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File: 315 KB, 1080x1418, Screenshot_20201202-094932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24474091 No.24474091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will you take the vaccine, /biz/ ?

>> No.24474130

>BioNTech down 8.3% in wake of this early news

Buy today for 8-25% gains EOD

>> No.24474779

Your mom took my vaccine last night

>> No.24474835

How about pfizer?

>> No.24475884

distribution agreement with BOTY
those gals are front line workers

>> No.24475887

Isn't Pfizer the jew company

>> No.24475897

Fuck no

>> No.24475913

Only if it comes as suppository

>> No.24475921

Like most other people, I will have to take it, or I won’t have a job and can’t feed my family

>> No.24475943

Such is life wagie

>> No.24475978


>> No.24476030

Why would I trust this vaccine when the same people pushing for it have tried making masks normal, destroyed local businesses and tried to tear and divide communities. I don't trust them and even if this vaccine worked I wouldn't take it on there advice.

>> No.24476036

Black market cert, or find someone willing to inject it down the sink and sign you off. Pharma get their dough, and you get to not fill yourself with poison.

>> No.24476114

They're also the same company that buried research on SSRIs making teenagers suicidal. Still getting the vaccination though, i want to do things again.

>> No.24476144

>literally nanochips inserted by vaccines

They dont even hide it.

>> No.24476268


>> No.24476305

Have fun blowing your head off lel

>> No.24476402

Will do fren. I'll be sure to enjoy all the public spaces I'm allowed into before then.

>> No.24476490

Enjoy having your very DNA altered by Bill Gates, nigger fag.

>> No.24476508

The vaccine alters your DNA and turns you into a golem. Enjoy being a souless orc.

>> No.24476527

Of course, I'm not a brainwashed trumptard
>b-b-but it's a HOAX

>> No.24476589

will it make Pfizer 10x?

>> No.24476592

You will burn in hell for eternity, glow boy.

>> No.24476616

>alters your DNA
No it does not alter your DNA.
Also I won't take the vaccine. But you are by definition wrong with "altering the DNA"

>> No.24476619
File: 1.26 MB, 1630x1050, democrats want to dismantle trump travel ban march 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's the Drumpftards that are brainwashed haha

>> No.24476632
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>RNA altering DNA

>> No.24476660

kys you retard
Trump, Biden, shitstain, whatever
It's all the same you delusional retarded Burger faggot
>imagine being alive in 2020 and thinking any of that is more than a show, instead an agenda

>> No.24476701
File: 1.04 MB, 1120x1014, 01235981537823858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

premarket up around 3.45%

>> No.24476703
File: 84 KB, 300x295, 1512585151851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


burgers are fucking retarded, if you say trump is a fucking jew cocksucker they can't understand that you think the democrats are jew cocksuckers too it is beyond their imagination.

>> No.24476714


>show dems trying to stop covid measures


>> No.24476780

what a cucked life

>> No.24476859

KEK. Imagine being so cucked that you agree to being sterilised just so you can wage. Grow some balls faggot

>> No.24476945

>inject foreign mRNA that can re-encode any genetic material (DNA, RNA and other mRNA) and has never been tested, not even on animals for a virus with a 99.997% survival rate
only absolute retards are taking this shit
they're all going to die and they will just blame "mutations" and say people need to take even more foreign mRNA

>> No.24477016

>Imagine being so cucked that you agree to being sterilised just so you can wage
80% of people will act like this though
You will need to take it to go on concerts, travel, fly, university, whatever. Basically everything. People are retarded dipshits. They will just take it, as they wear the mask.
They even think it's dangerous.
Gonna be a very unspectacular life for me, from here on kek. Definetly won't take it.
You really have to be retarded.
I fucking hate normies

>> No.24477028
File: 192 KB, 660x574, 1602250243533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am immunosuppressed so I'm in the high category risk. I'm afraid of any side effects this may have... What do bros...

>> No.24477031

>I'll be sure to enjoy all the public spaces I'm allowed into before then.
what the fuck is wrong with u. u dont need a fucking vaccine to go places. i do normal things every day i meet hundreds of people every day and things are just fine no vaccine needed

>> No.24477064

I still recall twitter seething over drumpf shutting down travel links with China. Funny how these things get forgotten now it's apparent it was the correct course if action.

>> No.24477074

No. Im going to leave bad reviews on places that try to push this on their employees and customers.

>> No.24477087

>What do bros
Don't take it? How hard is that?

>> No.24477094


if you are in a high risk group you are retarded if you don't take the vaccine for all the other people it is not 100% clear but longcovid is also a thing.

