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File: 11 KB, 800x400, swarmcity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2438140 No.2438140 [Reply] [Original]

*nonchalant whistling*

>> No.2438182

Shhhh I'm trying to accumulate goy

>> No.2438199


biz will be sorry they fudded this coin when i buy my lambo

>> No.2438261

is 476 SWT enough?

>> No.2438272
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get ready

SWT is gonna moon like ETH for days

>> No.2438284
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I hope so anon I'm at 400 swats

>> No.2438300

fuck off with this piece of shit coin that does nothing. get better at shilling, no one is gonna buy this garbage coin.

>> No.2438337
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>> No.2438380

Agreed. This is a pump job. Who the fuck is going to actually use this crap? What world are these assholes living in where they think they can interact between each other on a shitty web based app and not run into a billion problems? The world is owned by dirty ruthless kikes and ugly white people. Swarm City has no chance of doing what they think they can do. Just like Bitcoin. Just wait till the media hears about Vitalik, they're going to claim Bitcoin is a currency created "by the Russians" and then some kike will steal all the technology and force everyone to use it.

>> No.2438426

fuck, that pic and this stress makes me wanna smoke
these types of posts always make me wonder if these are true FUD's or if they're just trying to buy more cheaper

>> No.2438442

100% pure FUD. this coin has NOTHING going for it. No one will use this over uber. n o b o d y will use this ever. it's a waste of eth is what this coin is, the only thing its good for is the ponzi the creators are running

>> No.2438483

fuddy duddy pls

>> No.2438523

I'm not going to lie, I would buy if it was cheaper, just because I think this has a chance to gain a lot of publicity greedy idiots will drive the price up. But I don't think it's worth the risk at this price, because I honestly don't think the world gives a fuck about this kind of shit. They want someone do to their thinking for them. This concept is asking for you to think for yourself and take control of your life. Society does not want to go to that length, they want to be raped.

>> No.2438532
File: 12 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys they are right. I have something to announce....

Swarm city is a SCAM. ITS A SCAM!!! You should sell ASAP.

Sell right now. Get what you can for it and run.




>> No.2438538

agreed absolutely dogshit coin

>> No.2438591

"I honestly don't think the world gives a fuck about this kind of shit. Bitcoin is never going to be worth more than $10."

>> No.2438595

Yea it's trash, but everything else is either a memecoin or has already gone up way past what it should ever have been worth.

>> No.2438619

This coin is going to be DGB again. Hype leading to the event inflates the price, event is disappionting and shows a weak product that'll never be completed or picked up, sell off immediately. If you're ready to sell there's profit here, but it'll be a long term hodl if you miss your chance

>> No.2438636

But it's 2017 now and Bitcoin still hasn't caught on. Sure, it might have gone up in value a ton, but it's entirely possible that it crashes all the way back to $10, because it simply has very limited use. The United States government which is own by dirty demonic filth, is not going to let Bitcoin become what it wants to become. They are going to rape all these NEET's who made millions.

>> No.2438643
File: 84 KB, 500x334, 056165000414122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you ladies and gentlemen, the average swarm city FUDer. This nigger can't even check ID's

>> No.2438646

>implying the USA can ruin cryptocurrencies.
>implying asia isnt the 1# adopter of cryptocurrencies

>> No.2438657

oh you think the Chinese government is going to allow their citizens to self govern? yea, keep dreaming.

>> No.2438679

china in particular is moving more and more towards more capitalist policies, while USA is moving to more and more communistic policies. So no, maybe not self govern, but they wont destroy BTC. oh and
>The United States government which is own by dirty demonic filth, is not going to let Bitcoin become what it wants to become. They are going to rape all these NEET's who made millions.
you said nothing about china

>> No.2438712
File: 51 KB, 573x609, 1497319587739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.2438717

Well the USA is still looked to as the super power of the world, so what these scumbags do kind of matters.

>> No.2438736

Great argument. Real convincing. We should just listen to you because you posted a picture of a dirty slut smiling because her ass just got fucked by a nigger.

>> No.2438740

40M market cap, don't be fooled by the "high" price of each token. Percentage based-returns and the low marketcap leave room for a 10x easy if this takes off.

>> No.2438748

Do you not understand how shifts of power work? USA will not be the world superpower forever, and with each retarded law they pass, and policy they implement, more and more people wake up to the fact that the USA is heading to 4th world status.

>> No.2438758

So why hasn't it happened yet? What is the market waiting for? It's been bullshitting around these prices for days. I'm not seeing a lot of real buys, just a lot of manipulation.

>> No.2438760
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>bitcoin hasn't caught on

>> No.2438775

>the USA is heading to 4th world status.
I would love for that to happen, but I can't see it happening without the rest of the world being dragged down with it, and that's the only reason why the rest of the world still tolerates America.

>> No.2438786

It's waiting for a product. The developers are nose-to-the-grindstone kinda guys. Been talking with them in slack. They just don't care about marketing or promotion much at this stage, they have been focusing on making sure the first release is good.

If it doesn't take off I'll be really sad because they have worked hard and they are some really nice guys.

>> No.2438798

>If it doesn't take off I'll be really sad because they have worked hard and they are some really nice guys.

Well that's cool, but I don't think that's a good enough reason for people to put their money here. I've also worked hard in life and am very nice, but I'm a failure, and no one cares. Being a nice hard worker doesn't amount to shit.

