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24451670 No.24451670 [Reply] [Original]

I knew vaguely this kinda thing existed on twitch. I always though it was basically the modern version of Cam whores.
I found a vid on Youtube and looked into it and was surprised.
I understood lonely incels giving money to cam whores to get naked but i dont understand this at all.
Who are these fags commenting on their streams. who is wathcing them. how are they making so much money off of them without even getting naked and degrading themselves on request. how are they making MORE MONEY THAN THE CAM WHORES(supposedly)?

>> No.24451681

where did this shit come from. I cant understand the motivation or idea behind watching them for hours or giving them money. someone please explain why this is so prolific and growing. why is it so lucrative. it goes beyond all sense for me. its the polar opposite of what you should do to get women too?

>> No.24452088

men are lost in the new world of dating with all the tripwires, getting lonelier, and this is how some of them get the attention they want. it is rather sad on all sides.

>> No.24452232


it hurts women just as much, because no man of any value(the men they want) will go for a twitch whore or any chick that previously or currently does the steaming shit.

>> No.24452451

They watch the "cute" "nerdy" thots playing games and delude themselves into thinking they will get a chance to make her their girlfriend if they give the thot enough money. Air kisses and some nice words for the money they send are also the only attention they ever got from a cute thot.

>> No.24452580

was bored and unironically seen a simp in unrelated stream praise pokimane saying she's special and above critique and he has 300 dollar reserved to donate her but hes a facelecc blady basterd cuck to her she dosn't even give a fuck about him and never will she typical women and he typical men twitch fcking sucks

>> No.24452585

pathetic faggots who watch those whores are so fuckin pathetic they don't deserve to live. Disfunctional pieces of shit.

>> No.24452667
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Maybe its the inevitable direction society has to go in?
So 50 years ago or more, marriage was almost certain for all men, even if the women they were arranged with didn't like it.
there were also wars to routinely kill off low quality men.

Now we dont have marriage tradition and stigma against it anymore, and women are free to marry who they want. Not only that but the government provide money to fatherless children, and men are not dying in wars anymore.
So the natural order is fucked. There are surplus of men who naturally wouldn't get a women without forced arranged marriage of days gone past, and we also have more of them due to less war-bloodshed.

Where does this lead? I suppose it leads to all those "extra" men with low mating potential to have nothing. this is where the e-thots and streamer business come. Women can round up all the extra low quality men and give them minimum satisfaction in the form of false hope. the women make money, and the incels are placated by that + porn which stops them turning into extremists and killing people or rape.

Its like nature just reaching equilibrium again.

>> No.24452725

Japan (East asian in general) has a small industry where girls get paid to be a girlfriend. Onlyfans and Streaming Girls are stimulating that idea in the West and making profit. Imagine paying extra at a restaurant to have the waitress flirt with you or going to your job and losing 30% of your paycheque so your coworkers compliment your appearance everyday.

Men have become so emotionally weak and subverted through media to become more "in-touch" with their feelings. This is to be able to sell more products to the young male demographic in an attempt to increase Markets.

>> No.24452857


In the west it seems that the christian or puritan route wont let society just accept straight up prostitution as a way for the surplus of low mating potential men to get over it. Plus, as you said, men crave the girlfriend factor or connection now more than sex itself. i suppose, porn is the reason.

thats why this streamer shit is so lucrative for e-thotts in the west. dont get me wrong, i know how much korean/japanese/chinese men are simps on an individual level but whore hoses are normal over there.

What im seeing is basically a natural equilibrium being reached with a safety net society which has abundance of low dating potential men and no forced means for mating for them anymore.

>> No.24452883

for millennia 20% of men reproduced whereas women at 80%. This marriage thing is an advent of the agrarian society where you needed the men to participate in the production of food so in order to have them content, here comes monogamy. This 'new' society is just like you said, nature is coming full circle as there is no external influence to force this monogamy, rather there is a push to reduce this and go full harem mode where the top males reproduce and the lower will die off. This will lead to further unrest I'm sure but we'll see in the coming decades

>> No.24453000


Look at middle eastern shitholes for an example of forced marriage but not just with one woman, and where the women doesn't have choice still.
you get the top guys with 20 wives and shit loads of low quality men with nothing, all fighting, blowing each other up and raping.

Looks like the west has avoided this somehow i think by abandoning the forced marriage or stigma again'st women being free, so actually, its of some benefit there. But how they prevent the low quality men from being violent or rape still? i think it's mass porn, and increasingly, this e-thott streaming business model. as long as they have hope and porn, they are placated

>> No.24453042

It's their only interaction with what they perceive to be a desirable woman.
Yes the interaction is not in real life but they read their comments which is more than they've achieved with any real woman and thus they feel as if they're somehow contributing to whatever the woman is currently doing.

>> No.24453448
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I don’t know if I can say most with confidence, but a lot of humans, when given the choice, will choose the path of least resistance when chasing happiness. Instead of struggling and putting in work for weeks, months, or even years at a time, they rather chose the path which is instant and only brings fleeting happiness. Look at the onset of fentanyl and harsher opiates. It’s much easier to stick that needle in your jugular and deal with a couple seconds of discomfort and a couple hours of happiness then it is to kick the habit and deal with months of discomfort for years of happiness.