>> No.24477118

Yep, I will probably end up dying attempting to cross the atlantic on a homemade boat as I try to leave this cucked shithole

>> No.24477127

Last few months have 3 really brought the normies to light. It's depressing. It's no where in this world not completely fucked beyond belief? It's there population not completely cucked? Is it even worth fighting for?
Bug people.

>> No.24477185
File: 730 KB, 825x865, eu condemns trump travel ban us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shit when he shut down travel from the EU.
Media's been warping time and space to make Trump look as bad as possible from every angle for four fucking years.

>> No.24477285

>he doesn't know the vaccine alters your dna to make you addicted to cuck porn

>> No.24477286

the absolute state of wagies
spineless oxygen waste

>> No.24477347

kek. It's not much better in Europe though. Well, in some countries.

>It's depressing
Indeed, it can be. I really don't get it, how those people can even hold a fucking job, or get through life. I mean honestly, they are abolutely braindead.
>It's no where in this world not completely fucked beyond belief?
I am a German cuck. It's definetly fucked here. Friend of mine works as an English teacher in Minsk, Belarus. They didn't shut down anything at all, and neither didn't have to wear masks. Nothing. No dead people on the streets. Everything normal. But now suddenly they start to force people wearing masks in the public transport there. It's just a matter of time untill they pull off the same scam there. But it is propaply the most normal country at this point in regards to Corona.
>Is it even worth fighting for?
Not really, because the ones you would fight for, would even attack you and rather side with the evil government. Also you would propaply be alone. But I would rather die than comply, or take the vaccine.

>> No.24477461

they even played the "racist" and "xenophobic" angle and now China is part of the UN Human Rights Council and is saying the US must address our "systemic racism" and other bulshit like they have any right to speak
It's clear the jews are openly using China as their cudgel these days, I mean it's blatant

>> No.24477474

i work in the cruise industry, pretty sure it will be mandatory for us if we want a job

>> No.24477490
File: 787 KB, 1647x1021, trump called xenophobic for china travel ban racist biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they even played the "racist" and "xenophobic" angle
Boy and how.

>> No.24477546

If you asked me a few years ago the /pol/ redpilled me would've told you no I won't take it.
But today I'm blackpilled fren and barely have the will to live, I made peace with myself and everything else, got a gf 1 week after I made peace with myself in 2017, we're still together, bought 55k linkies back then I'm still holding, etc...
I want to be able to travel, have a life etc... If they sold bluepills I'd buy one in a day but I can't, so wtf should I do? I just decided I'm not Neo I'm more like Cypher, fuck this faggot earth, so year I'll take the vaccine, if it turns me into a sterile tranny ayy I'll kms.
I'm 100% sure covid is a scam made for political reasons, and the vaccine won't work, my theory is they'll inject us with nothing and then say the virus mutated and we should wait for 2022 for a new vaccine, and in 2021 covid-21 will kill a shit ton of people.

>> No.24477585

I am in Europe anon - UK - probably the most cucked country in the world bar none. 80% of people here are brainwashed NPCs

Was thinking i'd have to try and flee to Mexico or at least Eastern Europe (hungary/romania etc)

>> No.24477768

It's just immunosterilization

>> No.24477796

>or at least Eastern Europe
Yeah, it's definetly better there.
Friend of mine drove all the way down to Moldova at the end of summer and he talked with some people (residents) along the way. He said they pretty much all know that it's a scam. "We are used to the government telling us lies here" one guy said. So they at realize it.
However they still put on the mask.
Buy yeah, Eastern Europe is definetly not as retarded as the West it seems

>> No.24477981

Just live your life. If you die you die, fuck it. You got dealt a shitty hand i guess.
Enjoy the next life

>> No.24478041
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>You will need to take it to go on concerts, travel, fly, university, whatever
I don't do that gay shit

>> No.24478083 [DELETED] 

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>> No.24478114

why the fuck would you take it?
even the best versions still have a 6% failure rate where the mRNA is doing "nothing" to help against the virus (hint: genetic material never does "nothing")
the risk + failure rate of vaccines is objectively retarded compared to the 99.997% survival rate
there's no way in fuck any reasonable person would take this

>> No.24478169

Let’s be real Non crypto neets will be reliant on ubi so they’ll take whatever they’re fucking told to take or they’ll starve, covid 2020 vaccine, 2021 booster shot, 20222 covid20 shot, accept it

>> No.24478237


>> No.24478333
File: 209 KB, 826x767, 1605657617361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every schwabmarine will vaxxed and chipped to the fullest extent of the law

>> No.24478550

In all fairness that move was retarded. It assumed people from China couldn’t have possibly ever left China and spread the virus elsewhere. We should have banned travel from all over at that time, not just China. Why did he think Chinese people don’t leave China and go to other countries? I don’t think he did it because he was racist, I think he did it because he’s actually that stupid.

