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File: 1.46 MB, 1360x1359, 1606929470149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24488550 No.24488550 [Reply] [Original]

This is Sasa from API3. She is a ginger goddess and probably the most wholesome and cute dev out of any crypto project. How can your project even compete?

>> No.24488581

i wonder what her butthole smell like

>> No.24488590

Because it's run by males

>> No.24488594
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>> No.24488723
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*flicks your switch*
Heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.24488786

OP is a simping pajeet faggot

>> No.24488843
File: 584 KB, 670x394, basak-burcu-yigit-artik-kadinlar-bitcoin-ethereum-ve-blockchainle-cok-ilgili-94032-23112018121502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on your teen virgin weeb dreams

>> No.24488848
File: 191 KB, 800x600, chainstink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another reason for stinkers to get mad at our superior project.

>> No.24489027

I doubt. So redpill me, in what way is it superior to Chainlink? What problem does it solve/what usecase does it have in which it is better than Link?

>> No.24489080

Here is the whitepaper newfren:

>> No.24489138

I'll have a look. Ty fren.

>> No.24489190

>here read my long and extensive white paper
>no we dont have a short simple and direct explanation
>gish gallop isn't our shilling tactic

>> No.24489233

What do you want? An explanation to be presented by a mulatto zoomer twerking on tiktok because you have ADHD and your dopamine system is fried from 6 hours of edging you do to sissyhypo per day coomer?

>> No.24489247

If API3 is a shitcoin, why is Sasa so heckin' cute and valid?

>> No.24489284

I had sex with her once. her pussy was hairy and red, a little loose too like it was made for bbc. 4/10. i never called her back

>> No.24489307
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1200, 1575145227622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're retarded for seeing through our scam

>> No.24489312

checked. api3 numbers. yes, api3 is a high iq play, no spoonfeeding.

>> No.24489314


>> No.24489317

Yeah you need to have an elevator pitch. Basic business.

>> No.24489318

Mutt's Law

>> No.24489397
File: 13 KB, 280x280, qhevq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wall comes for all

>> No.24489410

first-party oracles, cutting out middlemen chainlink oracles by getting data directly from source. think virgin chainlink price feeds (where 5 nodes get prices from the same api) but better.

>> No.24489426

Read through the abstract so far, sounds interesting. Trying to get rid of middlemen. Kek'd at them actually using Kleros, our PNK-pajeets should get an eye on this project.

>> No.24489463

Fuck, I'm a retard accidentally replying to my own post... now kill me please.

>> No.24489471

Kleros is a decent project though, the jeet FUD is just banter

>> No.24489497
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>> No.24489501
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>dude it's like Chainlink but better lmao
>sirs a million rupee investment!
you cannot make this up

>> No.24489513


>> No.24489521
File: 542 KB, 2000x1704, API-provider_V4-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 a smart contract gets rekt from using a single source through chainlink and a salty nolinker VC blames Sir Gay

>> No.24489543


>> No.24489570

So you need to find somewhere else to shill this. Maybe reddit? Because "it's better than Chainlink, it's gonna take over Chainlink" will never work here.

>> No.24489578

I know, I don't actually FUD it. I rather think it's a good sign that it sees more adoption.

>> No.24489580
File: 3.16 MB, 834x948, niceandcalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't waste my time reading your gish gallop

>> No.24489599

what you wrote literally makes no sense. you don't know where chainlink nodes get their data from. their price feeds advertise 21 nodes but you have 3-5 nodes getting data from the same place. top kek. chainlink is a middleman network.

>> No.24489615

Being better than something and taking over are two very different things. A lot of retailers are better than Walmart, but they'll never take over.

>> No.24489621

I saw Sasa on a cam site once

>> No.24489647

how many data sources exist for the things you're claiming need more sources?

