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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 1242x495, BARNBRIDGE SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24396627 No.24396627 [Reply] [Original]

First of all, if you think BOND (bonded finance) will stay below IDO, I have an ICO to sell you!

I knew all this FUD was fishy so I used my neet power. It's BARNBRIDGE.

Tyler is behind this https://www.poweredbyplug.com/

Thats his project. Plug.
Now it gets interesting
Plug creator is 0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7.
0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7 initial money came from 0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6.
0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6 is the largest holder of 0x64d36862A2144599606670c682Ebc64170be1A82 CERTI.

CERTI And SYLO both moved in large quantities by that wallet in 2018...

https://www.poweredbyplug.com/?author=tyler Its the only user in their site.
Hes not public on being behind plug anywhere.

SingleSource ICO review, all information about token sale SingleSource (CERTI) | ICORating

Certi is from this project

0x4D55F76Ce2dBBAE7B48661bef9bD144Ce0C9091b - ethereum contract explorer - Ethplorer

This is the second largest holder of plug. See his other tokens. There is a connection. Sylo and certi are there too. This confirms it further.

>> No.24396643
File: 39 KB, 1242x618, BARNPROXEUSSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Centrality - A Venture Studio Creating a Decentralized Future

You know this? They are connected to all tokens I've mentioned above and are funnily enough from nz

But plug is from Tyler. Plug and all these other tokens are connected to this company in nz. You can see from their site and the token transfers never lie

But we got to these by following the Plug token contract creator and owners

This guy seems to be a major connection in all of this. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-mcdonald-7b860ba/

Then here you have Aaron as advisor on https://barnbridge.com/team/

So it looks like Tyler and Aaron and a team create tokens with no real long term intentions. 0x4d55f76ce2dbbae7b48661bef9bd144ce0c9091b I am almost sure this is the key wallet to understand this. And that its Tyler’s or Aarons wallet.
This wallet has or has had all the tokens associated with him and it just pours them into the market making big profits. You can see that in the transfer history. Happens with every single one

Proxeus is another token connected to them

Point is. None of these correlated tokens benefited anyone except the creators or wallets that got them as free transfer.

Good luck and don't fall for the FUD. BOND is legit and you will soon see. Buying more because of all of this.

>> No.24396738

kekkkkk. fuck it, buying some Bonded Finance now cuz this is hilarious.

>> No.24396864

what does all this mean?? speak clearly to us

>> No.24396866



>> No.24396869
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1603839659296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite sure what all this means, but I'm impressed with your detective skills, anon

>> No.24396894

Real schizo hours, just bought 100k

>> No.24396944

Doing so much investigative work, For Free so a bunch of pajeet devs can sell their free bags. sameep would be proud of you faggot, next you should become a janny here

>> No.24396951

I fucking knew it was those bondbridge SCUM. They will fucking burn!

>> No.24396960
File: 114 KB, 1280x800, BondUppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it, brainlet.

We're going up.

>> No.24396986

tyler is even on the bonded telegram ffs

>> No.24396998

yeah wonder what he has to say about this. KEK

>> No.24397040

Who are the devs?
Mind posting token contract?

>> No.24397090

Sameep was right the whole time, he was fucking right. Sameep was right from the beginning!

>> No.24397128
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>> No.24397300

>but plug is from Tyler

that's dirty. you're dirty

Bond bros here we gooooo

>> No.24397329

Token movement never lies

This video tries to explain the role of singlesource/Certi with sylo. Yeah, that token that was presold and never launched 2 years ago. Cause it failed, they are integrating it into a "working" product

Looks like they’ve got a new patsy

You put some puppet in front. Use the right words. people go after it, you dump. Thats just it.

- ANYONE WANNA HELP post on biz and I will find the info. They might have fucked up by providing us that cookie crumb to follow.


>> No.24397344

Most of what's on this person's linkedin page isn't legitimate..


I would stay away from this project.

>> No.24397379

KEK gotta buy some bond now just in case this mega moons

>> No.24397391

kekd and checked

>> No.24397413


>> No.24397469

lol BuRn the BaRn, Bond them to the stocks

>> No.24397521

>a fucking company that claims to bring back the gold standard
>tg has no members
>twitter is banned

Kek this is like paying $500 to self-publish a book, putting it on Amazon, and having your aunt and mom review it.

