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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24388257 No.24388257 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else wish they could just teleport to 2023 regardless of losing years in their life just to see their portfolio

>> No.24388277


>> No.24388287

Nah the suffering will make it more likely you appreciate it

>> No.24388298
File: 138 KB, 482x427, 15871288729212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give every single dollar I have just to be 18 again
That was only 5 years ago

>> No.24388313

unironically same

>> No.24388368

Not many people realize but there's actually a hidden exploit in Binance. If you move your phone's clock forward in time with the right alignment (read the bible for clues) you will see the future prices, but you can't sell, buy or go to the past. Take notes, I will be deleting this post soon.

>> No.24388388


>> No.24388516

Oh man, wait until you hit 30

>> No.24388561
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18 was three years ago for me

>> No.24389080

Covid is ruining my year of being 18
16-17 was way better. Parties, girls, not having to give a fuck about school

2020 can fuck off

>> No.24389114

Don't any teleport because I'm super comfy on my INJ hold, will stack it until 2021

>> No.24389307

just hit 30 few weeks ago. its a great age.
age up to ~20 is great, early and mid 20's suck hard, late 20's start figuring things out and 30's are great again.

>> No.24390156

What do? I'm 18

>> No.24390242

Prepare for a comfy life in the pod while feasting on delicious bugs. Before that: enjoy the best year of your life destroyed by Corona-Chan. You are already fucked.

>> No.24390252

Nothing else going on in your life, sad

>> No.24390279
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my 18s were 10 years ago

>> No.24390358

25 here
I was hoping that would be the case. Thanks for the hopium anon

>> No.24390382

I'd prefer to teleport back 3 years rather than forward

>> No.24390385

Same, brother.

>> No.24390483
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6 years for me
m-make it stop bros

>> No.24390493

This. I was a complete newfag in 2017 and held that christmas pump like a moron. I could have changed my life around for 2018 and not lose the past three years.

>> No.24390535

have sex

>> No.24390601

Dude 23 is still young as fuck. You still have S E V E N years left in your twenties. That's a long time. If you make smart moves now you'll be comfy af at 30.

T. 30 year old that only recently got his shit halfway together

>> No.24390724

abandon substances

>> No.24391089

this x1000

>> No.24392094

Going to be deep in a recession then frend

>> No.24392147

I have things I would like to accomplish in th meantime, so no.

>> No.24392151

If you only knew how bad things are going to get when the real depression happens and interest rates pull a 1986. Every fucking boomer and millennial is pulling every dime out of their 401k and kicking the can down the road to retirement crisis. Fucking retards ruined my lifetime.

>> No.24392154

It only applies if you have made a lot of money by that time

t. richfag in his 30s

>> No.24392220

You could be using those three years to accumulate with each paycheck.

>> No.24392300
File: 440 KB, 1200x1200, 2893A7B0-5149-4B66-8E3B-402B5F19A647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 39 and am retired. Everything is shit. When I was young I wanted to live forever, but as I’ve aged I realized that everything gets old. Nothing will ever be as exciting as it was when you were young. You become... damaged as you age. Everything that hurts stays with you. It’s not just your body that gets worn out. I imagine that by the time I die, I will wish for it. Nothing is more valuable than youth.

>> No.24392307

I just need to peek 1 day into the future, for 1 minute, to become a billionare

>> No.24392528

i mined bitcoin when i was 18
i never worked a day in my life and im a millionaire
fuck normies, fuck jannies, fuck jews

>> No.24392552

Do you have kids?

>> No.24392569


>> No.24392852

I'm almost 32 now and I'll very likely be retired by the time I'm your age. I had fun in my 20s but I'm excited and fully expect my 40s to be the best years of my life.

>> No.24393185

You're the first and only person I've seen say that being 30 is great. I hope you're right

>> No.24393552

about to go to uni next year. How do I stay above the water and not start out in debt?

>> No.24393795

I'm 37 and honestly it's great if you take care of yourself. It's never too late for a man as long as he takes care of himself. The same can't be said for women though.

>> No.24393851

Boys I am still young what do I do???

>> No.24393859

Focus on puss at all times, it may seem fleeting but the memories last a lifetime

>> No.24394146

No, but I hate women and kids. It’s not for me, as much as some people say it’s the meaning of life.
By every metric it should be the best time of my life. I have freedom and money to do whatever I want. I would never want to go back to working again. Maybe it’s the struggle that’s missing. I’m not miserable, it’s just that nothing is special and nothing matters.

>> No.24394310

it gets worse the older you are too

>> No.24394518

Do you work out? I’m poor as fuck but in the best shape of my life at 33. I’d kms if I didn’t have a fitness routine. Health is wealth.

>> No.24394566

>I’m not miserable, it’s just that nothing is special and nothing matters.
I've felt this way since graduating 5 years ago. But I'm content with the fact that I don't have to study anymore and I'm making more money than I ever anticipated.
This. When I make it and no longer have to work full time, I'll be at the gym up to 5 days every week. Instead of the 2 or 3 days I do now.

>> No.24394624

Yeah, I’m an avid runner. 3 marathons, some halfs and countless 10ks and 5ks. It’s not that I don’t like things, it’s just that nothing is as good as it was when I was young.

>> No.24394675

YOU FAGGOT DON"T REALIZE TIME IS the most scarce resource in the galaxy

>> No.24394754

true lol

>> No.24395811

I just turned 30 too. It's awesome. A LOT better than mid 20s. Now just hoping it gets better and can retire at like 35, but find a lady before that

>> No.24395841

I'd rather go back in time

>> No.24395903


>> No.24395941

24 here and I feel amazing. Less alcohol and more gym time, I still feel and look young. A blunt a day while watching anime unironically helps soothe the soul too

>> No.24396965
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Fellow runner here. Practice gratitude my friend. Nothing you have (roof, dinner, running water, arms, eyes, friends, knowledge, etc.) is entitled to you. There are billions of people on this planet who will never even have the opportunity to amass a fraction of what you do have.

39 is not old. If you're a male with free time, there's no reason why you can't age gracefully, a la George Clooney.

Ignore the title of the video. "What makes you happy" is at 2:42.


>Nothing is more valuable than youth.

Peace of mind is more valuable than youth.

>> No.24397228

you're wasting your 20s if you already think dumb shit like this you young faggot.