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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 1242x531, 0853056E-2427-4323-94AC-C34902635E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24415756 No.24415756 [Reply] [Original]

So you faggots wanted an updated website, now that it's here you're all silent? fuck you.
We're leaving you behind.


>> No.24415820

>past 2 websites had broken english
>volume drops almost 90%

>> No.24415874

They'll be crying when it hits 15 cents

>> No.24415877
File: 125 KB, 1023x521, 2uvb2akzvzy51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more time to accumulate

>> No.24416014
File: 669 KB, 1080x608, nuffin personnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you took the kriegpill, right?

>> No.24416028

>be a year early
>hodlers are accumulating
You'll sell at 5 cents, won't you anon.

>> No.24416153
File: 63 KB, 700x394, MrWorldWide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First the chinks, then the rest of the world
Howie Wowie

>> No.24416484

So where is it?

>> No.24416556
File: 320 KB, 1456x965, B53CDD6E-8728-40EB-8EC7-A197764A261E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The site? The link is in OP's post

>> No.24416581
File: 49 KB, 806x250, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24416606

Still looks like SHIT

>> No.24416716

Worst fud I've seen so far

>> No.24416752

>made by Boomers, for Boomers and banks
>big, easy to read on both mobile and on desktop
>simple layout rather than complex to appeal to normies and not appear too intimidating for newcomers
>this is a bad thing

>> No.24417001
File: 543 KB, 1440x731, alwayssunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24417112

Still don't know what this coin does

>> No.24417275

It solves the J2J problem that every professional in the sanitation industry faces. He's going to clean up crypto with his mop bucket liquidity

>> No.24417442

This is huge.
When I head to the vending machine at the end of my janitorial duties I always have either a surplus or a shortage of quarters found on the ground.
Thanks Howie for J2J!

>> No.24417444
File: 224 KB, 800x1000, J2J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guys gets it >>24417275

>> No.24417593

On a real though it is essentially the license - in which banks have to hold a certain amount of tokens to have access to the platform. Banks buying in = value increases. Profit.

>> No.24417640

On top of that you get dividends once the big money rolls in. It's funny because this is a comfy longterm hold, but it's too exciting to not follow regularly.

>> No.24418113

Solid hold for the next 6 months. Howard manages information extremely well. Watch the timing when he releases the next bit of info. He'll time it to aid a pump.

>> No.24418166
File: 531 KB, 521x1022, Based howie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed trips

>> No.24418496

whats the platform.

>> No.24418528

How do the dividends work out? I only have ersdl, I don't hold any ersdl-eth lp

>> No.24418656

now it's better ngl

>> No.24418687

See website / litepaper on the website or watch this


>> No.24418818

I'm pretty sure if you have a significant amount it doesn't matter if you're staking or not. Just holding is enough. Though I could be wrong.

>> No.24418947

It specifies that HOLDERS will be paid so I assume so, you can always sell half your tokens and stake it all later if you like anyway to avoid impermanent loss.

>> No.24419126

staking is stupid and he needs to remove it asap

>> No.24419347

When next ATH? Volumes a bit low, when will it bounce back are we thinking?

>> No.24419386

The only thing that's stupid is your brainlet level posts in this thread. DYOR or fuck off.

>> No.24419428

staking cheapens a project. Its poopoo. this nigga couldnt even front 100 dollars for initial liquidity

>> No.24419482

Tell me more how it cheapens a project when there is a maximum token cap?

>> No.24419524

not in the literal sense dummy. i meant on how it looks from the outside. if i see a shitcoin that needs staking for liquidity its an autimatic shitcoin for me. very cheap! poorly done!

>> No.24419563

Sir, I can smell you from here, please kindly exit the thread

>> No.24419588

You've literally given zero logical reasoning as to why, apart from in your opinion you don't like staking...

Guess you've never bought anything that's crowdfunded either, that too cheap for you too?

>> No.24419619

Howie only putting pennies for initial liquidity is ALL i need to know

>> No.24419644
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1604925556875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the howiecoin make it stack?

