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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 1200x656, CDPR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24537188 No.24537188 [Reply] [Original]

Profit off Cyberpunk 2077 release with WSE: CDR
>pays dividend
>always growing
>about to moon because CP2077
Non-Poles will sleep on the gains just because it's a european exchange

>> No.24537218

Why should it moon when it already did because of the hype? The game will 100% sell and everyone knows that. But it aleo might be shit which will cripple them for years to come.

>> No.24537284

>Buying after the hype

>> No.24537287
File: 3.39 MB, 1500x789, Profits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its a stock that both grows and pays dividend
Also they sell several original titles and own Gog.com which also makes them money
Even if Cyberpunk is shit and fucking blows the stock is still undervalued by at least 40%

>> No.24537328

This >>24537284
The launch might be a trainwreck, the game has been hyped way too high

>> No.24537696
File: 155 KB, 843x1000, 1590642376279(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually an amazing idea, I really need to transfer my money to Degiro now, check out the fucking weekly on that chart

>> No.24537701

>CD Project Red
how to buy their stock I'm in EU
what is the best easy platform to buy CD Project Red easy as Coinbase in EU ?

>> No.24537723

>>about to moon because CP2077
LOL no. This is going to be the biggest flop since no man's sky. Anyone can see that coming.

>> No.24538170

Degiro or Saxo

>> No.24538238

you talk shit online but won't short it even near ATH

>> No.24538280
File: 332 KB, 2048x1536, CQfrAOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave this here


>> No.24538300

hello nippy

>> No.24538348

Lol you don't know what you're talking about right now is the worst time to buy their stock, everyone in Polish equity research is talking about the unrealistic expectation of their stock's evaluation and the bubble that has formed.

>> No.24538374

The game is just a boring re-skin of GTA5 with lame combat and trannies.

They completely butchered the original game.
It's going to be the biggest flop since no man's sky.

>> No.24538420

The road is literally the best place to sleep though...

>> No.24538424

I can only imagine how much abo road kill there was before that add seemed nessescary

>> No.24538430

Anon theres like 15 game platforms now, isn't it a common thing among big vg company?

>> No.24538443


They've been selling pre-orders like hot cakes for months. The game has so much hype, at best it will live up to the hype (not likely though).

The stock has been rising cause of the preorders + hype. Only an idiot would think its going to skyrocket

>> No.24538497

was recently thinking about investing in eastern european companies seeing as how the US is set on driving everything off shore.

this looks promising

>> No.24538556


Careful, russia about to get more agressive in the region when the US swaps monarchs :^)

>> No.24538571

>might be shit
All signs point to it being a trashfire

>> No.24538882

if it was witcher 4, i would buy it
i dont like this game and think it will flop, so i invested in paradox

>> No.24539912


>> No.24539965

NMS broke sales records.
GTA5 sold pretty well too, multiple times on multiple platforms.
Go back to /v/, we're discussing money here.

>> No.24540119


>> No.24540177
File: 110 KB, 1000x568, 13df6200f847081408ea5970297fa649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish equity research team

>> No.24540220

>"nooo that game is going to be reskinrinooo"
>sells 10 billion copies on christmas 2020 alone and breaks all records

>> No.24540229

it's almost like these people are not made to exist in a developed society.
but what do I know. maybe the boomerang will solve all of lifes problems. crikey!