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24458076 No.24458076 [Reply] [Original]

My net worth crossed the million dollar mark.

I told my dad two weeks ago, I was planning on quitting my $25 night shift wage cuck job when I hit a million; but the reality is I can't..
One million isn't shit if you start spending it...

Realistically I need to work for 5 more years to buy and pay off a home.

40,000 a year is just survival level in the USA.

Retirement will always be a dream...

>> No.24458095

Find a job you actually like doing

>> No.24458101

grats and yeah anon, $1m isn't enough to retire but atleast it will give you some peace of mind.

>> No.24458110

How the fuck did you become a millionaire today?
I only got to 1 million when link reacher 20$, now I'm a 684k-naire.
Did you luck in on some defi shitcoin?

>> No.24458155

I have hated every job I have had.
I worked at a homeless shelter, worked for government welfare office (best job I have had) doing IT, now I'm an amazon yard jockey.

I like my job, but my coworkers are making it much much worse.

So much worse I'm thinking of transferring locations.

>> No.24458159

Move out of your shitty liberal city and you could live just fine.

>> No.24458184

just dump 500k into SNDL while its low if you have the balls.

>> No.24458186

>My net worth crossed the million dollar mark.
You have to pay around 400k in taxes amerimutt

>> No.24458198

I'm in a shitty republican city.

I would move back to the liberal city I am from in a second if I could.

>> No.24458204
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Markets are still open

>> No.24458210


>> No.24458215

the goalpost for making it keeps shifting the more money you accumulate. It wouldn't even be worth it for me to quit my job at 1m in crypto because I'm gonna lose a significant amount to taxes if I cash out and I need a real income for monthly expenses. I make about 80k most of which I put away into shitcoins so even at 1m networth, putting away 2-3k a month into a shitcoin with 10-20x potential is worthwhile and therefore it's not worth it to quit my job. I hate being a wagecuck though and I was thinking of cashing out ~200k at some point to buy a couple of years to work on my own projects and ventures but I would imagine that it would be even more stressful. My first goal is to pay off my parents mortgage anyways so I don't see myself making it unless I get something of my own off the ground

>> No.24458220

Get rekt mutt, with 1 million I could easily retire here in Europe. Already have my house, everything payed, no debt, no mortgage, no nothing.

>> No.24458267

5 Million is the realistic fuck you retirement forever goal.
Think about how long that took you to achieve your latest 5x?
I achieved my latest 5x in 3 years.

>> No.24458428

With 40k/yr, with no other responsibilities, I would be living like a fucking king

>> No.24458516

Big yikes

>> No.24458530

hope this isn't a LARP
congratulations OP
why don't you retire in a 3rd world country?
you'd have fuck you money

>> No.24458629

You would still be a poor loser of you did that though, so nobody gives a shit what you think faggot

>> No.24458633

you don't have 1M until you cash out...but like you said, it's not enough. stay the course anon, you're close

>> No.24458675

You can most definitely retire with half a million if you’re not an idiot. Stop listening to these consume brained plebes that think you need to spend 70k/yr to have a happy retirement.
Get yourself $200k in equity in rentals (leveraged for another 400k-500k)
Reduce expenses,200k equity and 300k in index funds and you can retire at 30 no problem. Claim Medicare or have a 20k deductible for health insurance and learn self sufficiency and get off the hedonist treadmill. All those fags driving 50k trucks are miserable wage slaves. I work with ppl currently who make 200k per year and they’re excited to get to go home an hour early... bitch I’m excited to get overtime to add to my net worth. I’m 27 but less than 5 years away from retirement. They will work until 65.

>> No.24458770

1M is stretching it but 5m is total overkill. For most anons 1.5-2M is about where you can start thinking about retiring to a middle class lifestyle in a MCOL town.

>> No.24458809


Sell stock options you mongrel.

>> No.24458860

I would like to see this whore's shit colored fuckholes.

>> No.24458941

can you redpill me on this? covered calls?

>> No.24458972

you can retire on 1 million. move to SEA. you just need enough willpower to avoid fucking hookers every night

>> No.24458977

If you only have to support yourself, sure. If you want a family, good fucking luck. $2.5MM is the bare minimum there, $5MM is comfy, and $10MM is ultra comfy definitely will never have to worry.

>> No.24459015

This. OP, first off congrats. Secondly, is this million dollar figure have taxes factored in? You do know that as a burger, you already owe the taxes on those gains even though you haven't "cashed out", right?

>> No.24459041

Buy a small collection of ETFs @ 7% p.a.. Fairly low risk and will return 70K p.a.

>/biz/ degen crypto gambler
>willpower to not be a degen

>> No.24459071

unironically go back

>> No.24459099

I wish I had more money the moment I found out about crypto. Every time things were low, I had no job ergo no money to put towards crypto, but now that I'm earning a decent amount (72k), I can put something towards crypto. I'm not looking for moonshots, but just honest relatively steady growth higher than your S&P. As someone without debt, and currently no rent, how much should I allocate towards crpyto vs traditional IRA and 401k?

>> No.24459107

She looks like a who from whoville.
Also throw half of your money into a few blue chip divvy stocks. You'll get enough in monthly/quartery dividends to be able to pay off your mortgage without working. You'd get $25K/year with a stock returning 5% in divvies on $500k invested. You could even likely retire if you wanted, but I'd personally keep working just to get more money to play with and to avoid paying insurance out of pocket.

