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24381561 No.24381561 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been here for years through many pumps and dumps
Through it all I’ve held my stack of 50,000 LINK and 1 LP share with a religious zeal
Today I’m a broken man
I lost $20,000 the other day after that disgusting dump and now I’m shellshocked
I have $5000 left until I have to sell some of my RSR side bag to survive and all I’m really waiting for is $100 link
I don’t want to touch my 50k LINK until then that has been my spiritual war
Will it ever happen
My life is a mess I drink everyday and just WAIT
I’m a borderline suicidal overweight anti-social asshole with some form of autism
Inb4 shut the fuck up kys etc
YOU try holding LINK for this long I’m tired of waiting for my life to start FUCK THIS
I can’t survive another year like this I’m done fuck it all I’ll never be happy anyway
Fuck this clown world they’ll probably take it all away from me if I ever actually made it
I’m an OG marine who’s been fighting this war for too long
Staking hasn’t even been released
They haven’t even mentioned it in forever
LINK barely pumped during this entire BTC bull move
It’s all a joke and yet I’m not laughing
I haven’t laughed in years

>> No.24381576

Fuck off fag

>> No.24381597

sergey is the only person who has never lost money on chainshit

>> No.24381654

I’m in a similar boat anon. If you’re not holding at least until staking you are really shooting yourself in the foot, I think. The real battle will come when your 50k is enough to retire but just barely (think $3MM or so), and you have to choose to end this wild ride then or try to keep going until you’ve truly made it ($10MM+). $100 is a nice happy medium, you’ll have around $4MM after taxes. But it’s not true make it rich. A safe return will net you around 3% which is only $120k before tax, so to really live well you’ll have to invest in riskier prospects which means a downturn in the economy or market you’re invested in could force you back to work.

>> No.24381749

Same, man. Same.
I don't know if we will be alright

>> No.24381818 [DELETED] 
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As if you could demoralize me, faggot.

>> No.24381852

We tried to tell you, selling at ~$20 was your ticket out.

>> No.24381866

fucking pathetic. You think you're owed an easy life just because you brought some link? You should never have everything riding on 1 investment, why aren't you trying to get other things going in your life, at least you'll stop obsessing over charts all day

>> No.24381900

man you're a bunch of fucking idiots

>> No.24381912

You niggers are weak. You don't know what it's like working in the Florida Summer sun every day on construction sites to accumulate links. You niggers unironically have it too easy. Weak, pathetic faggots.

>> No.24381930

You people should be ashamed trying to get newfags to sell their linkies right before we go pretty much straight to 100 dollars. I dont know how you sleep at night. Cant you be happy with your gains without knowing that you possibly made someone make an awful financial mistake as well?

>> No.24381948

you are not even 1/100th of the power of an XRP holder and you are already crying.

ngmi lol

>> No.24381974

fuck off linklet faggot fat cuck.
stop larping, i have been holding my 90k link stack for 3 years now and never felt happier in my life, i know very well the jews (you OP ure a fkin jew) will try to decieve us to sell them our linkiez cheap.KYS FAGGOT, im never fucking selling, i know im holding the most precious asset since BTC my linkies will maie sure ill never suffer in my life always offering me a second chance.
ive been lurking here for years i can recognize a jew scheming piece of shit like you, the post reeks of cosher wine.
suck my dick we have iron hands and we will be holding our linkies until WE become the new elite.

tldr : DR;NS OP=JEW

>> No.24382040

basically same thing here fren. whats the point of giving up now tho? there isnt one. nothing amazing comes quick and easy, ask anyone whos ever actually done something in their lives. my friends business took 5 years to break 1 million but guess what? after that he went to ten million in a year. so imagine if he gave up like you in the first 3-4 years. what ive been doing is improving my life outside of crypto, year by year it improves but only if i try, its all on me no one else. its a win win situation, my life improves because im tryinf my best everyday and hey if my chainlink stacks makes me a millionaire in another year or two then thats an amazing combination. also, stop drinking youre literally killing yourself.

>> No.24382073

most people need triple digits link to "get out" the rich people who stacked chainlink in the last three years stilll arent out either, look at the adresses they keep buying more link

>> No.24382086
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>shills Cabal coin
>the joos the joos
lmao at these retarded demons

>> No.24382126
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>muhhhh cabal coin
dont u have some rlc or xrp to buy or some retarded jew shitcoin?

>> No.24382370
File: 465 KB, 617x520, A6327F09-BC4C-4BAD-9A82-86369B3AA424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to but I don’t know where to start
I tried to not drink today made it to 4pm
Was holding out for a Trump second term win to energise my optimism for the future but then they fucking cheated him and now the world seems like it’s falling apart in slow motion
I have no idea how to make money outside of crypto and normies have never been more cruel and bizarre
It feels like I’m trapped in a dark forest with nothing but my LINK to guide me
Have times even been this strange and chaotic
How many of us will make our way out
This is a dark time for marines I pray for us all

>> No.24382414

lmao so many salty demoralisation threads. you mad?

t.30k linker

>> No.24382444

I’m literally demoralised

>> No.24382518

Link Marine,

Bitcoin solved trustlessness. This was like inventing fire. All of the altcoins that came after it are essentially private companies with marketing campaigns, active devs, roadmaps and partnerships. The founders control them. This is the exact polar opposite of Bitcoin.

There is a widespread narrative (that Jamie Dimon will tell you), it's that it's not actually Bitcoin that's interesting - it's blockchain. This is the lie. This is the delusion.

Ethereum built on that blockchain technology. It allows thousands of projects to be built on said technology. There are tens of thousands of blockchain centered companies. Billions of dollars in funding has gone into them along with the brightest technological minds on the planet. It's been 11 years since Bitcoin came along. So far there are virtually no projects or products built in this space that have widespread or even moderate usage, and none are profitable companies. Again, bear in mind, Bitcoin is not a company.

DeFi is a natural evolution of this truth, and so these are the products and projects being built around themselves. They don't need partnerships and they exist in their own space where they offer their own value. DeFi has a long way to go, but this objective is the best hope other "cryptocurrencies" have - those built around the value they have in themselves, built around money and value.

Bitcoin has asymmetric upside on an unprecedented scale with parabolic potentials of growth now being backed by institutions. This space has many intriguing concepts and ideas, but it's all speculative. Bitcoin is a new asset class in itself, solving trustlessness and being a borderless, sleepless, programmable store of value. After a decade everything else that copied it or was inspired by it was blown away. I suggest going back to basics. The truth is sometimes hard to see even when it's been staring you in the face.

>> No.24382533

Leverage your stack and make money off the loan if you need a jolt. Pussy

>> No.24382583

the most retarded and useless thread on /biz/.

>> No.24383708

Dont pray for me fren. Ive already made it

>> No.24383753

lmao you will never make it no matter what you do

>> No.24384895

chainshit is NWO garbage tech, but is necessary for those same buttcoin holders to make APR on their bitcoin, providing then with income. chainshit isn't going anywhere.

>> No.24385087
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You should try to fix yourself first. Money will only make you happy for a short term. You will still be a fat depressed loser afterward. Look what happened to Notch after he sold Minecraft.

>> No.24385126


Dumbass you are complaining but meanwhile you own 50k link that means you’re BLESSED for finding this opportunity.

>> No.24385257

Honest thoughts from a no-linker here

What if... LINK at $13 is like BTC in 2012, valued at $40, down from its ATH of $60 a few months ago (made up numbers)

I mean LINK is only 3 years old