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24539830 No.24539830 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't "making it" mean you got rich after the loss or financial ruin of several other people, including anons? I know they were all gamblers like you, but damn...

>> No.24539888

Money doesn't grow on trees anon, every gain is someone's loss.

>> No.24539920

But the fed has a money tree

>> No.24539938

except it does grow on trees. not yours, but the federal reserve's

>> No.24539969
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It's all a zero sum game. Either you get the girl or you don't.

>> No.24539977

making it doesn't mean timing the top perfectly, so whoever buys your bags might also make money. eventually someone will be left bagholding though. markets don't go up forever

>> No.24540003
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did i twist your hand making you sell bitcoin at a loss because "it fell 500$" and you wanted to buy cheaper?

yea im the bad guy because i always holded while your teenage mind sold at a loss every time.

idiots like you make me rich every day.

>> No.24540011

No one forced them to put their money into something that they could lose it all on. Take responsibility for your own action and stop blaming others for your mistakes. Why the world is the way it is right now.

>> No.24540057
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excuse me for twisting your hand and making you buy RLC, BYTEBALLZ and any other shitcoin rugpull instead of buying bitcoin.
Excuse me for making you tap your phone to get "pi" and "get rich"
Excuse me for being happy with steady gains while you "wanted to make 1 million or die trying" with your degenerate gambling mind.

excuse me for forcing you to MARGIN trade with a house that plays against you and hunts your stop losses, while i held bitcoin.
im the bad guy, i made money from you losing.

>> No.24540085

and most of all, im sorry that when you finally had 20,000$ you spent them on a plastic BMW that broke down and a girl to kiss you.

im just an awful person

>> No.24540113

you losers really have mental illness

>> No.24540115

No, we are simply extracting value from the broken Fiat system. If I borrow 500 Tether buy Bitcoin with it, it does an x10 and give 500 Tether back, did I rob someone? No he gave me 500 USD he got 500 USD back + interest it's just that the USD lost value and he didn't even notice

>> No.24540120

I agree with the elite.
You are all useless eaters and genetic dead ends.
You SHOULD be held in debt and wiped out, and vaccinated.

When i was here telling you to trade some of your bitcoin and that you can make 200$ a month passive income with some simple strategy, you told me "i make 200$ a day at my job"

ok you fucking moron.

>> No.24540130

its a doggy dog world

>> No.24540179


>> No.24540194

The whole cryptocurrency market would have crashed and burned long ago if there weren't money coming in every day into the market, but luckily that won't stop, you can thank the Fed and central banks.

>> No.24540205

Traders and nervous nancies deserve it for being degenerate gamblers.

>> No.24540213

Be grateful you're not on the receiving end. You think the other person who made it will ever feel bad for you if it were the opposite?

>> No.24540342

Yes, the world is a zero sum game. When you get a promotion that means someone else didn't, when you sell a house above market value that means someone paid too much, etc. Every win you get means someone else lost, this is what gives our world meaning

>> No.24540352
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Maybe you made it because a whale fucked up

>> No.24540439
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well we could have all made it, but this was the future we chose, and now we have to live with it.

>> No.24540522

That depends. Seeing as smart investments are supposed to make society more productive and technologically rich in the long run, one could argue that the acquirement of money is a positive sum game. More specifically, that it enables the rich to control a greater percentage of the total wealth but it also lifts poor people out of poverty via technological innovation; enabling them to not only have more free time but also making them more efficient and productive in the time that they do choose to spend.

>> No.24540548
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I'm detecting some real bitterness and negativity here. Have you tried being confident instead?

>> No.24540580

I agree. Perusing something which is a result of living a certain way can have devastating consequences. Once you get the girl, in this case, you will wonder was that all it was rather than considering it just a part of life.
Been there faced that, felt like sharing it so that someone can benefit out of it.

>> No.24540639

You will never be a woman.

>> No.24540739

>never kissed a girl at 23 years old

I feel like this should hit so much harder than it does, but I feel like I've lost any desire to actually get a gf, I actually feel like I don't deserve anyone.
All of the girls I've ever met and had any chance of getting with I just started ignoring after a while so I woun't let them down in the end.
Literally made me a robot, anons

>> No.24540784
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>Money doesn't grow on trees anon, every gain is someone's loss.
This is objectively false. If I take a piece of worthless trash metal, melt it, and forge it into a useful tool, then sell that to a carpenter. I now have created money from a tool, the carpenter can now make more money because he can do his job faster with said tool. Value is created all the time, this is how economics work.

Now as to whether this happens with crypto, I can't see that it does.

>> No.24540826

You clearly don't understand financial services.

>> No.24540831
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>> No.24540851

value is created but also at a loss of something else like time and energy spent on creating the tool from scrap

>> No.24540857

None of these cryptos (at least for now) are used to facilitate financial transactions in the real world. That could change, but as of now they are not creating any actual economic value.

>> No.24540860
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You don't deserve a girlfriend anon, no one does. Opportunity and fortune comes to those who take it, like what you do with crypto it's no different than women. The market and bitches are not dissimilar

>> No.24540868
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I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.24540927

Economic value is subjective retard, if someone else values your 0s and 1s they have economic value. Imagine believing only useless shit made in China are the only things with economic value...

