it

>> No.24524685
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 1598728941217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem brother

>> No.24524764

all this post but price so low, why

>> No.24524803

I am a tranny and I hold statera

>> No.24524833

Do you prefer to buy when the price is high anon?

>> No.24524922
File: 1.97 MB, 500x600, 1598887557163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post can genuinely be answered by pointing out the whale that has been dumping for a while and continues to dump in times of recovery which have not allowed the price to increase; price suppression
Someone else can explain better but it is very likely your post is thinly veiled fud in which case here is your (you)

>> No.24525117

To give you a chance to buy more maybe.. Who knows

>> No.24525157
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1494541240992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still bagholding after missing half the defi bullrun and the start of the golden bullrun, will miss the rest of the bullrun as well because the chink whale is keeping him hostage with his -90% bags

>> No.24525278

What you call a chink whale dump is actually doing all of us a favour. Statera does what is supposed to do when it is being circulated and or put in pools, and not when it is being hodl'd.

>> No.24525301
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>> No.24525354

For another 15 days at current rates, not very long at all when you consider the big picture.

>> No.24525359

>btc pumps
>alts pump
You're missing the "alts pump" part. Money is supposed to flow into alts (which they have been doing for the past week) but STA sees no realized gains because of the immense dumping that has been happening and likely will continue for weeks.

>> No.24525396
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 14c2af8efbbd446efbb3b10cce595b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad that in 15 days the market might have completely changed and bitcoin is on its track to 30k already. Or it dumps and drags the whole market along it, statera as well. You lose either way and it is and has been pure delusion for you to hold sta since the chink started his dumpenings. And you didn't even fucking think about pooling because "muh dashboard " KEK

>> No.24525554

Implying I want to “make it” or be happy...

>> No.24525588

The first alts to go on bull run were the massive mcap ones. Currently medium mcap alts are following suits. Soon micro mcap ones. How long do you fuckers want to keep being spoon fed? Look around you and use your brain..

>> No.24525845
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>> No.24525902
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 31142525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out various micro caps. Many have already realized nice gains. What has STA done? Dumped another 10% from 0.04 to 0.036 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL COPE

>> No.24525961

STA and SENT are relentlessly shilled. That's how you know you should avoid. https://cryptokek.com

>> No.24526024
File: 223 KB, 500x888, 1606592920131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't even a moon mission no more... We going to space u niggers

>> No.24526120

STAtesman here, realizing 100% gains on the rest of my eth/btc/link portfolio and waiting on this microcap gem to pump again.

>> No.24526130

Wait there are still threads about this pajeet coin? I thoughts the devs got it banned in balancer after an exploit of the token or something. And what about Abu dumping sta from his personal wallet? They ever address that? Some shady shit going on and the devs are anon...

>> No.24526150


>> No.24526165

This is weak fud. You're definitely a top 200 holder

>> No.24526248
File: 41 KB, 276x280, SEETHINGSTAHOLDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it happens if you close your eyes. Can't see the chart and you can imagine whatever you want BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.24526289

OK lads you can take a break now. We got a faggot here that keeps bumping the thread with his fud

>> No.24526371
File: 94 KB, 1007x1024, 1597610079497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless and based, keep the thread going anons I'm out for now

>> No.24526417
File: 469 KB, 1080x1080, PicsArt_11-18-10.59.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STA threads still getting buzz I see.

>> No.24526585
File: 44 KB, 655x643, 6E5B2D3F-5D52-42F6-AB91-3A6F0FE8616D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 posts by this ID
Dead ponzi

>> No.24526595

Lush Pays when? $10000 EOY when?

>> No.24526804
File: 53 KB, 570x546, 1598640487827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always will, sir.

>> No.24526833

>wallet dumps 20k in a WEEK
>not even 0.2 ETH worth a day
Ohh noo

>> No.24526941

Did Abu really do that? Sell off his bags?

>> No.24526994

What bags? They lost most their 'bags' when they reimbursed every effected wallet following the balancer exploit

>> No.24527037

He did. The worst part is that they banned the guy from Telegram who brought it up. The explanation was “fud”. See now how similar this is to one of those death cults? You stand up to your leader and you get finished.

