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24417233 No.24417233 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 19 wanting to be an investor I know college is a bad idea to get into debt
But I’ve been trying to find something I like to do like a trade in mechanics boat mechanic stuff like that to find a career path and start investing in stocks and property

But any tips on how to find a career I can study for to make a living and become an investor I know /biz/ is for business only but I’m still courteous

>> No.24417316

do not get in debt for college.
get a job, invest the money in crypto and others.
careers are a meme unless you are highly skilled. hint, 90pct of people are not.

I hate work cause its modern slavery.

>> No.24417432

Jobs like what for example ?

>> No.24418284
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gee I don't know man. Most jobs are pretty pointless and meaningless. I have become bitter about "jobs" its just daycare center. its just something that hinders your personal development. So you better be smart about it. I am currently working from home. in between IT and Business. I don't work a lot, I don't get paid a lot. I work 2 hours a day, sometimes 3 for 100 euros. They think I work 8 hours though. Best bet is to try and find something similar. where you don't have to actually work a lot. I usually am busy on the crypto markets and reading around during work. still sucks that I have to be infront of the screen. I got lucky. I used to work in IT doing programming and deployment. it was hell. Had to work hard for only little pay more.

I don't know man. I am so redpilled I can't enjoy any job. Going to college turned out to be a meme for me.

fuck the wagecage.

get money, go 100x long on crypto. thats my advice.

>> No.24418356

Listen here brainlet if you haven’t done jack shit by now you’re not going anywhere. You’re at minimum 10 years too late. Join the military and die like a dog or wage slave until you kill yourself

>> No.24418400

You're only talking to yourself

>> No.24418435

I es actually thinking of being a realtor

>> No.24418544
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Yeah I am, but at least I’m worth something as a military dog. I don’t even care if I get blown up by can or a sandy.
Unironicly go on Reddit I don’t have the image but there’s a discussion about how being a realtor makes you lose more money than you gain. It’s cut throat and you don’t have your own schedule especially starting out because you can’t deny a potential buyer a tour since that’s a potential loss on your part

>> No.24418691

I got an associates in mechatronics. I don't regret it. I found a middle class job before I left school. If your into trades it's pretty cool.

>> No.24418827
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listen up. If you want to get rich enough to live off of your investments, you need a good job in order to make enough money to invest. Don't listen to the anons on this website who tell you that $1,000 and a crypto trading account are all you need to retire a millionaire; the days of reliable 100xes are gone.

The best way to get a good job is to go to college. The best field you can study in order to find a good job is computer science. Statistics and economics are also good. That's if you don't want to get a postgraduate degree.

If you can't get into a good college with your high school grades, go to community college for 2 years and get straight As while you earn your associate's degree. Then you should be able to get into the best in-state school in your state and you might get a scholarship too. Your credits will transfer and you can graduate with your bachelor's in 2 or 3 years.

While you're getting your bachelor's, go to the career center and talk to the people there and do everything they tell you to do and you should be able to snag an internship and eventually a good job.

>> No.24418920

Define "highly skilled"
I have a niche set of skills that makes me very valuable.

>> No.24419165

>he fell for the college is bad meme
the only people saying that are retards who couldn't get in if they tried. Yes doing a bullshit degree is a meme but doing a good degree is not, it will set you up with connections and a good career, but you do need to put in some effort to make that happen by going to events and getting internships and shit

>> No.24419181

why don't you start with learning how to write a coherent sentence?

>> No.24419330

19 y/o here also. I grew up working class and semi made it by investing into link very early. I'm at college now studying Finance and Economics and ive been on the verge of dropping out several times. Just listen to your gut instincts, talk to people with experience and never stop learning

>> No.24419367

Anyone that says jobs are for losers should be ignored. Look at careers that are in demand and have a high salary. If you've got the brains to be an engineer, or comp science major, then find an affordable school and go for it.

School loans can be a great investment if they are reasonable, take your pre reqs at community College, finish at university, dont live in a pricey dorm like a retard. Get a good paying career and smash those loans out of school.