>> No.24489646

>whitepapers are a scam! They want me to read too much! This is shilling because too many words!
You, sir, are FUDDING

>> No.24489666
File: 9 KB, 255x265, Gilles-Fedak-PDG-co-fondateur-–-iE.xec_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can your project even compete?
With this

>> No.24489668

>has woman dev
>hOw cOuLd aNyOnE eVeR cOmPeTe
retard women are so bad at their jobs it takes the nasdaq threatening delisting them to get one on a board at any company

>> No.24489671
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, 1583098977659.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. Fat autist that has sat watching anime for 12 hours today

>> No.24489699

no the whitepaper is a faux attempt to appear less scammy. You sir are shilling without cause.

>> No.24489712

people are applying survivorship bias to the whole "first mover" argument. you think nothing came before walmart? name a tech company that is best in it's field that was the "first mover". not microsoft, not google, not facebook, etc. first mover advantage is a midwit argument.

>> No.24489734

First project I invested in ICO/IDO/WE since LINK.


>> No.24489826

>I love the link white paper even though they've done nothing from it
>All other white papers are Gish Gallop and nothing more than scam attempts
Go home Keenan your drunk

>> No.24489863

wen stink staking?

>> No.24489902
File: 514 KB, 512x256, diff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of chainlink and it's followers

>> No.24489972

No fren, I don't think so. I've seen and followed the computer industry and the gaming industry, among others, for a long time and seen a lot of first movers bite the dust. However, at some point something becomes literally "too big to fail", I don't think that Chainlink has reached that point (although it has become a huge stinker recently) egardless what delusional stinkies are dreaming of, but it is years ahead, an established brand and widely used. It will be very hard to outcompete it by ANY project.

>> No.24490022

>I've seen and followed the computer industry and the gaming industry, among others

>i'm a basement dwelling neet

>> No.24490080
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she should apply to chainlink

>> No.24490193

You're too big to get out of your basement. Chainlink is not too big to fail.

>> No.24490372

Why do you only post this MILF with Istock watermarks every day?

>> No.24490457

Actually that would be wonderful if I were, in fact I hold a fucking Ph. D. and am married with two brats. I admit, though, that I have been playing vidya forever... and used computers on a daily basis for work since days even God has forgotten about, so it was natural to follow both industries.

>> No.24490497

Ooooooh look at doctor basement here with his PhD in manning a grill

>> No.24490658

fug, i need her to make me eat her pussy.

>> No.24490824

>anon asks for simple and direct responses to basic questions
>Zeus Capital shills become enraged and call out that anon as stupid

>> No.24490987

Which questions?

>> No.24491012

built for the bbc

>> No.24491057

Don't even own a fucking grill, fren. My neighbours all grill and I get the leftovers.

>> No.24491115



>> No.24491215

>getting fed by the neighbours for free
That's based ngl

>> No.24491403

>tfw holding link and api3
cant lose

>> No.24491407

>he doesn't even understand basic English
prepositions are important pajeet

>> No.24491535

>conflates shilling technique with white papers
>generalizes all wps
those are not the same thing. You are the dumbest blackest tortilla gorilla nigger I have ever conversed with

>> No.24491640

She could be the sister from the polish whore.

>> No.24491767

Which questions?

>> No.24492258

sirs u shud buyed pnk because cleros courts will be crucially for connect bitcoin to outside normal peoples world u can't adapt btc with no kleros

>> No.24492522

Where does one buy?

>> No.24492665

>quotes two things that make no sense
Ooooh he said the gamer word he cant be someone known to Chainlink, nothing to see here

>> No.24492694

Sounds solid, just bought 100k

>> No.24492757

Avax is roach tech as well. Looks decent. May not be the ETH killer, but a legit project. Don't forget, the roach had an Empire before America even existed, you should pay him some respect.

>> No.24492832

I'm gooder looking then her and many other womens and mens but I'm not get nearly the attentione from other people like stereotypical cuntfaced normie npc bitch gets. All they get is simps and other cuntfaced bitches praising each other and trying to push each others value hella up. How can a men get similar attentione?

>> No.24492854

Become a cute trap. Buy kneepads.

>> No.24492880
File: 86 KB, 720x900, 1604894753425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gooder looking then her and many other womens and mens but I'm not get nearly the attentione from other people like stereotypical cuntfaced normie npc bitch gets. All they get is simps and other cuntfaced bitches praising each other and trying to push each others value hella up. How can a men get similar attentione?