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24531801 No.24531801 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure what to do bros, put 40$ in at 15 with the plan to put another 40$ in if the odds doubled. Been keeping up with the election news has me 100% sure that the Dems fraud. But my hangups are
1. Will he have enough to win if the votes are removed? (I believe so but it depends on how much they would throw out)
2. Will he actually secure re-election through the courts? (This I'm not 100% on, not a burger so don't have full understanding of what would need to happen).
Betfair is the bookie, would they payout if this is what happens? That was the interpretation I got off their rules and the fact they're still open

>> No.24531823

Well the left has now resorted to prebunking videos that havent even been seen yet...

>> No.24532030

The shilling I've seen on pol is fucking nuts, it's a mixture of ad hominem and subversion

>> No.24532354

its going way up from here bro that video is damning and the state level dem reps all cannot handle the heat

>> No.24532487
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>> No.24532495

if you bet money with the intention to make money, you are pants on head retarded. i put in $200 and lost, but election day entertained me greatly.

>inb4 cope

>> No.24532548

>what's the shit smell
>>tranny has entered the chat

>> No.24532568

wait does this mean that I can still bet for Bidden winning with 7-3 odds somewhere? that's like free money, can you give me the website that still takes US election bets anon? I'm gladly putting all my savings on this

>> No.24532580

You will never be a patriot.

>> No.24532590

>Been keeping up with the election news has me 100% sure that the Dems fraud.
They did, and Trump still won’t win, the establishment won’t let him. They’d sooner plunge this country into civil war than re-elect Trump.

>> No.24532610
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>> No.24532615
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watching these trump retards cope gets my dick so hard

>> No.24532624
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>You will never be a patriot

>> No.24532643

Says the coping tranny

>> No.24532648

>if you bet money with the intention to make money, you are pants on head retarded.
Bidens odds are only 1.03, meaning if you're confident enough he'll win and throw in $1000 bucks, you'll enjoy a nice sweet $30 profit. Betfair is who's still open

>> No.24532689

kek, stay mad, hold this L for 8 years cuck

>> No.24532712
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You're following a loser.
By default, it means you're a loser.

>> No.24532718

Answer to question 1. Yes, if he get's his way he will have the votes to win. However, the system is so fucking corrupt, and so deep with corruption, they might not even admit any evidence on the state level.

2. Nobody knows. As far as I know, we are almost in uncharted territory, as only vote recounts have happened before, not evidence of vast amounts of fraud and illegal happenings.

I will say this. Trump isn't dumb, the left likes to pretend he is, but he's fucking smart and he knew this was going to happen. The video they dropped today was a video they have had since the day it happened, they were simply waiting for enough dems to implicate themselves and get caught lying. This isn't the last thing they have. There's still rumors of specially printed ballots to curb fake ballot printing. It will happen

>> No.24532742

Where'd you get this one from grandma?

>> No.24532796
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pic related will be you very soon

>> No.24532899

>The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner.

>> No.24532913
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Migats are going through the same denial phase bernie supporters went through during the primaries
>heres how bernie can still win!
Now that said if Trump pulls this off it will be because of Israeli manipulation

>> No.24533049

Except Bernie immediately surrendered, gave all of their money to Hillary, then endorsed her.

>> No.24533122

Hilarious how many shills have web crawler searching for election terms like bidet and Trumpet

>> No.24533202

What a wild ride, i'm not sure I want it to stop
Really activates the almonds huh, if these are legitimate people surely they must be getting tired of biden posting

>> No.24533206

And exactly this typical anglosaxon mentality is one of the main root causes of clownworld.
German mentality is to side with truth, why are anglosaxons such ass lickers?

>> No.24533243

Autocorrected biden to an asswashing tool lol
And yeah, the shills are clearly using scrapers for hot political terms. Every thread remotely related to politics devolves into shitflinging with 0 arguments.

>> No.24533247

I wish I could get paid for that amount of shilling

>> No.24533284

Betters unironically win by looking at things objectively, motivated only by profits. They are probably the most reliable way to get a political temperature of something without the emotional baggage

>> No.24533337


>> No.24533362

The Tump organization manages about 500 different companies. 4 of them failed.
.008% of Trump's many many businesses have failed. Big fucking whoop

>> No.24533390

i almost feel bad for you retards for being this stupid

>> No.24533403

you probably jack off to trannies hick

>> No.24533406

Maybe you should check where Saxony is

>> No.24533446

I’ve been a Las Vegas odds maker and sports gaming expert for four decades- long before I became known as a nationally syndicated conservative talk show host. I understand odds and gambling in a way that no other conservative media personality, host, or politician in this country could.

