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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24483362 No.24483362 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my third and last year of a business degree and I'm failing badly. Everything has just become so difficult for me this year. I got through my first year and I wasn't really enjoying the course but I stuck with it thinking things will get better and that it was best for me, but that was a big mistake in hindsight. I'm in third year now and I feel fucking miserable. I do not enjoy the work, I've lost interest in what I'm doing and I'm terrified of entering the corporate world. It's not even that I can't handle the workload, it's that i'm just too fucking stupid to do it correctly. My parents have expectations of me to do well since my two other brothers are dropouts and one of them has been a NEET for 2 years now. I've wasted €9,000 of my parents money (they're rich but still) and I feel so fucking ashamed of myself that I have nothing to show for it. How can I just tell everyone in my life "oh yeah, I gave up on that thing I spent years doing that cost a fortune because I'm a pussy".

How do I unfuck my life? I honestly haven't been happy in years and I've become so cynical and angry at myself and the world because of how much of a fuck-up I am. I don't want to kill myself bros.

>> No.24483515

What are you passionate about? Maybe climbing up the corporate ladder is not good for you? Maybe your cutout for remodeling homes as a carpenter, a decent blue collar job, but maybe one day you can start your own /biz/ness. College isn't for everyone. That said, you need to balance your passion with pragmatism and combine that with potential.

>> No.24483560

They found a way to reverse aging using compressed oxygen therapy, essentially what I mean is focus on getting as much money as possible because you will soon literally be able to buy time.

>> No.24483948
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We're all kys just slowly.
Get out of the city it's just The Matrix under a different label.

>> No.24484063
File: 523 KB, 1653x816, they_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true intellectual elite won't allow life extension to be public. The opposite will happen. We're plainly being culled for good.

>> No.24484699

you sound like a redditor "i feel so lost"
fuck out of here faggot

>> No.24484744 [DELETED] 

is it good to try duckdao.io, found post about their crypto incubator and long-term investment model? Seems profitable but want to know your opinion

>> No.24484810

if anything finish that fucking degree and then see what to do. failing now is stupid. i've been in your shoes.

>> No.24484854

this is a brainlet prediction
anyone who markets a life extension will get free money literally forever.

>> No.24484917

your current mood is temporary. that degree is for life even if you don't see the point now and don't want to work in corporate, it will come handy in the future.

>> No.24484935
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Get a prescription for Adderall or something and power through the rest of your education. Is it bad for you? Yes. Should you manage it carefully as not to get addicted? Yes. Should you quit once you've done? Yes.

But you've already come this far OP. Back off now and it'll have been a complete waste of time and money. Also go to fucking Church faggot.

>> No.24486000

>1 post by this ID
fucking AI posters

>> No.24486108

Start listen to Dan Pena

>> No.24487305

that guy is a conman dude.