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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 750x750, received_10154405887252172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2441313 No.2441313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming...

Yes im a female
Yes im a gamer girl
Yes i workout
Yes im a personal trainer
Yes im a dental assistant


no i wont date you, i only date fit white men with a good education like lawyers or doctors.
You see girls like me have standards and dont waste time on less intelligent workingclass guys

>> No.2441335

I swear I typed 'iz' after that 'b'

>> No.2441338

U are fucking ugly and look like a man, this is /biz/ ,dont come with your trash shit over here...men trying to make bussiness here, so stfu

>> No.2441350


>> No.2441359

Finally a /biz/ thread that's not about cryptocurrency.

>> No.2441362


>> No.2441371

What a fucking ugly bitch why did you post this?

>> No.2441380


>> No.2441384


>> No.2441386

I would not tip you even a single Nigger

>> No.2441396

Bitch, where rich and don't want your ugly ASS.

>> No.2441417

absolutely disgusting

>> No.2441421
File: 45 KB, 500x333, IMG_4769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dating men who don't hold ETH
Enjoy your poor children

>> No.2441426

those cysts above your tits sure look healthy

>> No.2441431
File: 50 KB, 608x960, 1497223035365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't Even get a girl like me FUCKING assholes im out of your league;*

>> No.2441439
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 1497266801233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a discord for those that hate this fucking thread and want to talk about crypto


>> No.2441455

Damn i tought she was ugly, but she is also nasty look that shitty body, and the fat all over her tits....go fucking train, uggly tits bitch

>> No.2441461

Please quit posting pictures of yourself its disgusting.

>> No.2441462

Did a parasite dump its load on your chest. Fucking nasty bitch.

>> No.2441465

I think she is shilling HOE.

>> No.2441480

Get off this board, skank.

>> No.2441483

>posts on /biz to talk shit
>has nothing to do with /biz

>> No.2441485
File: 20 KB, 259x194, 1497236041282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2441313 this is a banana thread now

>> No.2441488

Wait hold on. You're a bloody dental assistant but only date lawyers and doctors and the like. I'm about to become a doctor, but since you're so picky, I guess I should only date royalty and not touch a measly dental assistant with a stick!

>> No.2441637

kekd so hard xD

I can get a way better girl for $200/hour

>> No.2441695
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>> No.2441720
File: 1.22 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your face is busted.

>> No.2441723
File: 46 KB, 258x586, 1481653067987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone wanting that


>> No.2441748
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>> No.2441761

I like muscle chicks, but I can't get past that roid acne.

>> No.2441766

So when are you gonna have the sex change operation? Or have you already had it?

>> No.2441784

>Fat fucking gamer
pick one. I suggest you be the fat fuck that you are judging by the side flaps you got hanging off your bra. Trust me lawyers and doctors are way out of your league.

>> No.2441825

>personal trainer
maybe take your own advice

>only dates white educated men that are lawyers or doctors
I have news for you....We arent interested in seeing our burn unit patients at our home to leech off us

>> No.2441848

Your zitty chest makes me want to throw up

>> No.2441857

Holy shit. These tattoos are so trashy I think you just gave me HPV.

>> No.2441899

Reported for harassment

>> No.2441955

You should be reported for showing us graphic content on here. Seriously that face is really fucked up and belongs on a rekt thread.

>> No.2441958
File: 24 KB, 202x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking typical!

>> No.2442001

Don't take it seriously. This thread is a joke.

>> No.2442007

>This thread is a joke.
Much like OP.

>> No.2442029

>when your pasta becomes stale, just post it on other boards for more (you)s

You guys should venture outside of /biz/ once in a while

>> No.2442035

Implying there is any benefit to that...

>> No.2442046

> Look what a powerful womyn I am
> I am interested in things which go against gender norms.
> But at my core I still require approval and validation from men, as is the way of my gender.
> Go to /biz/
> Get that upon because I am fat, ugly, and stupid.
> Report "abusers" for not celebrating my womynhood.

Females are cancer.

>> No.2442055

I find there is benefit to /fit/, and I use my shitcoin returns to travel so /trv/ is nice too

>> No.2442116

check the 'cheating fraud generals' on /fit/, biggest gains come with biggest zits (and liver failures)

>> No.2442123
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>> No.2442194

YES you have chest acne.
YES you also have a pouch
YES your body mass is unpleasant to look at
YES those sweat stains are equally foul
NO I, the man you described, would not fuck you.

>> No.2442206

Bitbean is about to moon

>> No.2442222



>> No.2442238


>> No.2442264
File: 857 KB, 633x758, IMG_1643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures of your rekt thread worthy body and face isn't improving your situation you tard. Kys

>> No.2442267
File: 223 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2442270

oh idk, maybe the fact you came here looking for compliments of some sort, acting like your shit didnt stick, only to cry and report people?


its fucking hilarious.

>> No.2442279
File: 29 KB, 550x528, 1495414780341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn your face is wrecked

>> No.2442289
File: 53 KB, 640x640, received_10152914256112172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a pathetic loser

You can't have me

>> No.2442296


Are you transitioning f to m?

>> No.2442304

Those are some terrible results. Good luck.

>> No.2442315

1.st of all, nobody talks to children when they are gaming. Especially when you're (((older))). Rip the mic out, how mature are you????

2. pls stop pretending you're a duck. You are no duck, you are human...

>> No.2442330

acne on the chest and a body builder?

you take steroids young man? They have given you boobs

>> No.2442394
File: 1.41 MB, 320x256, 2323432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone falling for the pasta

>> No.2442451



Woman, you have serious issues. You are pretty obsessed with your body. I mean, literally nobody asks for that much approval for his/her body.
Learn to like your big ass and your arms. Your not gonna get much thinner, and it's alright.

Also, your personality is unbearable.
Don't post any pics please. I can see you're a cunt just by looking at these (yes, it is related to your other issues). Help yourself.

>> No.2442501

Want to try to say it to my face til? I'LL FUCKING SMASH YOUR FUCKING TEETH IN

>> No.2442585

You have had kids havnt you OP? Times running out hehe

>> No.2442640

Go to fucking >>>/soc/.
They accept your kind there

>> No.2442668

why is this shit b8 on a biz board?

this board is for shitcoins and their corresponding shills only. we'll only be looking at you from our lambos

>> No.2442696

Why haven't the mods removed this off topic thread?
See you in >>>/trash/ bitch.