>> No.24419652

Thanks for yet another incoherent answer

>> No.24419739


>> No.24419784

kinda funny seeing this logo, i'm the anon who market sold 4.3m eRSDL about a week ago, and I believe I single handedly made that logo the #1 vote in the contest before I sold kek

>> No.24419790

:( I only have 5040

>> No.24419844

Good choice on the logo it's a goodun

>> No.24419860

tell everyone here why you sold

>> No.24419885
File: 388 KB, 612x960, IMG_1003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cost me thousands

>> No.24419888

You're not getting cheap ersdl rasheed

>> No.24419987

>I believe I single handedly made that logo the #1 vote in the contest before I sold kek

I got 5 mil myself, some other whale I know has almost 10mil, how did you single handedly made that logo win exactly?

>> No.24420124

yeah its the cleanest one imo
sorry buddy this isnt a charity

>> No.24420186
File: 741 KB, 1920x1157, B09D002E-3F47-4DEE-B973-98CD299DA1E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24420192

see, the next chainlink here and this guy sold it at 2 cents.. makes u think

>> No.24420201

the vote might have changed since I checked, but when I voted I had 40% of the total vote on that logo and was the only one who voted for it at the time

>> No.24420378

>see, the next chainlink here and this guy sold it at 2 cents.. makes u think
uhh no, this has a lot of potential but at the moment its just an idea. chainlink was already in bed with SWIFT before the ico ever happened, sergey is a different breed of human, his connections run way deeper than Howards, and the oracle problem is worth literally trillions.
Compare that to b2b short term loans for small/mid sized firms...youre attacking a much smaller problem space.

t. been holding over 150k link for >3 years

>> No.24420499

exactly, ppl on this board said this is the next link however, in terms of gains

>> No.24420828

Its certainly possible, but people need to understand that eRSDL literally DOES NOT have a product yet.
Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address, that is how early in the development process it is.

I suspect it will take several more months to actually build a product, and then a few months to test it before businesses feel comfortable using it (the current roadmap is way to ambitious imo). I'm a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry, and we STILL miss deadlines often.

There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. The most likely scenario is Howard spends the next few months defining the problem and hiring solidity devs (which there is an extremely short supply of decent ones), continues to update progress on talks in telegram, the price stagnates for a while and people get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters.

I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum

>> No.24421159

People are waiting for the Eth pump. Value will flood back in once that calms down.

>> No.24421191

Well done anon. You delivered the first substaintal FUD againts eRSDL. I really hope you are wrong, especially about the mid-term price in relation with Chainlink.

>> No.24421278

thx. also a FANG bro here too. thats what i was worried about as well. so far its ideas.. and staking for liquidity didnt show me enough confidence than him slamming his own money in it.. meaning he isnt so certain about it YET

>> No.24421345

Nice post anon, I just hope that they are currently testing it according to their roadmap, otherwise yeah it might take a lot of time

>> No.24421358

Whilst all this is true, it shouldn't be underestimated how far something can go based on it's potential. Just look at other not so useful alts that have mooned over nothing.

People invest in potential.

>> No.24421384
File: 109 KB, 1268x436, erSDL Howard explains it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address

The problem is defined already. They are way ahead of schedule.

>> No.24421426

Sorry but you do not work at a FANG company, you can't even syntax an English sentence never mind lines of code.

>> No.24421561

>q1 2020

>> No.24421720

midwits base peoples intelligence based off of grammar so im not surprised

>> No.24421763

Nice spelling, anyway, by the time you buy the actual product it will be 20x or more by then. The whole crypto is just speculation, just bet on the ones that look the most capable at doing their job

>> No.24421780

jesus fucking christ u're making me want to sell my 3 mil stack rn

>> No.24421885

just know that me, the "dumbass" according to >>24421426 reeled that out of him. no, the truth is, we knew what ersdl was all about and thats why we sold weeks ago.

>> No.24421928

I'm basing it off your low IQ responses to this thread and also the fact that you've latched onto any scent of FUD you can find.

Does everyone realise that this project has been 3 years in development already and they are onboarding their first client in Q1 2020?

