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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 1191x596, mysterium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2447381 No.2447381 [Reply] [Original]

This is ACTUALLY a fucking goldmine

>Concept: Decentralized VPN
>You get paid in MYST for running a node
>solid team behind the project
>realistic, detailed roadmap, no pie in the sky shit
>$14M ICO: secured enough funding to actually execute their vision without being greedy af
>only 32M coins in circulation

If you're not buying in before this hits Poloniex and Bittrex you're genuinely never going to make it.

>> No.2447402

I've got some already. Looks solid

>> No.2447424

Is the ICO open?

>> No.2447431

An anon shilled this last night and I already made like 20%.

This is going to be a long term hold for me, these kinds of projects are about how crypto should ACTUALLY be used.

>> No.2447449

ICO was over weeks ago, it just became tradeable yesterday.

Currently only available at liqui.io, according to devs Bittrex is on its way to list it.

>> No.2447455

I might buy in when it dips a little.

>> No.2447461

where are thwey selling this?

>> No.2447469

What's it selling at compared to the ICO price?

>> No.2447478

ICO price was 1 ETH = 204 MYST so 0.0049 ETH per MYST.

It's currently at 0.006x ETH per MYST at liqui.

>> No.2447489


I don't see it working unless they fix the huge security flaws. I'm even willing to run an exit node for MYST instead of buying it, but right now it's simply too dangerous.

It also seems as if they are just jumping onto the blockchain ICO bandwagon. There is no actual need for them to work with ethereum tokens or any crypto to begin with. I hope it's not a scam, doesn't seem to be one, but it's definitely not safe to jump in either (and not unsafe as in losing money, but as in the government might want your ass for hosting an exit node).

>> No.2447491

Whats the total supply? coinmarketcap doesn't have any info on supply.

>> No.2447500

Not bad considering the movement in ETH in the past 2 weeks.

>> No.2447511


Honestly I would just buy to dump on bittrex when it gets added even if you don't believe in the coin itself. Easy money.

>> No.2447512

32M MYST tokens.

>> No.2447529

this project sounds good

>privacy ensuring coins like Monero or Zcash and other solutions.

time to invest

>> No.2447538

It's really just a TOR-like service except incentivized. There are plans in the roadmap to incorporate chaining between nodes, etc. I've been following the team closely and I really do think they'll be able to execute, especially with that funding.

Overall I think that from a $ perspective, the upside far outweighs the downside.

>> No.2447557

32M, but a big part of that is locked up for a year, don't remember exactly but it should be in the whitepaper.

>> No.2447564

who would be so stupid to run a vpn on this shit?
feds are gonna be on your door within the first week coz some fucktard used it for cp

>> No.2447575

Idk, why are there 400 nodes up already? Why do thousands of people run TOR exit nodes?

>> No.2447578

Where you read that?

>> No.2447598

answer: the market will fix it

>> No.2447608

With TOR you can proof that you ran an exit-node at that time of torrenting/cp download etc and keep you out of legal trouble. With Myst you are on your own at the moment.

>> No.2447610


you tell me

>> No.2447632


Why on earth can you not prove you're running a VPN node?

>> No.2447717

where do I buy this? Can't find on polo

>> No.2447750

Only liqui.io rn

>> No.2447811

I can only compare it to TOR. They can provide data you hand over to authorities in case of a legal notice. Exit-nodes are also tracked by independet observers. https://www.torproject.org/eff/tor-legal-faq.html.en

Myst justs says that they don't have any liabilty. However this will probably change over time.

>> No.2447816

>tfw bought in at ICO & already sitting on sit gains

Not even going to sell for at least a year. This is the real deal.

>> No.2447819

Can someone explain to me the purpose of doing this on the blockchain. Where is the the need for an immutable datastore?

>> No.2447849

Technical details explained in the whitepaper. You don't have to read it all but there are sections relevant to your Q.

>> No.2447925

FUCK I wanted in on ICO but none of my transactions were going through.

How much did you get?

>> No.2447980
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Mysterium is fucking gay and no one will ever use it.