>> No.24527093

I just looked it up. Had to dig real deep to find anything. They have deleted the announcement regarding the scandal it was only to be found partly in the official channel. Sure it wasn’t more than 40k sta, but he had been dumping all the way from the top and investing into different projects.

>> No.24527306

What other projects, douche?

>> No.24527317

>this is what I have come back to
I think you may have a mental illness with this level of fud, wait a sec......is that him?

>> No.24527343
File: 119 KB, 720x525, 1602702359878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who let PIGERz out of it's cell before midnight, I'm not mad I just want to know so I can tell you your Kleros court date

>> No.24527652


>> No.24527744
File: 9 KB, 1241x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he had been dumping all the way from the top
This is actually not true. He sold a total of 10k tokens during the ATH while holding over 100k.

>> No.24527942
File: 35 KB, 888x888, 1606951858532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost hit STAtesman rank. Thank you based chink whale of acoomulations

>> No.24527947

Get your facts right and dont spread bullshit

>> No.24527976

please unironically just kill yourself

>> No.24528439
File: 26 KB, 409x409, 1601475531678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24528775

160 and counting faggot, nice try fucker

>> No.24529254
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>> No.24529673
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>> No.24529718

600k USD added to the marketcap in one candle

>> No.24530167

Can someone post the STA ranks?

>> No.24530421
File: 1.22 MB, 829x1015, 1604092232541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you anon

>> No.24530540

What was that?

>> No.24530564

Could be big buy or just hotbit, I only checked price to later see that it was hotbit that was up to 5c per

>> No.24530697

I really feel like buying 50 eth worth real quick, and then instantly selling it just to make you faggots freak out.

>> No.24530783

Do it, genuinely do it, I doubt you have even 5 ETH to spend but prove me wrong, do it

>> No.24530863
File: 3.49 MB, 400x225, Statera Victory Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please fucking do it. You'd burn so much.

>> No.24531115

yo I don't even own sta, but this picture makes a nice wallpaper lmao

>> No.24531561


>> No.24531888
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>> No.24531914
File: 87 KB, 582x665, 1C1F4CC9-B1BB-4269-9BE4-9E33386257D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24531937
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>> No.24531976


>> No.24532210
File: 77 KB, 777x777, 1603005829866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that expression, Statera pump soon confirmed

>> No.24532244
File: 38 KB, 562x700, Screen Shot 2020-12-03 at 10.18.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Textbook bart
This scam coin is going to 0

>> No.24532303

There is no way that Hotbit is just a bad exchange and reports prices incorrectly up and down at different times, this poster knows his TA for sure that's a cup with a handle but the handle is broken so the cup is at a 63* angle and has 3 sides like a toilet paper roll after you flush it down your sink

>> No.24533254
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Not archiving yet

>> No.24533549
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>> No.24533618

Yes we know he was in almost every thread, where's the post where he says he was dumping the whole way down while shilling?
>404: file not found

>> No.24533677

I say 11th. Lucky dubs.

>> No.24534101
File: 111 KB, 1280x1160, AF8DD219-70EC-4CA5-BE1E-E39B2B9AB7C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24534496

Chinaman empty bags less than two weeks away. Dashboard release comes right after.

>> No.24534516
File: 208 KB, 1524x1908, 9om9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs have spoken

11th it is bois strap the fuck in

>> No.24534561
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>> No.24535729

lmao if it actually does happen on the 11th (Australian time) I'm going to post so many fucking statera memes

>> No.24536489

Make sure they are Christmas memes like OP wants

>> No.24536565

DEXG, you can also see he promotes various different ones on Twitter (similar handle and logo to the one in TG)

>> No.24537339

Not a coincidence. We in for a ride boys

>> No.24537416

Pajeet shills btfo'd

>> No.24537447

I love STA but hold none, y'all are some crazy mofos

>> No.24537451

I want to believe

>> No.24537677

Made me chuckle. Good content for a comic show

>> No.24538124
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>> No.24538245

>he doesn't know what BTFO means
>he obviously thinks it means "are rolling on the floor laughing"

>> No.24538559
File: 1.73 MB, 574x326, 1596314015349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i witness these dubs

>> No.24538728
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this thread still alive

>> No.24538830

200 and still counting faggot

>> No.24538896

The power of Staterians anon

>> No.24538922

What do you know about DuckDAO?