>> No.24478586
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I will play every shady angle I can to avoid taking this and still keep my job and live a normal life. Lots of options here for anons to consider:

- fake a religious objection
- fake a medical exception, your employer doesn't have medical records on you and it's illegal for them to ask. just claim you are an AIDS ridden faggot they will not ask you again I guarantee
- fake whatever documents they want "proving" you got the vaccine
- as a last resort, find a doctor you can bribe to squirt it in the sink and give you the certificate. this is not illegal so you can try it with lots of doctors until you find one that v plays ball

If none of the above works I will still not take the vaccine but there are plenty of ways around this globohomo police state shit. To defeat the kike, you must behave like one sonetimes.

>> No.24478699

>In all fairness that move was retarded
don't even go back to plebbit just kys immediately niggerfag

>> No.24478705

Fuck no

>> No.24478727

>In all fairness that move was retarded.
lmao no it wasn't.
Restricting travel is one of the first key moves you can make when trying to contain or slow down a pandemic.

>> No.24478762

Looks like ukcucks will be up first anyway followed by europoors, then burgers and rooland

>> No.24478851
File: 40 KB, 1347x183, OPTI 12-2-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my order just filled, lads.

>> No.24478962

hmmm and where do I buy this shit?

>> No.24479668

youre a bitch. you make life worse for everybody else just because you "have to feed your family" selfish fuck

>> No.24479746

>, i want to do things again.
Then MAKE them go back to normal sans vaxx. STOP BEING WEAK!

>> No.24479840

I agree. Cucking to this tyranny (for that's exactly what it is) will only make things far, far worse. We need to have collective non-compliance. It's one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

>> No.24479941

on your platform, such as thinkorswim?

>> No.24479992

Nigger in January I was told I was racist for pointing out that Chinkna is sick. Kikes in NYC said to go to the movies and celebrate in Chinatown. Trump was doing more to prevent kung flu from getting to America in Jan/Feb

>> No.24480033

All of that got memory hole'd though, because drumpf bad.

>> No.24480099

Live in Canada and don't want the jab? Then please sign the petition


>> No.24480150

>imagine thinking CORVID is real in december 2020
Next you'll tell me i shouldn't go all in on XRP.

>> No.24480284

yeah people forget that many politicians went to asian districts with no mask and told people to openly celebrate and be close
even now none of them take it seriously like they say the public needs to
Pelosi getting her hair done at 80 with no mask, cuckifornia Governor said wear your mask in between bites at Thanksgiving, then went out maskless to a dinner with 50 people, the list goes on and on
pure authoritarian bullshit
remember 15 days to flatten the curve?
yeah give these people power and comply and they will abuse it

>> No.24480393

> said to go to the movies and celebrate in Chinatown
They were right. We should have been ignoring it then and we should be ignoring it now.

>> No.24480399

>yeah give these people power and comply and they will abuse it
Do those who submit to the abuse, not richly deserve it? The whippening and punishment of the goyim must go on until behavior improves.

>> No.24480433

It's about them being hypocritical.

>> No.24480492

Wagie losing his soul for eternity so he can go back to slaving lmao

>> No.24480601
File: 104 KB, 1300x956, jerusalem-israel-11th-mar-2020-a-ultra-orthodox-jewish-man-wearing-a-surgical-mask-and-eyes-disguise-glasses-takes-part-in-celebrations-at-jerusalems-mea-shearim-neighbourhood-to-mark-purim-also-called-the-festival-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will personally arrange the meeting between God and the demon that is trying to force vaccinate me.

>> No.24480698

we really spent all this money and time developing a working innovative mRNA vaccine for it to be blasted through safety and regulation so you fags can larp a bill gates microchip nwo invasion, good job goys

>> No.24480725
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Covid has statistically higher death rate only in over 60yo age groups, so if you're under that and dont have some serious illnesses then risk adjusted returns probably are poor.

Sign papers before taking vaccine that you will get shit load of money from government or pharma company if you get side effects that you are not told about

>> No.24480815

kys rabbi

>> No.24480898

die, kike

>> No.24480910

not going to risk DNA changing madness and immune disorders into my body. There are NO long term studies regarding possible harmful effects because it hasn't been tested. Those taking the vaccine are all taking part in an experiment. Will it be harmless in 10-30 years from now?

>> No.24480931

My question is
Who is paying for this vaccine?

