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File: 101 KB, 566x564, 5378867867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24419551 No.24419551 [Reply] [Original]

Search for "meaning" is the cope for the lower class scum. You become that ''19yo thinker'' meme, because of lack of money and resources.
You literally don't give a shit when you were born into wealth. It's indisputable. You don't give a flying shit when you and your whoe family tree is well fed, well dressed, and in nice houses. There's no "searching" in the wealthy class.
It's a slaves cope.

>> No.24419603

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.24419612

how does it stay atop his head

>> No.24419614


>> No.24419628

massive brain inside

>> No.24419643

Based and truthpilled OP

>> No.24419681
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>> No.24419705

Agreed but money is also a cope, power is better than just money.. I would love to be in government.

>> No.24419772

You are right, just get yourself a nice seat, chill and watch the theatrics. But I can tell you that if you want to build wealth and power you got to give a shit, it just doesn't have to be "ethical".

>> No.24419901

Get in government and become rich. Our mayor magically bought 10 houses last year.

>> No.24419904

Before I annihilate your childish and half baked attempt of an argument, I’ll give you a chance to make the first move. What is “meaning” in its relevant context or your argument? It could “mean” different things to you than it does to me, and you should articulate what that exactly is otherwise we’re wasting each other’s time

>> No.24419915

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.24419953

Checks out against my own personal experience.

>> No.24420268
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You're not gonna annihilate shit, you just gonna project your personal experience of searching (coping) for meaning as a fucking slave.
Your couple milis is not wealth, it's not. It's good that you tried, but you're still a cattle slave.

>> No.24420339

You cant even articulate your own argument lmao. Checkmate and I didn’t even have to begin

>> No.24420412

>underage b& trying to rationalise being an edgy fedora tipper
True meaning, true morality, and true reality exist.

>> No.24420423

You have no counter-argument to begin with, faggot.

>> No.24420432

imagine thinking you’re smart for having this shit take, kys unironically

>> No.24420473

Cope, brainlet.

>> No.24420519
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That is just the illusory feeling of independence that wealth gives you. The 19 yo thinker is closer to reality and virtue because he's on the verge of realizing that independence and immortality are illusions entirely. A poor man may be less institutionalized as an inheritor, but he has a humility, wisdom and competence that would enable him to use, enjoy and distribute wealth much more effectively.

>> No.24420606

Coping what?
Everything you've done is threaten to destroy op argument and then claiming victory.

Keep coping btw.

>> No.24420612

powerful image. Shows exactly the disgusting nature of those filthy Edomite scum. I hope the day of their final holocaust comes soon, along with that of the niggers.
Only those who search for the truth and meaning will ever stumble upon God.

>> No.24420619

Slide thread

In all fields niggers.

>> No.24420633
File: 558 KB, 848x1293, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's well articulated in the OP, you nunce fucking faggot
And there's nothing to articulate in your retarded reply

>> No.24420868
File: 882 KB, 1500x2152, Ary_Scheffer_-_The_Temptation_of_Christ_(1854).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a beautiful etching. You might also like this painting.

Also I'm a nigger, but no worries brother.

>> No.24420891

Sorry, but you guys are not descended from Adam & Eve. All promises made by God were to the Adamic race.

>> No.24420966

This is what "new money" looks like. Reminder no amount of wealth will give these subhumans any meaning nor will they ever achieve anything worthwhile.

tldr; God wins in the end

>> No.24420991
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Ok, unironically
How is this not a schizophrenic lower class cope? How?
How is this kind of mental porn is not an occupation of the poor people?
When you're born into true wealth you are already Everything-pilled, you are well past that 19yo thinker phase, because your parents told you how this world works.

>> No.24420996

>>24420966 checked
God is with us.

>> No.24421012

money sets you free from poverty, there are many other things that man can be a slave to.

>> No.24421032
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>Born into wealth
>parents tell you how the world works

>> No.24421058

>Tfw you had the money to get bitcoins at $200

>> No.24421091
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>> No.24421106

refute instead of postic emotes

>> No.24421161

Are you content anon

>> No.24421241

Blasphemy. We are all God's children. You use Christ as a prop for your hatred. Repent.

>> No.24421254

>most philosophers and thinkers in history were born into wealth
>its cope for lower class scum

>> No.24421309
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Retard, when you have obscene amounts of resourses your morality switches from Slave morality to the Masters morality, where (You) decide what is moral and what is not and whether you're gonna do good in the world or you just gona watch it from the side.
Again, mental schizophrenic symbolic, grey area thinking is for slaves and slaves only.
That's a high IQ mindset.

