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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 155 KB, 620x330, iexectyre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24490172 No.24490172 [Reply] [Original]

$1 stablecoin - kicking around since 2017 - why the fuck do you think its ever going to moon, Anon? and if you have confidence it will, explain why, and when..... i want dates... I want figures...

>> No.24490195

>they actually followed through
>tech is complete
>acquired legal compliance
>Didnt fork it even though they couldve
>contracted by the EU to help build its NGI
>has an artificial intelligence marketplace, endorsed by Intel
>working with Nvidia, Google, and countless others
>Has superior oracles to chainlink
>has the dankest memes
>Has a team composed of 7 PhD's and the best and brightest in grid computing
>No peers in a usecase thats predicted to generate upwards of 3 trillion dollars in revenue
>Working with leading universities and academics on the forefront of blockchain technology
>built the world's first world-computer
>Enterprise Marketplace is operational Q1 2021
>US legal opinion is Q4 2020
>Has a low supply of only 87 million
>Price is stable at 1$ and has never been listed on an American based exchange

Dec13 is my guess

>> No.24490270

11490$ EONY

>> No.24490339
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Visa just adopted USDC, shill RLC to them and you will see where it goes

>> No.24490390

If that's what you think why the fuck are you obsessed with it. Just shut the fuck up and dont buy it because you sound like a desperate stinky retard. Probably brown and sweaty too, and odd looking.

>> No.24490679
File: 653 KB, 944x957, catexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iExec RLC

What it can do
decentralized cloud, trusted executions, cloud resources (data sets, computing power, ...) marketplace, trusted doracles, tokenization & monetization of cloud assets (NFTs), ENS and it's FULLY COMPLIANT (French SEC approved, so basicly EU approved, so basicly USA approved, so basicly Coinbase, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, ... approved)

Partnerships and collaborations
Intel, Alibaba Cloud, Nvidia, EU commision (Ontochain) + French SEC approves, Ubisoft, EEA, CCC, EDF, Chainlink, OpenSSF, IBM Cloud, NCTU, Genesis Cloud, H7, BPI France, Scontain, Shift, Fortanix, TFCloud, Nerdalize, Ubisoft, Cloud & Heat, Stimergy, OpenFog, ...

Next technical release
V5 2nd part. FOG/edge computing to keep the latency low for tasks that require real time data.

Upcoming adoption releases
eRLC which is a fully compliant version of RLC for companies and is 1:1 interchangeable with RLC. If you look at the adoption roadmap you can also clearly see NDAs being revealed soon

DOT parachain, sidechains that handle computations with 0 fees, Intel SGX and TEE intergrated oracles, best memes on the internet, they are working with google

>> No.24490708
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Notice how big players are mentioning iExec and not just the other way around? Yeah.




European Commission


Normie Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IESv4BNw8Q
iExec Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckHCmLQJQc
Cloud computing as a Commodity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBIk35YsUc
Health care use case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCsasSNYo-4
Smart traffic controls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDk1D9L8Au0
5G power rescue robots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEh3JHivS10

Also take a look at the 7 PhD team

And the CEO

Website: https://iex.ec/
Medium: https://medium.com/iex-ec
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iEx_ec
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/iExec/videos <--- Look at their showcases or demo videos
Adoption roadmap: https://trello.com/b/oSCT5z09/iexec-adoption-roadmap

>> No.24490739

where do i buy these shitters? how much do i need to make it?

>> No.24490782

8700 binance

>> No.24490821

If they decide to buy billions of dollars of cloud computing every year through (e)-RLC will the price of the token go up or down?

>> No.24490831
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if(burger) buyAt(uniswap);
else buyAt(binance);

switch (stack) {
case 87:
return "village_stack";
case 870:
return "suicide_stack";
case 8700:
return "make_it_stack";

>> No.24490872
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1 eRLC = 1 RLC. If you want to get eRLC you NEED TO BUY RLC

>> No.24490890

Look like WE still have some Time to stack it. I will target 5000 oil barrel by the end of the year

>> No.24490891

don't fall for the memes, this token destroyed my life.

