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24398692 No.24398692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so...are we in a stock market bubble?

>> No.24398708

I'm a manager at a walmart. My retard associates are trading stocks.
Good luck, this shit ends within a year.

>> No.24399023
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Damn, what stocks

>> No.24399039

I abandoned stocks and became a cryptofag. That ought to tell you enough

>> No.24399047

I know a lot of retards that have become "day traders" on robinhood.

>> No.24399119

no clue, I'm not asking. I just hope they don't get into crypto any time soon

>> No.24399148

They are who you are going to sell your bags to, anon

>> No.24399170

how long have you been a stockfag?

>> No.24399180
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What's your portfolio like roughly? Currently mostly in cash, just sold most my stake in crypto since bear market of 2018, savings with Ally bank for highest APY but that's about it. Just saving and waiting.

>> No.24399195

I ain't selling shit anytime soon, you read that I work at walmart right? Even if I'm a manager its only like 50k a year

>> No.24399202

You sure are high and mighty for working at walmart lol

>> No.24399224

stocks are less profitable than crypto lately, so I dont see a bright future for stocks

>> No.24399233

We're in a dollar bubble.

>> No.24399240

I don't think you realize the level of retard that I work with.

>> No.24399243


not for long

>> No.24399262


>> No.24399312

dxy setting record year lows today

>> No.24399344


ESG, EVs and certain software companies are in a bubble
the market as a whole is expensive but not in bubble-territory. It's cheap compared to any alternative.

>> No.24399378


that's incorrect crypto is less profitable than stocks and have been so all year.

>> No.24399385

yes, but time in the market beats timing the market, don't overextend yourself and keep cash on hand for the crash to buy up stocks at a huge discount. Nobody knows when the crash will come and it could be a few years still.

>> No.24399400

i looked at some stocks today and they are going up like altcoins. we might have a 3-4 year bear market which would be unprecedented but very real, lots of people might lose all livelihoods in that process and that is very serious

>> No.24399406
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Celebrities are killing each other for millions of dollars.

>> No.24399415


yeah. we're not going to be in a fiat bubble for long because it's going to pop.

>> No.24399429
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>> No.24399433

US equities do not outpace real inflation and haven't done so for 20 years. Literally boomer IRAs getting robbed by dollar devaluation. Equity valuations declining in relative purchasing power representation and ability to compete on the world stage. Expect more companies to diversify into crypto and hard assets.

>> No.24399450

What a weird memory lockbox. What the fuck

>> No.24399465


I hear eating crow is almost as palatable as eating swan

>> No.24399467

>that's what I said

Wow you're retarded

>> No.24399490

Pretty much a meme, every other country in the world is printing fiat like mad as well.

>> No.24399500

if gold goes on a 1.5 year bearmarket to 1400 brace yourself man

>> No.24399537


>US equities do not outpace real inflation

source for this statement?
boomer IRAs are doing fine, I highly doubt food prices went up 30% last year, but S&P500 did.

>> No.24399555

>doesn't understand dxy is a measure of US dollar confidence versus other world currencies


Karl wants us in the pods eating bugs

>> No.24399566
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>> No.24399609

Everyone I know started talking about stocks last year with the cannabis boom. Now they're all into amazon, walmart, medical stocks everything. Even the boomers at work are asking about which company to invest in for the vaccine. You are blind if you think this isn't the top

>> No.24399633

"Official" inflation is measured against food costs, but actual inflation is measured by deflationary assets such as gold which has increased by 50%

Look at US monetary supply vs GDP for the 40 years, especially against average household income as well

>> No.24399657
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Even if we are I’d still go with stocks compared to crypto. As long as there isn’t a complete meltdown of the US Government, Money printer will still go BRRR for any crash.
>Stock market crashes = Government has incentive to intervene
>Crypto crashes = Lol who gives a shit

>> No.24399661


>> No.24399665


which has caused a bubble in certain stocks. what does this have to do with the market in general?
all you have to do is look at the PE-numbers and avoid buying if it's over 80. it's not difficult.
there will always be shitty stocks, that doesn't mean we're in a bubble.

>> No.24399701

I'm sure you understand that just because "number go up" doesn't mean that the purchasing power of each dollar remains the same.

>> No.24399727


that isn't significant because the things people buy follow inflation, not gold.
if goods and services had followed the gold price we've had a serious problem but it doesn't. if you buy and hold S&P500 you are richer every year in any meaningful sense.
How much gold you can buy is not significant because nothing is priced in gold.

>> No.24399895

Well, the underlying problem is that wages have not increased with inflation, meaning workers are receiving less value in exchange for their time. So, yes, while some goods and services remain the same "price" in terms of absolute value exchanged, the average person in the country is much less rewarded in exchange for their labor.

But, more importantly, the actual dollar value representation has dropped tremendously, which destabilizes US world reserve currency status and threatens US hegemony.

On a more day-to-day level, it causes people to become more entrenched in debt and have less freedom overall. But you're also not looking at the cost of goods over the last 20 years to see that I'm correct.

The only way out is to be able to capture more value and store it in a non-inflationary way.

>> No.24399995


>wages have not increased with inflation

I agree with you about this and I agree with your final point. You really do need to live frugally and set yourself up financially to not get pwned by the stagnant wages. But I believe this is more due to globalisation than money printing or an inherent problem with the dollar.
It's a dog eat dog world and you need to aquire specialised skills and be smart with your money in order to get ahead.

>> No.24400060

the managers there are human, the grunt employees are the cattle
>t. was walmart cattle for my first job

>> No.24400126

>living frugally

not really, it's more about increasing your top line than decreasing your bottom

basically internationalization of labor and supply, as well as technology has driven the decrease in value of labor, resulting in the stagnation of the American middle class as value is siphoned off via a less closed system

>> No.24400154

welcome to business, anywhere you go, you are a "body"

>> No.24400176

Corrections happen sometimes, but since the great depression it has always recovered quickly enough. Even after 2008 it didn't stay down all that long.

So yeah it might go down by quite a bit sometime soon but just use that as a chance to buy more.

>> No.24400735


>> No.24400886

yea it's quite the bubble, but there's certainily a greater one in pepe posting

>> No.24401824
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Yep. Will last 2-3 years. Fuse will boom in 2021.