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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 434 KB, 1082x695, feelsgoodman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24435909 No.24435909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Be musician
> 2 years ago
> Going absolutely nowhere
> Barely any listens
> The most press I had was a random Russian blog post linking to a demo on my soundcloud
> People didn't even like my music
> Fast forward
> 6 Months ago
> Lose my job due to covid
> Get neetbux
> Decide to start my own record label
> Invest in a website
> Register the business
> Start experimenting with a different genre of music
> Make first album
> It turns out to be really popular
> Two press releases and an interview
> Some random company in India licenses it for their meditation app
> Make my own CDs
> They sell out (although mostly from friends/family)
> Make another album
> Produce tapes for it
> Start actually advertising on Instagram
> Get radio play
> Get another press release
> Tapes are selling very well
> One tape sold every day or two
> The most I had ever sold before this was a single CD
> Most of my time now is spent going to the post office or working on music

Feelsgoodman.... Finally starting to see some payoff after years of work..

>> No.24435955

gives me hope man. I picked up the guitar 2 years ago. I'm just starting to get good. I don't really know where I' going with it, but i'll see how far I can take it.

>> No.24436009

momentum is everything, keep it going

>> No.24436164

comfy story anon hope you make it

>> No.24436278

post instagram fren; i rather buy ur CD then waste money on that E-THOT chinese thread

>> No.24436299

> Some random company in India licenses it for their meditation app
Lmao if your music is so boring that people want to meditate to it, you're as much of a "musician" as the guy who writes elevator music

>> No.24436301

you already larped this yesterday and you showed zero proof, I bet you have no fucking idea what is an A major chord

>> No.24436319

nice man
any tips?
I'm a 27 year old bedroom musician neet

>> No.24436366

Here it is, anon


thanks for listening.

>> No.24436388

Send your stuff out to as many places as you can, spend money on advertising if you can. Make professional looking press kits with everything people might need if they decide to run your stuff. Most importantly, be unique.

>> No.24436418
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>> No.24436421

dude you must love brian eno

>> No.24436472

I was actually mostly inspired by Hiroshi Yoshimura lol. You should check him out if you haven't already.

>> No.24436497
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>> No.24436571


>> No.24436599

A is gross!! A# is the hit

>> No.24436611

based, I love ambient.

>> No.24436755

Congrats, you googled my name lol
Make sure to check out my articles while you're at it.

Thank you anon

>> No.24437023

awesome man, when I sold my first song on bandcamp for $1 I felt so realized, because someone actually liked my music and sent me a message about how it spoke to them. You actually made me remember that i need to keep recording and maybe someday it will reach more people, godspeed man

>> No.24437088

Never stop, anon. Things will only go up for you, thanks for your supoprt.

>> No.24437161

Wholesome. You reminded me to stop being a bitch and upload my t-shirt design on Merch by Amazon already. Good luck, anon.

>> No.24437162

>company in India
Are you Indian by any chance?

>> No.24437164
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I was in a similar scenario as you, but I was running a music blog.

>Started a record label with cool bands from my area in 2013
> started small, got some blog/radio credit,
> Had over 35k in revenue in n 2015 + 2016 with some sweet placements
> Contracts for artists expire in 2020 (4 year contracts)
> Corona virus happens
> MFW only $3,000 in revenue in 2020

>> No.24437185
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It's actually good. What the fuck.

>> No.24437203

>2 years
>starting to get good

classical guitar chad here, you know nothing

>> No.24437263
File: 689 KB, 550x400, 384BFE24-48BB-489B-92D2-F6EE5F36D694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I've seen this thread. It's gayer you greenposted it organically like the self masturbation went into every keystroke. Gross

>> No.24437267

Thanks anon I’ll listen to it shortly and let you know what I think

>> No.24437345

You give us hope

>> No.24437380

any advice? ive been making beats on and off for awhile but its shit

>> No.24437388

classical is the best, do you know attic abasement? his first albums were great, some nice songs and is just an old nylon string guitar, he gave me the inspiration to write my own music

>> No.24437465

ok OP was not a faggot and actually delivered, i make music as a hobby for like 10 years and I don't capitalize on it.. I like to see that the avarage person can make it

>> No.24437500

no dude i know francisco tarrega and agustin barrios. real fucking chads. im not some indie tallest man on earth faggot

>> No.24437529

You have made it, I'm proud of you

>> No.24437579
File: 395 KB, 720x472, A5577ACD-2270-4C6D-AA4D-A089ACC9BBFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical Castrati vs Chadmenco

>> No.24437680
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>> No.24437783

That's fucking sick actually, good for you man. I like to make music as a hobby and the first time someone bought my shitty song was humbling to me. It made me feel so happy that someone thought it was good enough to buy.

After that over 100 people bought the track off bandcamp, for a hobby, that was good enough for me. It's very humbling. I don't care about making it big or becoming famous, I just like instilling my philosophy and outlook in life into my music. It's an outlet and cathartic to me, it also helps me get pussy when a girl finds out I make my own music kek

>> No.24437803

nice blog!