And I can tell you something is very wrong with this presidential election. It reminds me of a fixed football game. Remember the famous fixed 1978 game between the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles. The Giants quarterback handed the ball off. The running back didn’t want it. It fell on the ground. Herm Edwards of the Eagles picked it up and ran it into the end zone with seconds left for a last second victory. Every bettor in the world knows that game was fixed. It doesn’t matter if you can prove it. We all know.

Gamblers also feel the same way about this presidential election. This presidential election is rancid. It feels as fixed as that Giants-Eagles NFL football game. Let me give you the details of this election- from a gambler’s perspective.

Trump entered the night a 2 to 1 underdog. As soon as the polls started to close and the picture became clear, Trump’s odds quickly moved to even money. Then Trump became the slight favorite. Then a moderate favorite. Then a 2-to-1 favorite. Then 3 to 1. 4 to 1. 5 to 1. 6 to 1. 7 to 1. Finally, Trump moved to 8 to 1 favorite.

What does all this mean? Bettors putting their money on the line during Election Night have always proven to be deadly accurate. Smart bettors can clearly see what direction a race is taking. Bettors around the world clearly saw what I saw, when they stared at the electoral map- Trump was headed for an electoral landslide.But something wasn’t quite right. Fox News wouldn’t call Florida for Trump- even though he was ahead by a mile. They wouldn’t call Ohio- even though Trump was ahead by a mile, They wouldn’t call Texas- even though Trump was ahead by a mile. I sat there screaming at my television.

>> No.24533463

More strange calls. Fox News had called Virginia for Biden at the start of the night- with Trump well ahead in Virginia. Trump would remain ahead in Virginia for three long hours after Fox awarded the electoral votes to Biden. Why would they do that? What was the rush? It made no sense.

Biden was awarded Virginia with Trump ahead. But Trump was ahead by a mile in Florida, Ohio and Texas, yet Fox News refused to award him the electoral votes. I knew at that moment, something was wrong. Something smelled fishy. Something was rotten in the DC Swamp. Bettors witnessed Trump dominating. He clearly won not only those key states of Florida, Ohio and Texas, but Trump also enjoyed large leads in the entire Midwest- Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa. It was all but over. Trump had an electoral landslide. Hence the massive 8 to 1 odds in favor of Trump.

And then it happened. It was the most bizarre call in Election Night history. Fox News called Arizona for Biden. Why? It wasn’t even close to over. There was no reason on earth to make that call. Arizona is STILL not over 8 days later. CNN still hasn’t awarded Arizona. ABC pulled it back from Biden only 24 hours ago.

Why would Fox News be in such a rush to call Arizona for Biden? At that moment, Trump’s odds crashed almost instantly from 8 to 1, back down to 2 to 1. That drop set off alarm bells. My friend who is one of the biggest bookmakers in the country called me to say, “Wayne, something is wrong. I’ve never seen a drop like that, let alone a drop that fast. How can Trump go from 8 to 1, to 2 to 1. Someone knows something. We’ve got a problem.”


>> No.24533477

It was as if someone had decided in advance to give Arizona to Biden- whether he won it, or not. It was as if the secret code was known to only a few billionaire gamblers, “Fox News awards Arizona to Biden.” Six magic words. Someone was ready for that call. Someone waited until Trump was a prohibitive 8 to 1 favorite, then knew to bet millions of dollars on Biden at the longest odds of the night. Someone knew the fix was in. Someone made a fortune.

There’s more to the story. First, by awarding both Virginia and Arizona to Biden way too early in the evening and also going super slow awarding states to Trump where he led by a mile, Fox News made sure Biden had the electoral lead all night. That’s another big part of the story. Just like the fake pollsters suppressed Trump voters for months in advance of the election with polls falsely showing Trump losing by a landslide, fake “news desk” employees sure appeared to be suppressing Trump votes on Election Night. And also creating an air of invincibility for Biden. If Biden led in every poll before the election, and led all night in electoral votes, then it wouldn’t look like a fix was in, when Biden suddenly wound up the winner the morning after. Right?