>> No.24490904
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So yes, the price would go up massively to like 200$+

>> No.24490931

Every fucking alt tanked in the bear market except for two. Link and RLC. Let me tell you this faggots, Link has had its day, it's RLC's now.

>> No.24490935

Tell us more anon

>> No.24490942

so 8700 really is all it takes to make it according to the geniuses of /biz?

>> No.24491014

I have 25 of these poopoo pee pee tokens im gonna see where cripple ends up after the snapshot and then go from there

>> No.24491017

You would own 0.01% of the token like the top 10 000 holder

>> No.24491032

>and if you have confidence it will, explain why, and when..... i want dates... I want figures...
Who cares what you want?

>> No.24491080
File: 186 KB, 332x276, digital_oil_barrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, 8700 is 1/10.000th of the supply. Only 10k people can have 8700 RLC

>> No.24491116

but what if 10 million people and big financial institutions all want a piece, plus the actual usage, wouldn't 8700 be all it takes to make me insanely rich? sounds too good to be true actually

>> No.24491188

Its a bet.
I only have 2200 rlc but will stack more each month

>> No.24491206
File: 31 KB, 700x362, 1_IicpMBlPJUyjymRoauGXTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unstoppable and autonomous. It is certainly one of the main value proportions of the iExec stack. In terms of interaction by the team, we are here to provide ongoing support and upgrades. V5 can be explained. It was the last time the contracts had to be redeployed, they are now upgradable, meaning they can be added to/upgrading without being redeployed from fresh.

>> No.24491286
File: 182 KB, 1702x1384, 16067806501976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you shall become the supplier

>> No.24491287

I have 50 dollars worth of tron on kraken might as well get 50 more poopoo pee pee coin

>> No.24491441
File: 32 KB, 657x527, A16C868E-4C99-4357-A4F9-CC565AC1A1A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what’s the hold up? If all of the big players are on board why isn’t it mooning already? What are they waiting for to actually start buying it?

>> No.24491454

Btw is possible to earn interest or should i just hold it until we Make it ?

>> No.24491656

OK I have 110 RLC, if it is as big as you say it is going to be this shit should easily hit 4, 5, 6, or even 7 figures in a few years. I will get maybe 1k more if cripple goes up to a dollar round snapshot time

>> No.24491969

>why the fuck do you think its ever going to moon, Anon?
because someone (probably the team) is suppressing the price as soon as it shots up
Not even joking

>> No.24491975
File: 329 KB, 1696x1808, oil_pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because companies can't touch RLC due to legal reasons, which will be gone when they release eRLC, which is a fully compliant version for companies

>> No.24492198

just hodl fren, supply is getting lower, only 21 million left

>> No.24492462

Originally it was 87 sui and 870 make it. Where are these new numbers coming from?

>> No.24492573

Well i Guess it dépend of your horizon.
But i Always thought suicide stack was at 870

>> No.24492585

87 is long long term suicide stack unless crypto just goes straight to 25T next year.
870 is only a million dollars medium term and imo a million dollars isnt enough to make it

>> No.24492747
File: 699 KB, 789x651, truckexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8700 1/10.000th of the supply
870 1/100.000th of the supply
87 1/1.000.000th of the supply

Only 10k people can have more than 8700
Only 100k people can have more than 870
Only 1m people can have more than 87

>> No.24492780

>trusted executions
noone cares

>> No.24492857

I know fren. I've been in this coin for a long time. Appreciate you taking the time though <3

>> No.24492908
File: 1.53 MB, 841x849, commander_of_rlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually me as a programmer I do care and most of my colleges care... But I guess that a farmers hand can't really comprehend the difficulties of cyber security

>> No.24492918

it is mooning, you just got in too late and think it isn't

>> No.24492972

You rlc niggers finally wore me out
Whats a suicide stack?

>> No.24493039
File: 275 KB, 537x532, oculues_weldexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this >>24490831
Read this >>24492747

>> No.24493160

>market cap: $70,521,455
>24 hour volume: $2,055,718
does this mean it's got a ton of bagholders?

