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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2451837 No.2451837 [Reply] [Original]

>FastForward 3 years

>You're hanging out with your friends
>Hey faggot, remember when you thought "mining" coins with your Gpus was going to make you rich?
>Fake currency that you can hold with your hands
>Remember thinking you'd get rich by leaving your computer mining make belief currency while I was busy working hard as a contractor making 6 figureds.
>You had a good 6 months in 2017 before it all crashed and you lost your make believe interweb monies.
How are you going to feel when you're a NEET neckbeard for life because you chose to believe in a currency some asian man made up in his basement to fool you all?


>> No.2451866

>Fast Forward 3 Years

>Fiat has fallen
>Cryptos of all kinds are accepted across the globe
>NEETs are this ages rich folks

How does it feel that you wage slaved for x amount of time when you could have joined the revolution?

>> No.2451875
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>You had a good 6 months in 2017 before it all crashed
The wishful thinking of a nocoiner

>> No.2451913

>hey anon remember back when you tried to get me into that pyramid scheme thing? What was it buttcoin or something like that?
>haha you were such a joker back then you really thought you were going to become rich from play internet money
>Yeah what was with you and lamborghinis back then? Well it's a good thing you didn't lose all your money so at least you can afford that bike for making your deliveries
>can't believe you thought you were never going to have to actually work back then, reality hits hard, huh?
>Yeah and everytime we told you to take your money out of that crap all you did was scream "HODL HODL HODL", we thought you went nuts sometimes

>> No.2451960
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>Remember when you spent 2500 on that 6* 580x mining rig anon
>Thanks for selling me two at half price when it all crashed mid 2017
>Remember when you paid for eth and that stupid litecoin
>You legitimately paid for some logo with a dash through it as if it was currency
>You sure have an imagination anon
>How is your PTSD medication working for you?
>Here I got you a lambo calendar anon.
>The one you always said you'd get is on the month of October.
>Sorry your ex wife left you anon.
>I know you believed in crypto anon, and so did a lot of people.
>You still have one crypto left anon
"whats that?"

>> No.2452021

So what is a better place to put my money?

>> No.2452037

a hole in the ground

>> No.2452048
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A career, and an index fund. Vanguard funds are the best, you know, those stocks that actually back companies that produce things verses crypto-maginary currencies on web?

>> No.2452067

lmao fuck off Goldman Sachs trying to sell me an index fund.

>> No.2452101

Why so pessimistic? Crypto and blockchain tech is just getting started. No one knows how things will change.

Although, I do think there is some truth to what you say.

Gotta have balance.

>> No.2452115
File: 46 KB, 641x530, LookHereSon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre going to invest in crypto i'd go with dgb, it has segwit and is much faster transfer than eth and btc alone, for that reason alone would be the only reason to buy crypto.

Here's the thing, when your messing with peoples money you want it fast, and you want it secure. DGB is the only crypto I can see that offers both. When I repair peoples mobos and fix their PC's I want payment when my job is done, I don't want to wait.

You get it.

>> No.2452127

I'm gonna sell it for USD you mong
My adventures in crypto have never been anything more than a means to acquire free shares of U.S. equities

You can't beat the jew anon. Crypto dies eventually. It's a wealth transfer vehicle for the time being, use it

>> No.2452134
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>work for one of the biggest credit card processors in the world
>constantly looking for ways to improve the payment technology industry
>constantly investing and partnering into ecommerce companies and looking for other payment options due to the new age
>have the opportunity to suggest a crypto acceptance and pick out one specific crypto as an example

post your alt coins first trips is the one I'll suggest but it has to have a good back bone it cause it'll be hard to put a smth shitty like Moon on the spot

>> No.2452138

If you're a NEET what do you have to lose mining and trading?

>> No.2452153

Why did you even write this shit faggot? Most of us are probably college aged and this is just a side thing.

>> No.2452188

lmao wow

>> No.2452189


>> No.2452229
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>> No.2452247

I think Ripple (XRP) could be a good option. They have headquarters in San Francisco. Site says, "Ripple enables banks to increase efficiency in their existing payment processes and create differentiated products and services for their customers."

>> No.2452353
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>> No.2452872

How do nocoiners deny that every single day for the last 10 years millionaires have been made from crypto?

>> No.2453034

>crash after six months
>bought the dip
>rebounded because of underlying blockchain technology and Bitcoin's legacy
Go suck it nocoiner.

>> No.2453110

>index fund
I wonder how many japanese are waiting for Nikkei to recover

>> No.2453609

I've been here since 2010 and have seen it all before, including FUDsters like yourself. Every time crypto comes back stronger. Stay mad and poor.

>> No.2454544

Bitcoin provides extreme value. Decentralized, deflationary, and you don't need a bank to store it safely for you

This is value, this is a valuable financial instrument okay. It doesn't matter if it doesn't pay dividends.

>> No.2455104

those who bought between 2009 and 2012 are totally fine

>> No.2455120
File: 240 KB, 1600x900, 1488728290551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this FUD makes me warm and fuzzy. i think i'll move over another 20k fiat toilet paper into btc

>> No.2455130

>How are you going to feel when you're a NEET neckbeard for life
I already am. It's either make money with crypto or just continue with normality

>> No.2455154


>> No.2455200


Satoshi wuz British

>> No.2455377


>> No.2455379


>> No.2455398

>BTC = CIA coin
>ETH = FSB coin
it only crashes when we need to fund covert operations
watch for shit to go down in the coming months
start stacking again when the event is done

>> No.2455400

Dunno why /biz/ is so crazy about LTC lately, probably a shill group of some sorts, but it is a legitimate option. Established currency with the Bitcoin architecture, gets the new features while avoiding the politics, more stable in price than other cryptos. What's not to like.

>> No.2455402
File: 71 KB, 566x798, röökijäbä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 50% chinese mining pool

yeah but no

>> No.2455408

IOTA of course

>> No.2455421

Normalfags don't understand that. Many anons here have nothing to lose. If crypto booms we're rich, if it crashes oh well, same old. Literally can't go wrong.

>> No.2455691


>> No.2455706