>> No.24397615


>> No.24397651

Who cares. People make new projects all the time. Remember Sergey's first failed shitcoin? I bet you don't.

>> No.24397752

so i should buy barn bridge Bond?

>> No.24397824

>trying to justify an obvious scam.

>> No.24397845

Absolutely not.

Hey, it's your call. Anyone being a pussy on a $2M cap 80% below IDO when they have a major exchange listing coming + BIG partnerships (so i hear) .... wew.

It's on you to miss free money.

>> No.24397869

too late

>> No.24397941

Imagine being so scared to buy a Godly low cap chart with no exchange yet and a platform launch in a matter of weeks , all before the next unlock.

>> No.24397979
File: 300 KB, 828x1792, 9CE20335-5086-4439-B37D-1349E4849281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He immedialty went afk and is REFUSING to answer...

>> No.24398042

i keep seeing lines like these two. What are they called?

>> No.24398067
File: 294 KB, 828x766, B916A105-CA00-4990-B1A9-92DF8C73A075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And look at this...

>> No.24398073

best of luck if you're holding...


>> No.24398148


so? nothingburger

>> No.24398260
File: 22 KB, 182x164, 46D49E13-1960-4F51-A33E-9DF060FD30F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Mak would crush this twerp LMFAO fuckin spaghetti arm looking mfer

>> No.24398287

Tyler is a scammer.

BOND will hit 10 cents by EOY.

>> No.24398362
File: 325 KB, 828x1402, C09E2970-0D28-4993-ACF6-602FDF3B3017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s see if he answers this one...

>> No.24398542

dont you ever worry that the people you are trying to scam on this board might find out who you are, where you live, and then maybe break your legs one night while youre sleeping in your bed?
if i was a scammer like you clearly are it would be impossible for me to sleep at night.

>> No.24398569

Where did op go?

>> No.24398574

Hi Tyler, that’s great and all but I think we should pick up where we left off on Discord...

>> No.24398644


>> No.24398676

Dude this is pretty irrefutable evidence that these Barnbridge fags are the scammers.

This is the most based biz post of 2020.

>> No.24398875

kekk tylers triggered this is hilarious

>> No.24398951

I will be keeping an eye on what this faggot does in the future and warn all investors.

>> No.24399060
File: 1.99 MB, 480x848, 1606681318088.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbridled autism
Can't rug a project if the devs are public retard, they'd go to jail for fraud

>> No.24399102

Faked LinkedIn’s brother. I’m trying to get statements from the the team members outside of LinkedIn to confirm their association. So far I’ve gotten no response

>> No.24399215
File: 117 KB, 443x443, 1606615603831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prolly cuz you're going full schizo. Do you think already successful projects would have partnered if it weren't legit?
Doing your due diligence is fine, but flailing about screaming like a retard isn't proof of anything and just causes confusion
I've worked on a project before and I can tell you, it's stressful and exhausting, especially with raging retards like you spamming their dms.
Just because the devs aren't sucking your dick doesn't mean it's time to shit your pants

>> No.24399237

Also please stop phone posting to make it look like there's more than 3 people in this thread

>> No.24399247

jesus christ that webm

>> No.24399274

Nobody needs to affirm shit to some random frogposter on an inner mongolian milktea forum.

Bonded Finance will be above IDO price ($0.035) in December. Screencap it.

>> No.24399304

he seems pretty reasonable, you are the one flailing and screeching

>> No.24399330

Hell no lmfao kys shitskins

>> No.24399337

What they going to say? "Hi, yes, I am real"?

These people don't have time for this shit.

>> No.24399550
File: 526 KB, 762x1025, 219209908290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW you're a comfy private chad not selling until 10 cents.

>> No.24399578

i thought bonded was a legit project but this and the other thread are sketchy as fuck

>> No.24399645
File: 133 KB, 680x446, 1605881458068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardly, OP seems like a /r/I am very smart poster in his autistic rambling. The only reason I'm bitching is because I've worked on a project and I can tell you it's room temperature iq shit like this that makes it that much more stressful
Also I hope you're not just OP phone posting seeing as the poster I replied to hasn't responded

>> No.24399658

Hello Tyler.

>> No.24399716

why would i be op? did you read what he and i said?

>> No.24399738

4D FUD all up in this thread. Not falling for it. Every dip I buy 5 ETH worth. I can keep this up all month.