>> No.24493350

Oil went negative this year. Do the math

>> No.24493386

because digital oil makes it obsolete

>> No.24493405

Thanks frens. ok so we have something like a 9 to 1 shill vs fud ratio - make of that what you will -
Final couple of questions, if you'll indulge me?
1. if RLC is so epic, why has it crabbed for 2.5 yrs?
2. if its so epic (next btc blah) how come 'they' let me buy it?

>> No.24493483

>if RLC is so epic, why has it crabbed for 2.5 yrs?
For comparison, LTC crabbed for 4 years but exploded from 2$ to 420$...
>2. if its so epic (next btc blah) how come 'they' let me buy it?
because buying RLC is an IQ test.

>> No.24493584
File: 555 KB, 1403x2000, rising_of_iexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Chainlink also crabbed for 3 years before it finally went parabolica due to being adopted. If you look at RLC it's not yet adopted, which will probably change when eRLC hits
2. Because ((( they ))) have to abide by the laws, because ((( they ))) own companies who can't go ballz deep in something that might not be legal. But because RLC got the AMF approval and soon the SECs approval it'll be legal in the US to use. And if you look at their partnerships you'll notice that a lot of them are from the US

>> No.24493627
File: 679 KB, 1318x1333, 1595869444696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying RLC is an IQ test
Oh it's an IQ test all right

>> No.24493663
File: 180 KB, 750x1139, 971E7CCC-D815-4359-B08A-896B16F42863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC isn’t for everyone, it takes a certain level of intelligence to truly vibe with it

>> No.24493712

literally a $1 stablecoin. All it does is bleed sats.

>> No.24493956

Dyor please. Strictly no spoon feeding here

>> No.24494001

That's some good questions anon, i would say
1) LTC, LINK or even the amazon's shares took years before to be known as good idea or even simply be known.
2) Despite all the pajeets, there are good people on this board (but even they are rare) who are good and know what they talk about because they want to share what they think is worth it(like ETH and Link) All the extra shill you see, is just someone who listened, did some resarches for a solid project and want also share it perhaps for fun. The OGs who found gems usually don't have the patience to stay here all day spoonfeeding every newfag, they have other things to do.

>> No.24494257

The question is whether to buy now or wait for the price that drop.

>> No.24494322

>80% down in sats and wei
>56% down in fiat
>they actually believe this is bullish

>> No.24494623

What's the point of eRLC? Why not just use RLC?

>> No.24494676

Please nobody answer this dumb niggers question...

>> No.24494792
File: 145 KB, 334x506, clownexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't deserve this, but here it is. eRLC is a fully compliant version of RLC for companies, approved by the AMF and soon by the SEC. You can use RLC, but it is not compliant for a company to use

>> No.24494888

Kek. Insanely based.

>> No.24494945

I have 8.2K RLC aigmi

>> No.24495055

how does $8.20 sound?

>> No.24495084

i'm convinced this convo and in fact most rlc threads the last 6 months are all co-ordinated shill campaigns

>> No.24495104

I have exactly that too my friend. Early 2019 I actually pulled the trigger to buy 70k of them. And then I sold 3 days later

>> No.24495111

how does 2 million sound?
how does gilles' cock in your ass sound?

>> No.24495137

fuck you cunts are getting more and more delusional. I have a massive bag of RLC but sick of you fucking retards talking about this shit becoming 4/5/6 figures in near future. fucking idiots. lets get to 2 figures first.

>> No.24495186

>they unironically believe that forking a token because it was registered as a security is bullish

>> No.24495219

DYOR nigger, you obviously only know what you heard, because that's not what eRLC is for

>> No.24495268
File: 539 KB, 608x600, oil_baby_bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eRLC is not a fork, it is the same thing as RLC and is 1:1 backed through an escrow service. If you want eRLC you need to buy RLC and swap it for eRLC

>> No.24495293

fucking pathetic that was never the original make it stack, fucking $870 for a make it stack? even a 100x would still only net you $87'000, thats not even close to making it.

despite this, i'm a long term holder of 50/50 LINK + RLC and will continue holding for at least another few years, but fuck sake im getting tired of all the bullshit RLC posts in these spammy threads.