>> No.24480939

What the fuck do you think mRNA vaccines are you fucking retard

>> No.24480948

i sit in my house in front of a computer trading shitcoins all day so I don't need it

>> No.24480974

imagine being such a dumb retard that you don't want to take the vaccine immediately. you are literally retarded if you think there has ever been a downside to a vaccine in the history of vaccines.

>> No.24480978

maybe the vaccin will help us get rid of the overpopulation, if they die 10-30 years from now from the side-effects.

>> No.24481030

Yes goy. It’s about the overpopulation. Make sure you eat your weeds and bugs like Santa Klaus says

>> No.24481088

this is an RNA vaccin, it manipulates your body to produce a harmful protein and then the body is going to the fight it. If you think this doesn't sound risky without long term studies then I don't know what to say. When they first experimented with RNA vaccines the mouses died from inflammation. Our body is a complex biomechanical machine, the rust of millions of years of evolution, this vaccin sounds like "let's trick the body for our advantage" but what if the body decides instead that the body is not functioning and is producing harmful proteins and you get a shitload of correlations that ultimately result in serious illness.

>> No.24481133

Day one, I want my trip in Thailand...

>> No.24481152

fucking based

>> No.24481169

stay out of /biz/ /pol/acks

>> No.24481191

>have seizure from a tetanus shot at 16, 14 years ago
>a vaccine thats been around for decades and decades
>now there's this new untested mRNA vaccine thats 96% effective for something that has 99.99% chance of survival
>average lifespans are like 77-78
>meme flu's average age of death is 84
I think ima take a hard pass on that, pay off some slav doctor so i can ski in europe

>> No.24481286


>> No.24481291
File: 416 KB, 1024x550, NoVaxStar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they are either stupid as fuck or plain shills.
An RNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine that transfers molecules of synthetic RNA into human cells.

Now what is RNA?
>Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids.
So what does it do?
>transfers molecules of synthetic RNA into human cells
It transfers synthetic polymeric molecules that are essential in various biological roles in genes into your body.

>> No.24481299


Enjoy your chip, slave.

>> No.24481380 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x750, 1603901329680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conspiracy beliefs are linked to schizophrenia spectrum(schizhophrenia, schizotypal, schizoid and paranoid personality disorders) as these people gravitate towards magical thinking, ideas of reference and so on. Interestingly there is also another subgroup that have extreme high
in conspiracy beliefs that is psychopathy,
(psychopathy simply refers neuro disorder that person is unable to feel emotions, for example it is questionable if a psychopath is able to geniuile cry) but not narcissism.

It's been long known schizo spectrum is linked to abnormally high creativity and divergent thinking(taking opposite view of masses) but psychopaths seem to share this quality too. Both are also autism spectrum, people on schizophrenia spectrum is typically not interested socializing, apathy, do not react to praise or criticism, seeminly emotional cold robot like behavior, but they do have some empathy and can feel emotion unlike psychopaths. Also schizos or pure psychopathy not linked to sadism like narcissism is along with lack of empathy. So when person is highly creative they also come up easily with more realistic stories why their conspiracy is actually correct that is perhaps one reason these two groups have conspiracy beliefs in addition to general cynical thinking. Psychopaths probably think also that other people are likely as
manipulative as they are. This is similar to narcissism who tend to be paranoid that other people want to hurt them, because they themselves want to hurt others. People reflect their own personality how they think of others

Narcissist are actually opposite of pure psychopathy, while they can be very intelligent at least academically and so on, they are extremely emotional to a degree many narcissism believe their emotions are reality.

>> No.24481395

This. Working the Jew system is contributing to our demise. Wished people weren’t so obsessed with materialism and just lived simply farmer lives without technology just to starve the Jew from his wealth producing golem.

>> No.24481462
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Conspiracy beliefs are linked to schizophrenia spectrum(schizhophrenia, schizotypal, schizoid and paranoid personality disorders) as these people gravitate towards magical thinking, ideas of reference and so on. Interestingly there is also another subgroup that have extreme high
in conspiracy beliefs that is psychopathy,
(psychopathy simply refers neuro disorder that person is unable to feel emotions, for example it is questionable if a psychopath is able to geniuile cry) but not narcissism.

It's been long known schizo spectrum is linked to abnormally high creativity and divergent thinking(taking opposite view of masses) but psychopaths seem to share this quality too. Both are also autism spectrum, people on schizophrenia spectrum is typically not interested socializing, apathy, do not react to praise or criticism, seeminly emotional cold robot like behavior, but they do have some empathy and can feel emotion unlike psychopaths. Also schizos or pure psychopathy not linked to sadism like narcissism is along with lack of empathy. So when person is highly creative they also come up easily with more realistic stories why their conspiracy is actually correct that is perhaps one reason these two groups have conspiracy beliefs in addition to general cynical thinking.