Are you people fucking retarded? People want CRYPTO CURRENCY, not "lend out my wifi for some worthless shit coin that you can't do anything with"

People want to buy cryptoCURRENCY with their money and they want that cryptoCURRENCY for pennies on the dollar so that in the future they can buy a lot of shit with there incredibly valuable cryptoCURRENCY.

Is that so fucking hard for you retards to understand? Just like SIA, Mysterigay is not a currency, it's a fucking stupid tool that no one will use.

Kill yourselves you retarded autistic faggots. The only reason you're seeing gains in shit coins like Mysterium is because it's a complete bull market hence EVERYTHING is going up, but long term this coin is worthless.

>> No.2447989

Someone better snap this one. ;)

>> No.2447996

Looks like someone hasn't accumulated yet :^)

>> No.2447998

ur mad u dint get into the ico or what

>> No.2448007

This post just convinced me to buy MYST

>> No.2448040

Lol in all my time on this board I have never seen a more obvious FUD this is fucking glorious. Good thing I'm already strapped in.

>> No.2448054

thats literally what that post was meant to induce you to do you idiot

>> No.2448069
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No you down syndrome infected faggots, I bought $30k of Bancor. Let's see who comes out on top in a few weeks, eh? I've made over 400k in Crypto in a month by the way. So yeah listen to me or be a retarded fag and lose all your money

>the choice is yours

>> No.2448088

Good it worked

>> No.2448093

wew cool dude

>you must have had a Hard life is everything alright? /biz/ is here for you

>> No.2448110

hahaha look at this spastic

>> No.2448190
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1494394622977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a retarded faggot or you can be smart and listen to people who know what they're talking about.

>thinks i'm mad

I'm literally about to go on a shopping spree with 5k just for clothing. I took a pretty big instagram model out to a $800 dinner last night and fucked her afterwards. It's true money doesn't buy you happiness, but not having money definitely doesn't make you any happier.

Don't buy retarded coins like Mysterium, they have NO value. Fucking use your heads and think about it. I made an assload off biz buy buying DGB and RDD, so I really appreciate this board. I do not appreciate stupid faggots like you two. I'm trying to help.

>> No.2448221

Ironically I missed out on about $10K by jumping out of RDD too early. Maybe I should listen to you, how do I fuck models and wut buy?

>> No.2448225

OP convinced me, sold my ABY to buy MYST.
Planning on dumping it very quickly tho, shit looks overrated

>> No.2448273

He said he bought $30,000 worth of Bancor.

>> No.2448310

>bought bancor


>> No.2448350

oh it's u

>> No.2448396
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Try and remember always the the only long term coins that will survive are coins that are usable as currency or are a supporting structure for CURRENCY.

The top 5 coins of 2018 are going to be-


DGB will replace LTC and potentially BTC. You think this massive FUD campaign is genuine?Who has time for that shit? Watch the big DGB wallets grow during this dip... Anyways those are the long term holds. These coins will make you millionaires in 1-3 years.

Mid-long term-
Aeternity, RDD (this coin is fucking retarded and useless, but it was hyped so hard that it was smashed into another dimension from completely worthless pump and dump to a potentially valuable mid-hold coin), START, LSK, TRIG, GNT (equally retarded as SIA and Mysterium, but will be supported by jew money for a while). Buy these coins for a solid 10x-20x gain over the next couple of months. Don't expect them to survive for years though.

Ultra shit coins that I'm considering dumping
SIA, XBY, and basically anything else I didn't list.

I might buy some of the STATUS ICO, not sure yet. Sounds kind of stupid.

>> No.2448434

What do you think about STRAT, BAT and Bitshares?

>> No.2448438

Lmaoing at the arbitrary idea that only currencies will survive. That's literally just a fucking (very unlikely) guess with nothing to back it.

>> No.2448471

sorry misspoke, not all of those mid term coins will go up 10-20x. GNT will probably double again.

1-5X gains are GNT, RDD
10-20x gain coins are: Aeternity, LSK, START, TRIG.

>> No.2448488

Holy shit you have become the meme

>> No.2448491


>> No.2448493

this is pure shill coin, pump and dump.

