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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 292 KB, 512x512, WTF WAS THAT (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24505349 No.24505349 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread >>24472968

What is CAP Protocol?
>Cap is a decentralized trading platform where you can trade synthetics of any crypto or traditional asset up to 100x leverage without needing to KYC/AML. The contracts are immutable, which means they can't be shut down (think Uniswap with degen leverage).
Every time a trader on the platform loses a trade, excess revenue from the CLP will get used to buy back and burn Cap, creating constant Cap buying pressure and making the supply of Cap more scarce.

Why I know it's undervalued and will 10x? Lets compare the evaluation to some of the competitors:
1) Cap Protocol (CAP) - $11.6M fully diluted market cap
2) Linear Protocol (LINA) - $69M fully diluted market cap
3) SynLev (SYN) - $54M fully diluted market cap
4) Synthetix (SNX) $1.1B fully diluted market cap

Cap is expected to launch mainnet in December with full functionality and its on native oracles. Beta has been tested in Ropsten for a long time now with amazing results.

Their roadmap also includes a regular decentralized exchange, lending/borrowing, staking, asset management, prediction markets, identity, insurance etc etc:

make sure to join the TG:
If you miss out on this, it's on you frens.

>> No.24505371


>> No.24505380
File: 35 KB, 1108x572, cap24h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in before we start taking off again

>> No.24505411
File: 229 KB, 512x512, CAP $1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250 Cap is financial freedom
500 Cap for intergenerational wealth
1000 Cap for a seat in the global elite

>> No.24505522

When mainnet?

>> No.24505557

the devs are targeting before EOY.

once people have had a chance to test it out main net it wont take long until $1000. Unironically.

>> No.24505583

I swear I saw this token trading at below 30 a few weeks ago. Wtf happened with it? Why the fucking pump? It's just a mainnet launch reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.24505629
File: 18 KB, 814x870, CAPUI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of the UI

Cap’s values are:


the UI is so simple and normie friendly there's no way an extremely high amount of poeple wont be losing their DAI there and pumping Cap as a result.

if you had been in the Telegram you would know that a few VC funds joined to keep an eye on Cap. I guess they decided to buy.

>> No.24505693

so this shit isn't on uniswap?
wtf man?

>> No.24505724
File: 8 KB, 243x207, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't on Uniswap


>> No.24505794

why doesn't is show up under the actual token address



>> No.24505876

no idea, probably has something to do with Uniswap's prioritizing code

if you enter 'Cap' to Uniswap search it will show you a liquidity pair though

>> No.24505879

Bullish as fuck

>> No.24506044

wasn't that shit at like 2 dollars when it begins? Shit i forgot to buy

>> No.24506368

it was actually listed at $0.01 KEK

>> No.24506746

I remember those days...everyone screaming rugpull so they bought at 5 and sold at 10 then watched it go to 100 :o

>> No.24506907

30-50x easily me thinks at current prices

>> No.24506949

to be fair there were a lot of rugpulls back then
somehow we lucked out on Cap though

>> No.24507256

This is way more painful to remember lmao

>> No.24507535
File: 88 KB, 512x512, comfy capmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24508421

Time to buy the dip faggots

>> No.24508580

Coins always dump after mainnet hype. I'll buy a bag then

>> No.24508671

except when main net is literally the beginning of everything in this case

as soon as people start testing out the platform main net they will realize the true value of it
nobody bothers to test it on Ropsten so most have no idea

>> No.24509319

exactly, not to mention the ridiculous buy back and burn system we'll see in action

>> No.24509952

i'm going to live off trader losses. trust me

>> No.24510019


trader losses are going to drain the cap in the uniswap liquidity pool and it will become impossible to buy eventually due to the high price

all you have to do is keep holding Cap

>> No.24510348

CAP is an IQ test. Imagine thinking the first decentralized derivatives margin trading platform will not reach $100 million in volume at some point.

At $100 mil daily volume, CAP is generating at least $100.000 just because of the 0.1% spread. Add in trader losses and the protocol will be raking in profits. Those profits are automatically used to buy CAP and burn it.

Yes, that's right. At a mere $100 million daily volume (BitMEX is at 2 bil+) for the first decentralized, KYC free derivatives exchange, we have at the VERY LEAST $3 million in buying pressure, burning CAP every single month. At current price, that would mean 30.000 CAP burned every month. There is only 100k supply.

Hell, even at a measly 10 million trading volume we would be burning AT LEAST 3k CAP a month just based on spread, that's not taking into account trader losses going into the protocol, which is supposed to be a much larger souce of income.

The protocol works, it will launch soon, the degenerates will flock to it and CAP is destined for a billion+ market cap.

>> No.24510545
File: 297 KB, 602x337, burry cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly based post

>> No.24511059

dangerously based

>> No.24511851


>> No.24512071
File: 14 KB, 450x450, 1bdea906-6818-446b-afb3-8fac81abfd12_1.7a4983bdef8f661b72b805dadc383940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup chads
I want more cappies brehs

>> No.24512223

Still time before mainnet brother cappa

>> No.24512276

I'd consider a buy if I could get the testnet to work. I can't be the only one with an issue. That plus anon devs and flippy floppy tokenomics make it hard to fomo.

>> No.24512327

Testnet works fine here. Did you switch to Ropsten in Metamask?

>> No.24512364

every version of the testnet has worked for me so what
did you connect to Ropsten testnet on metamask?
did you get testnet eth from the faucet?

what are you having issues with?

>> No.24512396

you need testnet eth before being able to request testnet DAI form the faucet

>> No.24512637


>> No.24513634

based helper

>> No.24513705

connected to ropsten and got test eth. Couldn't connect to the site. It was just a blank page. I'll try again when I get off work

>> No.24513995

maybe you an old link?

the way to connect to the most current site is

as a back-up you can try

>> No.24514640

Ok, Already CapPilled.

>> No.24514752

Any guesses which protocol could be? Just. Get in before everyone knows


>> No.24514954

Yo who tf bought a shitload of caps, I wanted to buy more when I get back home from work

>> No.24515100

I am pretty sure getting Cap will become pretty difficult very soon.

As soon as people find out how to test out the Cap platform they will fomo. Very few people have tried it out so far so they have no idea.

>> No.24515971
File: 31 KB, 1109x562, cap1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this pattern called?