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File: 32 KB, 500x500, tdsPSxbP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2453491 No.2453491 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fucking sick to suicide by seeing anons get ripped off by blatant scam shitcoins by scammy pajeet and pinoy devs. I want to bring to everyone's attention a 'dev' team called cryptocoderz and their 'projects' designed for the sole purpose of robbing idiots. Here are their current and previous scams.
ESP, ESP2, BUNNYCOIN, INSANE COIN + many many more. Most of their 'projects' die as soon as they've dumped their bags of premined coins and taken your btc.

Feel free to try to prove me wrong and I invite the 'head' of cryptocoderz who calls himself 'Jon' to defend these accusations.

>> No.2453528
File: 284 KB, 951x652, shitcoins_to_avoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2453533

Get out of here fudder

>> No.2453541

you aren't fooling anybody here. We all know that CryptoCoderz takes coins that are DEAD and breathes live back into them. I believe the only coins they made on that list are ESPERS and Insane

>> No.2453545
File: 58 KB, 688x493, espersispajeettiershitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you 'Jon' or the pajeet that wrote pic related or both?

>> No.2453564

what do you gain from fudding this dev? I've NEVER seen ANYTHING on this board that points to them being scammers, nothing in any thread about esp or insn, or those other coins he revived. The only negative I have seen is that pic you keep posting in ESP threads.

>> No.2453598

All those coins have stupid names and shitty logos. Looks like they were created by a 3rd worlder.

>> No.2453610
File: 71 KB, 966x446, cryptocoderz at it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I gain? The knowledge that some anons will PAY ATTENTION and avoid shitbag scammers like yourself and these fucktard cryptocoderz from creating coins with the SOLE PURPOSE of taking people's money and then DUMPING on them.


>> No.2453611

Honestly what is the problem you people on this board have with aesthetics? If its unrecognizable I could understand but the uniqueness makes it easily recognizable. Good for advertising.

>> No.2453638

Ok, then show me the bunnycoin chart at the point where said pump and dump occured. Then show me the size of the top 100 wallets at the time to compare with the volume of said pnd. You should easily be able to do this since that post was 2 years ago, and bunnycoin hasnt done anything since then. Not a difficult request eh? You accomplish this I'll believe you and join your side to combat CryptoCoderz.

>> No.2453640
File: 136 KB, 633x406, london020pajeettiershitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously can't see that ONE 'dev' team releasing MULTIPLE shitcoins isn't a scam?
Are you fucking retarded or do you think that we're that fucking retarded? Fuck off with your no project, pajeet premined garbage. Buy some rope with the btc's you've SCAMMED and fucking KYS ASAP

>> No.2453651

wow espers is a scam? i see ppl shilling that shit all the time on this board

>> No.2453657

This is 4chan remember

>> No.2453662

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2453692

Prove me fucking wrong then pajeet ahem 'Jon'
Show me their block explorer and I'll do the leg work

>> No.2453711

Buddy, you're the one who's making the claim. You should've seen questions like that come up if you were being truthful. I only googled this one so I'm not sure if it's the right one, but here https://prohashing.com/explorer/Bunnycoin/
now prove your claims

>> No.2453713

Here's a nice message from Jon 'Pajeet' Cryptocoderz

>> No.2453763

You can't use that block explorer to sort addresses. If you know how to do it go right ahead, I'm sure it will confirm what I'm saying.

Stay away from pajeet tier shitcoins anons.

I'll continue to collect evidence against these fucking scammers and post accordingly.

>> No.2453785

....Bunnycoin's code is open source, you should be able to make your own block explorer. But that isnt the issue. You STILL havent posted anything that confirms that they're scammers. Not a SINGLE thing. Your argument hinges on past scams that you cant even prove happened, and that no body talks about because they never existed.

>> No.2453805
File: 22 KB, 992x527, LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2453900

Are you fucking that retarded?
What other purpose would someone have of releasing so many coins?

>> No.2453918

Main project is ESP2, fuck bunnycoin and whoever is shilling it

>> No.2453926


>4 subscribers
>No talking because pajeet is a fucking PAJEET (or a pinoy) bad as each other.


>> No.2453929

I can think of a couple. The CryptoCoderz team wants to revive old coins to give the communities that got scammed by the original developers a chance at an actual legit product. The other reason being to increase their coding experience. Being able to experiment on coins that already exist is good because you can see where it failed originally and attempt to fix it, along with having the communities look positively towards you for fixing their originally broken coin/scammy devs/devs that got overtaken by real-life obligations.

>> No.2453935


How fucking dumb are cunts in here!?

>> No.2454173
File: 8 KB, 200x200, jon zaretsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck you talkng about?