Relationships and love is no different. In an age where communication across thousands of miles is near instant, it’s much easier to simply sit at your computer and throw money at a women to fulfill that void, if even for a couple hours. They must know, even if only on a subconscious level, that it isn’t fulfilling the true need they seek in life. But they don’t care. It satiates it long enough to help them perpetually cope with their situation. Some men or women may satisfy this urge simply by receiving likes or comments a new photo they upload to their social media account. Perhaps they need to go further and “push the boundaries” to receive more attention. Much like an opiate addict, some have to keep going further like throwing money at the to receive this attention.

Look at obesity rates. Look at weird drugs some men inject themselves with to get fake muscles. Liposuction. The prevalence of pornography. The amount of people prescribed antidepressants/SSRI. All examples of instant gratification. A coping mechanism to avoid delay. To go against nature thinking you can avoid struggle at all cost. Shame.

>> No.24453520

>male streamer
>woman streamer

every time

>> No.24453667


nice strawman

and show me where the billion dollar male streaming industry is supported only by millions of lonely incel tier women?

complete red herring

>> No.24454581

this makes sense, but I think as society as a whole the elite are trying to make an ultimate class of consumer whose only goal in life is material wealth and pleasure and if they fulfill those things with goods in exchange for their labor the working class remains content. That is until the elite can finally do away with useless eaters with robots and they can basically acheive what they want without having to attend to the needs of the masses as they will be obsolete and will be forced to either live inawoods or succumb to the elites and don't reproduce or can't reproduce. Similar to children of men.

>> No.24454857

This. I think I've finally understood the reason behind simps

>> No.24455206

>the natural order is fucked.
I don't disagree with the broad strokes of the rest of your assessment, but monogamy, marriage, and guaranteed pair bonding for all men are all relatively modern inventions on the time scale of humanity. If anything the modern condition of a woman's-choice model of alpha chads attracting harems full of desirable mates and the rest of the males left with nothing is actually a return to our roots as hypersexed, hyperpromiscuous apes.

Incels bemoan 'dysgenic' pair bonding structures of the modern era and yearn for a return to traditional relationship dynamics, but in reality there's nothing more dysgenic than guaranteeing that every male gets to pair bond and reproduce. The history of civilization is one of beta males getting the upper hand and imposing novel relationship structures like marriage and arranged pairings that benefit them and their shitty genes. And the modern era of women's reproductive freedom is breaking that spell and putting chuds and incels back where they used to always be, at the fringes of the communal cave furiously jerking off while they watch their love interests get railed by the alpha caveman. Just replace the cave with a webcam now.

>> No.24455589
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>> No.24455630

good thread

reading what you wrote made me think that all tendencies today point to a reducing the global population as the solution to many problems. a huge war would be a convenient way to get rid of many people but today's wars won't be fought like that. I wonder how they will try to do it instead

>> No.24455694
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> as hypersexed, hyperpromiscuous apes

Speak for yourself, Darwin

>> No.24455786


No deny that that order helped build stable civilization to where it is today. thats my worry for humanity. will we devolve if we go back to our innate sexual balance?

at best, most lower tier men can hope for fathering jamals kids after he runs away now, or just being a provider with money, but not even necessarily going to get sex for that.

hyperbolic, but these e-thots have an army of providers without having to do anything for them. they dont need a provider mate as a person anymore. they would rather remain single and chase alpha cock till they die old and alone

>> No.24456440

the future economy will be built on simps.
You'll buy things with your waifu's simpcoin and your family members will be called your bloodsimps.

>> No.24456566

imagine thinking monogamy was imposed by beta males rather than thought leaders realizing that was how you built a stable society lmao

>> No.24456799

There’s some uncomfortable truth to this but monogamy has been enforced by governments as males in societies tend to get violent without it. I don’t think it was “beta males” creating the system.

>> No.24457168

>Just replace the cave with a webcam now
Absolutely based take on the dating scene right now

>> No.24457355

But that is rather my point, 'stable society' is essentially code language for 'a system of social arrangements whereby all men get to breed.' From an evo perspective, those top 20% of males and top 80% of females had no incentive to initiate the experiment of modern, stable agrarian societies. They were passing their genes along to the next generation just fine without it all. We think of hunter gatherer societies as 'crude' and 'unevolved' but they were a perfectly well evolved social structure from the perspective of those who were able to consistently reproduce within it. Which was pretty much everyone, except for those redundant low-value males. If the system changed from what was working, then it would have needed to be initiated by males who were resentful of not getting laid, as they were the only ones who would benefitted from doing so.

>> No.24457621


I think he's talking more scientifically and technology base, rather than socially.
Yes, socially back then things "worked" for the 20/80% you described but it was certainly not as conductive for building civilization as we know it.
Socially, a success for those at the top, but in terms of technology? I just dont think we'd have developed much if it had stayed the same.