>> No.24495311

it's not a fork retard kek stay poor

>> No.24495312
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>> No.24495370

stop spoonfeeding him, the brainlet is obviously baiting to get the answers without doing his own research

>> No.24495372
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>You NEED to buy a registered security by the SEC in order to use the forked version that is fully compliant

>> No.24495377
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Yes, because it is clear you don't understand the coin and you're just angry at people who do get it. I know that using your brain as a farmers hand is really hard, but DYOR and stop posting in threads of coins you don't believe in. Either you're a sad attention whore or FUDing it so you can buy more

>> No.24495426
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>dude stop fudding my investment I'm deeply emotionally attached to it

>> No.24495545

so gonna hit 250?

>> No.24495623
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, breaking_news_fedak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad attention whore CONFIRMED

>> No.24495660

what is eRLC's function and why can't companies touch RLC itself.

>> No.24495682

is this going to be staked in the future?

>> No.24495740

>is this going to be staked in the future?
hlep with this...
where can I stake/provide liquiddity them now?

>> No.24495790
File: 341 KB, 340x255, smug_rlc_pepe_chased.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because RLC isn't compliant, it does not abide by the rules, eRLC is just RLC with another layer on top of it which makes it compliant and is currently approved by the AMF (which means it's legal in EU, but eRLC isn't available yet. It'll be available on 1. feb). But they're getting the SECs approval soon (Q4 2020) and because the AMF framework is basically the same it'll 100% get approved

You can already do that

You can run a worker https://docs.iex.ec/for-workers/quick-worker-start.. Or provide liquidity on uniswap. But the public worker pools aren't running right now, you'll have to wait for that

>> No.24496422

Sorry I am genuinely interested, I should've been more specific, I wanna know what rules they don't abide by or what makes the coin or the companies endeavour so heavy on the regulatory side of things.

>> No.24496484

>LTC crabbed for 4 years but exploded from 2$ to 420$...
that was 2017 normie hype fomo euphoria shit
not gonna happen again (see dot.normie.com)

>> No.24496591

Not true, it's a repeating cycle idiot
iExec is easy to shill
>world computer
>digital oil
>decentralized cloud computing market

>> No.24496611

>If they decide to buy billions of dollars of cloud computing every year through (e)-RLC
why should they lol?
Why should they buy when they have warehouses full of computers LOL?

>> No.24496647

iExec offers stuff that they can't otherwise get
Like confidential data renting and confidential computing renting.. Say their service goes down, they can just reroute through iExec

>> No.24496668
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>Anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) laws require enterprises to verify the identity, suitability, and risks associated with each of its stakeholders.

Their computers cost maintenance, your computer doesn't. So your computers cloud power is cheaper than theirs

>> No.24496819
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Also, RLC is business to crypto. Other cryptos aren't even trying to do that, so that's why they don't need compliance. RLC can also be crypto to crypto, but you don't need legal shit for that. So RLC is crypto to crypto, eRLC is business to crypto

>> No.24496842

iExec basically gives any company all of the benefits of decentralization without having to decentralize

>> No.24497168


>> No.24497387

Thanks D0up

>> No.24497455

>your computer doesn't
>what is high latency?

>> No.24497533
File: 225 KB, 448x512, 8bit_donkey_kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is fog/edge computing

Fog computing or fog networking, also known as fogging, is an architecture that uses edge devices to carry out a substantial amount of computation, storage, and communication locally and routed over the internet backbone.

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed, to improve response times and save bandwidth.

Listen up farmer boy, you can't win, because you don't understand crap. You're literally going through all the old FUD we had years ago

>> No.24497952
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Will I make it anons?

>> No.24498026
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Yes, you already did. You just have to wait now and see your profits

>> No.24498082
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What about me

>> No.24498145
File: 56 KB, 399x350, comfy_in_bed_iexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I probably don't need to explain to you that 10361.98477 RLC > 9313.80462944 RLC, since your IQ must be above 150 to hold that many

>> No.24498770

bump for awareness