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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 750x518, NOTSELLLLING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24395193 No.24395193 [Reply] [Original]

i see we hit $0.015 yesterday. good, that means i'm starting to be right...and i am NOT SELLING.

i see you - >>24381626

you too, idiot, i'll think of you, beachside, in 2021 - >>24381901

baseless FUD and you are wrong. if anything, you idiots did this so you could post this. anyone can change a domain name.

do you idiots think i don't have an ear to the pulse? do you really think i'd hold this much in bonded finance if i didn't think i'd hit my targets? you can now lick the dogshit off my boot when i become a millionaire (again, my bet is 12/23 EOY. screencap this, brainlets!)

let me tell you how this is probably going to go down :

- we range here as dumb-shit bottom buyers and private fags get weeded out one by one. there's not much supply so ANYONE selling under IDO prices ($0.035 cents) will inevitably get the hose again

- a big exchange lists us in the next week or two

- larger partnerships + integrations begin as the platform launch nears (3-4 weeks tops, unless there's a delay, but it seems on track)

ANYONE SELLING THIS HERE IS DOOMED TO STAY POOR AND I AM NOT FUCKING SELLING. this is probably your last week to buy under 2 cents. you can screencap this too.



kys. thank you.

>> No.24395249


>> No.24395264

by 'get the hose' what exactly do you mean?

Am i going to get sprayed in the face with BOND? or frolic over it like an exuberant kid in the summertime?

>> No.24395298
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1606676035282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24395348

cope with what? knowing i'm right? i won't have to. i'll be drinking a stiff one for you while you trade your pathetic portfolio and probably lose your ass.

yes. all of it. "i was promised GOLDEN SHOWERS where's MY golden shower...." (hehe, if IFKYK)

this guy gets it - >>24383637

"Are you guys literally all retarded?
> Be me, Ego Finance dev
> Literally shill in Bond threads
> Well fuck looks like they got more attention than me I better rug
> Haha you know what fuck it I'll redirect my URL to Bonded's website

The Ego Finance dev is unironically the guy posting this conspiracy theory

Bond won't rug, the devs and team are doxed. They are effectively partnered with industry juggernauts and have plenty of doxed people backing them. If Bonded wanted to rug they could have raised the same amount of money they raised in the sale by doing an elaborate scam like Amplyfi.

In the process of writing this I've actually changed my mind on this post. I actually believe that OP is trying to FUD it because 1. He wants to buy lower. Or 2. He is with Barnbridge those dirty bastards."


>> No.24395399

I'll say best of luck anon, hope you make it and become rich but at the same time, no one fucking cares lol.

>> No.24395411

i will not accumulate THE most RETARDED responses in these threads and post them with my daily so you can all have a laugh at how fucking stupid you all were, in just a few short weeks!

how fun will that be!

>> No.24395435

Personally I'd just hold that money into BTC and/or ETH, but you do you anon.

>> No.24395438

i know you don't care. i don't care that you don't care. this is still ridiculously oversold, and biz deserves some sheckles too. BOND should never have gone much below IDO prices, and it will soon show.

>> No.24395504
File: 6 KB, 250x245, 1606245719960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon

>> No.24395535

thank you.

i'm telling you anons, this is either BARNBRIDGE or EGO themselves with the FUD. do not fall for me. we are oversold until above IDO prices, especially with what is to come. screencap this.

>> No.24395549
File: 386 KB, 828x846, 672D0E45-562F-495C-A50C-EDAEE0801521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added to my stack today too anon, we are going to make it!!

>> No.24395607

Kek. Mak is based. All this team FUD is bullish too. Teams do not matter in a bull run. Look at TRON for fucks sake.

>> No.24395758

I'll help you OP. You're going to make it.


Any leads drop them here.

>> No.24395895

This is a fucking scam. The bonded.finance was literally updated from empty to full of content right after EGO exit scammed. The redirect from ego to bonded was likely an error on their part.

I have messages out to Tania Tare, golf professional and supposed head of media relations for bonded. No response from her yet to confirm her involvement.

>> No.24395979

Yea ok retard bondbridge faggot

>> No.24396089

I think it’s time for you to leave this thread...

>> No.24396093

You got it! Now you just need to realize all crypto is a scam and you made it.

>> No.24396275
File: 44 KB, 1242x495, BARNBRIDGE SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tyler is behind this https://www.poweredbyplug.com/

Thats his project. Plug.
Now it gets interesting
Plug creator is 0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7.
0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7 initial money came from 0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6.
0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6 is the largest holder of 0x64d36862A2144599606670c682Ebc64170be1A82 CERTI.