>> No.24421974


>> No.24421987

as poster below me just said. This shit isnt new, only token is new. They already have the product, it only needs to go live. That's about it. so yeah im not selling

>> No.24421989


I dont understand this at all. Cant howard also explain it for brainlets? This is some high IQ finance stuff.

>> No.24422032

Pretty sure Q2 is when we'll see some big developments if there are going to be any at all. We are ahead of schedule so maybe it will happen before then. Either way I'm not convinced yet. Even if this thing doesn't take off I bought in at 0.008 so I'm up no matter what happens.

>> No.24422064
File: 30 KB, 857x266, ersdl Howard built the price engine for HSBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe only Howard understands it. He's a big cheese in this sector.

>> No.24422068

I bought in cause i like the memes, just like with LINK. I also like howard.

>> No.24422123

>selling ersdl at 2c

I hope none of you guys actually do this. Just get a bag and forget about it

>> No.24422187


Yeah, well if only howard understand i guess we do have an advantage over the competition, because nobody els will be able to make the product.

>> No.24422237

yeah and the market cap is still low af

>> No.24422273

lmao this looks like a website for some beach camp for fat children with treasure hunts and all that shit
what were they thinking?

>> No.24422362

Howard is building a platform offering short term small to medium sized loans along existing finance compliance/regulations. Crypto currently doesn't address current banking models preferring to bypass and create new experimental paradigms but this misses out on the trillions which is obliged to move through the extremely heavily regulated banking sector.

>> No.24422398

It's a dad joke around the safe harbour. Boomer bankers are going to love that shit.

>> No.24422401

me too I also might sell my 80 billion stack because of this thread

>> No.24422405

people need to understand that eRSDL literally DOES NOT have a product yet.
Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address, that is how early in the development process it is.

I suspect it will take several more months to actually build a product, and then a few months to test it before businesses feel comfortable using it (the current roadmap is way to ambitious imo). I'm a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry, and we STILL miss deadlines often.

There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. The most likely scenario is Howard spends the next few months defining the problem and hiring solidity devs (which there is an extremely short supply of decent ones), continues to update progress on talks in telegram, the price stagnates for a while and people get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters.

I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum

>> No.24422422

Boomer Crypo. Once the project frees up more funds they'll be able to go for a full rebrand.

>> No.24422450

And you will be rewarded with at least a 20x

>> No.24422483

They have spent the last 3 years building the product, they do have one ready to go.

Your post is now obsolete.

Thank you and goodnight.

>> No.24422541

eRSDL is a meme, I messaged Howard on Linkdln and he said “I own gold, not Bitcoin”
The whole team is made up, they plan on dumping everything in time. The website was made by a five year old, the staking is the only working part, they used a paraphraser to rephrase 30 different white papers. Good luck.

>> No.24422567
File: 3 KB, 115x125, 1606724695445s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you fucking pajeets ever get tired of these damned rugpulls. Invest in viable projects like $BASE that help you safeguard your wealth rather than steal it

>> No.24422593

This. It’s a bell curve, with both low and high IQ individuals basing their investments off memes. Only midwits actually look into projects.

I’m joking obviously, but the reason memes are often genuine good indicators of a projects potential is because they show that the people shilling it have actually looked into the logistics of the coin and thought it seemed good enough to warrant buying such a large stack that they go to the effort of making memes to shill it. Also pajeets can’t meme, so you know it’s not a scam.

>> No.24422641

This is the worst FUD I've seen in my life.

1. You really think that such a successful and respected boomer is going to rug?

2. If you think the team is fake when they have 4 years + worth of LinkedIn posts then you are a fucking idiot.

Nice try better luck next time.

>> No.24422645


>does not have a product yet

Like 99.9% of crypto in the last bull run and much of crypto now.

However the exact product already exists in an inefficient model. Howard will lift this onto blockchain and onboard anyone with an interest in a significantly better system. Compliance and regulation are already dealt with so there won't be long delays.

You need to understand that this is moving an old industry to blockchain. Did the first auto manufacturers complain that they didn't have motorways yet? No, they build something that would operate on the existing architecture. If you don't understand this you don't understand the project.