>> No.24421353

you're retarded to believe that rich people have any deeper insight into life. Also, you can't just learn stuff by hearing. You need to be mature enough to understand it yourself, which is a very rare capability.
>We are all God's children
okay, then what about the Edomites? They'll all get holocausted without exception (Rev 20). Also, it's provable from scripture and historical records that the Israelites were pure-blooded Aryans. God only received himself to the Israelites (king David thanked him for that), so how would niggers have ever had contact with God or let alone received any promises by God? White missionaries trying to make you believe does not give you an inheritance in the Kingdom of heaven. You are not the bride of Christ, which is Israel.

>> No.24421354

>a white christfag and a black christfag walks into a bar...

>> No.24421398

>Slave morality
Babby's first atheist book, huh?

>> No.24421432
File: 58 KB, 240x240, christogenea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>24421241 >>24421354
(Documentary) 100 Proofs the Israelites were WHITE
(Sermon) Christian Identity: White people are Israel
(Sermon) Jesus was not a Jew, Jews are not of Israel
Collection of quality Christian Identity materials, doctrine, podcasts

More materials:

The Biggest Identity Theft in History
Dual seedline: The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
What Race Was Adam?
The Tribe of Dan - Robert Sepher (Video)
Rosette DeLa Croix's Chritian Identity FAQ
http://rosettedelacroix.com/?p=23394 (https://archive.vn/kt9V0))
The Ghost of Ian Smith - Bible Basics (Lot's of Videos and Links)
National Socialism is that form of government but it will remain a distant dream without the awakening to IDENTITY.
Refutation of We Wuz Kangz


Eurofolk Radio
William Fincks Christogenea
Brother Herbert Age of Laodicea
Brother Herbert Audio Word Studies
Brother Herbert Presents

The time-lines of the KJV are completely incorrect and willfully corrupted.
Archived threads:

>> No.24421505

*spits in your face*

>> No.24421541
File: 243 KB, 1200x1200, friedrich-nietzsche-9423452-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*spitss in your face*

>> No.24421563
File: 47 KB, 600x655, CDB3CCB1-C193-4077-A0A7-FA6526E9ABED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heheh. You’re wrong, buddy. It says right here in The Bible, “It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God”!
>Good thing I’m poor and humble heheheh. I will keep my head down and go to heaven cause the book says so!

>> No.24421574

>spoken like a man who has no money nor power nor influence nor energy nor integrity nor wisdom

take the Seek-pill and move on from your lack of understanding

>> No.24421642
File: 335 KB, 870x1730, christianity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I was referring to Nietzsche. He failed to understand that Institutionalised Christianity as taught by the churches is in no way even close to the true Christianity that Jesus and the apostles taught. He was shitting on a straw man the entire time.
(Note: the pic related is not 100% correct, but most of it is)

>> No.24421659

But you didn't refute
you just splurged cope

>> No.24421667
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I think that your comment may be the lower-class cope. Even Generational wealth does not think of money or education in this way at all.
And some wealthy people are alienated and suicidal because of it, and because of their lack of reflection on Life.
The moment they sustain real Suffering or other Disillusionment, and the makeup rubs off, and the oil paintings crack, and the house needs repairs, they panic because they have no depth of heart or thought to keep them grounded in reality. They may turn to drugs, complex distractions, or suicide.
Having wealth is OK, but make sure you know God first. Buy a Bible and take the time wealth affords you to actually read it. It's possible to be super-rich and NOTHING-Pilled. Literally Placebo-Pilled, like someone else said, where money itself is the Cope for failing to Live.

>> No.24421744

But this is the prime example of the same old mental porn that poor catle occupy themeselves with

>> No.24421788

>poor people thinking about religion and meaning makes both religion and meaning bad
>it also makes all poor people cattle
There's just as much rich cattle as there is poor cattle, proportionally speaking.

>> No.24421814
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>and the house needs repairs
>house needs repairs
We're not on the same topic apparently

>> No.24421865

I wasn't talking about couple hundred milis, again, that's rich, but not wealth

>> No.24421962

>If you aren't literally George Soros or David de Rothschild, you are poor
Those are still cattle, though.