One more piece of the puzzle. From almost the moment that secret code “Fox News awards Arizona to Biden” was spoken, three key Midwest battleground states with Democrat Governors all decided to stop counting votes for the night, with Trump way ahead. Why? Why all three, at the same time? Like they were coordinated in advance. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania all mysteriously quit counting around midnight.

To add to the idea of a fix, these states merely claimed they were stopping counting for the night. After TV cameras and Republican poll watchers were all sent home, these Democrat states all resumed counting, suddenly finding all the ballots they needed to overcome large Trump leads.

>> No.24533496
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I actually took screen shots before I went to bed. Trump was winning Michigan by over 300,000 votes when they stopped counting. He was up in Wisconsin by over 100,000. In Pennsylvania he was up almost 700,000 votes. But in the wee hours of the morning I took a new screenshot. Suddenly Biden was up by 9,000 in Wisconsin and 30,000 in Michigan. How’d that happen? I thought they stopped counting?

It all started with that bizarre Arizona call by Fox News.

Folks, someone knew. The fix was in. A few key people made millions betting on this election. They knew the exact minute to jump in. They knew exactly when a Trump landslide would turn to a Biden victory, with the help of a fake TV network call and fake ballots.

They knew Arizona was going to be called way too early. They knew that fake Arizona call would trigger vote counting to stop and massive ballot fraud to begin.

I don’t know what the Supreme Court will decide. But bettors all over the world know in our guts exactly what happened. The fix was in, no different than that famous NY Giants-Philadelphia Eagle fix in 1978 at the Meadowlands.

Trump was robbed. This election was stolen.


>> No.24533562
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>linking /pol/ as a source

>> No.24533611
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>this btfo

>> No.24533626
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Trump won't be your president anymore.
You will never be a patriot.
We will take you to the reform camps.

>> No.24533641
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You're only trying to convince yourself as you have been for the last 4 years

>> No.24533651

Who cares about the past.
You're about to be butthurt for the next 4 years.
Lube it up for Tyrone and Elliot.

>> No.24533669
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>tranny faggot thinks being a tranny faggot is an insult to anybody but itself

>> No.24533688

I thought it was bad in 2018 and 2019 but this really takes the cake. All year has been horrible and getting worse

>> No.24533696

How can a leaf bet on this ? bet fair won’t kyc leafs.
I’ll drop 10k on TRUMP right now

>> No.24533705
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You're the loser here.
I'm not tired of winning. Let Trump spend those millions for recounts. It keeps giving more votes to Biden.

>> No.24533708

3% risk free rate for two months. comparable to some defi stablefarms.

>> No.24533721


>> No.24533777
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No matter how many cuckservative vid news source you'll post, your president is still gone on January 20th.

You'll never be a patriot but you can always become a woman.

>> No.24533791
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>you can always become a woman.
Imagine being an abomination

>> No.24533812

where are you betting??

>> No.24533824

Anyone who watched it real time knew it was fake from the get-go, dems and their shills are banking on people just forgetting but yet again they seem to have forgotten themselves that the internet exists. just like they forgot in 2015-2016. For the second time these
morons are going to lose, in even more humiliating fashion, because they still have no idea how to use the internet and at this rate never will

>> No.24533835


>> No.24533868
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Your mental illness is growing because you can't cope with Trumps defeat.
You'll go to the doctors and they will prescribe estrogen to deal with your constant headaches.
This is your future.

>> No.24533879
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I don't expect you to be capable of living in anything but fantasyland at this point

Goodnight, try not to let the intrusive thoughts bite

>> No.24533914
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Rottenhouse is going to jail. Your president is too much of a pussy to give him a pardon.

>> No.24533997

It obviously was fixed but you'd have to be a proper moron to bet on Trump at this point. There is absolutely zero chance America, worldwide promoter of democracy, stands up in front of the world and goes "yeah our election was rigged lol". Just won't happen.

>> No.24534050

order out of chaos

>> No.24534083

I don't know what's worse, admitting it was corrupt, or everyone knowing it was corrupt and doing nothing. I think it's more important to admit it was corrupt and fix it, instead of heading down the path to third world status (which we are already on our way)

>> No.24534130

I'm simply waiting for the courts to decide if they're going to take this the easy way or the hung way

>> No.24534136

With anglosaxons i mean the english speaking countries. The anglos did go over to britain, the saxons split and some stayed in germany.