Lead dev of Espers is Jonathan zaretsky, Not even a pajeet or pinoys. Pic related it's him.

Op is confirmed member of discord who sold Espers at 5 satoshi, losing 15K and salty about it.

>> No.2454188
File: 121 KB, 1604x598, espers weak handed faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, pic related. It's OP.

>> No.2454193

This pic always makes me laugh. It's never a loss until you sell!

>> No.2454211

That faggot probably on suicide watch now, lol.

>> No.2454234
File: 23 KB, 662x967, op checked the satoshi price rn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, notice how he stopped posting? I think he already did it.

>> No.2454261

Do you have a link to the discord the link on twitter isn't working for me.

>> No.2454274
File: 51 KB, 720x757, 941c9c4907779e7a561c3ce1c2cca2bb3e0a803ba414fbcc11efaa9f08449f92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I find it funny is that dumbfuck claim it's a P&D while it's literally someone dumped 2 BTC worth of Espers to 6 sat because at that time the buy support are weak. The sell wall to 17 sat is only 4-5 BTC, any dumbfuck who claim it's a P&D should be hanged or never invest anything in crypto, ever again.

>> No.2454280


>> No.2454313

what the fuck lol this guy is really presistent, good luck to him whatever hes trying to achieve in his life haha

>> No.2454333

You faggots tried this in your last shill post. It's your only comeback to my accusations.

I'll repeat again, I never ever bought anything created and shilled by cyptocoders and never will and I hope other anons aren't stupid enough to buy it either.

I feel sorry for that fucker who lost all his money because of this scam coin but it wasn't me.

>> No.2454358

How come I never see your copy pasta bullshit fudding bitbean or doge which are literal meme coins with no intrinsic value. If you don't like it don't buy it's that simple.

>> No.2454360


FUDDER you have nothing, absolutely nothing, you can't dispute ANY of my claims but keep saying its a scam. I feel bad for anyone who actually believes your shit.

>> No.2454364
File: 267 KB, 800x600, ecf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, you feel sorry for yourself.

Now fuck off since I prove your accusation of the dev being pajeet/pinoys are just FUD :)

>> No.2454430
File: 28 KB, 1458x204, cryptopia knows the story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More screencaps inbound.

You fuckers want to keep digging your own grave?

>> No.2454460
File: 138 KB, 333x701, london020 another cryptocoderz scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If cryptocoderz and >>2454173 want to fuck around with blockchain in their garage that's fine.

What they SHOULDN'T do is list a bunch of shit tier coins on exchanges just to fucking ROB people.

Fuck off and die CRYPTOSCAMMERS

>> No.2454468

nice, half a year old post

>> No.2454478
File: 57 KB, 1471x646, 6 fucking shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2454489
File: 203 KB, 2000x1412, esper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the bump, we appreciate it.

>> No.2454492

Why screencap the post but not link it? additionally, why not explain how it's malicious? What have they actually done to scam people?

>> No.2454498


Just kill yourself, faggot. Literally no one cares. Take your loss like a man and go hang yourself.

>> No.2454508




>> No.2454527

Ahhh yes the latest scam Espers.. Or is it Espers 2? Which one is an old chain that morons are buying on yobit again and can't do anything with it because it's not supported?

Seriously Jon, you need to just get the fuck out of this game while you still have any semblance of manhood.

Bravo for scamming so many people for so long but try to have some fucking SELF RESPECT AND DIGNITY and know when you're done.

You 'might' be able to get a job with a decent project sometime but I doubt it considering all the shenanigans you've been up to these last few years.

I hope you took a lot of money and banked it because your days in the crypto space have run out.

>> No.2454539


>> No.2454550

Losing 15K sure can make someone really really mad lol

>> No.2454569
File: 121 KB, 622x626, ((((you)))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2454571
File: 2 KB, 229x57, gmail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said earlier, I never bought any of these shitcoins. I'm just sick of fucking scammers polluting the market and this board. It just so happened that cryptocoderz is pretty fucking easy to pick apart. When I'm satisfied that you're done and fucked off with your scamcoin shit bonanza I'll move onto the next one.
>>2454460 pic related

>> No.2454583

Damn dude you are putting a lot of effort into this delusion.
ESP2 is still under 20 sat you can still buy some

>> No.2454623

Anyway, if anyone interested in Espers can read nice article here:


also some explanation about tech behind Espers (VRX Retrace)


Also, Espers staking rewards Information

Anyway OP, just FYI, Espers community always glad someone made a thread like this. This is free publicity for us, because at the end of the day, people are not stupid and can judge themselves whether to invest in Espers or not. Clearly, no one here care about your weak FUD.

