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24391221 No.24391221 [Reply] [Original]

Any private pilots here?

I’m a 24 year old accountant and hate my life. I’m looking into private pilot jobs and I could get the license pretty cheaply then just get a plane and start flying while making good money. It also works well with my personal life since I could fly into the remote wilderness to hunt myself so it’s a win win.

Why shouldn’t I do this? Idc if I crash

>> No.24391257

you should do it. its amazing. bush pilot here

>> No.24391273

>Hate my life
I would not trust you to be my pilot kek

>> No.24391292

That’s a terrible career path given where the technology is. You’ll spend a ton of money trying to get through your training and once you’re done your career prospects pay dog shit for at least the first 5 to 10 years. If you’re interested in aviation you should be looking into drone piloting, drone programming, drone mechanics, etc. The future is automated and remote piloting

>> No.24391308

Where do you work and what do you earn?

>> No.24391338

I’m kind of thinking of flying people into remote areas or delivering supplies. Your little drone can’t do that

>> No.24391361
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flying makes sitting at an office desk look like a comparatively fast-paced & interesting lifestyle. Literally the most trivial and boring task in the entire universe; it's just another shitty boomer meme.

but don't take my word for it go bum a ridealong at a small airport.

>> No.24391377

this is a retarded take

102k after starting flying 4 years ago. Midwest US

>> No.24391378

You can try to become a pilot in canada/alaska and fly transsport/people to remote areas. But I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.24391385

There are quite a few companies right now making drones they can carry 1 to 2 people, or supplies. GE just partnered with Uber to make the engines for the drones they’re working on. The next 10 years is going to be very fast pace change in the aviation field.

>> No.24391394

I like hunting (starting into the woods for hours on end alone). I think I’d like flying.

>> No.24391398
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then again you seem to be retarded, so maybe it's right up your alley

>> No.24391466

>Just graduated from a 141 program
Youre gonna need Private/Instrument/Commercial before you can start making money. Just buy a plane use it for training after go buckwild.

>> No.24391503

What kind of plane and what are the maintenance costs like?

>> No.24391521

hello fellow accountingfag. i hate my life too. it wouldn't be so bad if they paid me a white man's wage.

>> No.24391531

FAA would be shooting themselves in the foot to allow commercial drone ops..

>> No.24391537


This. Private pilot license does not mean you can can get paid to fly. You'll need a commercial license which requires 250 hours. Budget around $35,000 for that.

>> No.24391608

I understand that but I don’t think all 250 have to be accompanied by someone I pay correct?

>> No.24391611


depends on how much cargo capacity you think you want, but the easiest answer is some kind of cub knockoff. preferably experimental-sector. the certified sector is cucked beyond belief.

>> No.24391682

Also, pilots do not "make good money". Starting pay at a regional is $45,000 which you need 1500 hours to qualify for. They're not hiring anyway.

10s of thousands of pilots are furloughed right now and they're looking for work. Even with a new commercial certificate, no one will hire you to fly anything because they have applicants with 1000's of hours. People with low time are too expensive to insure.

Best bet is keep your current job, get a private pilot license then buy or rent a plane for fun.

>> No.24391757

You can probably find a table set with the break down of a Cessna 150/172
No but the 70is hours you're going to need an instructor for the two rating you'll be working on in the meantime.

>> No.24391832
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>You can probably find a table set with the break down of a Cessna 150/172

>advising anyone to buy a 150 or 172
>for any purpose

and that's when anon realized that cessna cucks are 2017-tier bagholders

>> No.24391937

I get that. I wouldn’t quit my job unless I had all my shit lined up and another job waiting

>> No.24391946


Well no but most will be. You'll need a CFI with you for most of the private pilot traning. You'll fly solo but not much. Instrument rating will be 100% with a CFI. Commercial will be about half. So say 60hr for private, 50 for instrument, and 50 for commercial. The other 90 can be solo. Prices vary throughout the country but average is about $170/hr for a 172 and $50 for CFI.

Add headset, ground school, maps, exam fees, medical, you're looking at like closer to $50,000

>> No.24392178

I wouldn't consider being a pilot as a career, although I did at one point. But if I ever make it, hobby flying would be one thing I'd love to take up. When I was a teenager I did a lot of flying in gliders and a couple of times in a powered plane, and was considering working towards getting a license. But I stopped doing it mainly because of money.
What sort of cost and time investment are you looking at to get a hobby pilot's license these days? Is it the same as what >>24391537
said for a commercial license? Anyone here do it? Is it even worthwhile? I'm in the EU if that makes a difference.

>> No.24392255


soaring clubs are quite popular in the EU, and are generally a much more affordable route into recreational aviation. Gliders are more fun than GA anyway.

>> No.24392425

Honestly, I wish I'd never stopped. It was my dad's idea, since I spent countless hours playing flight sims and I guess he wanted to get me out the house. But after he stopped pushing me I never did it on my own initiative. Even though I have comfy memories of riding thermals alongside buzzards in the Cairngorms. Hope one day I'll have the money and free time to get back into it properly.