>> No.2438808

Fucking scam coin.

>> No.2438819
File: 1.82 MB, 250x209, 324324234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's 2017 now and Bitcoin still hasn't caught on.

This is horrible, horrible FUD

>> No.2438840

Yeah no shit, at the end of the day they need to make me money. So far I have doubled my money on this coin. Not too worried about people if they think it's a "scam coin". While other people's alts were getting trashed the past week I was enjoying SWT gains.

>> No.2438854

You stupid fudder. Bitcoin doesnt have to catch on for SWT to be successful. The crypto market runs on speculation right now. You are talking big picture things.

I mean you are talking about how btc hasnt caught on when the market experienced explosive growth. You say its a bubble well I say you're full of shit, this is as much as its a cultural revolution as it is a technical one. You can it can crash down - well no shit, any asset can crash, but will it?

You're debating the future success of BTC in a thread about SWT and the current market. This is fucking irrelevant. SWT is going to moon because the concept is solid, the development team is solid and their marketing/branding is fucking solid.

This is a no brainer. I can't believe you're actually arguing this genuinely.

To say that Bitcoin hasnt caught on when in Jan it was worth sub $1,000 is laughable and just ignorant FUD

>> No.2438867

Yes and I made more than 3x here on SWT, but I've seen stalls like this before and I don't want to be lose my profits because of my wishful thinking that these team knows what they're doing. I have yet to see it yet. They really don't inspire all that much confidence in me at this point. Not enough to hold with such gains as I've had. I truly do want to hold for the biggest gains and see a "next ETH" type situation, but if this is just going to be a pump and dump to squeeze out another 20%, I'd rather take my money now and sleep well at night.

>> No.2438885

Then take your profits and quit bitching. This is crypto this is supposed to be risky. Of course, there is absolutely nothing that points to SWT being a pump and dump besides your paranoia but its not my money. If you dont have strong hands not my problem.

Just sell and be done with it

>> No.2438890

Then get out now, this coin has no devs. they're planning on dumping on the 15th when everyone realizes they didnt release shit.

>> No.2438908

*shurgs* yeah idk man, you do you. I hold SWT on the houses money. I wouldn't be doing that if I didn't like where this is going.

>> No.2438918

KEK. I'm sure there are idiots on here that would believe this FUD, even though you can go on the Git yourself and take a look at the active development.

>> No.2438924


Why don't you go talk to the devs? Oh that would require researching coins and it's much easier to jump on PnD on /biz/

>> No.2438931

This thread is cancerous. Full of Fudders wasting people's time.

Anyone with half a brain will be balls deep

>> No.2438958

The project reminds me of IOC. Stagnant for a year, still $30m market cap.

>> No.2438980


Am I missing something? What does Vitalik have to do with Bitcoin?

>> No.2438983

if you want a real coin, go buy bunnycoin. the dev is actively working on it.

>> No.2438992

Exactly. You think the media gives a shit? They'll run with it anyway, and people will believe it.

>> No.2438996

He's saying that because people dont do research on their own, the MSM will claim that all cryptocurrencies were made by russian hackers to steal wealth from america or something. For all we know satoshi nakamoto was actually a russian KGB agent.

>> No.2438999

ROFL you guys realize this project is run by liberal SJW bernie sanders supporters right?

>> No.2439004


>> No.2439005

>bringing politiks into business

>> No.2439029
File: 12 KB, 258x245, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in a group of literal socialists

>> No.2439042

In fact, I was under the impression that the developers of this token were actually cryptoanarchists. A far cry from any type of socialism. Git your facts str8 m8

>> No.2439046

>can't fud the coin itself
>retreats to insulting the dev's political beliefs

>> No.2439060

No need to attack the coin, its quite obvious it's just a giant scam.

>> No.2439068

It's quite obvious you're full of shit.

>> No.2439073

>it's a scam!!!!!!!!!
Check the fucking github and white papers you fuck. They literally prove what they're working on is legit. Fucking Christ.

>> No.2439082

>no argument
See? the swarm shitty shills cant even bring up why this coin is so good. #1 indicator this is a scam. but it's a failed scam since nobody advertises it LMAO

>> No.2439084
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Just like with Sanders' failing campaign, this token has no refunds. KEK

>> No.2439101

NO ARGUMENT? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. You're not even arguing anything you're just doing baseless fudding.



>> No.2439113

>Development is right on the Github for everyone to see
>Obvious fudding
>Calls other people shills for getting called out
Your FUD sux brah
Who are you? Why do we care what you have to say?

>> No.2439177

>uber,airbnb,etc have disrupted traditional industries and taken off, creating companies worth billions
>crypto backed version of this which is programmable is not a product, can disrupt no industries, and is worth nothing because it's scam without developers even though the product is releasing tomorrow

Hmm really swarms that city...

>> No.2439318


https://github.com/swarmcity fucking faggot.

>> No.2439562

he wasnt fudding bro

>> No.2439813

I'm just so used to fud I jump to conclusions.

>> No.2439832

Pick a coin that actually has something going for it and you wont have to deal with fudders pointing out how shit your shilling is

>> No.2439857

Read above, not even shilling. Shilling would be lying about the coin to make it appear better than it is. All I've done is debunked some retarded claims and give proof the coin is being worked on and that there will be plenty to announce on the 15th.