If you know anything about VPN this makes no sense.

Think about it if you have VPN you encrypt your traffic and most of your traffic is video. This shit cant be fast if it works like described.

Nobody will use this shit. It is just another SHILL. Go read about it.

I did dig into it before ICO, did not make any sense.

>> No.2448527


finally somebody with a brain.

>> No.2448568

>This shit cant be fast if it works like described.

Why not, specifically? Nobody ever gives specifics about why it won't, but I always see solid arguments in favor of it.

Definitely thinking of investing.

>> No.2448576
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>a FUD so obvious that it's actually a shill post

>> No.2448589
File: 296 KB, 1456x1092, 1vjJRMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own about $10k worth of BAT and I want to fucking shoot myself.

I bought in purely because of hype. Once again, ask yourself, is it useful as a currency? NO.

Do you really think Coke and Phizer are going to bow down to some retarded fat old bald idiot who invented Mozilla a decade ago? Advertisers spend TRILLIONS on mind controlling you, they own the advertisement market. They would never use BAT based on principle even if it was the most amazing shit ever, which it's not.

It's actually fucking laughable that people think BAT tokens will be used by big advertisers... I mean really, come the fuck on. Advertisers won't and will not use it, and consumers don't need it or want it. Literally BAT is worthless. It has no real world application, and if there ever was to be some kind of "advertisement coin" You can bet the top 5 corporations who own everything will develop their own. Also brave is gay and fucking sucks. I bought in because of hype and I regret it. Missed the Ether gains AND lost hard on BAT.

Strat Idk, I own like $5k worth and don't really care about it much.

Bitshares is stupid, the name alone is fucking retarded and it will never take off because of that.

GOOD MARKETING AND USEFULNESS AS A CURRENCY, PEOPLE, that's whats up. These are product/financial instrument hybrids, so things that effect either both apply.

>> No.2448611

Be honest senpai, are you over 40? You type like you're over 40.

>> No.2448629


I read the whitepaper, think there is actually no need, but if it gets them the cash for a real project, oh well.

>> No.2448649

Lol your posts are pretty funny. But c'mon man, dismissing Bitshares on name alone while hyping up Digibyte as a potential Bitcoin replacement? Digibyte sounds way more retarded so what's so amazing about it that convinces you it will become such a behemoth?

>> No.2448717
File: 257 KB, 1772x1176, aquamarine-114393l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, well I come from a family of wall street investors. So listen to me or don't. No one in my family has ever held a 9-5 job unless their salaries were over 800k a year (which makes you middle class in NYC) or they were business owners. I'm 27 years old and have never had a 9-5 either. I interned at a law office for a month during college but that's it. Let me explain something to you-

Crypto might be your way out of poverty. I look at you poor basement dwelling faggots with your $500-2k value portfolios and I'm very proud of you. It's a start and not something to be mocked. I understand life is not fair, REALLY not fair, but crypto is a great opportunity to distribute wealth and you should take advantage of it. It's a very dangerous market right now, lots of retarded coins getting hyped and pumped by people much smarter and richer than you, so BE CAREFUL. Many coins will straight up die in the next couple of years.

Obviously I don't have a crystal ball, but I hope you believe me when I say that I'm giving my honest opinion. I don't fucking need to shill.

>> No.2448765
File: 23 KB, 580x327, 1477368645031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see where you're coming from, and I kind of felt the same way, but Digibytes is MUCH more palpable than Bitshares. Just think about it for a while. DGB and Digibytes is pretty smooth, Bitshares is gross and clunky. But anyways DGB is simply a superior coin etc etc, I'm explain why a million times.

You might think I'm being a fucking superficial faggot, but this stuff matters more than you think.

>> No.2448816

Fuck it I literally just moved what little funds I had from liqui.io (I intended to buy MYST with it), back to my Bittrex and bought 3.2k Digibyte with it instead, because of your advice. Plz don't let me down anon.

>> No.2448868

I won't, I own over 8M shares of DGB myself. Didn't even blink twice when the citi debacle happened.

>> No.2448890

Still not an argument. You won't convince people by talking about your life rofl.