>> No.24459309

Put it in Celsius (Israeli money laundering), 100k a year
Bonus: start your own llc in the cayman, give yourself as a salary, fuck the taxman

>> No.24459370

It is enough... I guess u don’t realize how much a million really is. Just cash out. Then you’ll realize..... once the low interest loans start rolling in

>> No.24459911

put it into Chainlink and retire by June

>> No.24459942

this is based plan as well

>> No.24459996

Or API3 and become a trillionaire by June.

>> No.24460037

My idea of making it isn’t quitting my job and never working again, but rather live a debt free life in which my only bills are utilities and taxes (unfortunately)

>> No.24460052

put it in BTC

>> No.24460119

I'd quit somewhere between 2 and 3 mil. Fuck it'd be hard going to work with two commas though.

>> No.24460223

No such thing. The second you do something you like as work, you stop liking it because it's become just that... work.

>> No.24460277

Dude go to live to Argentina or someplace where everything is cheap if you have dollars.

>> No.24460601

cuck vibes. this thread is now a no for me dog

>> No.24460676

Argentina is a pure shithole topkek. Have fun getting stabbed in buenos aires

>> No.24461274

Wow..that's enough internet for the day.

>> No.24461372

LebAnon here
I second this

>> No.24461520

My goal is 50 million net worth. But I would probably settle for 6-10.

>> No.24461539

Just go back to uni, college or learn a trade. Realistically you could probably just put money in a solid stock that offers 5% dividend and you'd make 50k/yr

>> No.24461565

I fly racing drones for a living. Its a blast.

>> No.24461582

Probably worth it to max out your IRA and at least contribute whatever amount your employer matches to your 401k

>> No.24461590

Anyone who can't take some times off with a million in the bank has a cuck boy rat race mindset. You'll never escape Schlomo's maze.

>> No.24461599


>> No.24461609


>> No.24461610
File: 31 KB, 472x461, 1565894476845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a landlord to a couple of properties
>invest in good dividends (5% on 500k is 25k a year passively)
>open laundromat
>vending machine company
>ATM service company
>open a fucking liquor store
>open a fucking business of some kind
>reinvest your fucking million dollars

>> No.24461766


Words of wisdom. What the hell do these consoomers spend their money on? 40k a year for doing nothing is easy street. If you can't live a based life on that you should go ahead and kys, because you're handcuffed to the hedonic treadmill and wouldn't be free no matter how many millions you had.

>> No.24461856

Get an office job and just speak your mind at meetings. People respect you if you act based, and it's really easy to if you have a million bucks to your name.

>> No.24461940

Buy 1 million dollars worth of tendies and invite the whole neighbourhood round
Then, when everyone is inside
Detonate all the explosives you've previously set up while laughing
You'll go down in history, and within a certain radius people will get a beautiful rain of tendies
And some longpig I guess, but the tendies will be appreciated

>> No.24462015

tfw he's so respected for his direct business insights that he's a 7 figure CEO within 2 years

>> No.24462094

>has access to $1.000.000
>still actively CHOOSES to participate in wage cuckoldry from the bottom end
literally and comprehensively and irrefutably ngmi

>> No.24462119

if you didn't sell you didn't make shit

>> No.24462186

he's a communist what do you expect

>> No.24462278

all the rednecks got so triggered over this lmao
go fuck your sisters and get over it pussies, if red states left the union the US would unironically be way better off

>> No.24463088

You realize that the liberal cities would unironically starve to death.

>> No.24463312

who is this pajeet coom extractor?

>> No.24463441

i'd work some easy 12 hour a week part time job just so i can pay rent or property fees without eating into my savings to much

>> No.24463707

Steffany Paola Morena looks like she has a few nudes no vids though

>> No.24463913

move to slovenia it will be enough.
also here is a trick: buy btc for $20k. in 5 years you can start cashing out $9k a month and it will just keep growing.
it has an average return annually of 360% but even if you only use 150% compound you will see where it's going.

it' snot a million to make it it's only $20k.

>> No.24463945


You do miss the needles and street shitters sometimes huh? Which RINO leads your state?

>> No.24463991

Don't worry anon, all these Conservative dummies can stay in their mud hovels. Everyone knows that the best cities in the world are centers of liberal democracy.

>> No.24464122

Agree with you anon. That's what I am doing now after selling most of my link 2 weeks ago which nets me 500k. You can make a killing (>20% returns per year) relatively low risk by selling put options which is what I am doing now.

>> No.24464167

>not using the interest to better your current situation

>> No.24464295

Dude you sound like a cuck
You cant find a way to make some extra money outside wageslaving
Go to thrift stores and flip shit on ebay

>> No.24464343 [DELETED] 

>>>24462278 (You)
>You realize that the liberal cities would unironically starve to death.
no they wouldn't faggot, and our gdp would be much higher in 10 years thanks to getting rid of cancerous hick states that only absorb resources and never give them back

>> No.24464367

no they wouldn't faggot, and our gdp would be much higher in 10 years thanks to getting rid of cancerous hick states that only absorb resources and never give them back

>> No.24464507

Only if you are a wagie faggot

>> No.24464582

Holly shit! I’ve never seen so many New fags in one thread. 61 posters 71 post and no not one single person has asked the most important question for fucks sake. Do I always got a do the heavy lifting around here?
>What’s his name?

>> No.24464621

>put in btc $100 each week
>y1 $11.700 (added: $5200)
>y2 $35.750 (added: $5200)
>y3 $95.875 (added: $5200)
>y4 $246.187 (added: $5200)
>---stop investing start taking profit monthly---
>y5 $447.468 (withdrawn $96.000)
>y6 $950.671 (withdrawn $96.000)
you get the picture...

>> No.24464640
