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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24466937 No.24466937 [Reply] [Original]

Bonded Finance is the best lowcap in crypto for December. Screencap this before we hit 5 cents and know all you had to do was buy and hold. You like that Elrond partnership tweeted out to over a hundred thousand people? Yeah, me too. Surely them, alongside
...and Matic
They're all being FOOLED! FOOLED I SAY! How could they be so blind. I wonder how many dozens more will continue to give them free marketing once the platform is actually out! Dozens and dozens of shitcoins bending the knee just like Chainlink integrations all providing insane opportunity to a many billion $'s of untapped liquidity. No No NOOO!

Did anyone actually read this?






IDO price?


Big exchange listing and goes past 10 cents?


You can buy half my bags at 50 cents you scumbag pieces of shit. Enjoy not being able to get more than 5M without losing your asses and fighting for liquidity crumbs. You FUD boys are going to love the next few weeks.



>> No.24467030

yeah the fud on this is hilarious. it's almost as if they don't want it to win because they all picked the wrong pony.

in bonded for the long haul here

I will fucking sell at 1 dollar though lol

>> No.24467042

This is the the token that will make me a crypto baron

>> No.24467249

Feels very desperate, doesn't it? I would also sell at $1 not to get REQ't again. I can see this being memed into reality. Truly I can.

>> No.24467312

Youve posted this multiple times. Hes not trying to pump it folks, hes trying to get enough liquidity to market sell on you.

>> No.24467360

I am not fucking selling anywhere near here. First take profit is 1M coins at $0.20. Will go from there, swinging only to get more. This is my baby. Long term 5M will be staked for 50% APR in 2021 and 25% APR Q1 2022.

>> No.24467407

Hope you enjoy watching that number drop to $10,000

>> No.24467433
File: 250 KB, 2433x1175, 18-45_12-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's starting

>> No.24467463

Yes sir it's going to drop to a $200,000 marketcap uh huh yep oh I am so scared surely just the ERD tweets alone don't have at least 500 people (out ot 170,000 who likely saw it) waiting to buy any major selling. surely!

surely this 230M in coins aren't slowly being weeded into strong hands. me only 9. this means if you want to be a whale on the cheap, it will soon be time to act.

>> No.24467530

I actually agree with this logic. 5M BOND at $0.01 is only $50k. Nothing, really. There's about 200 million circulating right now. Which means only about 50 people can even hold this much. If OP really has 9 million (and the #4 wallet holds 11 million and recently bought more) ... do the math if even just a handful of big boys start eyeing this.

Bitcoin Brown also on this too.

>> No.24467675


>> No.24467868

Baseless FUD and probably paid by and/or is the Barnbridge fags. The Elrond partnership came 8 hours after that. You think the entire ERD team would tweet a RUG PULL to 185,000 people? No, they wouldn't. You think REN doesn't know what they're doing? Orion? Origin? Matic?

How new are you?

>> No.24468063

Good luck.

>> No.24468116

Won't need it. If you've been here long enough, you know the cycles.

Sale ->
Damp ->
FUD ->
accumulation range (you are here) ->
moon ->
"It's gonna dump!"! ->
moon further ->
dump ->
whining about why it dumped

>> No.24468144

That's why I'm in $KOMET

>> No.24468209

based and high iq anon right here. send it.

>> No.24468471


>> No.24468562

I have been keeping up with these threads for awhile and have been shopping for an alt. That said, can you explain what this thing actually does? I have checked out the site but its a word salad to me and the CEO is a ghost.

Can you give me the elevator pitch on this thing?

>> No.24468628

Take the time to read these articles and understand how big of a liquidity sea is going untapped for ALTS.







>> No.24468769

this. biz unironically does NOT deserve bonded at these prices.

>> No.24468868

So what exactly does that mean? I can take a loan out in LINK against a stupidly big bag of REQ?

>> No.24469103

i don't care about words where the fuck do i buy this shitcoin I'll throw $5 at it and see what happens

>> No.24469151

Ok origin definitely doesn't know what they're doing at the very least, lmao

>> No.24469326

Loans will be possible from what I recall. Those details aren't out, but all will be clear soon.

lol $5 - https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x64c29aac69d3122f6e5531ceca1b753f95350af4

>> No.24469457

SingularDTV team created this. None of their promises turned into anything. Money vanished and the project is dead. Their Discord was a fucking disaster.

You have zero reason to trust anyone on this project.

>> No.24469507

How specificallybis SingularDTV involved?????? Where is your proof?

>> No.24469517

Imagine believing this. CEX listing in the next 2 weeks. Then 3 more partnerships (that I know of, probably more) Screencap this.

>> No.24469678


Go to their team page. I am helping you even though I know you are not smart enough to ever help yourself. Empathy is fucking bizarre.

>> No.24469731

I would say most are in this for the first cycle gibs, which should be good, but there are 5 major projects attached to this without it even being launched.