Found Medium article about their Crypto Incubator, seems transparent, share your opinion about it.

>> No.24538957
File: 489 KB, 2388x1588, b10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Have you ever heard about this platform: baseprotocol.org

I followed some crypto experts and they recommended me to try it. But wanna know what do you think about their options and solutions for passive income. Is it a good one?

>> No.24539092

Fucking start a thread for it then you plonkers. This is a sacred Statera only thread

>> No.24539133
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, 1592431546788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are bots posting, fren. The janjans will probably purge them soon.

>> No.24539779

UK Sta-man detected.
*raises cup of tea from across the room*

>> No.24540440
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>> No.24541020
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>> No.24541828
File: 291 KB, 527x535, 0saZgPO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon stachads, soon. sooner than you think

>> No.24541888
File: 2.81 MB, 2048x1919, 1598054034892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol based thread

>> No.24542147
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>> No.24542273

look at all these organic statera threads popping up at the exact same time

>> No.24542385
File: 251 KB, 888x1123, 1606334572562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's more than 24 hours old, my halfwitted friend.

>> No.24542500
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>> No.24542724
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>> No.24542762

Anon keep them coming please <3

>> No.24542864

FYI if you’re new to this space this is the largest blatant scam on biz atm

>> No.24542905
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>> No.24542982
File: 97 KB, 600x701, 1582079528518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm "working from home" right now so can only steal a few minutes here and there to make these simple edits. I'll be making some higher-effort xmas memes later this evening.

>> No.24543028

most desperate hold of my life....the dashboard will do NOTHING to help the price.

This project is so fucked boys.

>> No.24543039

Desperate bagholders hoping for a second pump to dump infinite amounts of the worthless shitcoin on gullible newfags. it has never been so obvious.

>> No.24543131

bless you mspaint anon

>> No.24543143

Bless anon. Will make a new thread once this maxes out or dies

>> No.24543153
File: 221 KB, 1280x747, 1603124717892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24543233

Dashboard is just the groundwork. The pump will come from the marketing campaign following it

>> No.24543695
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>> No.24543757

I fucking hate that TRANNY

>> No.24543812
File: 55 KB, 777x777, 1598639943506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dubs checked

>> No.24544125

>seething over someone that will never be a real woman

>> No.24544733
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>> No.24545034
File: 414 KB, 564x883, asdsdfsdfsgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, imo dont expect anything from the dashboard. wait for the slow growth that arises from ease of access to pooling and marketing, subsequent developments down the line will only contribute to the happening.

>> No.24545045

What is a good resource for learning more about pooling?

>> No.24545197
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1597118394944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much text like in the post or youtube videos if you are more of a visual learner
I'm glad to answer any questions if I can, I can answer specific questions better than broad questions if you want

Ironically enough I save the Statera fud memes too, most of our threads are created by seething fudders either way, holders know how to embrace the fud
Not going to save dog poop pictures though, those fudders are in a tier of their own lol

>> No.24545234
File: 192 KB, 800x534, santa-blue-sta-gif02(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon
checked and screenshotted

>> No.24545255

>this could literally hit 10 cents again
>would still be down 80% from ATH

Kek at the absolute cope from STAfags changing their narrative as they realize the true reality of their coin’s future

>> No.24545321

Love it anon

>> No.24545342

>post some stupid shit
>wait x hours and change ip
>reply to your own post

kek indeed

>> No.24545359

this. i cant fucking believe these few guys still keep bag holding and sucking each others cocks. DASHBOARD DASHBOARD KEKEKEKEK every fucking literal 60k mc pajeet scam has a nice dashboard nowadays

>> No.24545408
File: 127 KB, 777x851, 16001023129699679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol adjust your dosage

>> No.24545490

Wtf are you talking about, this is my first post in this thread you fucking shizo. Not everyone is obsessed enough with your faggot coin that they’re using VPNs to fud a project with dying volume/interest that’s already killing itself and doesn’t need any help from others. There are enough other projects in the space that people with average IQ and higher actually care about, the crypto space doesn’t revolve around this biz pnd that no one outside this forum even cares about. Unironically take your meds, your emotional attachment to a coin is making you blur delusions with reality

>> No.24545568

Lol holy shit chill man

>> No.24545618

fudders always seem so upset
what is their endgame??????

