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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 606x1120, elontweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24539038 No.24539038 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure you all remember Elon's cryptic tweets secretly announcing the TSLA stock split? Here's another, just a few hours before the DEXG Prometheus staking round starting Elon tweets this cryptic shit out of nowhere. Draw your own conclusions biz, but I understood the message and will pity you if you don't go balls deep as well while the market cap is still under 2M.

>> No.24539098

Fuck off, that can't be real? my bags are going to go fucking stratospheric.

>> No.24539165

what the fuck does he mean by this? maybe the dexg bagholders are right.

>> No.24539192

Fucking madlads at DEXG. Elon probably one of these top wallets. The Elon met Jollen meme wasn't a meme after all. Fuck.

>> No.24539194

Yikes, fuck this shit, you are legit niggers if you don't buy this.

I hope you will never make it in life.

>> No.24539222

I've seen the meme pic of them meeting, I'm pretty sure it's fake but maybe there was truth behind it lads, I'm buzzing.

>> No.24539231

No way? Fuck outta here

>> No.24539271

This shits photoshopped, how would a microcap project be on the MUSKS radar.

>> No.24539280

Maybe he knows something we don't?

>> No.24539288

Dude that is actually pretty funny. Or maybe it is more than funny :o xD. Honestly Dexg seems to be pretty good btw.

>> No.24539343

Check his twitter, its real.

>> No.24539351


>> No.24539354
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>> No.24539416

I am fucking go in biz this little shit is going to a hundred million market cap easily!

>> No.24539424

Is that what the team was talking about when they hinted at partnerships being announced in early 2021 in those AMAs? Hyped as fuck

>> No.24539450

holy fuck the shilling is getting utterly ridiculous. have fun getting dumped on (this is a pnd shilled in infinity gains tg lol) and abu-bakr is a nigerian scammer.

>> No.24539474

please tell me prometheus is the name of a new rocket-car or something

>> No.24539476

There is fucking zero chance that they have a partnership with tesla, get fucking real deluded dexger.

>> No.24539517

Look at what they are doing..do some fucking research before commenting shit like this you idiot nigger

>> No.24539520

Bro it's real, go and check Elons Twitter.

>> No.24539536

It's not a pnd fudder. Your statera bags still heavy huh? What's the deal with shittalking Abu-Bakr?
They don't need a partnership with TSLA. One with Elon is enough. :--)

>> No.24539544
File: 93 KB, 999x749, chenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jollbert fucking Chenstein with his oracle-less DEX, real geniuses recognize real.

>> No.24539574

69 retweets and 420 likes lmfao

>> No.24539583

Bad ass stuff. This will moon regardless of Elon anyway but this project is something Elon would certainly be interested in.

>> No.24539604

biz, we've had a good run with Chainlink and Sergei the betrayer. It's time for another memecoin to shine and I think this is it, get in faggots, we're going to the moon with Jollen Christ.

>> No.24539621

lmao, is this the latest scam tactic? name one of your scams after what someone with lots of followers misteriously tweets?

>> No.24539643

The staking rounds have been named and numbered months before already. 0/10 fud attempt.

>> No.24539660

nice try faggle rock but the staking round names have been out for a couple of months, it’s easily verified

>> No.24539672

he is obviously not talking about your scam coin bro, its obvious to anyone with half a neuron brain power

>> No.24539677


>> No.24539785

This is the next Chainlink like previously mentioned! Hop on the Jollen train!

>> No.24539792


>> No.24539839

Guys I like and own DEXG but the level of hopium here is bearish

>> No.24539852

Imagine believing that Elon Musk is tweeting about an obscure shitcoin.
Even worse, imagine someone actually believing this sub-zero IQ shilling.
Truly, anyone getting in should either stop crypto or understand that they're betting on the utter stupidity of others falling for such a retarded shill attempt.
My only explanation for the positive replies in this thread is that this is a discord group. Biz can't possibly be this stupid. This is the place that was ardently shilling LINK back when nobody else cared. What the fuck happened here?

>> No.24539863

You mean bullish?

>> No.24539876

Good luck in your future endeavours. If you can not see the big picture of this project then I guess shame on you.

>> No.24539926

Sit down anon, you’re not built for what’s about to happen to DEXG. A decentralised exchange with no external oracle, no slippage, a fast order book and a stupidly low mcap, yeah i’m bearish.

