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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24406221 No.24406221 [Reply] [Original]

>just hold your coins on an exchange

>> No.24406266

>brian basedstrong stealing linkies from twitter users

>> No.24406648

All of this could have been avoid for the price of a $60 ledger.

>> No.24406694

Looks like his links leaked Lol

>> No.24406756

>give out your password
>account gets hacked
Man, how could this have happned to me

>> No.24406970

my bonded finance is in my metamask is it safe

>> No.24407762

Your opsec must be absolute monkey shit to get your coinbase hacked.

>> No.24407813

>send all your coins to an outside wallet
>claim you were hacked or robbed at gunpoint
>get all your money back
>awesome, jewed the jew

>> No.24407866

Yea the coins have an undercover mode

>> No.24407890

Even a software wallet on your phone is good enough

>> No.24407906

Is it?

>> No.24408186

Just ordered one. Is there anything I can do to avoid the recent hacking issues?

>> No.24408457

Is it even possible to get you coinbase hacked if you have email login confirmation + authenticator 2FA enabled?
Seems unrealistic. For that to happen the hacked would have to steal your phone, your email password and you coinbase password.

>> No.24408477

What hacking issues? Ledgers can't be hacked dummy, it was an email leak

>> No.24408533

just don't type your seed phrases on the internet EVER
he said he had 2fa but I guess sim swap can give the hacker access to that? he even said he had a ledger dunno why he didn't use it really stupid

>> No.24408535

or use a smart contract wallet ($30 at current gas prices)

>delayed whitelisting
>daily limits
which makes it safer than a ledger because it protects against physical wrench attacks

>> No.24408545

It wasn't "an email leak". They leaked everything. My name, banking info, address, phone number, email.
I am receiving calls from Pajeets who are calling me by my real name pretending to be Ledger support.
I moved everything to coinbase vault. Fuck Ledger.

>> No.24408563


>> No.24408578

Phone number 2fa can be spoofed. Authenticator requires a seed phrase.

>> No.24408634

I see thanks

>> No.24408752
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>> No.24408790


>> No.24408912

If you know a phone number you can make a sim card with the same number which will enable you to receive it's text messages.
Authenticator generates random numbers from a unique seed and it's offline. Only your device and coinbase have the seed. So unless the hacker physically steals your phone or finds your seed written down somewhere, it shouldn't be possible to hack you.

>> No.24408977


>> No.24409009

i hope this is real

>> No.24409048

he got chinked kek

>> No.24409097

I doubt he had 2fa enabled, whenever these hacks happen the guy screaming says he has 2fa out of embarassment. Many such cases

>> No.24409139
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What a retard.

>> No.24409148

Nice digits but Ledger got hacked by a 15 year old fag once. There is a very good reason literally not a single whale uses a hardware wallet: they're all only moderately safe and have terrible UX.

>> No.24409208

Every single app you install on your phone could potentially read your 2FA. Yubikey is the only safe way.

imagine having a coinbase acount with a Gmail and a Google Authenticator 2FA. That's basically the same as writing your seed phrase in a Concept mail. Google knows everything about you so they essentially contorl you private key.

>> No.24409221

>If you know a phone number you can make a sim card with the same number which will enable you to receive it's text messages.
Come again?
They always did seem kinda gay. Why not just use a paper wallet?

>> No.24409225

Closed source trash.

>> No.24409293

>Come again?
>why not use a paper wallet
because people are dumb and lazy.

>> No.24409365

>If you know a phone number you can make a sim card with the same number which will enable you to receive it's text messages.
Maybe in third world. Only the contract owner can swap their sim card for a new one, and if it's a prepaid sim you need PUK codes for it. Or did you mean that you can get one made for you illegally?

>> No.24409442

>Every single app you install on your phone could potentially read your 2FA.
They still need your device to input the 2FA code.

>> No.24409615

Same. I keep getting texted "a ledger transaction has been started from moscow, russia. Please log into ledger.fakesite to cancel."

>> No.24409672

Nah, my sim card was cloned in SEA and those fuckers used my PayPal. They obviously somehow read the SMS verification code. Still don't know how the fuck they got my PayPal password. I use a different email for it. Thank God PayPal gave me my money back.

>> No.24409775

Brainlet here, is MEW/Metamask not safe? Assuming you dont give out keys/passwords why aren't they?
>Inb4 spyware/keylogger.

>> No.24410154

I use metamask linked up with my trezor

>> No.24410944

Scary ass shit, just wait until you make it and Russian mobsters show up at your door with power drills to get your private key.

>> No.24411016

thats SMS verification, what about something like authy or google authentication?

>> No.24411823
