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24461499 No.24461499 [Reply] [Original]

I have 20k or so saved up in a crypto and I'm wondering if I should cash out, move across the country and try to have a fresh start in life. I'm a mid 20s neet living with my Mom, and it's fucking killing me inside. I have a meme humanities degree from a good school, but no real work experience outside of some seasonal labor/service jobs. What do?

>> No.24461555

Don’t cash out now. L Pretend you don’t have that money for another year.
And get a real job you fucking degenerate hippy.

>> No.24461635

You still have a meme degree, even if meme . Stop fucking downplaying yourself fucking faggot. A meme degree can be thought of actual degree depending how you use the knowledge. Regardless degree helps if looking for higher paying job. You might suck at job hunting. I would leave some coins saved, other half take out. Definitely move. Before you do check covid restrictions. Dont wanna move and cant do new things.

>> No.24461673

Wagie detected. What the fuck is a real job? Also hard to find work during covid. OP should still find better job or income source though

>> No.24461751
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Checked. Moving out and several states away from my family did wonders for me. I encourage you to do the same. However, I would start establishing your independence from home now if I were in your shoes. Get a job and start stuffing moving savings away or invest more into crypto. 20k to move across the country is only going to keep you comfortable for a few months.

You will be lonely. I was for months. I was a hilariously sad man. Ended up getting rid of my smart phone, and social media. All I did was work and come home. Now I've got a gf of almost a year, I've made 6k off of crypto (I know it's nothing compared to most of you), I'm looking to buy a house in 2021 and pay off all of any remaining debt I have carrying over from this year. Good luck, nigger.

>> No.24461818
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Enjoy life. If you feel the need to move out, then do it. Money cant subsitute happiness

>> No.24461958

I'm about to go and live alone for the first time after spending a good chunk of my adult life accommodating the needs of others... This gave me hope. I know the loneliness will come but I'm almost looking forward to it compared to the hatred/anger/resentment you can feel towards others when living with them and they don't align with you.

>> No.24462132
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Find somewhere quiet. You may find peace.

>> No.24462247
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I really want to hold on, but I wonder if it's worth the mental toll.
I think I suck at job hunting. Even when I was trying to apply for jobs, I was really only sending out 2-3 applications a day on weekdays. It's not that I hate working, I just hate the fucking formalities of looking for "real" jobs and interviewing. I hate how you're expected to just paint everything about yourself in the best light possible, how you're supposed to make every trivial task you've done seem like some grand display of competency and work ethic. It just feels so fake, and it wears me down. After scores of rejections and no responses, I'm just fed up with it. Feels like nobody wants to give me a chance. Should have just bit the bullet and stuck with STEM in college, instead of switching into an easier major so I could put in minimal effort to do well.
I don't think I'd mind the loneliness, I'm pretty much alone in my current situation. I don't have many good friends to begin with, and all of them are spread out across the country. I am worried about the 20k running out too fast though. Not sure if now is the best time to do this.

>> No.24462283

Bro just swing trade that shit with leverage. You could make like 1k every couple days without any effort.

>> No.24462655
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I was the same way. Was pretty much alone, friends had all moved away to college or out of state for work, only had a couple still around and we'd be lucky if we saw each other once a week. I lived in a town of 600 people on a 100 acre property away 30 minutes away from civilization in every direction. I thought I was used to lonely. So I thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

But over the first several months of being entirely on my own, with no family or friends, or even people I'm used to seeing around me, I began to really begin to know loneliness. I no longer had my annoying little brothers constantly making noise, or my parents to worry about/deal with. The people I knew locally were no longer a part of my life. I no longer had any expectations from anybody. I quite literally had nothing. I moved into my new apartment the day before I was to start work, and had nothing but a desk, a laptop, a couch my Mom wanted to get rid of and my queen size bed with a full size bed frame. I became depressed over the course of the first few months before I finally understood that this life is mine and in order to feel anything positive I have to do something with it. Started doing things I've always liked or wanted to do, met my gf, began actually investing in crypto. Loneliness is different when you're really alone. It drove me mad. I missed affection, something that I rejected for so long, for no other reason than angst and self pity.

>> No.24462815

my personal advice would be to go.

judging the tone of your post, the personal growth and development you will get from it will far outweigh any potential gains you might get.

you could cash out 5k and go and then cash out more as and when you need to.

if you do it though, don't half ass it. put effort in, recognise the freedom and try to block out any fear.

good luck, onion.

>> No.24462912

I don't think I will ever margin trade, at least in large amounts. Seen too many people lose it all, and I'm not really educated on trading strategies.
Where did you move? What did you do for work?
I'm just trying to think of where to actually move to. A place that is affordable, but has opportunities and activities.

>> No.24462974

Poorfag degenerate detected. I willingly help at a tech startup even though I already made it. It gives structure to my life, fulfillment and something to talk about with others.

