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24494940 No.24494940 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24494970

>confined to the jury waiting for riches

>> No.24495021

how does the inside of a kleros court look like?

>> No.24495143

What does the blockchain look like?

>> No.24495402

Imagine not holding at least 107k kleros

>> No.24496364

Anyone here work as a juror? What level of expertise is needed?

>> No.24496549

I volunteered to be a juror.
They took my deposit and never called me back.

>> No.24496553
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>fixed that for you

>> No.24496562

I actually had my first court case. AMA

>> No.24496614

they asked me for 10000 pnk, i gave it to them 3 months ago and still haven't got word from the team yet

>> No.24496618
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>> No.24496621
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>tfw holding 101k PNK
i'm ngmi

>> No.24496631

Did you win

>> No.24496663

>3 months
it's been 6 months for me and nothing. nada.
sucks to hear it's happening to others but at the same time a part of me is glad i'm not the only one.
I still believe in the project though.

>> No.24496672

I did win. I mean, I was a juror on a case. So I received payment, which essentially was my deposit that I paid back for my “arbitration” and deliberation time as a juror.

>> No.24496688
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102 is make it stack

>> No.24496704
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Fixed it, Thank you sir!

>> No.24497166

Hmmmm... Visa just integrated USDC allowing crypto dollars to be sweeten settled on the Ethereum block chain.

This means Visa is starting to swap-out traditional Bank ledgers for the global Ethereum ledger.

Visa is going to by pass banks using Ethereum. ;)

Fancy that. :D. I knew I had a sixth sense on choosing a winner.

>> No.24497202
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>> No.24497548

How much was the fee you got paid?

>> No.24497577

I got paid roughly 30 USD for several hours of examining evidence and voting through the “system” aka their web domain

>> No.24497810

$30 for several hours of work? Holy shit that's cheap. I mean, great for Indians and Flips and other third worlders, but for westerners that's a fucking pittance. Which court were you in, the general one?

>> No.24497830

I was in a subsidiary court. Do you want to hear about the case?

>> No.24497989

Yes, was it general, blockchain, etc? What was the case? How was the final vote split?

>> No.24498038

It was involving a rape case in what you would consider a suburb of Mumbai. They call it “Palm Beach” somewhere in Sector 18 I believe. I hear it’s a nice place, relatively speaking, nothing compared to the Palm Beach in America. But a quaint enough place overlooking the Arabian Sea, without the hustle and bustle of downtown Mumbai, and a part of India where there’s no McDonald’s but international schools, banks, etc. A little slice of civilization in uncultured rot.

Anyway the case was odd, I was on a hung jury that saw the case appealed to the appellate court (real PNK whales who sit on the appeals and Supreme Court from their large deposits). It basically involved the victim being raped off of Budhyadev Mandir Marg Blvd leaving the Bank of India around 9am local time.

I won’t bore you with all the deals but the victim was taken down the street to Pooja Hospital, literally less than a block from the attack. The victim almost died, not due to injuries sustained but an infection she picked up from the hospital. Thankfully the hospital did submit the rape kit to us, of course with the victims consent.

>> No.24498066


>> No.24498079

Wait, a rape case? What the hell does that have to do with smart contracts? How are you expected to enforce a sentence on the rapist?

>> No.24498084

lol fuck off

>> No.24498121

Ah yes i heard of this court case, what a nightmare

>> No.24498134


Anyway the one CCTV functioning on the street on the banks north side caught the perp riding off on a Suzuki Access 125, red in color, no tags. It was all caught on grainy film, where we the jurors got to see the graphic film first hand. Even more off the wall, was that the victim knew her attacker, and was able to secure a warrant in another sub court. So when he was picked up by the kelors police he did have a solid a defense that he tried to present, but it didn’t fool me. I think it fooled the 3rd worlders who were also part of the jury. We don’t deliberate together, it’s separate. I just knew there was a hung decision that 3-6 that they couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt he was actually there.

>> No.24498238

What led it to being a hung jury was that the suspect was able to convince other jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that he wasn’t there, due to the grainy film resolution, no one else recalled him or the attack at all when witnesses were questioned by kleors police, and he was able to convince some other jurors that he was doing his morning business across channel in a different sector of Mumbai. He even uploaded a little picture of an indian man that vaguely resembled him with what could have been a photoshopped news paper in the foreground. He also did upload the kleros police statements.

We’ll see what the PNK appeals court says

>> No.24498342

I've been bamboozled. How can I take this to kleros court?

>> No.24498409

> sir!

>> No.24498481


>> No.24499012

I just dont see an incentive for jurors to actually do there job when they can literally pick a random person to win the court and still get paid. Dont think this is a good system.

>> No.24499234

>hasn't read the whitepaper
the jurors money is on the line. If they just vote randomly, they not only don't get paid their ETH, but they lose PNK too.

>> No.24500225


>> No.24500288

prefer the first one you stupid pajeet