>> No.24437858

It’s very cool, Bateman...but that’s nothing. Look at this:


Also if you wanna impress me you’re gonna have to post yourself playing Villalobos Etude #1 at Pepe’s speed.

>> No.24437872

Not OP, but unironically stop listening to other peoples music and the creativity will flow back in like a tsunami. When you try to emulate other people's sound, it will always sound contrived and B grade.

>> No.24437990

i probably could pull it off given a few months. unfortunately my rasgueado is dog shit so i would probably have more trouble playing that piece you posted.

>> No.24437994

> Make first album
> It turns out to be really popular
how did you people find it?

what does a record label even do nowadays, except maybe add a cool name and little logo on an album cover jpg or log into cdbaby and click 'post to all platforms'?

>> No.24438061

for famous aritsts they get you on features and albums with more popular artists and book shows or do anything for you to get you to sell more music

>> No.24438108

- front money for production
- refer to studio partners for recording, mixing, mastering
- design album art or middle man
- general management assistance (most artists are clueless)
- manage digital distribution / mailing merch
- rub off from other artists we have / branding
- create press releases / contact press network
- bring them onto our licensing portfolio
- hire for press or radio campaigns

in general, that's what I do. keep in mind most artists I work with are just bartenders and baristas, so their know knowledge of the industry and how to actively promote/grow is minimal for the most part.

>> No.24438110

I have a buddy that is a really good musician is trying to figure out how to sell his music so he can make it a full time career. Any advice for him?

>> No.24438114

whenever you get the creative spike just write/record as much as you possibly can
you can fuck around it with later

>> No.24438178

Nice job OP. I didn't make a living from music, but did have several placements on major network TV shows. Just got one not too long ago as well. It's not easy so if you can make make it happen, props to you.

>> No.24438283

nice op, i made a few hundred bucks selling tapes but it is super expensive to ship internationally, people don't want to pay 20 bucks shipping for a 10 dollar tape.
it's hard to make a full time living from it though. just a cool hobby

>> No.24438343
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That’s cool. They’re both tough repertoire pieces. I’ve been working on that piece, another Sabicas Farruca, Etude 1, El Abejorro, and taking piano too. The true test of your steel will come when you craft your own guitar by hand. That’s kind of the /biz/ thing I want to do, along with making records.

>> No.24438523

>mostly from friends/family
So your parents are supporting you

>> No.24438541

You aint shit unless you can write

>> No.24438605

>craft your own guitar by hand
would love to someday but first i will have a custom one built to spec. let the luthiers be luthiers and the players be players. no way anything i could craft will be as much of a joy to play as someone who has spent their life focused on mastering that craft

>> No.24438611

yes, but that was for the CD, these tape sales have all been from fans.

>> No.24438751

Based OP, I’ve been producing on the side for almost 10 years and I’m waiting to finish my work contract next year and take the plunge.

>> No.24438759

good job man. feels good to see anons doing well on something that requires talent rather than dumb like investing for no effort. keep going lad

>> No.24438787


your music is.... vending machine music? air conditioner sound? wtf OP I feel cheater. your best 'selling' track is white noise? wtf lol

>> No.24438810

Yea, super comfy. God bless

>> No.24438819

Congrats kid

>> No.24438838

Nice music anon. Good job.

>> No.24438851

>million selling rappers know chords

>> No.24438876

https://youtu.be/4Z-wp13i8JA these are the niggas making tracks they cook them in 10 mins, doesnt mean other people can do it though. most music professioanls who learnt it in school cant ever make anything original

>> No.24438885

Do you have a story like OP then or do you just know stuff?

>> No.24438911

The beginning of the first track is ambiance for a minute or two, and then it gets to the music. >>24438838

Thank you all, sorry I haven't been able to reply to everyone, I've been playing video games lol.

You should do it, save up some money first though of course.

>> No.24438955

A rising tide of /biz/ musicians? I will be financing my career thru Linky gainz. Jay Z of crypto

>> No.24439003

are we posting bandcamps now? gizka.bandcamp.com

>> No.24439037

music for nine postcards and green are my jams

>> No.24439200


sick textures bro

>> No.24439321

Musician here. Played a lot of gigs with big names and did a local radio show for years.

Just do it for fun, social scene and creativity. Music is not a way to make money. If you do its like winning the lottery and you have to invest a lot too.

>> No.24439414

> Music is not a way to make money

That attitude is why you're not making money with it.

>> No.24439431

nothing better than doing it on your own terms

>> No.24439528

Get doxxed nigger. I’m sending donuts to your house. Unglazed

>> No.24440485
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>> No.24440602

Stop making this same thread you pathetic attention seeking faggot.

>> No.24440795


>> No.24440888

very nice anon
are the sounds digital or real?