CERTI And SYLO both moved in large quantities by that wallet in 2018...

https://www.poweredbyplug.com/?author=tyler Its the only user in their site.
Hes not public on being behind plug anywhere.

SingleSource ICO review, all information about token sale SingleSource (CERTI) | ICORating

Certi is from this project

0x4D55F76Ce2dBBAE7B48661bef9bD144Ce0C9091b - ethereum contract explorer - Ethplorer

This is the second largest holder of plug. See his other tokens. There is a connection. Sylo and certi are there too. This confirms it further.

Barnbridge will rot.

>> No.24396286

Centrality - A Venture Studio Creating a Decentralized Future

You know this? They are connected to all tokens I've mentioned above and are funnily enough from nz

But plug is from Tyler. Plug and all these other tokens are connected to this company in nz. You can see from their site and the token transfers never lie

But we got to these by following the Plug token contract creator and owners

This guy seems to be a major connection in all of this. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-mcdonald-7b860ba/

Then here you have Aaron as advisor on https://barnbridge.com/team/

So it looks like Tyler and Aaron and a team create tokens with no real long term intentions

>> No.24396322

0x4d55f76ce2dbbae7b48661bef9bd144ce0c9091b I am almost sure this is the key wallet to understand this. And that its Tyler’s or Aarons wallet.
This wallet has or has had all the tokens associated with him and it just pours them into the market making big profits. You can see that in the transfer history. Hapens with every single one

>> No.24396363
File: 39 KB, 1242x618, BARNPROXEUSSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proxeus is another token connected to them

Point is. None of these correlated tokens benefited anyone except the creators or wallets that got them as free transfer.

>> No.24396411

i agree this is smelly. op is probably the scammer because no one with a brain cell would go all in on this shit

>> No.24396421

Holy shit, I fucking knew it

>> No.24396488

These barnbridge scum are going to fucking burn, hell hath no fury like a neet scorned

>> No.24396541


>> No.24396739

Keep holding anon, you'll be just fine. I promise ;)

>> No.24396763
File: 1.21 MB, 3440x3062, 1978382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this is gettin' good now.

>> No.24396786

does that mean sylo is crap?

>> No.24396823
File: 114 KB, 1280x800, BondUppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of your opinion on the project, this is a good buy here IMO.

>> No.24397028
File: 157 KB, 623x818, White American Chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL wallahi, all this hilarious fud is EXTREMELY BULLISH for anyone holding Bonded!!

Some faggot actually redirected ego.finance to bonded. Think about that!!!!

Usually, fud is stupid shit that can't be proven. The typical low effort fud like "team will rug" "scamcoin not needed" "vaporware no code" you know bullshit that can't be proven or verified. Weak shit.

But here for the first time, I am seeing actually thought-provoking, premeditative FUD! The devs who scammed with Ego,Finance clearly took their profits redirected the domain to point to bonded.finance and are now buying up cheap Bonded. Bravo fellas, Bravo!

Thank you for making it that much more obvious that Bonded is a literal 10x gem in the making. Buying a fuckton later today!

>> No.24397073
File: 188 KB, 1300x967, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I come to this board.

>> No.24397318

Token movement never lies

This video tries to explain the role of singlesource/Certi with sylo. Yeah, that token that was presold and never launched 2 years ago. Cause it failed, they are integrating it into a "working" product

Looks like they’ve got a new patsy

You put some puppet in front. Use the right words. people go after it, you dump. Thats just it.

- ANYONE WANNA HELP post on biz and I will find the info. They might have fucked up by providing us that cookie crumb to follow.


>> No.24397356

Absolute shitcoin

>> No.24397365

This remains to be seen. 4 partnerships before a product launch within weeks is a juicy play at $3M marketcap

>> No.24397420

Gas yourself

>> No.24397443


>> No.24397617

haven't seen this much autism behind a low cap in a long time. i am now a buyer. send it 5x.

>> No.24397888

You will all soon see just how legitimate Bonded Finance really is. These prices are a gift.

>> No.24398245

Swingies and not bondlets gonna get da ROPE!

>> No.24398348

should I sell all my sylo now?

>> No.24398350

ok spanx a lot

Soooooo are just gonna start spraying fud fires everywhere and see what is left over when we're all done or what?
Barnbridge did kinda really screw the pooch. don't make Bond do it too

>> No.24398420

burger here, how do i buy this coin?

>> No.24398462

Dude you're cringe making these everyday
100k is peanuts here

>> No.24398621

Probably, up to you.

Go to uniwap : https://uniswap.exchange/

Approve spending on ETH.