>> No.2448910

>>You get paid in MYST for running a node
Have they started paying yet?

>> No.2448918

what is the contract address so I can store these in my mist wallet??

>> No.2448921

fuck it I'm in.

>> No.2448948

Oh really? Guess you never heard of the Kardasians, a family that made billions off and for sponsors by talking about their lives.

I'll give you an example.

Kim Kardashian got paid a million dollars to show up at TAO one night...


They misunderstand that THAT is the actual advertisement, all the peasants going around telling each other that Kim went to TAO for a million dollars and bitching about it around the water cooler... It's fucking genius

>> No.2448957

So tell me biz. Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw 10 ETH into this right now. Sounds too good to be true, that market cap is nothing.

>> No.2448974
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>> No.2448990

It's not legally clear what they will do in case of abusive use of someone's exit node.

>> No.2449001

I'll buy if you guys can tell me how to store this shit on a hardware wallet

>> No.2449016

Isn't it just like holla except you're not secretly forced to run a node to participate? And even better, you get paid in exchange. If everything is correctly encrypted and proxied, what's the problem? Sounds like an insanely valuable service to me.

>> No.2449034

I like this guys attitude towards DGB.
Yes, the FUD for this coin is unbelievable, you could think that it's instrumented and organized.
Holding 1+ mil of these babies, having really high hopes. I think I will hit the jackpot like others did with ETH in retrospective.

>> No.2449060

lad, i am poorer than dirt, if I put $200~ into these coins can i eat caviar and fuck instagram models with u 1 day?

>> No.2449089

Literally just send to your ETH adress. It's an ERC20 token.

>> No.2449125

Yeah I know, but don't I have to watch the address though for it to show up or some shit?

>> No.2449137

You'll be more than good with a million DGB. Your taxes will be a bitch though, your DGB earnings will probably put you in the top tax bracket, and there is no good way to avoid paying crypto taxes if you're in the states.

That being said, having to pay high taxes is a good problem to have.

>> No.2449182

Oh yea. I don't have it now cause I'm on mobile but if you hop on their slack you'll get an answer quick.

>> No.2449280

thanks, got it now

>> No.2449301

I live in Europe, and what I heard so far I need to pay 25-30% of my profits as taxes WHEN I cash out .
Something I can live with...

>> No.2449321
File: 52 KB, 540x720, 130299062614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of this coin is nothing new, google VASH (VPNCoin), it's traded on Chinese exchanges.

I also think it's pretty stupid, if you need a VPN, you just pay 5 bucks and get yourself a VPN. I would personally never lend my IP address to anyone else to later discover that I'm banned from half the services because of spam and receive phone calls from my ISP because of DMCA complaints.

I was about to throw some bucks at Mysterium, in fact, but somehow I sense it's going to be stale for a long time, so not today, at least

>> No.2449471

so i should sell all my xvg, sia, and rdd to go all in dgb? own about 12k dgb right now.

>> No.2449473

Problem with paid VPNs is that they're pretty much all catalogued and banned. You can even check that on 4chan: unless you have a pass, you won't be able to use any VPN nor tor. Maybe something based on vash/myst will actually work, though. Plus, for actual anonymity purposes, it's useful to be able to switch between multiple VPNs on-the-fly.

>> No.2449526
File: 13 KB, 285x214, 53819510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your total portfolio size and what is your spread? I can't make that kind of call unless I know what you're working with and how much you can risk. Yes I believe in DGB but I wouldn't take out a second mortgage to buy it if I had a wife and kids.

>> No.2450035

Bought 1725 last night wish me luck.

>> No.2450081

You dont deserve to post based loli from rustle for your petty shill.

>> No.2450156

I bought, so obviously it's in my interest to shill this, but I'm dead serious right now. This is the real deal. If you don't see the potential in this shit you literally don't deserve to make it.

If one coin that biz shilled were legit it would be this one.

>> No.2450191
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>> No.2450261
File: 67 KB, 168x167, 1497469378683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are missing BitBean in your top 5

>> No.2450655

Been waiting for a dip since yesterday & finally pulled the trigger. Hope you boys were right.