>> No.24540997

You’re absolutely right anon

>> No.24541078

In a literal, personal, short-term sense? Yes. But that's a myopic perspective. You cannot control the actions of others. Your decisions to buy and sell do not directly correlate to the fiscal downfall of other people - that hinges entirely on their individual decisions of when to buy and sell. There's a gulf between "making it" and "financial ruin," and the actions of one person cannot swing that pendulum alone. Even a whale cannot influence the market that much, because the buying power of even a few hundred hodlers can mitigate that impact. Otherwise, the market would crash on a daily basis.

>> No.24541108

You're a loser because you fill your head with bullshit like >>24539969 and choose to internalize it. Log off 4chan and experience the world.

>> No.24541169

what do you mean?
BTC moves ~$500k usd per second on average. Iran is using it to pay for imports. Individuals all over use it to send money and get around government restrictions. That's just BTC and it's real current uses, and doesn't include any store of value prop
Other cryptos serve other functions right now as well and their use is growing rapidly

>> No.24541225

It's not really a zero-sum game, people selling now are probably mainly 2011 SR drug lords that are just taking profits on a small amount of their total holdings.

>> No.24541289

>Economic value is subjective retard

There are outlier edge cases in everything, but what percentage of crypto transactions are using it as tender? One millionth of one percent?

>> No.24541533

As someone who had "young love" but is now in his 30s and basically hasn't had a relationship in almost 10 years, you're not missing out on much. Every relationship I've been in has been more suffering and misery than good. Women require constant fucking attention and it's just so fucking tiresome when all you want to do is chill by yourself and do your own things for a while.

>> No.24541559

There's no such thing as objective value dude, read a philosophy book.

>> No.24541596


I'm 26 now, since the quarantine started i havent so much as kissed a femoid for the last 8 months and its pretty nice. I fucked a lot of women when i was younger and had multiple hot girlfriends, it gets fucking boring and tiring. They need CONSTANT attention. Throw in social media on top of that and youre always stressing that theyre cheating on you or entertaining other men online, its fucking hell.

>> No.24541602

>One millionth of one percent
oh fuck off, lol. It's far far more than that. BTC has significant economic value already, this isn't 2015. XRP is used for currency exchange and cross boarder payments. There are hundreds of other right now uses for crypto

>> No.24541659

>youre always stressing that theyre cheating on you or entertaining other men online, its fucking hell.
Just accept the fact that monogamy is fucking dead forever. She's not "your girl", it's just your turn. Who cares if a slut sleeps around, as long as she doesn't infect you with something? You just have to realize that the only value women have is their holes, and then realize that the value of those holes is low anyway. Once you truly, deeply understand how detestable women are, it becomes a lot easier to interact with them without heartache or stress.

>> No.24541709

>youre always stressing that theyre cheating on you or entertaining other men online
>it's her fault that i'm a schizo
>i'm a bad judge of character
pick one

>> No.24542840

fuck anon, I might be posting cringe at this point but here it goes

honestly, it just sounds so nice to have someone with you that you really care about, and that person cares about you too
i mean, I used to constantly fall in love just a few years ago, but now I feel like all those feelings are gone, and I'll never experience emotions as I used to - which sucks because I've been able to fully appreciate those times
it kinda sucks being grown up anon, ngl
it's also really stressful with all of the work and obligations and not having time to do anything, it's tiresome and most of the time I don't really feel like talking to anyone when I'm so stressed out, changes my mood completely
all I'm saying, it just sucks and I'll never be as carefree as I was a few years back and I'm still unable to express my feelings properly

>> No.24542895

Kek this is still one of the cringiest pastas I’ve ever read. You could tell it was made by a legit incel who’s never interacted meaningfully with anyone

>> No.24542941

>They need CONSTANT attention. Throw in social media on top of that and youre always stressing that theyre cheating on you or entertaining other men online, its fucking hell.

yah this is accurate. not to mention the monkey branching that goes on.

they will literally speak of other men and sorta try to get your opinion on them.

if you happen to interact with a woman. even if you FEEL nothing for them. they get worried.

its like dealing with a child that has ZERO empathy for you.

>> No.24543755

This so stupid , hot / rich people are constantly working on themselves

>> No.24545130

This is very true. Carpe diem

>> No.24545367

You will never make it incel

>> No.24545901

remember that normies fucking hate you, don't feel bad for stealing their wealth, they only spend it on stupid shit like funko pops anyway

>> No.24546578

Stop watching porn. I had the same issue.

>> No.24546699
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Not every gain. But eventually some retard will buy the top and most likely sell at a loss

>> No.24546725

we're gonna make it (at different times)

>> No.24546825

it stopped being fun when im not totally high, ngl anon

>> No.24546880

The accumulation of capital into the hands of people who are more efficient at allocating that capital results in a net positive for the economy.

>> No.24546889

"For every positive, is negative, it's relative, for every piece of cake you digest, there's someone that won't get to live!" - Necro

Don't worry about it anon.

>> No.24547097

Its called darwinismus