The borrowers and lenders are already there and Howard dealt with them all. Welcome to boomer crypto where it's all about golf, handshakes and who's in your Rolodex.

>> No.24422673

A solid take. Thanks anon.

>> No.24422708

they are most obvius AI generated fake linkedns i saw in my fucking life. I've literally tried looking company location on google maps. Its a house of some fucking random grandma. good luck getting rugged

>> No.24422709

They copied the entire whitepaper for Residual token.
pajeet scam coin dont buy

>> No.24422774

i checked streetview for the CFO and its a fucking JCPenney

>> No.24422784

Yes an AI who comments on other genuine people's linkedins and has conversations with them.

Come on you can do better than that man.

>> No.24422845

Looks like someone's not going to make it

>> No.24422909


Aha. I understand it a little better now, thx :)

>> No.24423041

>website contact page just redirects an email to "hotrod-howard1967@aol.com"
>manager of operations works full time at a vacuum repair shop
>ryan medlin said on twitter that he learnt to code from youtube tutorials
>source code of new website full of spelling errors

not feeling comfy about this team bros
id jump ship to something more respected like haircomb

>> No.24423115
File: 42 KB, 800x804, +.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros i've literally found Ryan Medlin completing fake satoshi faucets on twitter 2 years ago to earn some crypto

>> No.24423168

yeah his twitter is a goldmine.
he retweets google play giftcard giveaways and posts minecraft videos

>> No.24423194 [DELETED] 

If you are an experienced trader you should check on RBC token. Why? I can give you three reasons:

> The ROI has reached 150%
> The trading daily volume is more than 200k
> Investors got x4 from the first month of trading

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

Isn’t it enough for you? Join the Rubic and learn much more!

>> No.24423210

This is literally a scam lol

>> No.24423213

Also, the ersdl logo reminds me of confido.
Aaahh confido, one of the best scams in 2017. So many people getting Joosted.
No FUD, i liked confido. It was all so stupid which made it funny.

>> No.24423226 [DELETED] 

What platform do you support now? I have one great system gotem.io. They plan to start IEO on Probit shortly and I got no doubt they will reach x10 after the listing starts.

>> No.24423260
File: 16 KB, 607x110, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24423261

I'm fucking crying lol.

>> No.24423324


No it probably is not, howard is real and not some anon. If the project is indeed a scam, howard will go to prison.

>> No.24423326

Bitconnect CEO worked with Howard and Ryan back in 2017. There is bread crumbs that show Howard as a silent partner back then and did not come out. I feel sorry for anyone entering this project. All the proof is there, it reads bitconnect 2.0 all over the pages

>> No.24423376

based friend

>> No.24423383

people need to understand that eRSDL literally DOES NOT have a product yet.
Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address, that is how early in the development process it is.

I suspect it will take several more months to actually build a product, and then a few months to test it before businesses feel comfortable using it (the current roadmap is way to ambitious imo). I'm a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry, and we STILL miss deadlines often.

There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. The most likely scenario is Howard spends the next few months defining the problem and hiring solidity devs (which there is an extremely short supply of decent ones), continues to update progress on talks in telegram, the price stagnates for a while and people get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters.

I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum

>> No.24423481

Even if it is a scam, we're all going to make it

>> No.24423514

THIS, and yet jannies constantly fuck with me. They're just memes, why so serious?

>> No.24423708

Hey faggots

My name is Anon, and I hate every single one of you. There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any liquidity? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum. What investments do you make, other than "get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters"? I'm also a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry. You are all just pajeets who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.24423875
File: 528 KB, 850x1190, hotrod howie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. this man will rinse you for every penny

>> No.24423882

people need to understand that eRSDL literally DOES NOT have a product yet.
Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address, that is how early in the development process it is.

I suspect it will take several more months to actually build a product, and then a few months to test it before businesses feel comfortable using it (the current roadmap is way to ambitious imo). I'm a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry, and we STILL miss deadlines often.

There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. The most likely scenario is Howard spends the next few months defining the problem and hiring solidity devs (which there is an extremely short supply of decent ones), continues to update progress on talks in telegram, the price stagnates for a while and people get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters.