>> No.24463121

Look man, Yes people DO lose it all doing margin trades. Do you know why? Becuase they're stupid and don't put up a stop loss.

You don't ever margin trade, or even trade in general without having a stoploss. Thats your insurance policy. So lets say you read the charts, you make your prediction, and (your original principal is 1k) If you're trading a 5m or 15m or 30m chart, just set your stop loss 1% lower than the original buy price. Depending on which leverage your using, your margin call is WAY below that. So, in reality, if you expect the stock or coin to go up by say, 1%. and you have 5x leverage. BECAUSE you have 5x leverage, and expect it to go up 1% you have a 5-1 risk vs reward ratio. You're risking 10 dollars, as thats as low as your margin goes, but you STAND to make 50 dollars.

Its all about risk management. in this scenario. even if you lose 4/5 times, that one time you did win, you made 10 dollars. you're in the positive. You only need to win 20% of the time to make cash.

Remember tho. you will NOT win 100% of the time. and this isnt including fees. (fees usually like .5%) and fuck FOMO. Stick to your guns and if you lose take your loss. don't buy back in. be okay with losing.

>> No.24463137

Getting my own place and living alone was the best thing to happen to me anon. Granted I got a more desirable degree and a decent job out of school, but the personal development you'll attain living on your own really is the kicker.

>> No.24463187

what did you major in, non-STEM fren?
did my MA & undergrad in music, but have been living away from home since I turned 21. Got like $50K worth of debt, but pulling in $50/hr atm. Not great, but could be worse.
Hope you make it desu

>> No.24463232

This isn't taking into account scamwicks and shady sites that don't let your stop loss go through.

>> No.24463255

ya i agree with this i probably about to do it this winter
where do you live? where hurricanes hit might still need work can meet people and companies there

>> No.24463277

become gay, make porn with me, sell simps until we're rich

>> No.24463366

>needing a fucking job to give your life structure and fulfillment because you lack the discipline to make your own schedule

>> No.24463376

>Stoploss: -1%
>Target: +1%
that's a 1:1 r:r, it doesnt matter what your leverage is, and with fees at 0.5% you're risk:reward is actually 1:0.67

your advice is garbage and you're a garbage trader

>> No.24463600

>it's fucking killing me inside.
why? sounds comfy. no stupid thots annoying the hell out of you, no stupid drinking buddies who you only waste money with, only you and your philosophical thoughts ready to be extracted by going very deep inside your own mind and find true power of what ever started the world we live in the power of ancient nature....

>> No.24463862

This is such shit advice, and wouldn't work for anyone but a veteran scalper. No normal or amateur trader would get one single winning trade with a -1% stop

>> No.24463863

have a similar degree but no debt, worked as a composer/producer now freelance. are you a musician or what's your deal? dont mind chatting

>> No.24464173

where did you work before freelancing? I teach atm, and started marketing myself as an advanced music instructor for entrance exam prep, but I want to compose as a full-time gig. Been loving doing commissions on the side. I was thinking of applying to work for Ubisoft desu

>> No.24464223

>humanities degree
What exactly?

>> No.24464298

if you know the composing world, it was a pretty reputable place in santa monica between 10th and 18th st, you know the one. a bit of a sweat shop but i got good at a few things and got lucky with a few things i pitched for on my free time. also ghost wrote and did some writing for advertising - it's still gig to gig but your reputation starts to get you some work after a while. ubisoft really depends on which team/office you're working with. if you're a good sound designer that's helpful in the gaming world big time.

>> No.24464337

im in my mid 20s and im in crippling debt

>> No.24464460


>> No.24464607

Yeah, sound design is where I struggle atm. I put all of my stats into scoring, and I realize this is only good if you're writing for live ensembles. You have any recommendation on how to get good?

>> No.24465232

nothing life changing, i'm not a great sound designer when it comes to designing synth patches or whatever, but it's also about building things (in the gaming world, like de-pitch a pig squeal with a synth in a similar envelope etc). are you a good musician at baseline?

>> No.24465763

Have you ever tried freelancing for video game companies? It's mostly film scoring now anyways

>> No.24465774

I am not moving out until I at least reach 1 million dollars. At $180k so far in crypto.

>> No.24465932
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Got degrees in Philosophy and Poli Sci after I was too lazy to put in the work to do well in some upper level programming classes. Maybe I could become Sirgay if I fall for the learn2code meme but for real this time.
Don't live in an area with hurricanes.

>> No.24465961

i wish canuckistanis had the same social mobility.. already in a decent part of canada anywhere else in this country would be a step down.. had a blast living outside of here for a few years though.

>> No.24465998

The brain of a wagie.
Needs a job, not for the money but because it fulfills their meaningless life?

>> No.24466058

mentoring, giving advice and helping out are good things. if you don't have a family/kid that's a good outlet for those needs.

>> No.24466221

"move to a new city to have a fresh start" is bullshit. Go on a vacation then get your shit together.