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File: 161 KB, 778x1405, EXU7rAgU8AMnlhJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24385289 No.24385289 [Reply] [Original]

I think the most exciting thing about Crypto is that even kids can outperform Boomer "star investors"
The wealth transfer is going to be ridiculous

>> No.24385313

jesus christ is that a real tweet

>> No.24385315

absolutely seething

>> No.24385328
File: 258 KB, 823x755, 1606404762372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24385332


>> No.24385336

>helping your kid buy crypto is taking financial advice from them

Pete is so assblasted that he can't even remain coherent

>> No.24385345

I remember an interview with Buffet, ah well let me find it here it is


Notice how telling what he said was. "Why would I invest........in something I don't know anything about."

Oh wait?


>> No.24385360
File: 308 KB, 1080x1487, IMG_20201129_193746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but it's already a year old and she is 13 now

>> No.24385390

news articles were written about it and it looks like peter deleted it. lulz


>> No.24385395

That’s 13??
Jesus Christ the hormones in the food are totally fucking up the next generations endocrine systems.
She looks fucking 26 years old

>> No.24385418

The wall is 10 now

>> No.24385440

That's the American youth for you. The amount of 40 year old looking 20 year olds in the USA is shocking.

>> No.24385483
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 1606585166949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 12 year old has a better ROI than Schiff
makes u think

>> No.24385485

She looks like she already hit the wall

>> No.24385601

I think it's really just makeup. You can see that she's still a kid and doesn't look too different from >>24385289

>> No.24385634

it is pretty standard outside U.S. no problema amigo

>> No.24385678

whoreup makes young pretty girls look 20 years older
t. saw the 14 year old daughter of the milf i bang with and without makeup

>> No.24386155
File: 1.70 MB, 1214x1214, 1588969523109.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter is on the right track here. NEVER use your kids for internet points. It's the weakest thing a Father could ever do, shameful.

>> No.24386247

He is a good dad who taught his girl how to make money instead of the useless shit they tell the kids at school.

>> No.24387061

why do moralfags argue that 13 isn't the female peak???

>> No.24387293

>that tweet
I sold

>> No.24387364

Peter Schiff knows what he says is bullshit, he is a paid fudder hired by Mossad

>> No.24387379

holy fuck is this real?

>> No.24387581

Why wouldn't it be

>> No.24388625
File: 12 KB, 368x284, 1599829877010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking pathetic Peter. It's not hatred he has for BTC, it's fear.

>> No.24389475

jesus christ Peter shiff is a soulless kike

>> No.24389510

The hardest part is selling, buying is easy.
Peter is right in many ways. Kids are gonna 5x and either sell early, or ride back to square one.
It’s rare that people exit with 10x+

>> No.24389538

>he is a paid fudder
yep i think that's obviously the case. he's fudding bitcoin since it was 10$.

>> No.24389543

Facts. I always dump them on their 9th birthday, don't want to deal with fucking grannies

>> No.24389545

I literally bought gold and silver because I thought the dollar was collapsing when i was 12.

>> No.24389574

Peter is a piece of shit

>> No.24389603

How old are you now?

>> No.24389628

Not fear, straight out panic, fear was 10 years ago when dollar parity was reached

>> No.24389667

he’s 13 and bitcoin is up like 100

>> No.24389669

Kek imagine being a better investor at 12 years old than a 50-something year old career investor

>> No.24389676

She looks 16-17

>> No.24389736
File: 382 KB, 966x1245, IMG_20201129_225203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so obviously fooled by makeup? She obviously is and looks 13

>> No.24389760

If anything it's the exact opposite. People are very underdeveloped and young looking these days compared to how people used to look.

>> No.24389825

she will whore herself out at parties AND make HUGE money doing porn?!! woah BASED!

>> No.24389906

Now she looks 40

>> No.24389907

Keked hard.
Based kids.

>> No.24389993

>Peter Sneed getting rekt by a 12 year old
This timeline has a few gems at least

>> No.24389995


>> No.24390049

Oh shit that’s record setting levels of butthurt from Schiff. Insulting a father by comparing him to his daughter and then saYing “at least she’s young enough to be this dumb” is quite seriously fighting words. I would have bought a plane ticket to kick his ass. I used to think his whining was a bit entertaining, but after this I truly want to see Schiff ruined, not a penny to his name. I hope bitcoin steals the entire market cap from gold and that Schiff will walk around in a barrel, trying to score bread with his yellow rocks and being laughed out of town. I can’t wait until the 12-yo girl dabs on him.

>> No.24390053

I think 40 year old women trying to make themselves look like 20 has completely warped your perception of how old people actually are

>> No.24390107

>I can’t wait until the 12-yo girl dabs on him

She already does

>> No.24390231
File: 74 KB, 600x681, C0A65730-EBDC-4F8A-827F-F2F82B928796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until he changes his pfp to pic related?
>i’m serious

>> No.24390271

He's a kike what did you expect?

>> No.24390363

is this girl based or what?


>> No.24390512

wtf did I just watch

>> No.24390744

wtf i want to put my penis in bitcoin now

>> No.24391172

Jesus. Should I sell my gold for btc?