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File: 325 KB, 872x848, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 11.08.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24414083 No.24414083 [Reply] [Original]

Listen, I know it seems too good to be true that a token you can "mine" from your phone could explode... but, IT CAN HAPPEN.

Stellar started as an airdrop, the two are connected with the founders being classmates at Stanford as well.

Is it really "mining" ? No.... but, if you think about it, it's just like any currency that premines their supply... EXCEPT. The premining is a product of how many users are actually utilizing the platform, it's creating a balance between its supply and demand autonomously.

Don't understand that? Get out of crypto now. Go ahead, don't press a button once a day and miss out on a possible moonshot for free, faggot.

>> No.24414148

It’s fucking free to mine this... anyone who’s not doing it has to be an absolutely cucktard lol

>> No.24414279

Been mining for a year. Pumped for the launch

>> No.24414355

i got 2.2k of em
if hits even 1 im selling

>> No.24414565

Cannot wait for it to finally hit

>> No.24414833 [DELETED] 
File: 743 KB, 1080x2169, Screenshot_20201130-113904_Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 11k. Help me help you, use my invitation code
Praise KEK

>> No.24414913

It's not free. It takes time.

>> No.24414924

This thing is quite literally Electronium 2.0 but doesn't even have the Britbong government trying to prop it up so it can have a native winner in the cryptosphere. There's a shitty mining concept and a shitty Pajeet-infested marketplace so Sanjay can sell his voice acting skills.

Oh, and ETNs price 1/2 a penny.

>> No.24414945

By far the biggest pile of shit coin of all altcoins

>> No.24415036

Its not even a coin. I ahve like 3k but I dont see anything coming from this

>> No.24415103

It takes seconds a day. You open the app, press a button, then close the app. We're talking 5 seconds a day which translates to about 30 minutes a year. If you mined this shit every day for your life, you would spend a grand total of around 2 days of your own time.

>> No.24415252

Ok, so lets say you 'mine' 5k or 10k of this.

Who is gonna pay you for it? Why would anyone pay you for it? Everyone and their arthritic grandma would have thousands, and most of all the founders and early adopters at the top of the scheme who can only dump.

If you ask me, the only person who is gonna pay others even a cent for this shit is people like you. Because you spent time hoarding this shit, you or someone even dumber will get emotionally attached and feel like it has value to cope. It must have value, otherwise I wasted my time for nothing! Normies and everyone else will just buy bitcoin or shitcoins.

>> No.24415283

Honestly if you think this is going to be worthless, don't spend the 4 seconds a day to press the button...... you remind me of my friend who sold all of his XLM as soon as they airdropped it lollll

>> No.24415319

Lol, the amount of times I’ve heard people say “who will pay to buy this” on about 90% of the crypto’s I’ve had in the past 7 years is countless. If I listened to you I wouldn’t have 7 figures worth of crypto right now

>> No.24415507

It’s gonna be hilarious when this goes to $1 or more and everyone on here spent more time typing out why not to get it for free than it takes to press a button

>> No.24415553

Any dumb nigger who thinks this is legit deserves to lose money. Muhh free mining.


>> No.24415679

It will go to 0.005 at best lol

>> No.24415690

open the chat and look at the millions of poos asking when Pi one usd?

>> No.24415734

Thats not even a coin. Its an app to collect your data and sell it.

>> No.24415764

The IOUs are already at .60c so idk... anyone assuming this is going to be worthless might be pretty butthurt in a year or two lol

>> No.24415790

It's an app like any other app... doesnt change the fact that all of the tokens are being onboarded to the blockchain in Phase 3 and will be tradeable

>> No.24415890

How do you mine it and not use any RAM or energy? How do you mine it if its not on blockhain?