>> No.24400085


>> No.24400382

Checked and kek'd

>> No.24400800
File: 274 KB, 897x683, cozypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24400947

bought more. this is fun kek

>> No.24401066

Why is their PR lady a pro golfer that talks about crypto but not bonded? Did they just put random linkedin profiles on the team page? Kek

>> No.24401239

doesn't matter. not selling.

>> No.24401404

What do you mean that doesn't matter? I'm invested heavily into BOND and just might kill myself if they rug.

>> No.24401592
File: 137 KB, 1440x900, bondsendit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-test. Last chance.

>> No.24401873

I would never expect anyone to sell because of a one sentence question in a columbian knitting group chat. I am just impatiently waiting to find out who's jewing who in all of this

>> No.24401933

It's a low cap desu. It will moon, higher than people expect probably, until it isn't a low cap. Low buyers sell, it corrects at 10 or 20 or even 30 cents. High buyers cry and maybe sell low if they're from this board.

Such is the cycle.

>> No.24402062

send it above $0.02 in the next 72 hours or i am disappoint.

>> No.24402625
File: 187 KB, 802x1280, BarnSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine believing Tyler's lies. PAID SHILL ALERT. I will make it a life's mission to warn any partners this faggot works with.

>> No.24402982

lol i just got another 200k

>> No.24403272

Based. Can't wait until this goes above IDO in a single candle.

>> No.24403630

capitulation wick below the range. up we go from here. only question is when we will break IDO levels as i suspect a lot will want to GTFO around 4 cents.

>> No.24403918


>> No.24404432

wen 50 ETH at a time apes. we did bounce well here tho as suspected. poor IDO buyers tho. wew. imagine.

>> No.24405256


>> No.24405596
File: 268 KB, 339x480, BondedClaus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho Ho Ho, your dumping is a gift to me!

>> No.24405744


>> No.24406196


Going in heavy with Bond in this range. Target : $0.04

>> No.24406598

Been on biz a long time and never seen anything like this FUD. Grabbing 4M and holding to platform launch. See you out there, bitches.

>> No.24406747
File: 93 KB, 1280x656, bondarinochartarino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bond Bears get the rope TONIGHT.

>> No.24406910
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>> No.24407964


>> No.24408254
File: 3.40 MB, 422x216, BONDISBARNBRIDGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24408319
File: 546 KB, 950x500, BOND TEAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the main team of BondBridge! You think you can compete against these chads?


BOND is BarnBridge

Centrality is simply an advisor.

>> No.24408407

hello i am from bondbridge team

we request bonded.finance rename their token to "BONDAGE"

and we will keep "BOND" name, any questions please feel free to email me: harjeshj@barnbridge.io

>> No.24408418
File: 976 KB, 915x686, changemymind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonded Finance is total fucking SCAM.

Have you seen their fucking team? It's a bunch of rug pulling boomers!

You have to be a fucking idiot to even think that is a good idea in DeFi.

>> No.24408565

Tyler, you have already been exposed, give it up

>> No.24408614
File: 910 KB, 950x633, jengav2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BONDAGE is a better name, cause those boomers are gonna tie up your finances and fuck you REALLY HARD.

Bonded is a fucking scam.

>> No.24408709
File: 170 KB, 643x537, wojakhahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi Tyler!


>> No.24408969

I have $800K from this bull run and I'm calling my lawyer to see what can be done about these Barnbridge scammers.

FUCK YOU TYLER. I am autistic and I can spend gobs of money AND time to further expose and fuck you up. You won't have a penny after I am thru. You'll have negative money forever.

You are going DOWN, bitch.

>> No.24409033
File: 1.25 MB, 202x114, bogdan-short.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24409168

Go to 0 in 2021. enjoy

>> No.24409334


>> No.24409430
File: 243 KB, 2432x1167, 625_1130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24409465
File: 66 KB, 1376x800, BONDERD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look another partnership with the """"scam"""" bonded finance. this time Elrond. how could all these big names be so foolish, right?


you fags will fall for anything. barnbridge is trash.

>> No.24409538

Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the history between BOND and BarnBridge? Just bought into bonded.finance.

>> No.24409851
File: 257 KB, 500x358, img_90890283908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barnbridge hired pajeets to create memes against bonded, and then created a uniswap pool (taking advantage of the mistake of early token release during the sale)

then they went all out (i'd assume using money to pay people to FUD) and BTC dipped and it was a perfect storm.

support bonded finance. they deserve it.