10 cents aint no meme desu.

>> No.24469741

Trey Murray and Mlad were with SingularDTV. They also have Centrality which was a SNGLES project that went nowhere involved. They are probably using the ETH SNGLES had from Consensys to create this front

>> No.24469845

They posted SNGLES fomo in here in 2017 and it went 10x lower than its already low price of 8 or 9 cents. Save FUD and FOMO on projects with legit teams

>> No.24470117

you're trying too hard

>> No.24470210

So you're talking about Barnbridge? Carry on then.

>> No.24470311

based. top range will break this weed looking at the chart.

>> No.24470695

weed? week? kek. soon.

>> No.24471423

Bro you are gonna make it. Got 1.8M. I will try to catch up with you. Difficult to get more than 2 or 3 ETH at a time and I am a spread nerd.

>> No.24471446

Even higher chances this moons if the market continue to dump. Low caps have not moved yet. Always last in a cycle.

>> No.24471487

This aint going nowhere.

>> No.24471689

Hi Tyler, just to tell you for the billionth time, they have 5 confirmed users their product isn't even out yet. It's definitely going somewhere. Moon or Saturn, I couldn't tell you.
I'd tell you good luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it

>> No.24471830

Fuck off Tyler

>> No.24472122

See you on Tuesday. ;)

>> No.24472343

what happens tuesday

>> No.24473128

Public sale buyer here. Bought a fuck ton more and won't even sell my public sale bags until next year. Les go.

>> No.24473558

Very based post sirs

>> No.24473592

He's right.

>> No.24473615

Not that it means a lot but crypto lark has a big bag as well so the hype/shilling part for bonded should be juicy.

>> No.24473738

Almost guarantee every major twitter-fag is accumulating this range. It's gonna start to show soon, up toward two cents, then pop bigly at a CEX listing. screencap this.

might be a fight to get above IDO after this ludicrous week, but i think that too will happen in time.

>> No.24474095

bitcoin brown which means lucky and the spectre cunts.

>> No.24474325

not selling for a while like I said.

>do the math if even just a handful of big boys start eyeing this.
makes me hard for bonded even more desu

>> No.24474490

I'm shaking RN honestly lmao.

>> No.24474737
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>> No.24474885
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>> No.24474906

So where's she gonna top out boys?

>> No.24474929

you fucking, idiots. That was me buying this obv. scam. I just traded back. Fuck your ego.finance scam shit

>> No.24474958

Stop with all the BOND posts. Give people a bit more chance to accumulate before this goes parabolic

>> No.24475184


>> No.24475316


>> No.24475348

This is the last week to buy under 2 cents.

>> No.24476079


>> No.24476106

100% token unlock in couple weeks, get dumped on retards

>> No.24476111

i agree but the pump is already over. no memepower left. sorry OP

>> No.24476124

Friendly reminder the team are all dirty pajeets and they scammed everyone on the public sale, and that private sales were Under a cent and still have tokens coming

>> No.24476655

dont you ever worry that the people you are trying to scam on this board might find out who you are, where you live, and then maybe break your legs one night while youre sleeping in your bed?
if i was a scammer like you clearly are it would be impossible for me to sleep at night.

>> No.24477008


>> No.24477406

The only person involved with this scam who has any IT background is the lone pajeet dev

>> No.24477548

elrond mooning big time, bond next GOGOOGOGOG

>> No.24478103


>> No.24478642

What are these partnerships even doing? I have seen zero code or anything on github for this scam coin. Nice try egomania

>> No.24478650


>> No.24480121

The platform hasn't launched yet. Code is always kept private because copycats swoop in and fuck things up. Wait. If you don't know what the partnerships will do (and how many more there will be) you need to sit down and think about what this platform could actually do.

>> No.24480711 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1080x730, livingthedream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you gonna make it nigga don't sell at 10 cents fuck these whales. MAKE them make you rich. only like 500 people EVER can hold as much as you bitch you a whale FUCKING HOLD do it for US I want a success story outta this board for ONCE it's all jeets BITCH HOOOOOODL AND KEEP US UPDATED I WILL LIVE THRU YOU!!!!!

>> No.24480745
File: 191 KB, 1080x730, livingthedream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you gonna make it nigga don't sell at 10 cents fuck these whales. MAKE them make you rich. only like 50 people EVER OR LESS can hold as much as you bitch you a whale FUCKING HOLD do it for US I want a success story outta this board for ONCE it's all jeets BITCH HOOOOOODL AND KEEP US UPDATED I WILL LIVE THRU YOU!!!!!

>> No.24481419

Bump for scam awareness

>> No.24481494
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1603811011641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>input amount of shitcoin x into blockfolio
>retards actually believe you


>> No.24482609

This scam thread is too obvious. I feel bad for any newfags that get tricked into buying some of this crap.