Psychopaths probably think also that other people are likely as manipulative as they are. This is similar to narcissism who tend to be paranoid that other people want to hurt them, because they themselves want to hurt others. People reflect their own personality how they think of others


>> No.24481480

pretty insightful anon, i guess the pharmaceutical companies and regulators dont consider this in pharmacokinetic and drug formulation studies huh

>> No.24481528


>> No.24481549

They're playing the mentally ill card lmao

>> No.24481565
File: 1021 KB, 500x500, 96877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, for example polls show 50% of americans believe 911 was an inside job. Among schizhophrenia spectrum and psychopathy that belief would likely to be 99% or more.

Are these people then correct at what rate? They are more often wrong than not, but if you thing 95% of population would go against 5%, you should always bet on schizhophrenic
people as they would be correct more than once in twenty times, perhaps like once in five times, against all odds. There have been many times conspiracy people were actually correct as crazy as it sounded. The general problem is that schizho people as myself, or an psychopath are generally not aware that how their brain functions sets them vulnerable to false conspiracy beliefs too at higher rate

>> No.24481572

It would be very quickly obvious if they did that, well before the entire population was vaccinated. You think these people want to be dragged into the streets and torn limb from limb for sterilizing people?

>> No.24481643

well I can imagine in a corporate competitive commercial setting the potential long term effects are less likely to be relevant. Don't trust anybody, especially when there is money involved.

>> No.24481712

Why are you so mediocre? Weak pathetic excuse of a man

>> No.24481744

You’ll never be a real woman

>> No.24481790

You do not fit in here kike, no matter how hard you try. Nice attempt at pilpul though, promptly find your way to the nearest oven.

>> No.24481791

Yes, and hopefully as soon as possible.

>> No.24481797

Based and redpilled

>> No.24481815

I worry that this is the point at which they do mass sterilization. They’ll add something to the virus with these rna injections and sterilize everyone, then you’ll have to get authorization from the government for the cure if you want to have children. We are in the deus ex timeline.

>> No.24481838

Fuck no. I'll let the dumbass sheep take it to hit herd immunity

>> No.24481839

>inject foreign mRNA that can re-encode any genetic material (DNA, RNA and other mRNA)

Hey, um. If you don't know what you're talking about, maybe u should leave.

Just saying, dumbass.

>> No.24481851
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>> No.24481884
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My cock was linked to your mother last night

>> No.24481902

spotted the glowie, you are working for "them" admit it!

>> No.24481928

So you want us to stand up off ourselves and make you all into human skin lamps???

>> No.24481992

fucking kill yourself subhuman

>> No.24482028

they all are anon, they all are

>> No.24482047
File: 14 KB, 645x729, 1513099630580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, and hopefully as soon as possible.
Imagine being dumb enough to let the jews inject you with some experimental genetically modifying vaccine

>> No.24482068

I am Jewish.

>> No.24482069

this mechanism of mrna vaccines has been studied for decades

>> No.24482083

But it does alter the DNA, every virus does. But when a virus does this to cells these cells are killed by the immune system.
What happens now after the vaccine alter your cells? I think they are not supposed to be killed by the immune system. It certainly can produce autoimmune problems and maybe more

>> No.24482126
File: 61 KB, 635x752, vx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of glowniggers are searching for every vaccine thread in 4chan and spreading this bullshit
yeah good points, very good points

>> No.24482148

> risk having an adverse reaction to the vaccine just so your survival rate from covid goes from 99.5% to 99.9%

i don't want to do it but they're gonna "force" people in canada by banning them from traveling and whatnot. there was a covid-fearing immunologist on JRE that said the vaccine doesn't even stop people from spreading it. wtf is the point?

>> No.24482159

>free vasectomy with no complications
not even bad

>> No.24482177 [DELETED] 

This comment is such nonsense. schizos make connections easier, to the point where they see connections where there aren't any. This leads them to believe all sorts of crazy shit, but it also leads them identify true conspiracies (though obviously they can't distinguish between the two).
Using this line of argument is incredibly dishonest and it's a propaganda technique. You're miscategorizing "true conspiracies" (which obviously exist) by lumping them in with the category of "ridiculous crap mentally ill people believe."
>Some A's are B's, therefore all B's are A's
that's what your're doing

>> No.24482182

Pretty sure the Zionists will make it mandatory and there loyal cucklords politicians in the UK

"Covid: Vaccination will be required to fly, says Qantas chief"

It has begun

>> No.24482188

this is from Wikipedia so it's true;