Jobs suck, but fast forward to your 30s when your debt free and making great money and have 6 figs invested.. you can laugh at all these biz losers

>> No.24419699

Good advice. "Collage is bad" is a meme becoming a reality because retards with no scholarships takes absurd loans for shit degrees. Get a proper degree fit for a high paying job and it will be a good investment

>> No.24419829


What are some degrees that are worth the college route

>> No.24419924

Correct, take the CS pill and start looking into booming, specialized fields. I did engineering and it is the biggest regret of my life. A good undergrad entry level position can be six figures, and doubled if you get your master’s.
>t. 25 year old boomer, forever stuck making less than software chads

>> No.24419978

it depends on where you live. in europe collge degrees are a meme. i don't earn more because i have one in IT.

degrees are a meme cause if you can prove you have the skills without the degree, a company will hire you too. why the fuck would you spend money on a degree then? instead of doing a 4 year informatics study learing programming etc. you study for 2 years on your own and build some sites and programs then show them to the employers. you will get hired.

seriously with the advancement of internet nearly all degrees have become memes. you can become more than professional level on your own in nearly any field using JUST THE INTERNET. if you are highly skilled, college and uni are MEMES. college and uni are for RETARDS that cant learn on their own.

>> No.24420114

Care to mention any good trade options then

>> No.24420278

Nobody says it, but look at doing a degree abroad.
Taiwan and China have unreal scholarship programs that dont give a shit about grades. And if you can learn Korean or Japanese, your tuition gets reduced by over 80%.
I had a huayu enrichment scholarship and chinese government scholarship. Paid for tuition, dorm/apartment, living expenses and textbooks.
You dont have to do the whole degree there, just 2 years of free language training and seeing the world. Then you can transfer those credits to a local school, reducing debt.

>> No.24420392

about to graduate with my BSEE, doing consulting work for utility companies... is it over? one of my coworkers used to work in software until his company got acquired by GE and apparently it was kinda ass

>> No.24420431

I like investing

>> No.24420457

try to do something that you can turn into your own little firm so that you can work for yourself. I really don't know what your interests are bud. I have a fren that just did basic welding and now he has his own business where he welds all kind of structures like gates, ports, garden ornaments. and he earns more than me. with my degree and all.

you have to be smart. degrees in this day and age are not for the smart ones. its a piece of paper that proves you atleast *can* be an average slave.

>> No.24420570

You can also take out student loans to cover the free tuition and low living expenses, investing that over the 6 years. Add in casually tutoring english for $30-40/hr a few nights a week for spending money.

>> No.24420622
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Honestly, if I was 19 again. This is what I would have done.
>Going into the Air National Guard or National Guard
>Benefits of getting paid, work experience, free college/trade/other programs
>Go to a community college, DO NOT GO TO A UNIVERSITY.
>Test the waters there if you like it, you can transfer to any state college you want
>if you don't, test out a trade school
>while doing all of this, put $100 into the stock market and learn about it
>don't use fake money because there is zero emotional tie. pick up a book while you're at it.
>now you're 24, veteran, somewhat an understand how the markets/invest work (You'll understand how fast your life can change from a couple investments), work experience, you'll have a college degree or finished a trade program
>you can go back into the military and retire at 39/40, look for a job in the private/public sectors, or whatever
That's what I would've done if I was 19. I'm 27 and a complete fuck up. I've had one job when I was 24 that I worked for a year. Father was going to start up a business but stopped. So I was ass out again. I haven't had a job or anything since then. I do have about 80k in crypto from trading and just learning more about markets and shit, but I'm constantly on fucking edge. I'm almost done with University and I'm just going straight into the military at this point, no one will hire me or anything. It fucking sucks. I always feel for the younger guys on here. I see myself in you guys. Don't live in your head. Sit down and think were you would like to be in 3 years. Write out a plan. Don't be like me, some 27 year old loser who still lives at home, couple hundred dollars in his bank account, 1 job, 3k in debt, and still in school. Just view this as grid time. Good luck anon.

>> No.24421333

work for yourself, nigger
even mowing lawns is better than the wagecage

>> No.24421464

Tech is the get money cheatcode.

Make sure you have high enough baseline IQ, but skip a full CS and just learn JavaScript and 80/20 Computer Science fundamentals.

How? In an intensive learning environment with some skin in the game like Hack Reactor, App Academy, or Lambda School. If you can't afford it, do an Income Share Agreement (ISA), which is a non-jew loan (you only pay it back *if* you get a high paying job). @Austen (founder of Lambda) recently tweeted that their new grads can get $100+/hr contracting as React Native developers.

t. age 26, no degree. did this 5 years ago, now comfy posting from my remote dev job