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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 6 KB, 214x236, 1519782574210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24444066 No.24444066 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit dat 20k rejection was brutal
what happens next frens?

>> No.24444138

you call this brutal?


>> No.24444151

we go right back to 19.9

>> No.24444189

ahh...this is how sell walls get taken down. eventually their exhausted.
all those dumps are being bought....the ppl that bought at 18.9 are now not selling until 30

>> No.24444198

1k dump is brutal, 2-3k is insane, more then 4k is suicidetier

>> No.24444208
File: 156 KB, 375x502, 1593081909878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24444212

Healthy retrace to 3k

>> No.24444323

It's over, sell everything

>> No.24444329

>what happens next frens?
I buy more, right on schedule like I've been doing since 2017. Literally anything under $50k is cheap in the long term. We ARE going to at least $250k this bull cycle and we WILL eventually hit $1M/BTC. It's simple math. Not to mention the government is fucking the dollar harder and harder every year now, it's only a matter of time before it gives up the ghost and we get hyperinflation.

>> No.24444363


>> No.24444412


>> No.24444531

just some bots triggering bots, nothing to worry about, we are poking ATH again and again

>> No.24444550

everyone who bought up to 16k is selling now

>> No.24444556

BTC to 2k

>> No.24444572

who creates this kind of image? and who saves it? and who posts it?

>> No.24444606

I just saved it. If it upsets people that it exists, it's necessary for me to post it as much as possible.

P.S. Sneed

>> No.24444624
File: 215 KB, 500x954, joe-biden-collectible-71732234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the deal. The number will go there is no stop but it has to do this once at least to figure out then we leave and come back for the going.

>> No.24444684
File: 755 KB, 1100x1012, 1606738310987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's officially over.

All the institutional money that got in during the past few months decided to instasell if 20k was rejected. It will be rough guys...

>> No.24444781
File: 10 KB, 195x195, 20314839002_front_a01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obre, sell now and invest in beans

>> No.24444823

institutional money never bought though?
like grayscale is just buying to resell to boomers
square and paypal resell to normies

>> No.24444839

unironically the best thing to invest in if society was about to collapse
canned beans could become a currency

>> No.24444864

Next we go to 30k

>> No.24444894

1k is only 5%, you gotta grow my friend

>> No.24444924

you just outed yourself as the poorest of poorfags.

>> No.24444936


>> No.24444965

It's 2k now and dropping

>> No.24444971

Will normalize as soon this funding period is over. Rates already decreasing, 7 more hours high volatility, then back to 19.9k

>> No.24445155

Could either go up or down from here

>> No.24445166


>> No.24445241
File: 1.52 MB, 1084x970, 321789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only newfags are selling at this price

>> No.24445283

>what are percentages
So by that logic a 6% pump at current BTC prices is a huge move. Brainlet.

>> No.24445286
File: 29 KB, 252x200, 6CAC64BF-C2D9-4E02-AA97-8646A0BC6DA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it all along

>> No.24445364



>> No.24445460

yes it is for btc

>> No.24445515

delusion. you will neck yourself when crypto implodes

>> No.24445544

Zoom out and learn to read a chart before doubling down on your retarded theories.

>> No.24445547

in your dreams maybe

>> No.24445598

may the Lord hear your words

>> No.24445707
File: 24 KB, 878x444, Screenshot_2020-12-01 Bitcoin Exchange Cryptocurrency Exchange Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about it?

>> No.24445746

You see those huge wicks on your chart? Those are indicating moves way and way bigger than 6%. A 1k/6% dump for BTC is nothing.

>> No.24445806

I kinda like it, desu.

>> No.24445841

A 6% increase is ALWAYS 6% no matter what the price of the asset is.

>buy $100 BTC at $18,400
>pumps 6% to $19,500
>I know have $106
>buy $100 ETH at $600
>pumps 6% to $637
>I know have $106

Absolute retard.