>> No.24539927

Don’t think there is any link between Musk & DEXG bit of a stretch there. Nonetheless DEXG is a very solid project with Pulber beta of it’s Dex in December, very small MC with huge room to move up. Good bet imo

>> No.24539982

two things wrong with what you’re saying anon, tEfLON DON MUSK has already tweeted about doge, literal vapourware before and the next thing, chainlink was considered shit and fudded at first and look at it now, fucking get a bag weakling.

>> No.24539991

You must have been one of those dumb pajeets who also thought LINK was a scam.

Fuck outta here retard

>> No.24539993

69, 420 based

This gem is gonna blow up soon

>> No.24540010

if you seriously aren’t even researching what this is and who’s behind it after this then i don’t know what to say.

>> No.24540059

absolutely stinks of curry and paid shills. fuck off and stop shilling this shit that is totally not needed + has abu-bakr a proven nigerian scammer on the team.

>> No.24540063

Well I'm genuinely excited.

>> No.24540080

Link is a scam, a successful scam but a scam anyway

>> No.24540116
File: 35 KB, 512x431, trumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Donald will tweet next:

DEXG is incredible, it's going to do BIG things, very BIG things, it's magnificent. Best DEX EVER.

>> No.24540121

Indians are ugly, low IQ and terrible at English.
Fuck all you curry munching retards.

>> No.24540151

But sir, my intellect knows no bounds and my IQ is far superior to your goodself. I say all in Dextoken you rotten little peon.

>> No.24540181

So you ok with whales manipulating uniswap and you losing money? Of course you are, because you're a break ass nigger

>> No.24540184

noone wants to pump your shitty shitcoin
give up already

>> No.24540215

Abu Bakr, is a magnificent Nigerian prince who invest in crypto diamonds when he see's them freshly released on UNI, he may or may not be an African scammer, but he is nothing more or less than a glorified telegram moderator for this project. But you don't want to know that.

>> No.24540237

don't do this to me i just pawned all my grandmother's jewlery so i could afford a bag..

>> No.24540253

I see dexg everywhere. Twitter, reddit, biz, some tg chats. Maybe i really should do my research homework and consider about jumping in

>> No.24540255

He says that after it’s almost doubled in the last week, just before Elon's tweet, this project is legit even if the tweet isn’t.

>> No.24540256


yes, because I am not a poor pajeet like you

>> No.24540309


Buy dexg coin it big moon elon musk is buying token ,,

>> No.24540321

It's not too late, launch around the corner. You don't wanna miss the boat on this one.

>> No.24540322

What if I told you that Elon Musk was retarded?

>> No.24540334

Yes yes I'm seeing this dexg coin everywhere very popular con many peoples are buying this coin ,,

>> No.24540448

Fuck me sideways. His tweet is real anons. First Doge and now this.

>> No.24540547

fake tweet

>> No.24540594

Nope, he posted this less than 24 hours before Prometheus staking round started...


>> No.24540630

shut the fuck up shill, Prometheus is a rocket, guess what company build rockets? piece of shit I hope your village burns

>> No.24540666

I dont really care about a tweet that's as ambiguous as that, but I'm interested in the project, can someone shill me on it?

>> No.24540706

Elon knows who else is going to the moon!

>> No.24540776

DEXToken protocol is a Defi infrastructure that uses Speculative AMM, a brand new automated market making algorithm that can establish pricing power in a completely decentralized manner.

With its Speculative AMM, DEXToken will soon launch a new product called DEXToken Swap Exchange, which is Uniswap on fire!

To put it simply, DEXToken protocol provides a suite of different technologies that can be used to build products and services in the Defi space. As of today, three products are currently in the pipeline — Token Swap Exchange, DEX (with fast order book), and a Staking Pool.

At the heart of DEXToken protocol are the following three main components:

Speculative AMM
Off-Chain Issuance
DEXG — DEXToken Governance token which earns a percentage of the swap exchange trading fees.

>> No.24540855

the fuck do you mean ? explain pls

>> No.24540858

You'd have to be stupid not to invest in it.
Read here for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/k5yrag/dexg_2m_market_cap_max_supply_around_55k_tokens/

>> No.24540878
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>> No.24541035

Relax I’m sure it’s not about dexg’s staking as hilarious as the coincidence is. I do however hold a decent sized bag of this and I’m wildly optimistic for it considering the market cap is currently 20 or 30 times smaller than some groundless projects with no product and faceless devs.

>> No.24541196

Easiest Fucking X100 in crypto, strap in anons.

>> No.24541466

Anyone who actually understands crypto knows how massively undervalued this currently is.