>> No.24545641

>blur delusions with reality
talk about irony, I hope this is someone trolling or seriously wanting cheaper bags, otherwise Statera may have created a few mental patients by not failing as they want it to

>> No.24545668

>what is their endgame??????
to seethe like nobody has ever seethed before
You see, it's a competition who can lose the plot fastest, it starts with 'scam' then after a few hundred thousand fud posts it becomes 'I lost 5 eth my family will starve' then it becomes >>24545490

>> No.24545673
File: 181 KB, 544x777, 1592505219602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren, you keep outing yourself. It took only two posts to spot you. Please switch up the talking points and stick your head in a dictionary once in a while. The sub two hundred word vocab gets old quickly.

>> No.24545695

I’m up 10x this year meanwhile your coin is down 90%, the absolute cope of you STAfags

>> No.24545716
File: 69 KB, 679x708, 11111599070275082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24545775

OK. Maybe you could tell me exactly what you are doing now to pool your statera? What exchange or whatever you use (balancer?) , what liquidity you're providing, what your targets are, what your exit strategy is, that sort of thing. I'll do my own research but it helps to know I'm not way off base with my comprehension of how it works.

>> No.24545807

Release of dashboard not. But you can easily pool your staties and in a year buy a lambo.

>> No.24545885

Or just not sell, ever.

>> No.24545951

Faggot, why would I use words like ubiquitously and capricious when talking about shitcoins on biz, of course I use most of the same vocab here. Congrats on realizing I’ve posted on biz before, you could take your statement and apply it towards anyone else posting here and make it sound true

>> No.24545954

You go to the Balancer site below, click on connect wallet at the top right, then add liquidity right near that at the top right, choose multi asset or single asset liquidity

I have provided multi asset liquidity initially and if you fill in one of the fields it should auto populated the other fields with the appropriate ratio of each. I had STA+WETH (Delta token) and when I went to add that liquidity under multi asset, it filled in how much WBTC/WETH/LINK/SNX I would need to match the ratio of that amount of STA+WETH. Since then, I have only done single asset adds to liquidity (added more Delta token). Multi asset has 6x transactions initially if you factor in the contract transaction before the individual asset deposits, gas was much more expensive over summer than it is now and that was a major factor for my decision to pool via single asset going forward

My price target will be ~$300 per BPT but I could be completely off/underestimating; that value would mean that we would need 1 million in Phoenix pool liquidity which is currently $165k. I am in no rush so fud has no negative effect on my holding status, I do not even expect to sell any Statera or remove Phoenix pool anytime before EONY, probably not even then too; this is my own risk/reward judgement and everyone has their own comfort level

>> No.24546074

Thanks. Reading their website is making it a lot clearer now too.

>> No.24546129
File: 333 KB, 750x2000, 1597356900012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon, glad to help
I waited until a friend of mine showed interest in pooling and beat myself up for waiting so long when it's actually a lot easier than it seemed; it would be great if whoever made pic related could make one for Phoenix pooling

>> No.24546464
File: 190 KB, 776x1047, 1577555858085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24546649

Why did STA price rise in August and then fall off a cliff?

>> No.24546733
File: 34 KB, 305x390, yes(777).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24546861

you seem new here. one word pnd.

>> No.24546869

Fren, you gave 61 posts now. Please get some rest or at least try to.

>> No.24547262
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>> No.24547298
File: 89 KB, 1024x718, 1598481301192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate it anon, comfy and posting from work running my own business so it's no worries

>> No.24547496

Folks, with the dashboard...and I don't know why we never commented on this...I suppose because it's a private matter and also because we don't want to announce excuses....