>> No.24445866

*now not know lel

>> No.24445873

so we have a lot more to dump huh

>> No.24445890

healthy 30% correction to $0.03

>> No.24445900

are you retarded?
i know what a % means you faggot, i'm saying that a 6% move for btc is massive, it's not a micro-cap shitcoin stfu nigger faggot

>> No.24445950

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.24445952

>i'm saying that a 6% move for btc is massive
But it's not, that happens all the time. BTC orderbooks are extremely thin relative to all the whales out there, it only takes one tuna to send BTC up or down 10+% at any time.

>> No.24445955

the bear market will start soon. Bear market until bitcoin is finally dead at zero. My holder oldfag friend is even gonna sell now. Once these OG´s start selling, it´s over.

>> No.24445979

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.24446016

not gonna happen faggot. It´s never going to 50k ever. Screencap this. Me and many others bought btc when it was less than $100. We got all day to dump, and we don´t need to have it go to 50k.
>t. oldfag insider.

>> No.24446022
File: 1.35 MB, 780x1118, simpsons_pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all 6 percent movements are created equal. A 6 percent move in today's price requires a lot more money than at the price a year ago. That's why this is massive. Because BTC has also been slowing down, so to speak.

>> No.24446046
File: 164 KB, 2013x676, 1593216681458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing boomer
if you bought BTC at 100 you wouldn't be here dumb nigger

>> No.24446049

>Hurr durr 6% is massive because BTC is trading at 5 digits
>but anon, percentages are ALWAYS the same
>hurr durr no I lose/make more money on my position when BTC moves 1000$ dollars, it's a 4 digit increase bro!
>muh market cap bro!
You are braindead.

>> No.24446078

nope, too many bearish factor. The only bullish factor is FOMO, which is runnig out. The ebarish factors are much stronger. You will see a lot of bearish news soon, trust me. It´s gonna be bearish news after bearish news. There are no more bullish news left for bitcoin. Paypal adopted, yet it struggle breaking 20k. What bullish news are gonna take the price to 50k?? Nothing

>> No.24446095

> I'm a retard and so is my friend

>> No.24446102

I want to remind you that BTC was below 5k in march of this year. Don't get fucked too hard, newbies. Some of you are ok.

>> No.24446150

show us your holdings nigger

>> No.24446158

Let me present it this way, BTC is up 200% since Jan 1st and you are sperging out over a 6% correction from ATH, claiming it is "massive".
Get it now?

>> No.24446165

I´m personally advising some of the biggest bitcoins whales around. I´m not supposed to say this, but no one will believe me anyway. They are not looking to buy, they are looking to slowly cash out. Why would they buy at this high price when they already sit on tons of btc they bought below $1k?

>> No.24446194
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>> No.24446223
File: 33 KB, 720x766, 1602814357506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're not, filthy liar

>> No.24446232

it's not just the price retard, yfi has a higher price but it's has a smaller cap so it's normal for it to be more volatile, you either have some cognitive deficit or you are underage in both cases stfu and gtfo

>> No.24446256


>> No.24446267
File: 38 KB, 600x586, 2e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woop woop

>> No.24446329

>muh market cap bro I'M TELLING YOU MARKET CAP billions trillions $$
YFI has a supply of 29.999 compared to 18.5 million BTC, much lower volume and is illiquid as fuck. Market cap means shit you massive retard.

>> No.24446341

When they said
>store of value

Nowhere did they mean stable store of value

>> No.24446377

What's the big deal? It was at 16k just a few days ago lol. Its barely below 19k. Oh noooo

>> No.24446386

newfag, ngmi

>> No.24446646

>it's not about the price
>it's about market cap
>proceeds to measure the magnitude of the dump in dollars
I guess you should have kys in March, 63% dump, I'm sorry I meant $7,000 dump!

>> No.24446671

Crypto market caps are comparable with other crypto market caps.

>> No.24446708

Crypto market caps are a useless indicator. Price is dictated by exchanges, therefore market cap is dictated by what is being traded.

