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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24468236 No.24468236 [Reply] [Original]

What alternatives are there to XMR? Would there ever be a need for an alternative, even? Redpoll me.

>> No.24468261
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redpill*, obviously.

>> No.24468353
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There are other coins that try to do privacy, but privacy by default is the most secure and Monero does this best.

>> No.24468396
File: 11 KB, 220x282, CF38EEAF-CB15-4E22-8BB3-E1C2DB8D1B73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say red/pol/?

>> No.24468482

There are a couple, but most are pointless
Dash is garbage, Zcash has optional privacy, which isn't great, but zksnarks is good tech
the MW based coins like BEAM and GRIN offer some value apart from XMR, in that they store way less info on chain. BEAM also has atomic swaps. Only problem is the MW coins haven't really caught on and have been dumping nonstop. Probably because it's so difficult to explain why MW matters and how it works.

>> No.24468515

>What alternatives are there to XMR?
there aren't any worth noting.
>Would there ever be a need for an alternative, even?
Probably not.

>> No.24468548

doesnt ltc have mw implemented?

>> No.24468559

XMR isn't broken in anyway right? What incentive would someone have in switching to another privacy coin if XMR is working fine?

>> No.24468589

>need a cheaper alternative, $120 per privacy coin is too expensive
is this where you are going with this thread?

>> No.24468595

on the testnet I think, the mainnet sidechain isn't ready yet as far as I know.
MW as a sidechain is cool, and might help with scaling and privacy, but would essentially amount to an optional privacy model like zcash, so not quite as good IMO. Although I think it's a good addition to LTC

>> No.24468653

Buccaneer (BUCC), the only private currency on ethereum dyor

>> No.24468690

There is no reason to use anything else if you care about privacy, and the fees are low as fuck. Not a single Monero transaction has been successfully traced by glowies.

>> No.24468704

No, not at all. I was under the impression that XMR has issues surrounding transaction times, and given that it's the tip of the spear for privacy coins, I'd assume there are other issues I'm unaware of in the same way that ETH has underlying, integral issues.

>> No.24468790

NimbleWimble is inconvenient, insecure and will never catch on, the recipient of a transaction has to be online AT THE SAME TIME to sign it with the sender. Pure gimmick, blockchain is superior.

>> No.24468866

Good to hear at least one crypto has a solid use case

>> No.24468913

You're not wrong, although there have been proposals for non-interactive MW. IDK if any of them have been implemented, I don't follow it very closely and am more confident in XMR anyways.

>> No.24469174
File: 28 KB, 379x498, Tomokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomochain has the most upside because it's not just a privacy coin. They're buying up project (like Lition)

>> No.24470001
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1600, reviewbrahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I buy this shit? Fuck kraken they want my ID now.

>> No.24470069
File: 71 KB, 800x800, BUCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delisted left and right
>needs a CEX to trade in the first place
>hosting a node is suspicious
>need to run a 200GB node to even make sure you're doing a private transaction or connect to a (((remote node)))

>built into Ethereum, literally UNSTOPPABLE
>running an ETH node is not suspicious
>compatible with any DEX trade will never stop
>technically more secure than Monero
>I can't stress how much this cannot be shut down
>makes IRS seethe
>dev is an actual pirate


>> No.24470093

i use bisq, you need btc though and to also have an iq in the triple digits

>> No.24470096

Before anyone talks shit, this is the first and only ON-CHAIN privacy protocol in the world. Nothing about a transaction is ever on a centralized server, other chain, or anything at all. Those are the fatal weaknesses of other projects.

>> No.24470108

>he thinks being delisted is bad
>who cares

>> No.24470131

also, because BUCC is running on eth, the fees are in eth right?
literally retarded

>> No.24470178

>limiting fiat ramps is a GOOD thing!! t-trust me!
>he thinks you can track A FEE
Learn how Ethereum works little boy.

>> No.24470229

>how can we introduce complexity and unknown security vectors into our privacycoin for no reason? i know, we'll use a transparent ledger for the fees

fucking retarded nigger. i would bash your head between two rocks for suggesting this stupid token to me.

>> No.24470265

This coin's a fucking scam, a few months ago when the meth addict who created it started to shill on /biz/ again he rebutted the callouts by claiming that he'd taken control from the fictional development team who were totally the real scammers

>> No.24470269

BUCC easily. Monero is on its way out. There was also that one site that was posting monero transactions, IP addresses of its users and their porn habits.

>> No.24470281

What's with the sudden influx of Monero FUD? Here and in other threads. Organic as fuck amirite

>> No.24470369


>> No.24470380

it’s what zcash should have been from the start

>> No.24470399

Why are you so upset, Raj? Don't you know what scrambling and internal contract privacy is? The dumb ones are always the most triggered.
Hi Bill, is your anus still sore? Easy on the butt-pain-away meds, they're making you talk about imaginary shit.

>> No.24470421

Schizophrenia in one post

>> No.24470425

Secret network allows for both public and private transactions and allows developers to build secret dapps.

>> No.24470514

Nothing at all got revealed there.
He literally just cross matched IPs of nodes with some torrent sites. If you want to use the internet outside of TOR you will always have an IP.