Before 2020, no mRNA technology platform (drug or vaccine), had ever been authorized for use in humans, and thus there was the risk of unknown effects,[7] both short-term, and longer-term (e.g. autoimmune responses or diseases).[3][9][10] The 2020 coronavirus pandemic created a particular pressure as the faster production capability of mRNA vaccines made them attractive to national health organisations, and led to debate about the type of initial authorization mRNA vaccines should get, including emergency use authorization or expanded access authorization, after the 8-week period post final human trials.[12][13]

In November 2020, Peter Hotez said of the emerging mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, "I worry about innovation at the expense of practicality",[1] while Michal Linial said, "I won't be taking it immediately – probably not for at least the coming year", and "We have to wait and see whether it really works".[9] However Linial also added, "Classical vaccines were designed to take 10 years to develop. I don’t think the world can wait for a classical vaccine".[9] Tal Brosh, the Head of Infectious Disease Unit at the Samson Assuta Ashdod Hospital said, "There is a race to get the public vaccinated, so we are willing to take more risks", and "We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know," adding "but then we would have the coronavirus for two more years".[9]

>> No.24482211

Gas the Chinese and kikes. Rape of Israel when

>> No.24482212

In November 2020, The Washington Post reported on hesitancy amongst healthcare professionals in the United States to the novel mRNA vaccines, citing surveys which reported that: "some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects",[11] and that "doctors and nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic".[11]

In December 2020, Yossi Karko, director of the clinical research unit at Hadassah Medical Center, who ran mRNA trials, said, "The FDA has a mechanism of approving drugs and vaccines for emergency cases. What this means is that the FDA has initial safety data. But if this was a usual situation, the researchers would have followed the volunteers for at least two years before the vaccine was approved".[26]

>> No.24482231

Are you seriously this fucking retarded?????

>> No.24482242


>> No.24482245

The Sputnik V seems like a safe alternative. From what I’ve seen and if I remember correctly scientists employ a protein found on Covid19 spikes used to hijack cells. The protein genetic code is embedded in harmless adeno viruses that are incapable of replicating in the human body and can teach the immune system to recognize the covid spike protein.

>> No.24482247

Then there's the fact that all these vaccine manufacturers are being given immunity for any damage their vaccines may cause.

>> No.24482255
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U glow IDF

>> No.24482258

>I think a lot of glowniggers are searching for every vaccine thread in 4chan and spreading this bullshit
Yeah, they are doing PR for the vaccine

>> No.24482276
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>It certainly can produce autoimmune problems and maybe more
I didn't say it won't.
Everybody who takes the vaccine is a subhuman piece of shit and I have no problem seeing them getting autoimmune issues.
"Survival of the wisest"
>pic related
Also good thread from the past with high IQ anon

>> No.24482280
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IDF agent #2

>> No.24482287

I'll literally die before they make me take the vaccine. Feel sorry for the faggots they send to vaccinate me.

>> No.24482304

>false conspiracy beliefs
>Yes the WTC 7 did collapse from floor fires even tho it collapsed perfectly
>This is the truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja5SF-s1vm8

>> No.24482316
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>> No.24482348
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Adrenochrome (tortured children adrenal glands ) was being sold on Alibaba. It was being processed in Wuhan China (outbreak epicenter of corona circus ) and distributed. The Jews’ hands are filthy . They thought they could just get away making china the exclusive scapegoat. Fucking kikes must DIE

>> No.24482353

Remember this when you take financial advice next time. They walk among us.

>> No.24482371
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You start acting like a jew and your soul will be lost to sin real fast

>> No.24482398

yes, I wonder whether these giant pharmaceutical companies pay large sums of money to governments/politicians to sell their product. Wouldn't surprise me, but even if they don't from a political point of view they are more concerned with the state of their economies so from that perspective also it sounds irresponsible to inject everybody. I can understand injecting the old and the sick and the weak (they are at risk of dying anyway) but people wanting to live 10-20-30 years from now in health, I just don't think it's smart. There are so many parameters involved in the human body, once you start manipulating these from the very core, things can happen that nobody yet foresees, that's how Chernobyl happened.

>> No.24482423
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>> No.24482425

thank you i look into it

>> No.24482429
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Hello Wagie and all other anons who don’t want it but “have” to get it.

If you live in “free” country here is what you do thank me later

>> No.24482490
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Obey or else you do not get to eat your bugs and soft core Netflix porn.. goyim

>> No.24482515

Yes if its possible to choose and its required for every shit then i guess i take the russian one

>> No.24482526

not that

>> No.24482556

I used to work in pharma qc, first on the plant floor and later in the labs. One thing people outside the industry aren aware of is how companies deal with regulators. It is quiet common to hire a consultant that is a friend or colleague of the inspectors assigned to your facility. The consultant will advise you on things like what type of lunch spread the inspector prefers, and how they take their coffee. It’s all a sham.