>> No.24446719

> supply of 29.999 compared to 18.5 million BTC, much lower volume
jesus fucking christ do you even know what mcap means dick head?
it's literally supply x price you mong

>> No.24446739

Exactly. Completely useless.

>> No.24446753

i shorted

>> No.24446767

Price is dictated by traders, traders can only trade the supply of coins that actually exist. Crypto market caps are comparable with other crypto market caps.

>> No.24446821

Congrats. Post short orders.
To clarify the only thing that matters is trading volume(real volume, not wash trading) and available liquidity.
So you really believe there are 18,559,356 BTC in circulation right now? Why don't you go and check exactly how many BTC are being traded on all major exchanges?

>> No.24446879

The amount of BTC in circulation is proportional to 18,559,356. Just like the amount of YFI in circulation is proportional to 30000.

>> No.24446913

What the fuck does that even mean? What is the ratio then? How many BTC are actually in circulation right now?

>> No.24446921

no, it's important because it tells you how much money you would need to put in a coin to increase it's price
to put it in a very simple way for retards like you, referencing your previous example
to pump 6% a coin with a 100k cap, a couple of thousands could be enough, with an almost 200 billion, millions are required
do you understand the difference in magnitude?

>> No.24446968
File: 64 KB, 375x502, 1606799754469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24446977

I told you crypto market caps are comparable to other crypto market caps. Do you understand what this means?

>> No.24447009

>it tells you how much money you would need to put in a coin to increase it's price
No, that would be the order book of an exchange, puts and calls,regardless of what Coinmarketcap tells you. Thanks for proving you have no clue what you're talking about.
And I told you market caps are useless. Do you understand?

>> No.24447023

I've tried being patient but there's nothing I can do if you're this much of a brainlet.

>> No.24447038

Somebody on /smg/ requested an image of a bear fucking a bull and this is what some random anon came up with. It didn't really catch on over there.

>> No.24447040

we'll be back at $19.5k+ in a few hours lel.

>> No.24447074

>You can compare a useless indicator to another one.
So? I'm still waiting for you to answer
>are there 18,559,356 BTC in circulation right now?

>> No.24447191

>No, that would be the order book of an exchange
and how do you think that the price in all exchanges is basically the same? think faggot

>> No.24447354

....Jesus fucking Christ you are so dense.
So according to Market Cap a 6% increase roughly equates to $20,415,291,600 increase of the cap.
Where the FUCK are these 1,300,000 BTC buy orders nigger? Where??

>> No.24447424

just buy the fucking dip you fucking idiots

>> No.24447484

how is 6% of less than 200 billion
>roughly equates to $20,415,291,600 increase of the cap
in your mind?
also, you haven't asnwered my question

>> No.24447626

>Why do crypto exchanges have "slightly" different prices? Because exchanges are not connected. Prices vary depending on the buy and sell activity on each one of these exchanges. Every exchange calculates the price of Bitcoin based on its own volume of trades, as well as supply and demand of its users
NOT because of market cap, it is an arbitrary metric that does not reflect reality.
>how is 6% of less than 200 billion
Are you having a stroke? BTC market cap is $355,894,669,645. 6% of that is $21,353,680,178.7. Just stop posting and sell everything, you do not understand the market you're into.

>> No.24447653

Oh let me quote myself and say it's at 19.3k

Fucking newfags freaking out over nothing

>> No.24447694

We go to 100k lol
BTC 10X gains from last year woooo whooo
Wait even something pathetic like that is almost impossible for us maxis hahahahaha

>> No.24447824

didnt expect a dip at 20k when it just fucking already dumped from this point a few week ago.... its a sign we have a immature holding market that assumes 20k is the absolute top it wont go beyond.... once those fuckers and sold and fucked off out of here it can go up and they will forever be crying they sold as they get left behind. but bitcoin doesnt need them, they are too short sighted and weak handed, too immature and impatient