>> No.2450757


I like your style and advice. I'm getting into the crypto game to get out of my shit life and see lots of people on /biz/ hyping Ark. What are your thoughts on Ark??

>> No.2451798

It's pumping literally right now.

>> No.2451826

Happy i got my tickets ready for the moon mission

>> No.2451877

Just letting you guys know since a couple of people got fucked last night: there is a direct ETH / MYST pairing on liqui. Don't take losses converting your BTC.

>> No.2451972

What is your expected value of dgb given that the devs have a goal of $1-$10 per coin?

>> No.2451979

That sell wall's gonna be tough. Can't wait till we hit bittrex and get real volume going.

>> No.2452000

Get ready for when that happens. Can't wait :)

>> No.2452190

What's the catch. This thread convinced me but I'm having trouble understanding why it would be so "undervalued" then. Shouldn't people be eating this up if that were the case?

>> No.2452231

It's not any any other exchange except for liqui.io
when polo and bittrex get it, ITS MOON TIME.

Plus the tech is good as well, we just need to see how it will be implemented.

>> No.2452253

The catch is it's only on a shitty low volume exchange right now.

Bittrex has confirmed that it will be adding it & Yunbi is in the works (legal issues). But can you imagine if Yunbi lists it? China is MASSIVE on VPN. This shit will be leaving the stratosphere.

So much potential for this project. This is a buy & hold coin.

>> No.2452279

I'm 29 and also never held 9-5, difference with me is my $ came from my tech skills and investing in cryptos with actual merit.

Dismissing Sia is enough to say you have no appreciation of the technical applications

VPN has real value. Ability to rent somebody's IP has serious real value. Especially in grey market. Haven't actually looked to see if this implementation is sound but the idea absolutely is.

Bitshares, you really see no need for a crypto versions of existing assets? Ability to lock in crypto profit as a traditional asset? Come on Mr Wall Street please.

Currency has the most value if others use it. So unless you identify a specific large niche eg dark markets and some anon coin, it's worthless compared to the existing

>> No.2452293

Source on Bittrex?

>> No.2452306

Guys in eastern Europe and Botnet owners will rent their IPs tho

>> No.2452321
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Pic related from the mysterium slack

>> No.2452372

Is now a good time to buy this or do you think it will go even lower?

>> No.2452373

Ok I bought but I don't want to keep it on this exchange, is there a MYST wallet or some shit I can withdraw to?

>> No.2452389

That 0.00579999 wall was at 70 ETH & it's getting eaten up. Once this falls there's virtually no resistance on the way up.

Obviously though it's in my interest to say now's a good time to buy, because I'm holding the coin, but you can look at the order books yourself.

>> No.2452408

It's an ERC20 token. You can send it to any ETH address as long as you own the private keys (i.e. offline wallet).

>> No.2452463

There is a real value to application specific coins, BAT for example, is a opt in ecosystem that redistributes the value of web advertising in a way that is better for consumers. As long as consumers opt-in their attention does indeed have a market value to advertisers. Despite the purported ubiquity of the web, finances have gotten much more complex for consumers in the last 20 years, that trend will continue as the value proposition offered by different forms of payment realigns with crypto. While I agree that there are plenty of shakeouts to come. Appcoins are a continuation of the "software eating everything" trend.

>> No.2452479

>that 0.005799 ETH wall

Aaaand it's bought.

Buckle up boys.

>> No.2452531

I have 1266 dgb coins, I bout a few days ago. Why is it going to succeed? (Genuinely interested btw)

>> No.2452546

It won't. You'll have another chance to sell at ~1600. This shit is overhyped. It's done. This guy is larping btw,

>> No.2452550

This guy is literally using pastas

>> No.2452570


>> No.2452583
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And everyone is feeding him

>> No.2452593

I can't find the pasta anywhere.

>> No.2452605

Why do you have so much faith in DGB? Is it because you invested a lot into it and are trying to shill?

>> No.2452622

It's literally pay2play Tor.

Holy fuck nucoiners are cancer

>> No.2452657

>not understanding that the name of the game until August 1 is to P&D altcoins like there's no tomorrow