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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24388040 No.24388040 [Reply] [Original]

Marines! WE MUST convince these dirty and disgusting NOILERS to Stop their filthy FU campaign and finally buy into This hidden gem! It is your duty and your honor To get everybody into digital oil and makes them see the coming the second coming of this awesome coin it is literally the only kind that matters and we should punish every dirty no oiler for not at least owning some digital oil.

>> No.24388173
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Literally couldn't give a fuck if these Noilers buy or not. RLC is inevitable wither they buy or not. If they are too stupid fuck them.

>> No.24388212

If I buy digital oil, does that make me an arab?

If I'm an arab, doesn't that mean that the US government is going to drone strike my house?

How does this information affect RLCs price?

>> No.24388244

this. soon the enterprise will be fighting over our stacks.

>> No.24388422

Who cares fudding on biz doesnt bave real world consequences. If you know the team and the partnerships then you shouldnt care, anyone who talks shit hasnt done their research or is trying to troll. The problem is RLC is spammed too much, so there is a push back because people are annoyed. Do you like seeing Sta or bond finance (both obvious scams) getting spammed here all the time? So people assume rlc is a scam too

>> No.24388468 [DELETED] 

There is no subspecies of aniimals in the human kingdom as low as a Noiler. They stink, they spread disease and when they talk their utterings consist of an opera of lies only equalled by the extreme left. Let them miss out, when the tech giants of this world decide to embrace the iExec their the world shall be filled with tears for they know the DOTB has just begun.

>> No.24388578

everyone who does not hold a suicide stack by now is a fucking retard. I dont have much becausse im bored of the crabbing but i know it will eventually moon like crazy so i keep 3k oils just in case.

>> No.24388870

b8sed comment m8 I r8 8/8, RLC for da win, gotta keep the f8th!

>> No.24388897

so close to 88888, but I suppose that was too much to ask for, why am I even alive desperately attaching my faith to some internet coins lol. I am better of dead.

>> No.24389111

I like everything about this except for the "dogshit" thing. Will all these companies really take this seriously if they call it dogshit? C'mon I get having a sense of humor but don't call it that.

>> No.24389277
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>> No.24389324

Oh wow didn't break $1.2 again and dumped straight below 90c what a surprise

>> No.24389466 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 600x400, DOGSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24389788

based, checked

>> No.24389806

Useless token. Why not invest in Cardano and then use said currency to buy cloud services. Why is there a token specifically for this? It's a dressed up version of Potcoin. Haven't read the white paper. Not buying.

>> No.24390513

>Useless token
Sadly true. The marketplace is cool and all, but people will just use ETH to pay for computing power instead of some tucked on ERC20 token.

>> No.24390561

>hidden gem
Sell signal

>> No.24390582
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fuck noilers

>> No.24390685
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>> No.24390772
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>Why not invest in Cardano

>> No.24391030

Hey fellow digital oil barons, I feel like we havve something in common because we all like digitial oil and so I consider you all dear friends of mine. i found a nice song I wanted to share with you frens.


I hope iExec will go iinsane and we can all quit our jobs and retire and live a peaceful life, because life is over before you know it, we are too good to work in a wage cage as a slave like the Noilers.

>> No.24392047

Yeah because of trump and btc you fuckwit

>> No.24392441
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>> No.24392922
File: 704 KB, 1242x1394, gigasheik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you silly amerimutt.
the OIL arabs are all american allies.
s*udi arabia, UAE, qatar & bahrain all do exactly what they want because of how much oil they have.
s*udi killed an american resident and journalist in a turkish embassy and drumpfies did NOTHING
oil sheiks do whatever they want, soon iexecutioners will too

>> No.24393558

fuck noilers

>> No.24393639
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 1606677468022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing happens in february, a lot of normie will dump their bags...