>> No.24541513

Really blows my mind how under the radar this project still is.

>> No.24541686

I know, supply capped at 55k after last staking round and still under 50 usd/token? People will shit their pants when they realize they MISSED THEIR CHANCE AGAIN when this starts flying

>> No.24541854

This is at minimum a 10x in short term, long term i expect to see 50-100x.

>> No.24541928

Just FOMOd in like a madman, I like what i’ve read:

>> No.24542225

You won’t regret it anon I promise you that especially with what is coming up in the next 2 months. DEX launching, marketing campaign, AMA with moonwalker, partnerships announced in 2021, You’ve made a wise decision.

>> No.24542514

Unironically all in.

>> No.24542648

I'd say he is just referencing prometheus myth, as it fits his own myth.

>> No.24542846

Im balls deep into it as well

>> No.24542884

biz actually shilling a true micro cap gem, what the fucks going on here?

>> No.24542962


>> No.24542980

I only have $250 to throw in, I guess it's still worth it?

>> No.24542996

Thats about 5 dexg which will be 5k usd in a few months

>> No.24543172
File: 46 KB, 933x702, 01C409CE-058B-40FC-8582-EB9FDA6C4CFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be fucking HUGE

>> No.24543228

Explain the image anon?

>> No.24543240

I'm so tired of these gas fees on uniswap

>> No.24543285

I’m not fucking spoonfeeding you, read the whitepaper for yourself

>> No.24543306


>January 2021: total locked supply no larger than 55,000 DEXG
>DEX public beta december
>DEX asset price is worked out on chain without the need for external ORACLES
>% of DEX fees paid to DEXG holders
>DEX is only one part of whole big ecosystem
>Off-Chain assets mint for enterprises which will require DEXG token

>From AMA:
"DEXG holders will get a share of all trading fees from the exchange, while taking part in the governance of the protocol, expanding or modifying its features.
Enterprises meanwhile can use DEXG as collateral to mint mentioned off-chain tokens, further increasing the demand for it.

The Protocol features a brand new and unique AMM technology, which reduces the volatility effect and slippage on existing exchanges making trading a lot cheaper compared to the likes of UNISWAP while removing the need for external price-oracles.
At the same time, the protocol will be able to handle off-chain minting of tokens for IoT like use-cases. This hasn’t been achieved by other decentralized protocols before and is a very unique factor when talking about DEXG.

In the near future, we will launch the beta of the DEXToken Swap exchange, which we will subsequently add features on over time.
With the mentioned unique features and interconnectivity with the Flowchain architecture, we envision DEXG to become a global player in the field of decentralised finance and IoT.

With the final staking round ending in January 2021, we’ll intensify our efforts to acquire real-world enterprise and business partnerships, but more on that once the time has come."

>You know what this means?
Enterprises and private companies will create off-chain assets and private blockchains on DEXG Protocol and one of key required collateral for this is DEXG token (with 55k locked supply)
This is whole ecosystem they prepared for last 3 years not some another "Uniswap copycat"

this alone when live will drive demand for token through the roof

>> No.24543308

dexg made me around $2500 when it launched back in july/august off a small amount of eth at $26. /biz/ shilled me dexg back then, too.

Looks like dexg is back to make me more money. good info OP

>> No.24543310


>> No.24543332

Gas fees on UNI are literally one of the shitty problems DEXG is going to fix

>> No.24543358

no, it won't
Stakenet WILL be huge tho

>> No.24543398

why not 50 million.
just words on a Zero-Gravity Martian Wheat Cultivating Forum

>> No.24543403

Does anyone have a good portfolio tracker? The one I use lists DEXG as $.0000015, which is annoying

>> No.24543474
File: 45 KB, 602x599, sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k $ per one DExie might seem crazy but it's actually not
50m market cap is doable in 2021 when exchange will start doing large volumes per day

>> No.24543543

I don’t track mate, I’m not selling any until this hits $500 then i’ll unload another 25% at $1000. Even at $1000 this will only have a market cap inside the top 40, top 100 in a bull run, Easily doable.

>> No.24543630

How much would make staking worth it? I only have 4.9 DEX

>> No.24543758

There’s still 4 rounds left including the one that started today, I would say it’s definitely worth it, might increase it to 7 tokens.

>> No.24543885

your maths is wrong anon, this going from $50 to $1000 only gives it a a total market cap of approx $55,000,000 which only just puts it in the top 150, this is actually scarily massive.