Enter contract address (Verify, not Trust) : https://etherscan.io/token/0x5Dc02Ea99285E17656b8350722694c35154DB1E8

See chart as well:

>> No.24398646

dont you ever worry that the people you are trying to scam on this board might find out who you are, where you live, and then maybe break your legs one night while youre sleeping in your bed?
if i was a scammer like you clearly are it would be impossible for me to sleep at night.

>> No.24398802
File: 325 KB, 828x1402, BarnTylerScammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Tyler.

>> No.24398853

are you the same guy who was trying to shift blame onto andre a while ago?

>> No.24398868

LEL. popcorn at the ready for the 2 cent waiting room.

>> No.24399523
File: 437 KB, 1000x665, img_92893894793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send it to 2 cents RIGHT NOW

>> No.24399585


>> No.24399670

OP doesn't have to cope. He'll be rich in December because he can clearly hodl.

>> No.24400063

check 'em >>24399888

>> No.24400410
File: 9 KB, 234x215, PepeSweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the dump when OP hits $1M tho. $0.13? will he sell too early? will join along for the ride until then.

>> No.24400559

Hey anon, my stack is a fraction of yours, greater than 20%. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.24400661

Anyone buying here gets girlfriends EOY

>> No.24400776

can this 20x?

>> No.24401541
File: 137 KB, 1440x900, bondsendit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Ladder sells out after a 5x tho just in case you wanna buy dips.

Re-test. Last chance. Calling all bulls.

>> No.24402043

bounce it. let's get this fucking range over with so we can really moon.

>> No.24402070

Nice dead cat bounce on bonded yesterday.
Now back down to 0 where it belongs.

>> No.24402122

Blatant scam. Auditor’s findings..


>> No.24402152

pajeet team, scammed everyone on the public sale, cuckd the private sale by messing with distribution, seed are still up over 100% and will unload as they get tokens. Yeah na not for me shitskin

>> No.24402240

cringe scam if you fall for this you truly are a retard

>> No.24402311

Fake FUD.

It will moon in between locks. Exchange listing soon.



>> No.24402382

What do you mean "fake fud" Transfers cnn be frozen for no reason by devs

>> No.24402520
File: 187 KB, 802x1280, BarnSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

team said this will be taken out. i can see reasons for adding it.

also LOL imagine believing this scammer BarnFag.

>> No.24402846

wasnt this proven scam

>> No.24402947

Does Orion work with scams? https://twitter.com/orion_protocol/status/1330800518160130049

Does Origin? https://twitter.com/Bondedfinance/status/1326164484596133888

Does MATIC? https://twitter.com/Bondedfinance/status/1324340919517220876

Does REN? https://twitter.com/Bondedfinance/status/1328387577985060864

No. Dips are for buying.

>> No.24402967

can't believe people are selling here. i'm gonna be a whale soon.

>> No.24403005

>buy my bags

>> No.24403065

>bought his bags at .02 thinking it was early

>> No.24403083

DCA and hodl to win in december

>> No.24403104

>literal whos


>> No.24403156

REN is a literal who? Okay newfag.

>> No.24403207

It's an ICO scam. Sorry dude. You got TRONed.

>> No.24403260

Bottom sellers BTFO soon.

>> No.24403577


>> No.24403946

chill. capitulation wick #2. up from here. gonna get violent when normies realize it's the bottom.

>> No.24404359

2 cent waiting room

>> No.24405231

we're ....a.....all....gonna..mmmm.mm.mmmake it?

>> No.24405495
File: 268 KB, 339x480, BondedClaus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho Ho Hooooo, these dips are a Christmas miracle!

>> No.24405555
File: 7 KB, 248x240, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO nigger thats the wrong BOND!!!!

You want Barnbridge, curerntly priced at $28

Not Bonded Finance, a sub-one-cent shitcoin.

See you on /WallStreetBets my fellow Redditor

>> No.24405735

You think normies are gonna buy a few $28 shitcoins of a dumb vaporware project called BarnBridge? No, they will buy 100,000 Bonded Finance instead. How new are you.

>> No.24405767


>> No.24406017

Cope? Dudes gonna be rich. FUD = buy

>> No.24406169

not selling until an exchange listing.

>> No.24406427

This much bullish FUD is a major buy signal and I feel bad for the pajeets who will literally miss the easiest 30 day 10x of their lives. It's going to be so funny when even more partnerships start coming out, a big exchange happens, and hundreds of shitcoins bend the knee to beg to be added to this.

This is AAVE combustible into one quarter.

>> No.24406692
File: 93 KB, 1280x656, bondarinochartarino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

press S to spit on bears.