>> No.24482557 [DELETED] 

Throw rocks at their windows

>> No.24482559

Did you see the insane levels of media propaganda about hydroxychloroquine being "dangerous," despite the fact that 10's to 100's of millions of doses have been administered over the last 7 decades with no major ill effects? These people are absolute psychopaths who care NOTHING for human lives. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the vaccine isn't safe or anything, I'm saying that I don't trust the words of liars and psychopaths.

>> No.24482586
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>> No.24482592

Imagine being this desperate to fuck ladyboys in SEA
also checked

>> No.24482655
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I can’t stand when people voice their opinion and have no education on the current topic

>> No.24482709

I got my financial advice from Craig Wright

>> No.24482769

Let me guess who skipped Highschool biology you massive fucking retard

>> No.24482813

>thinking it's only going to be mandatory in workplaces
hope you're ready to buy everything online, including food

>> No.24482824

pharma is big money, like cigarettes, junk food, alcohol etc. When there is money involved I don't trust it. There seems to be a rush and a push to inject everybody and the mainstream propaganda, oops I mean "media", is constantly prepping the masses to take the experimental vaccin. Well they can do whatever they like, I won't be taking it!, I already had the corona anyway, but even if I didn't I wouldn 't take it.

>> No.24482848

Ahh, yes. I, too am Jewish and also believe that popular celebrities are taking adrenochrome harvested from children, fellow jew. We must put forget everything else and focus all our efforts on stopping the awful adrenochrome trade

>> No.24482862

exactly, see >>24482824
I rather trust nature/God than companies+money

>> No.24482869

also if you have a landlord you'll just get evicted lmao

>> No.24482895

Yeah, this. Everything surrounding this virus is fake as fuck. Everyone revealed themselves to be either a liar or a believer of obvious lies. Fuck humanity. Fuck society. I have no faith in any of you.

>> No.24482918
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I just took 911 as an general example, i did not refer That one being False conspiracy belief. And like i said, as many as 40% currently of americans beliefs 911 was and inside job.

People on schizhophrenia spectrum are prone every day magical thinking, that general population is not. When it comes to conspiracies paranoid personality disorder and schizhophrenic people may believe very irrational things, whereas schizotypal or schizoid people seem to have mix of rational thinking and extremely creative twisting of ideas. Bobby Fischer arguably greatest chess player of all time was a good example, highly rational when it came to chess but at the same he held typical beliefs for a schizhophrenic person because of his creativity

>> No.24482947

lol, people using racism to scapegoat things that are wrong in the world are not very intelligent. There are good and bad people amongst all races, it's the principles that decide what is good and what is bad. The principles of selfishness, greed etc. versus the opposite.

>> No.24482981

Very weak.

>> No.24483058

Google shows nothing for search term "latrogenic" but lots for "iatrogenic"

What is the source of this image

>> No.24483118

>because the ones you would fight for, would even attack you and rather side with the evil government
Good thing I would only fight for myself. People are just dumb animals who will betray you, but I never betray myself.

>> No.24483120
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>biz posters failing the iq test yet again

>> No.24483163

How to get retards to do what you want: convince them that they are smart for doing what you want.

>> No.24483238

the glowies and propaganda infiltrators are running rampant on this board. I have noticed most proponents of the vaccin on Twitter happen to be lefties, could be a politicized issue soon. I will give my vote to a party that is against obligatory vaccination.

>> No.24483271
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Not all vaccines are immunosterilization obviously just a great part of them , they are not retarded.



>> No.24483336

The CEO of Pfizer sold $6,000,000 of his stock in the company on the day they announced the vaccine.

>> No.24483358
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Why are wagie like this?
Don't they have any self-esteem?
Why is waging their only goal in life? Why do they still bother giving a single fuck about anything in neoclownworld?
Why do they accept being sterilized, killed and then lose their soul for the whole eternity just to please Mr Shlomostein, which happen to be the one poisoning them?

Anyway, enjoy being culled for the greater (((good))), alongside 5.5B others normans, while you taxes serve to pay for my neetbux and i can stay fertile thanks to you.
Soon, when 90% of the pop will be sterilized by pfizer, my aryan coom will be worth billions and i'll only unload in 10's and live as a coomer for a rich heiress while Mr Shekelberg announce you your pension have been stolen by the gubment and that you aren't allowed to go to retirement before being 110 years old.

>> No.24483411

$5.6 million to be exact
Just like "Coronavirus" equals 56

>> No.24483496

meh yea why not?