I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum

>> No.24423925

What have you done

>> No.24423956

Now I don't even know what's real anymore
thanks guys

>> No.24424043

lol, classic biz I guess

>> No.24424105

Dreams from memes, we all gonna make it

>> No.24424212
File: 83 KB, 496x662, 1605803155072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry fren we'll make it

>> No.24424394 [DELETED] 
File: 3.13 MB, 1920x972, Screenshot from 2020-11-30 16-43-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently >>24422708 is true, at least about the company location.

Uhhh guys? Is there a good explanation for this?

>> No.24424512

Yeah every address associated with his name should be a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig shiny sky-scraper. I demand satisfaction

>> No.24424565

I’m a ersdl holder but this logo sucks. There was a cool compass one and another un one that both seemed much better

>> No.24424575

Just sell

>> No.24424591
File: 108 KB, 580x346, kriegybrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hop in loser. we're solving the b2b lending problem

>> No.24424750
File: 64 KB, 512x384, B7155A37-EFBD-4C4D-97A2-A49A813BEA86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about granny HQ

>> No.24424840

name another project more promising

>> No.24424913

this is the most professional looking one

>> No.24424996

It's for boomers anon, not for anons.

>> No.24425122
File: 113 KB, 620x562, twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24425237
File: 151 KB, 1300x956, proxy-image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunch brake at office

>> No.24425719

>does not have a product yet
Like 99.9% of crypto in the last bull run and much of crypto now.
However the exact product already exists in an inefficient model. Howard will lift this onto blockchain and onboard anyone with an interest in a significantly better system. Compliance and regulation are already dealt with so there won't be long delays.
You need to understand that this is moving an old industry to blockchain. Did the first auto manufacturers complain that they didn't have motorways yet? No, they build something that would operate on the existing architecture. If you don't understand this you don't understand the project.
The borrowers and lenders are already there and Howard dealt with them all. Welcome to boomer crypto where it's all about golf, handshakes and who's in your Rolodex.

>> No.24425771

>does not have a product yet

Like 99.9% of crypto in the last bull run and much of crypto now.

However the exact product already exists in an inefficient model. Howard will lift this onto blockchain and onboard anyone with an interest in a significantly better system. Compliance and regulation are already dealt with so there won't be long delays.

You need to understand that this is moving an old industry to blockchain. Did the first auto manufacturers complain that they didn't have motorways yet? No, they build something that would operate on the existing architecture. If you don't understand this you don't understand the project.

The borrowers and lenders are already there and Howard dealt with them all. Welcome to boomer crypto where it's all about golf, handshakes and who's in your Rolodex.

>> No.24425801

people need to understand that eRSDL literally DOES NOT have a product yet.
Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address, that is how early in the development process it is.

I suspect it will take several more months to actually build a product, and then a few months to test it before businesses feel comfortable using it (the current roadmap is way to ambitious imo). I'm a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry, and we STILL miss deadlines often.

There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. The most likely scenario is Howard spends the next few months defining the problem and hiring solidity devs (which there is an extremely short supply of decent ones), continues to update progress on talks in telegram, the price stagnates for a while and people get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters.

I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum

>> No.24425893

people need to understand that eRSDL literally DOES NOT have a product yet.
Howard is still talking to people to define the actual problem they are attempting to address, that is how early in the development process it is.

I suspect it will take several more months to actually build a product, and then a few months to test it before businesses feel comfortable using it (the current roadmap is way to ambitious imo). I'm a software engineer at a FANG company on a team with several other great engineers, and we build using some of the best eng tools in the industry, and we STILL miss deadlines often.

There is simply no way eRSDL will have an actual working product inside of 6 months. The most likely scenario is Howard spends the next few months defining the problem and hiring solidity devs (which there is an extremely short supply of decent ones), continues to update progress on talks in telegram, the price stagnates for a while and people get frustrated as BTC/ETH/ALTS are mooning left and right, and eRSDL underperforms in sats/eth value for 3-4 quarters.

I just don't feel like waiting that long, especially with deco/tsigs going live by q1 2020 and PoS/layer2 solutions starting to gain momentum