Again, thanks for the free publicity.

>> No.2454644

Op is a mooncoiner

>> No.2454755
File: 50 KB, 735x739, 7855a5a5d4e9368edc4447a5fe1bde78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you ARE Jon or one of the 'dev team'. Fucking kys quickly.

I'm going to make some nice post on steemit too about scamcoins to avoid like the plague and cryptocoderz will take #1 spot.
Thanks for confirming who the cunt behind all these scamcoins are because it was damn hard to find any information about him on the cryptocoderz official website.

The only time he revealed himself was when all 6 of his shitcoins at the time got booted from cryptopia.

>> No.2454773

Jesus fucking christ you suck at FUD. That pic was from the cryptocoderz website.
Click "View Our Team"
It's LITERALLY on the first page.

>> No.2454777
File: 10 KB, 235x211, autistic-screeching-5886f4480e746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another proof you're just a stupid FUDder, all of the dev team information are there on http://cryptocoderz.com/

>> No.2454787
File: 903 KB, 1860x920, sikufj,dsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

How does it feel that all of your FUD attempt ITT are futile because of your own stupidity?

>> No.2454878
File: 880 KB, 1280x800, 1497182159368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2455005

So this is probably Benny the public relations guy shilling this eh? Benny you're a piece of shit. Jump from the window of your building

>> No.2455012

Unironically do this

>> No.2455024

He could've sit on $ 75K right now if he's not such a weak handed pussy and sold at 5 lol

>> No.2455973

>yfw bunnycoin mascot trades for espers

>> No.2456050

>Shitty salty mooncoiner FUD thread #235345

You're the faggot that lost 15k ain't you? Who couldn't wait one week before the price tripled? You deserve to loose all your money.

For anyone reading this ESP is more than a legit project and nothing this faggot spews is true, those other coins are simply dead projects that CC picked up, they have nothing to do with ESP.

If you want to get early on a coin with new tech and a big supportive community, join our discord:

>> No.2456071
File: 34 KB, 337x506, 1497254628840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HE LOST 15K @ 5 SAT


>> No.2456098

I don't know, all I know is so far I've tripled my cash from Esper. So there's that.

>> No.2456154
File: 92 KB, 709x480, 1410817003460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: OP posts truth bombs and the Pajeet Discord Defense Force comes in to shill shitcoins straight from the Ganges.

>> No.2456175

Debunk this. Protip, you can't.

>> No.2456213

They're just a team of salty faggots that probably panicked when it dipped back to 5, now we're at 16 sats stable and being the salty NEETs they are don't want any honest bizraeli to get on the ESP train and make money.

ESP survived these last slaughter of days, that's more than a sign of stability and future growth.

>> No.2456236

Listen here, you aren't the Wolf of Shitting Street, Apu.

All you've done is post baseless, sourceless claims to slander the OP of this thread and shill your shitcoins so you can dump on some retards on 4chan. You are the 4chan equivalent of Apu from 'Microsoft' calling my home and begging for free money and it's annoying. Go outside and shit in your street instead of smearing the internet with your smelly loo scams.

>> No.2456250
File: 31 KB, 456x320, This is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being THIS delusional
get better at fud, thanx for the bump though

>> No.2456260

What baseless, sourceless claims faggot? OP is just spewing that those other coins are scams when in fact he has absolute 0 proof, the burden of proof is on the one who makes the accusations, not the other way around.

Now fuck off back to your DGB holding generals

>> No.2456266
File: 44 KB, 529x502, 1497416193739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats alright faggot, keep FUDing. It actually benefits us since the coin isn't fully ready for mass shilling yet.

Once all the features have finished developing and it gets listed on a major exchange we will come out in full fucking force with millions of coins in our coffers.

>> No.2456311

>17 posts by this ID
>3 posts by this ID
>2 posts by this ID
>All these IDs shilling the shitcoin

Hello discord pajeets, does your manager Najeeb know you're shilling shitcoins instead of filling the slurpee machine?

>> No.2456337

Shouldnt you get back to kysing yourself?

>> No.2456338
File: 1.99 MB, 311x362, 1496888914320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is fucking nothing right now mate. When this coin becomes noticed by the normies and panic traders then we'll see you come again with your begging bowl hiding behind a different post ID.

As a matter of fact, I am more than convinced that you're also the type of maggot that FUD's coins in one thread, shills shamelessly on another then goes begging the competent ones.

What a silly little man.

>> No.2456366

pls spread more negativity to lower the price so I can buy more ESP2 thanks
I'm trying to accumulate over here

>> No.2456381



Let them keep FUD.

>> No.2457413

yeah and see how quick they came to defend they obviously are shilling their scams here