>> No.24416006

It's the same as any crypto thats premined out of thin air, except that its the collective thats premining it (and then itll be onboarded once mining stops) instead of one dev pressing a button to mint

>> No.24416022

Does anyone have any idea how many coins there are though? Those iou markets seem incredibly odd

>> No.24416088

got 15k im happy if i can make few dollers off it

>> No.24416106

Probably nowhere even close to XRP’s supply lollllll

>> No.24416135
File: 3.43 MB, 4112x3636, comPilation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24416177
File: 231 KB, 1080x2400, 1605830145003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google: what is WeChat Index?

>WeChat Index is a tool that measure the overall popularity of designated keywords. It is based on an algorithm which assess the search trends of a given keyword within the WeChat ecosystem. It gives access to a 90-day history of data.

>> No.24416269

1) not crypto
2) not mined or secured by a network
3) points in an app on your phone awarded once per day on a timer are worthless
4) the app is malware

>> No.24416345

How many Pi are mined on average per miner? Multiply that by 10 million miners. That's a huge premined supply lol

>> No.24416376
File: 128 KB, 943x745, didntreadneversellingpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$300 by 2022

>> No.24416391

What? Is it that popular in chinkland?

>> No.24416419 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 2074x1550, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I realised a new platform, duckdao.io, seems legit. Has anyone taken part in their Hunters Season, what can you say about DDIM?
Wanna know your reviews before investing.

>> No.24416604

yes, and they cannot even download from app/play store, yet there are over 3 million chinese miners. The meetings right now, at stage 2 aka testing phase are as big or bigger as the Ethereum meetings were back in day when they agreed to pump it to 1200 usd. They are making big moves in the background, but of course burgers don't get to ever know about this on time due to politics. Do with this information what you want.

>> No.24416654

I make around 200$ a month trading bitcoin.
Can you guess what I feel for your kind of people?
Can you guess?
You tap a spyapp on your phone like a drone every day, hoping to "maybe" get your promised 5$ a year.

Im not even kidding. You could be trading bitcoin and make at least 10$ per month, why would you spend your time tapping a spyapp that will want your KYC to NOT give you your promised 5$ per year.

Do you understand what i feel for you?
Do you understand why you will never be rich?

stop making new threads kid. I will post here as well.

>> No.24416818

I dont understand how can you be sure that "pi" here is related to the pi network and not to pi the irational number.
Like, it would not be so far fetched to assume that there are a lot of students in china that just search pi for calculations or other math related topics.

>> No.24417049

fair points, so lets discount it by 50% then. still miles ahead of others

>> No.24417587

When is this shit launching?

>> No.24417656

Q1 2021 it looks like. People are gonna be surprised

>> No.24417689

It’s being onboarded to the chain in phase 3 retard... what do u not understand lol

>> No.24417840

I’m compiling screenshots of every single person who is writing “scam” “worthless” etc because by this time next year it’s going to be such an epic post to make fun of all you goddamn idiots who skipped out on yet another free moonshot

>> No.24417875

>50 %
Nigga please
Check in Google trends. It's the same thing

>> No.24417951
File: 22 KB, 339x149, pie me more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign up with my ref and you'll be added to my close mining circle with +50% pi mining boost.


>> No.24418057

What money you imbecile?

>> No.24418180

What money?

>> No.24418183

I'm mining this shit just in case, it's literally free money if it's worth something, the guys that were testing the transfers used a 10$ as a price, there's a pretty hard fan base of this

>> No.24418213

What money lol

>> No.24419521

They’ve jumped from 1 million users to 10 million users in the past month alone. If you’re not paying attention to this there’s no hope for you

>> No.24419743

you fucking donut, what money?

>> No.24419836

What money? Are you a fucking retard? Lol

>> No.24420047

What money you degenerate?

>> No.24420340

Ummm... friend. Might I request information about the nature of the monetary units you are referring to?

>> No.24420629

Dear Sirs,
please thank you for wait
Pi Network launch soon on exchange of the cow
There, sirs can buy special pea things with pie currency such as:
- pen = 1000 pi
- t-shirt = 10000 pi
- hoodie (edible) = 25000 pi
- c.ref.id=10000000005466_x = 100000 pi
and more!
Thank you for use pee!
- Ranjesh Kashir, CEO