But the reason the dashboard has taken so long, is that the guy who did most of the dev work had to split due to his entire family coming down with covid and some hospitalized and put on respirators. It took a month before we were even able to get that info, because I'm sure at the time he didn't give two shits about a dashboard.

The rest was just picking his code apart, and having money to pay someone to finish it.

It's tough, ya know? We spent so much energy and time after the exploit on just keeping the thing alive and paying folks back, when what we would have rather been doing is building the platform. I know that to the outside observer, it seems like nothing is being done. But guys...the team works hard everyday.

Just wanted to clear some things up. unofficially, of course.

>> No.24547606

Is it really work if you’re doing something you love?

Also, why is Meg’s nose disproportionately large relative to the rest of her face. I’d buy more STA, but the dimensions are making it hard to pull the trigger.

>> No.24547880
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1597106455869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, it's more of a hobby I get paid greatly to do for over a decade now; thank you for that anon usually too busy to reflect but it IS pretty comfy

>> No.24547943
File: 83 KB, 638x425, 1582773499957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the state your life has to be in to produce this >>24547496
Of all the endless possibilities, this was the best of the options available to you. I hope things get better for you, Anon.

>> No.24548468
File: 43 KB, 450x300, 1597686171591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality positive attitude anon

>> No.24548600 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 2506x1576, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With such btc pumping more people try to find safe platforms and alts
Recently came across DuckDAO, did you try to play there? Seems like it is the first crypto incubator with a well-build tokenomic.

>> No.24549155
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>> No.24549163


>> No.24549211
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>> No.24549278

More lovely anon.. more...

>> No.24549579
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1581801197203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the anti-fud fud, i swear this coin is the best

>> No.24549716

You'll never see this anywhere else anon

>> No.24550074

Tattoo a butterfly in my lower back.

>> No.24550153

Sta maxed out threads are coming back lads?

>> No.24550267

What industry do you work in my high iq sta fren?

>> No.24550507

>He doesn’t know...

>> No.24550636
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>> No.24550821

Consultant for businesses would be the most apt answer

>> No.24551032
File: 21 KB, 223x226, 1603838229860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be back

>> No.24551067
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>> No.24551130
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>> No.24551623

At this point this is a cult, your coin does fucking nothing

>> No.24551676
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, 1603524282584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you talking to? Do you know how this martian starship trading forum works?

>> No.24551686

2 fucking 83 and still here you FUDing fuck

>> No.24551698

buy my shit coin!

>> No.24551807


>> No.24551922

Holy fuck, this thread has gone on so long my IP address changed

>> No.24551962
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>> No.24552110

Is sta really partnering with a major healthcare firm?

>> No.24552148
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 87685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comfiest hold in my life

>> No.24552192
File: 146 KB, 554x439, 1588438424454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when logos look the same
You are boring.

>> No.24552193

lol bless this thread

>> No.24552405

based OC poster

>> No.24552536

A few more posts and I will bake a new one

>> No.24552595
File: 112 KB, 650x842, 1586591527433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More coming over the weekend. More coming every day until $10.

>> No.24552734

>Stop not thinking like I think.

Can you see my room from your high horse, anon?

>> No.24552769
File: 90 KB, 950x720, 1604595307277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck

>> No.24552951

This thread is giving me the green dildo feels anons...

>> No.24553000
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>> No.24553010
File: 661 KB, 1628x933, PicsArt_08-27-07.30.30~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting close to the bump limit.

>> No.24553083
File: 452 KB, 600x554, 1598877305273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based.

>> No.24553141

No they don't anon... no they don't

>> No.24553272

Is it true that Statera helped rig the election by burning 1% of all Trump votes?

>> No.24553285
File: 190 KB, 594x1500, 30EB2CD8-9276-4DDA-AB2D-52E0FE6D8C04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please visit soon. I want you to pee in my sink.

>> No.24553474

What is bump level?

>> No.24553536

Not high enough

>> No.24553629

I love sta, when it dumps I just buy more

>> No.24553674


>> No.24553684
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>> No.24553725


>> No.24553729
File: 466 KB, 1800x1200, stasanta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based sta thread

>> No.24553759

New thread lads

>> No.24554271

>Zerg ID

>> No.24554561