>> No.24534155

nope did it on purpose to see what sort of replies I got. You seem human enough, anon.
Chink bots never get tired anon. They will continue to perform repetitive tasks until they die.

>> No.24534190
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>Before I went to sleep that night

>> No.24534212

From the perspective of the US population, you're absolutely right, admitting it was corrupt and taking steps to fix it would be the best course of action, but that would be terrible from a US global diplomatic interests POV so it won't be allowed to happen.

I don't even think you're going to see steps taken to ensure it can't happen again, better get used to elections being decided by who can cheat the best from now on.

>> No.24534275

man this is a long winded lil bitch cry

>> No.24534292

do you guys think that trump is going to win

>> No.24534302

Cool story chang

>> No.24534370

>There's still rumors of specially printed ballots to curb fake ballot printing
that is infowars bullshit, and im saying that as a fan.

>> No.24534478

This was an interesting read, it seems like everyone whos been paying attention knows something's off, question is will something be done about it
Read through the thread silly, betfair.
Though once you've deposited money in them you may have to call up and get them to put the money on your bet, can't do it through the site for the election because it's "in play" for whatever reason

>> No.24534490

This video is pretty damning

>> No.24534492

People who bet on Trump to win are the same ones that fall for pajeet phone scams.

>> No.24534535

It's time to move on.

>> No.24534565

do people honestly believe Biden got more votes than any US president in history? More than Obama's first term? I don't see how it's possible they can pull off this blatant a fraud

>> No.24534599

I don't get it. Help me understand why I am supposed to be upset about this video

>> No.24534623

>elections are supposed to be observed by both parties
>at night, observers are told counting will be stopping and they need to leave
>immediately after republican observers and media leave, they begin pulling out more ballots and counting them

>> No.24534628

>Betting odds for trump now at 30

>> No.24534714
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The amount of shariablue trannies ITT is truly astonishing.

>> No.24534749

At this point there's not much more someone could show me that could surprise me
If you put $100 on trump and he wins, you'd get $3000

>> No.24534753

Because lots of people hate trump. Easy

>> No.24534809

incredibly based. i was watching this live down under and at 3 to 4 am us eastern saw all the mystery ballots come in. i hate when cunts tell me there was no fraud. i witnessed it with my own two eyes

>> No.24534875

> I never leave my basement and dont have any friends so I dont realize how many people hate Trump

> I think politics is some weird Teams sport and that if people dont show up to tailgate a rally then they wont vote

> Orange man lost so it has to be rigged even tho numerous other republicans and his own attorney general said theres no proof!

What a bunch of cry baby bitches

>> No.24534923

How can you tell all that? I am retarded so please have patience with me

>> No.24534938

I suggest you watch the hearings

>> No.24534946

the hate for Trump is massively over exaggerated by the vocal minority.

>> No.24534951
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holy mother of cope

>> No.24534988

you obviously havent been to a major city or abroad in the past 4 years. My city there was literally an all day long party in the streets when he lost

>> No.24535005

Giuliani's helper was too loud and didn't listen. She was a really bad example how a woman should be. I couldn't keep watching her interrupt. I want to get rich so I can avoid being around loud women

>> No.24535024

Poor deflection

>> No.24535057

??? I told you why I don't want to watch the cases. I hope you don't live with loud women anon. It is hell

>> No.24535091


>> No.24535103


>> No.24535334

good job foreign citizens don't decide US elections then isn't it faggot

>> No.24535788


isn't that why they will give it to trump? because they can't ignore it forever

>> No.24535849

You are gonna bet on a black swan at 30:1?
Wake me up when it's 500:1

you sure are not very bright.

>> No.24536013

Trump won. The end.

>> No.24536154

Did you hear about sportsbet in Australia paying out Biden early? Less than a week after the election night. What happens if Trump ends up winning? They'll fucking pay out Trumo betters as well. They'll pay everyone who betted either way. Why the fuck would they do that

>> No.24536535

Same, holy shit.
The fact you guys even have a slither of hope that he's going to win is already laughable.

>> No.24536816

Because if they don’t pay out in a timely fashion betters will throw a tantrum. They rather take the risk of having to pay twice than having to deal with 2-3 months of people screeching that their operation is a scam