>> No.24392476

Are you a CPA? I’m a CPA and hate my career choice. I can’t really switch careers at this point unfortunately.

>> No.24392507
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Just buy a mid 2000s sportbike for $2k if you hate your life. Blasting on the freeway at 150mph is fun. Next best toy you can get after a Ferrari

>> No.24392545

Then you would know there are no legal PPL jobs bro, go for CFI and move to van nuys CA

>> No.24392593
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This is how I picture van nuys CFI's

>> No.24392632

I was a CPA for ten years and fucking hated it. Retired during 2017 bull run now I’m poor as fuck just hoping I can make it so I don’t have to go back to work.

>> No.24392642

You don't need to pay for all your hours. Get a PPL and then try to work towards becoming an instructor. Its awful pay but in 2 years you will be at 1500 hours and thats all paid by the student you are teaching. At that point you can go do anything. Aviation has a high barrier of entry but then becomes fun and profitable. If you have a job that pays decent the best plan is to use that job to offset costs of getting ppl, instrument, and commercial and then you can start looking at jobs that build hours for you.
>and that's when anon realized that cessna cucks are 2017-tier bagholders
Anything other than Cessna, beechcraft or maule are Chinese trash.

>> No.24392697

Best of luck. I’d never want to come back to accounting if I were retired. It’s a miserable profession for sure.

>> No.24392797

Not a cpa as I just graduated last December. I started to study for it but hated every second and realized that by the time I pass this it’ll be too late and I’ll have to do this forever. That’s why I’m exploring every alternative option I can.

>> No.24392884

>Anything other than Cessna, beechcraft or maule are Chinese trash.

I don't even know what this post is referring to. I can't think of a single common certified OR experimental aircraft that's made in China? In part or in whole?

Anyway all the 1950-1970s cessnas floating around are absolute deathtraps and most beechs are too - tho at least there you have a 2nd engine...

>> No.24393309

>is referring to. I can't think of a single common certified OR experimental aircraft that's made in China? In part or in whole?
They are made in the us by Americans. But are owned by non Americans. You support them and you support America's enemies.
>cirrus, bought by Chinese, China now knows all that technology and your hard earned goy money.
>piper, government of Brunei mudslime king
I'm not bothering to look up the rest. Some like pilatus are euro so they are probably fine. But China and Brunei aren't exactly countries you want to become enriched by your labor or are exactly companies with good safety policies.

>> No.24393441

pretty cheap? i mean it ain't a massive amount of money but it will cost you tens of thousands to get licensed and purchase a partnership in plane (you are not buying, storing and maintaining your own plane - find friends who fly and split the cost).

You could do it but keep your accounting job with steady income so you can actually afford the above until you are employable.

>> No.24393635

>There are quite a few companies right now making drones they can carry 1 to 2 people, or supplies
It moves so goddamn fast.
Is it preprogrammed flying?
What's the control range if not, and the fuel range?

>> No.24394627

>Is it preprogrammed flying?

This question tells me that you have no idea how far behind you really are. I'm not sure I can bridge the gap without giving you a crash course on everything from basic transistor logic gates all the way up to how an autopilot uses WAAS and/or other telemetry to follow a flight plan.

Maybe a visual aid will do the trick. This is a video from 2011; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CR5y8qZf0Y

>> No.24394680

You need more than a private's license to do anything in a plane that will make you money.

You should do it, though. It's a fun hobby.

>> No.24394715
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More polos less hats, gotta put a cell phone in their hand as you practice traffic patterns

>> No.24394726
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Bush pilot here.
But not with planes.
You should unironically check it out.

>> No.24394744



>> No.24395688

Isn't corporate accounting better anyway?

If you're in public yeah you will hate your life. CPA isnt even worth it anymore.

>> No.24396462

OP, I have bad news for you, your photo is an R/C model.

Commercial pilots require more than just a basic private license. You can't take paying passengers or paying jobs with just a 40-hour airman's certificate. You could do it illegally I guess, but that has its own risks.

>I’m kind of thinking of flying people into remote areas or delivering supplies. Your little drone can’t do that
True, drones can't deliver people. Cargo is another matter. It will be happening and soon even if it isn't talked about because of retarded FAA regs.

I had a neighbor who lost her license because her health suddenly went bad. She spent half the year in Alaska doing bush piloting because nobody catches people operating illegally in Alaska. She didn't care because she had no future any other way. You might or might not care.

>> No.24396479

>It also works well with my personal life since I could fly into the remote wilderness to hunt myself
In the wilderness other things will be hunting you, little accountant.

>> No.24396583

keep your job
get your ppl
buy a little 172 and fly around for fun

>> No.24397688
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OP wtf Im going to school right now to become an accountant? why does it suck?
redpill me please

>start riding in hopes of killing yourself
>actually start feeling happier due to your new hobby

I already own two bikes and looking to buy a third one soon.

>> No.24397758

We're still a few decades away from anyone trusting a robot to fly people on an aircraft.