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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24535410 No.24535410 [Reply] [Original]

Is Lition actually dead then?

>> No.24535426

Richtard lives rent free in your head
get over it faggot

>> No.24535438

it got bought by some chinks of course its dead how could anyone think it's not
i was in those threads telling people to sell the deadcat

>> No.24535444

I barely know about Richard, I'm asking genuinely, kys pajeet

>> No.24535462

Yeah but why would they buy it just to kill it

>> No.24535487

obviously not but do you really think they will make lit to something big? don't think so
never invest in germans, those retards don't give a shit, they'll sell their souls to the chinks if it means they get money

>> No.24535504

Staked 70k lits for one year in may because I thought this german is actually interested in building a business
Hoping everday that next year in may I will have at least still $1000

>> No.24535512

maybe that was also the reason why they never made it DESPITE non stop shilling
look at those lit threads, name one coin that gets 80ip's per thread and still has a low mcap
checked by the way

then look at PRQ, it barely gets attention on biz yet pumped 4000%

>> No.24535561

that sounds actually horrible, I'm sorry..
if it makes anyone feel better then I'd like to say that lit actually did a good job to look like a legit project
almost wanted to buy some for myself.

maybe chinks will pump it and you'll get your money back

>> No.24535570

Why what happens in may

>> No.24535600
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I don't want to rub salt in the wound but I warned you in your threads about why you should sell, at 20c. Richard tacked on a defi "staking incentive period" to make people buy and lock their tokens when the sidechain wasn't being used. There is no reason he would do this unless he wanted to rugpull. The litbymistake """exploit""" was just another kick in the guts which nobody could have foreseen though, the fucker.

You should sell what you have left and unironically buy kleros. You will make your losses back and more.

>> No.24535618

We are in a crypto bullrun. Don't park your money into a shitty scamtoken when there are 10x left and right. I dumped my LIT at a loss and made it back since then buying CAP and COVER.

And fuck you Richard Lohwasser, you absolute cunt.

>> No.24535652

You can't kill something which was never alive

>> No.24536063

at quite a loss from this but still making around 300-400 lit/day staking

So will just sit this one out and count it as a loss

>> No.24536090

400 times zero is zero FYI

>> No.24536193
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Hope everyone of you sold to the chinks that will pump this shit to new heights. And remember kids...thanks for playing

>> No.24536367

I sold this at a loss also
What was that "news that will turn some heads in November" or however they framed it?

>> No.24536534

Checked and please redpill me on PNK.

>> No.24536666

You should probably do your own research by reading the yellowpaper. Do your due diligence and figure out why most of this board holds a bag.

A lot of anons on /biz/ have condensed the information though. /biz/ is usually pretty helpful on PNK because you can't fud it from a technical perspective, which is why everyone posts pajeets. SOMETHING has to keep reddit from buying in until all of /biz/ owns at least 10k.

>> No.24537052
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Imagine buying anything german IT related that isnt made by SAP.

>> No.24537102

SAP is shit.

>> No.24537533
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Sir! Do the needful and checking digits sir! 6666 is number of sick children in my village. Most glorious blessing upon you sir. Do the needful sir.

>> No.24537620
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It's not dead.
Lition is second layer, tomo is first.
These are two product lines that can generate revenue for tomo the company.
People are just retarded.
It's been hemorrhaging deservedly due to the clusterfuck but that doesn't mean it's dead.
Richard is out and that is a very good thing.
This is a bit outdated but paints a picture.
Also the connections between Tomo and the Vietnamese communist government is promising.
Central banking usecase is unironically a high probability.

>> No.24537643

always has been, the most forced and inorganic meme campaign as of yet

>> No.24537719
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now that's some next level fud.
/LITGEN/s were comfy. Way better than XSG schizo or statera cringe threads.

>> No.24538463

I'm laughing my ass off. Nothing changed. Once again the coordinated fud groups went out of their way to take this opportunity of uncertainty after the acquisition to fud the project relentlessly. Third time this year and when you use the search function in telegram you'll see the same people fudding all over again. It's no coincidence those are the same persons talking about getting a trustnode now. The people who sold got played hard. Lition will go 100x at least next year. Please quote me next year because I'm fairly certain. I'm done accumulating at this ridicilous price, I have 800k lit now and I'm very happy for all the fud and the 4chan weak hands.

>> No.24538584

its going the same way as holocahin you coping faggot

>> No.24539315




>> No.24539326

holy shit imagine owning 800,000 of a coin that two contractor devs created from scratch for less than $100,000 dollars

>> No.24539451

Hahahahaha you got played by the fudders. Two contracted devs? You honestly believe that fud? Recently yes (dragos an patricio) but before that they hired many devs and worked with devs from other projects. Sorry to hear you got played, son. The fudders did a good job.

>> No.24539538

Buy Lition or stay poor forever

>> No.24539584

Lol @ /biz/ laughing at me for selling at 1200 sats.
Bought 2M RSR at 27 with the money.

>> No.24539725

Moved mine into ALGO. It has staking where you don't have to lock up anything, and seems ready to finally make their moves. My average on it is .28 so even now is relatively the floor for it. I say that and kept watching LIT's "floor" keep going lower. At least ALGO has coinbase normie to keep it afloat in a worst case scenario.

>> No.24539775

>Try to get as many people to stake as possible before the acquisition by tomochain (that Richard obviously knew was happening)
>1 week before the announcement hype it up as "something never before seen in crypto" (alluding to a partnership)

Sold instantly when I heard about tomochain buying them. The levels Richard and co went to mislead investors was inexcusable

>> No.24539817
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just stop

>> No.24540530

Richard even spends his sacred saturday evenings talking to investors, so this is demonstrably false.

>> No.24540907

Hi Mike, you forgot to turn on your 4chan name. But guys, this is what I mean and what fudders do to get you to sell. Just read what he wrote. He's trying to sell fud as fact. "Richard made everyone stake so he could sell". And people even believe this shit. Grow up, be a man, take respinsibility for yiur actions. You staked knowing it would lock up yoyr tokens for a time and as a reward you get free tokens. Instead, people start to cry because they can't unlock their tokens. Fucking children. You will get eaten alive in the real world.

>> No.24542300
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