>> No.24483501

>while you taxes serve to pay for my neetbux
Unironically thinking you will get your NEET bucks from the government, if you refuse to take the vaccine.
Fucking delusional worthless retard.
Your money will be cut off soon enough. You are not employed by a ormal company, but rather depentend on the state.
And guess who makes the rules
Better kill yourself as long as you can

>> No.24483523

Already got it and recovered in like 3 4 days from this meme flu.

Coughed maybe twice

>> No.24483611
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No, i know this. By the time mandatory vaccine for UBI will be implemented, most of the pop will already be sterile and my plan to become a professional coomer will be viable.

>> No.24483693

Because it's a meme flu with 99% survival rate. The fuck do you need it for, dumbass

>> No.24483731

fuck no

>> No.24483737

Yea. It's just another vaccine. The only people scared of it are conspiracy theorists and Anti-Trumpers.

>> No.24483800
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>> No.24483835
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>just another vaccine.
Vaccines were never usefull or good you subhuman piece of shit kike

>> No.24483873

surely you see the irony in this post

>> No.24483963

There are reproductive toxicants in them as additives such as formaldehyde. Of course if you do a search the first things that come up will be like 'formaldehyde is great and healthy for you to be injected with' but if you simply search 'formaldehyde reproductive toxicant' you will see it's not something you would want to be shot up with. Also many have nano aluminum in them as adjuvants which crosses the blood brain barrier. So this is not a positive thing either.

>> No.24484026

You have been had, and you even brag about it. By design. The emperor is not wearing any clothes...

>> No.24484146

Malicious intent is statistically overrepresented among certain demographics, though.

>> No.24484226

Real talk, king

>> No.24484279
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>> No.24484471

No. I already had this virus. The symptoms were minimal.

Here's a conspiracy theory for you: the popularization of the schizo meme is specifically crafted to attack people who do not obey and openly speculate about the degree of corruption and malice in the powers that be. Did it seem to start happening around the time that Joker film came out?

It's just like how you could always tell Alex Jones was controlled opposition because he would talk about real and horrifying abuses of power and agendas that shouldn't be allowed to happen, and then talk about something totally kooky and make a fool of himself the next sentence.

>> No.24484506

Iatrogenesis - is the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence.
>Some anti vacc Facebook post lmao
Someone else posted it not me

>> No.24484564

I had coronavirus. I was ill for a week and wasn't worse than a flu. Why the fuck do I need a vaccine for this meme shit

>> No.24484565


Either you believe in science or you don't. If you don't then get off your computer and your smartphone before the radiation kills you. Spread your conspiracies elsewhere. Vaccines have saved millions of lives. Some of them suck. Some of them are great. Such is life. Here's a conundrum for you. I voted for Trump, but I also believe masks help and the vaccine will end the pandemic. Oh no I don't fit into one of your stupid categories......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.24484836

>Either you believe in science or you don't
Fucking die you subhuman piece of shit. I hope you get gangraped from 10 niggers and then thrown into the Ganges, where you drown. You worthless piece of shit
Even this would be not enough for slaves like you

>> No.24484873

My grandparents had it and said it was like the flu too

>> No.24484909

>I voted for Trump
>believing in politics.
I am not a fucking burger you retard. And politics is all the same. It does not matter who fucking leads you shithole. All they do is carry out a long planned agenda. You fucking disgsuting worthless piece of shit. Die already.
Politics is for retards like you, who honestly think that it's more than a fucking reality show
Get fucked and get off my board you cocksucker son of a whore

>> No.24484955

In history there has been a lot of good honest and wise scientists, thats why we have internet and everything else, but also mad and dishonest scientists.
When somebody says science is always right its utter bullshit. Soviet science for example was just like today in the western world heavily impacted by ideology. Todays in much worse even because they lie.

>> No.24485207

your generalization indicated low IQ. This is an experimental vaccin messing with the very core or hardware of our being with unknown long term side effects. With all of our science we are still limited, otherwise we could cure all diseases and prevent them, apparantly we are not able to. So stick your glowy advice in a place where the sun doesn't shine. Go to your puppet masters they can't have us all, just the general population. We are enlightened members of the /biz society, as such we shall not be deceived or coerced into taking this RNA vaccin.

>> No.24485274

>We are enlightened members of the /biz society, as such we shall not be deceived or coerced into taking this RNA vaccin.

>> No.24485392

>Enjoy having your very DNA altered by Bill Gates, nigger fag.

you mean

Enjoy having your family's very DNA altered by Bill Gates, nigger fag?

>> No.24485598

im immune and corona cant live in my toxic body they die instantly from slight surface contact i never get sick my immune system is very intelligent and resourceful unlike the pleb immune system which all of you have

>> No.24485618
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