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245317 No.245317 [Reply] [Original]

Why shouldn't I buy EXAS right now? It's down almost 6% on great news?

>> No.245321


Have you read any fucking news in the last hour on EXAS? There are a ton of articles on why it's shit.

>> No.245325

>a company names exact sciences
>its not doing too well

Red flags all over the place

>> No.245335

i must be some kind of fucking retard, i've been searching and haven't seen any of that stuff. can you link some?

>> No.245339


>> No.245336

if it is going down when you expect it to go up, you are wrong, not the market, wait until the market acts the way you predict before buying (even so you could still be wrong about the reasons why)

also for a penny stock such as this, 6% is nothing

>> No.245340

Wish I wasn't so busy so I could short the shit out of this crappy stock.

>> No.245343

cool, thanks man. nice sources. great contribution.

>> No.245348

right, i'm just trying to find out why i'm wrong - i can't see any reasons for the now 6.5% drop

>> No.245361
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I just did my own research and in the last two minutes, I haven't found one single thing out of about 20 of my criteria that would say to invest in it. Everything I assessed is negative. Pic related.

>> No.245367

EXAS is one of these pharma companies that borrows heavily and puts it all in R&D


There is a lot of speculation about how much money they are going to make when their product is finally approved or what large pharma companies are willing to pay to buy out the company. The stock is going to behave differently from normal.

I'd just monitor it, you have all weekend to booklearn everything about the company if you want.

>> No.245372

>Investing in biotech

You're doing it wrong. Biotech sector is for short to mid-term trades. Maybe a few weeks/months. You'd lose all the gains on most biotechs by doing the buy/hold. Their trading patterns more closely follow pump n dumps than growth stocks.

>> No.245380

Out of curiosity: What are your 20 criteria?

>> No.245391

im pretty sure his criteria are too edgy for you, they are not for plebs

>> No.245399

thanks for the link, very helpful

>> No.245422
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Not going to share must of them, but debt-to-equity under 0.5, current ratio of 1.5 or more, increasing and consistent earnings and free cash flow over the last 10 years, PE/G of 1 or under, and a few other things. Most importantly I calculate through a few proprietary ways how much per share the company is worth, and if I can't buy it for at most that price or less, I won't buy it. EXAS is worth negative something per share. I would disclose everything I've said is proprietary, but I don't want to have to share the cover of Forbes 20 years from now. Then there's always the company's management and future prospects, which I didn't even bother to look into and wont. Into the bin it goes.

>> No.245424
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>> No.245427

you should know all about quarterly and annual reports


I enjoy a good sec filing, I used to make myself read 1 a day to learn, now I read 2 or 3 a day for fun

>> No.245431

if you factored in EXAS's business model you would realize debt is meaningless, it is a company set up to conduct research

this investment hinges on how EXAS will capitalize on their research and whether they are overvalued with a market cap of nearly 1 billion