>> No.24543892

>he thinks elon tweets make sense and not trolling

>> No.24544269

Anybody who doesn’t secure a share of the 55,000 tokens is a degenerate loser that doesn’t deserve to make it.

>> No.24544289

I'm so fucking confused and i think I just lost $20 because I don't understand how to stake them

>> No.24544314

got them bags secured boys

>> No.24544358

you won’t have lost them anon, join their telegram they’ll walk you through it.

>> No.24544379

No, I didn't lose them, I lost $20 in gas costs

>> No.24544709
File: 849 KB, 500x501, dexgoku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential max supply keeps getting smaller and smaller. Staking is a no brainer with only 4 more to go including Prometheus.

>> No.24544949

I had that with Blockfolio. Joined the telegram and they advised. Click through to DEXG page. Change the exchange setting (under the coin price) to uniswap v2. Worked dor me.

>> No.24544977

I’m in.

>> No.24545237

I hope people read this and don’t just close the thread. Actually spend 10 minutes of their life doing some reading and realise the Market Cap currently is absurd.

>> No.24545266

Would it be worth throwing all the $ I have in ETH and BTC into DEX instead?

>> No.24545329

Almost definitely not, should always hedge your risk, You've certainly got more chance of DEXG doing a x100 or even x1000 but you need to be exposed to btc and Eth at all times.

>> No.24545375

buy suicide bag of dexg anon 50 minimum

>> No.24545635

This sounds like a blatant shill thread but so did api3 and I missed that shitcoin under $1. Realistically, where could the price go from here? Currently at $50 and like a 1 million marketcap, seems like a good entry if it could go to 10 million? Just so justed lately bros. I'm tired of buying garbage. Is this garbage?

>> No.24545662
File: 21 KB, 512x512, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see whitepaper and Jollen backtrack and make your mind

>> No.24545806

Nah. I thought it was shill threads at first too, but I read the white paper and checked out the team. Seems legit. I’d be surprised if we don’t crack $20m market cap at LEAST.

>> No.24545950

The only advice I can offer is do a bit of research, look at the Dev team, the upcoming launches, the current market cap and compare it to projects with caps of 30 or 40 million then makeup your mind.

>> No.24546779

The potential here is frightening, truly.

>> No.24546867

>wait for Elon to tweet something that could be cryptic
>name your staking round something he said
Got to hand it to you these scams are getting better by the second

>> No.24546926

Holy fuck this shit is booming

>> No.24547055
File: 56 KB, 565x451, _20201204_192542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People love to get rekt by ANON team anyway, said hello to CP3R or other Fork copy Mario Luigi Pasta

>> No.24547059

That's wrong and is easily proven as FUD with just two minutes research

>> No.24547088

Staking rounds have had this name for months already, he is invested into dexg

>> No.24547117

I tried to stake but when I went to get the other token to stake by combining USDC and DEX I got confused and wasted my $20 gas fee. When I click "add liquidity" am I supposed to wait or something until the new token shows up in my wallet? I waited like 5 minutes

>> No.24547133
File: 50 KB, 1000x561, IMG_20201204_003518_842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math never lied

>> No.24547211
File: 1.09 MB, 320x172, VID_20201201_172328 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea anon

>> No.24547250

Go to their telegram fren they are very helpful

>> No.24547254

Maybe join their telegram for support with staking

>> No.24547295

Thread is full of scammers.

>> No.24547411

you're the only one

>> No.24547425

Yea I went on his twitter and that DEXG reply is nowhere in sight. Photoshopped and fake.

>> No.24547481

You're literally retarded if you cant search for posts, it's there in his feed.

>> No.24547523
File: 74 KB, 742x745, 1606827887666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a stupid nigger or a shill. Checked the twitter, the response has 10 likes and 2 retweets. Not 420 likes abd 69 retweets. He's not talking bout your shitcoin. The 420 and 69 should've been a dead giveaway.


>> No.24547663

>They didn't reply!
>Photoshopped and fake
>So what if it's a real tweet. The likes and retweets are photoshopped
You are here
>So what if he tweeted within an hour of the project going live?
>Fine, it's a real tweet, but it's still a shitcoin
>So what if it had a 2x, so did this other coin

>> No.24547829

oh shit we’ve been rumbled lads, quick pack it up and we’ll all jump on Abu Bakrs back and ride the steed to jollens house for disco biscuits. we’ll be back next week biz when this ridiculously undervalued project is still mooning to laugh raucously in your general direction.