>> No.24422081
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The point is that these things are not perfect. I'm not saying they can't afford to literally fix a house, but that there will inevitably arise moments of sobriety where you catch a glimpse of Death and Decay which is futile to resist.
The House being damaged also represents your own body, say, in your 60's, when something is discovered in you that you can't afford to fix.

You'll see the horizon of Death approaching at increasing pace, and you'll have to deal with the permanence and meaninglessness of it all.

Nietzsche's body of work is a massive cope operation toward finding a non-religious solution to this problem. And he failed, ending in an insane asylum, dying of syphilis and claiming to be Jesus.

Cash-out of Nietzschianism and Materialism early. There is no escaping Death, and nothing worthwhile outside of God.

>> No.24422232

I've met fairly rich people searched for meaning, the truth their method consisted of doing hard drugs with escorts in a foreign country.

>> No.24422275

Yes, but I don't undersand why are you trating wealthy class as a unaware children, when they're literally the once who created this system.
And wo better know about human death than said class?

>> No.24422312


>> No.24422376

cope. Wealthy people also fuck each other in the ass and sacrifice Aryan babies and children. Nothing is more depraved and shameful than those "people".

>> No.24422639

It's true that if you're well off you have no incentive to think about anything or anyone, especially if you're born into that wealth, but at that point you kind of just lose your humanity. Why would you even need a human brain to spend your all your days wining and dining?

>> No.24422653

>muh refute

with all this debate, you will stay a peasant

>> No.24422753
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They didn't create the system. Economics couldn't even exist without a firm Religious or mythological, or otherwise psychic structure, which is what enables the faith and trust between people which constitutes Society.

These systems are universally created and sustained by the poor social outcasts who are Based in the truest definition of the word, meaning that they are more conscious of the world outside of the settled, good-enough, habits of social conditioning, called Cultures. These can see through the Matrix of "folk knowledge" and "consensus" to what is actually there, and from the outside, they have access to the fulcrum of changing the paradigm.

These know what Death and Life actually are deeply, and their service is to elaborate advice to the enterprising men with the strength to render those ideas into reality. But this does not mean that the strong rich man understands all of it, or even that it optimizes his relatively short-term goals. How could he know any better than to trust the smart weirdo?

And then the Bible is like this, but instead of a weird "witch or wizard" living in the woods giving proto-scientific insights, it's actually the spirit of God himself sharing wealth to the world.

call it a schizo post if you want!

>> No.24422936

This isn't true at all. the wealthy class produced a huge number of outstanding and innovative enterpreneurs, scientists, artists, philosophers and philantrophists. There is a considerable amount of good and God-loving people among the wealthy class, who have done much to improve themselves and the lifes of others. Among enterpreneurs, just think of Alfred Nobel, think of Andrew Carnegie, think of Henry Ford and innumerable others. These people, however, were hard-working, intelligent and outstandingly literate in many fields. I don't see much evidence that any of these attributes apply to you.

>> No.24423620


>> No.24423900

So what do you actually think rich people do all day? Do they, in your mind, just lounge around all day thinking "wow thank god im rich"?
Or perhaps do you think their lives are so exciting that when theyre not riding jetskis next to their hooker-filled yacht, they're scheming on ways to ways to keep the "slaves" in check?

Every sane person searches for meaning. Many great (and wealthy) people have talked about theirs. Yet a lot dont, since it's a rather sensitive subject. But you can still view it from afar. How many start working on charities, arts, entrepreneurship, etc. And how those who don't find such a meaning often fall for drugs or sex.

The quest of meaning is a cornerstone of healthy personal development. You can pretend it isnt all you like. But one day, when you're no longer 16, you'll understand.

>> No.24423949

Or you cold judt relax, and enjoy your 80 year old lifespan with your wealthy and resourceful family

>> No.24424570

I’m confused OP. What point are you trying to make?
That the search for meaning is *inherently* meaningless if brought up into wealthy nepotism?

>> No.24424686

There's no martyr tier search for meaning in the wealthy class, because they are the one choosing morality now

>> No.24424814

It was always the stable middle class kids who were into garbage navel gazing self masturbatory thinking. The genuinely poor were dumb and self assured luv-me-footie, luv-me-queen, simple-as norf FC types.
The super wealthy were hedonists who took hard drugs and had regular abortions early on.
The middle classes were the ones smart enough to not fall for the simple propaganda fed to the lower classes but without the resources/network/education to escape the lifeless grind. So they turned desperately towards various political and philosophical ideologies which gave them some sense of being something other than tax-cattle.