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File: 459 KB, 1903x941, eclipsechad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24529341 No.24529341 [Reply] [Original]

You should buy this /biz/
Why? I'll tell you why:
>thread music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4RPs9O3Oe4


>The main dev
Look at this man right here, that is the dev. His name is Taylor, and that sure is a chad if I ever saw one. Located in the US and fully doxxed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeDYNkuVMUk
You wanna trust some anonymous pajeet with your money or this white man right here ? Easy answer for me...
625k. That's NOTHING. Only way from here is UP
>the coin:
1) DAI / ETH AMM enables ECL Price to increase from ETH volatility
2) ECL / ETH AMM enables ECL price to increase from ECL trading
3) Elastic supply system reduces price volatility
4) Soft Sell function creates a price floor that the ECL price is unlikely to decrease below
5) 40% of the circulating supply is locked and nearly all of the Uniswap liquidity is locked
>audited already, flaws were fixed as you can see here:

All of this in a bull market, with upcoming AMAs, coingecko listing and website update. Hello ? Don't sleep on this. Obviously don't go all in or something, but if you got half a ETH just laying around not doing much, this is very much worth a gamble

>> No.24529386
File: 167 KB, 271x284, 1606481869099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no biz dont trust this man, ersdl is our coin



>> No.24529435
File: 37 KB, 900x506, photo_2020-11-14_18-12-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ersdl sure is our coin, this is a side-project

>> No.24529453

revealing himself is surely a good move. we are getting sick of anons.

amazing how a mech eng can end up being a dev. because im a mech eng too and i know nothing about codes. lol

>> No.24529462

Anyway yeah, ECL is fucking dope project check it out if you are not pajeet

>> No.24529472

well he's been in crypto for 5 years now, you can learn anything if you put effort into it

>> No.24529767

A new concept for SoV store of value got my head wrapped around the technical stuff a bit but managed to get how the system works for the most part. Wait for the fomo when the next couple of amas. The next one is with a tele group with 12k people. Lfg

>> No.24529792

Man this guy, i can only imagine girls get wet around him like malaysian rice farmers during monsoon rain.

>> No.24529850

ECL big DeFi gem , an positive aggregating stable coin. Meaning that it constantly builds floors and doesn’ crash. Soft selling is genius. This is where I bought 3 lambos.

>> No.24529876

Fuck this shitcoin. Taylor wont reply my calls and he said he would. He was so nice on our date and now totally ignoring me

>> No.24529877
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 16070480162792050879376212732164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... how many Eclipsies for a night out clubbing with Taylor as a wingman? You WILL get laid him when girls see you're his homie
Hell you could double-team on some drunken sluts with the dude

>> No.24529929

I have 10 eth in this and when I make it I’m going to track Taylor down and give him a bit fat kiss

>> No.24530051

This project is a big brain, slow burn, long term investment that's not going to stop growing... Ever... I doubt we'll see it do 50x in a week, but I wouldn't be shocked to see it do 2000x over the next decade.

The project and white paper are complex to put it mildly, but Taylor has been writing articles and doing AMAs to answer questions.

We have a great group over on telegram too so come join us!

All the relevant info is on Eclipseum.Org

>> No.24530124


i don't know shit about crypto but the name makes it sound like a scam coin

>> No.24530436

Oh yes very good sir

>> No.24530454

better than vanillamilkshake.finance if you ask me

>> No.24530593

Is this coin related to eclipse mints? Is there a partnership with the two?

>> No.24530790

No it's not, brand new coin

>> No.24530871

Also in most cases its better to buy at https://eclipseum.org/ for higher Liquidity

>> No.24530943

Can confirm, buying through the site has significantly less slippage and lower gas fees. Uniswap is out there for the plebs who don't DYOR.

>> No.24531118

Bump out of sheer curiosity

>> No.24531302

good coin
based dev
designed to go up in value

>> No.24531513

Solid coin, great dev, bright future!

>> No.24531817

The Bitcoin of DeFi, fantastic SoV project

>> No.24531851

wow...just checked out the whitepaper
reads like a physics textbook
super strong fundamentals

>> No.24531858

This thing is like the black hole of DeFi. Will suck up funds over time at an accelerating rate.

>> No.24531859

thanks OP I will investigate this shitcoin and let you know my analysis

>> No.24531936

Love the commitment from the dev. Taylor's attention to detail is 2nd to none. Super pumped to have found this one early.

>> No.24532001

Oi degens this coin will also go up in a bear market. Its designed to just grow in any market condition.

>> No.24532058

these posts make me NOT want to buy.
intellectually deficient - 0 substance positive appraisal reek of bullshit just fucking lol

>> No.24532109

There is massive substance, just read the whitepaper which unironically describes a new and unique concept by this chat dev.

>> No.24532131

Oh and also the fact it hasnt got attention yet is bullish as fuck.

>> No.24532443

why are all the girls in your picture so young?

>> No.24532596

The interesting thing about this coin is it can go up in value even if no one is buying it. ETH / DAI volatility causes trading on the DAI pool, which generates transaction fees increasing the ECL price. Very cool tokenomics.

>> No.24532848

those girls all look 17-20 y-o
prime age for procreation

>> No.24533261

Based Taylor chad

>> No.24533491

Gotta say the website is dope. Needs a designer to get it right visually but the historical charts tool is great

>> No.24534112

dev has locked up too many tokens - should be using some to bring others into the project. the smart contract itself is great but the website is crap etc.

anyway, yeah, I dropped an eth into this a week or two ago at a slightly lower price. thought it would moon quickly at the time as others would see the value that I did but apparently not so much - they do, but it's a slow process. so will just hold this one and maybe take some earnings next month to pay for my NYE party :P

>> No.24534148

Does anyone else buy and sell in repeating digits for their orders before fees? Just curious. Thanks mates ground floor here doxxed teams are the future.

>> No.24534904

Nah, I'm building a stack now. I already have 1 ETH into it and that's going to be increasing that much every month at least until it hits 5c.

>> No.24535883

massive potential
chad dev

>> No.24536338

100k ECL here

>> No.24536589

Make it stack 100k?

>> No.24536597

This project is unique

>> No.24537195
File: 187 KB, 483x931, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's their Telegram (including the Dev himself, LMAO) brigading and bumping this.

Get out of this as fast as you can they are just in for a quick pump, seen this time and time again.

Also reported to mods to blacklist $ECL in the future.
This ist the most pathethic thing I've ever seen and also the quickest way to tarnish the reputation of a good project in the future. Also fuck you for stealing 30min of my precious time getting acquainted to the project before discovering the Telegram.

>> No.24537366


I bet this is him:

can you really blame the dev or the project for one tg member trying to spam 4chan? project is legit, dev is legit, that's all. I guess the dev has never been here before really

>> No.24537388

Imho bullish If you read the whole telegram history. Literal one nigger showed up and decided to shill the project.