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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24374717 No.24374717 [Reply] [Original]

/eg/ - Entreprenuership General
> First edition

Recommended reading (can be found on libgen)
>The Lean Startup (Eric Ries)
>Zero to one (Peter Thiel)
>The Millionaire Fastlane (MJ Demarco)

What do you want out of life?

>> No.24374736

MIT has some absolutely fantastic courses as well, free online.

I hope this can become a reoccuring thread. I was a bit disappointed seeing the "Business & Finance" board be nothing but cryptocurrency for years.

>> No.24374846

I suppose I'll preach to emptiness, better than just saying "bumping"

It's about 2AM over here and I've just been thinking about my friends I've graduated with. It makes me sad to see how little people care about changing their lives or making an impact in the world, no matter how small, not even a dent. I graduated high school this summer and about 90% of my friends are going into massive debt to local unis (USA) for shit like Cybersec or Comp sci degrees ... which aren't bad on their own, and they're good schools, but they never showed much drive or initiative to do these technical things in the first place. But that's not what I'm really worried about, they're average, if not below average work ethic/talent/passion in computers and they are taking GIGANTIC fucking debt for a degree in the most competitive field in the region. They will all be in debt for over a decade at least. Imagine graduating from university only to have a fucking shackle over you. You will have to immediately get a job that you will most likely hate, since compsci is uber competitive and a lot of it is code monkey work that is low paying and then they'll probably have to climb up the corporate ladder or some other bullshit like that all while interest begins to pile up.

>> No.24374885

I lucked out, in all honesty. Despite being raised by a single Asian mother who was very hard on academics for my sibling (got a full ride somewhere, went to law school in Melbourne Australia and is now a corporate lawyer) she was actually quite alright with me going to community college. Since I live with a single unemployed mother I maxed out on the FAFSA, and ended up getting fucking paid to do my classes. My first 2 years of uni are essentially free, and with some saving and maybe a lucky scholarship, I could graduate with my Bachelors in IT (meme degree? sure.) without any debt, and if any, it would be around less than $10k.

Like I said, I was lucky. But Community College is a logistically great option that is much more affordable for everyone else. But why do people not do it? Quite simple, it's the culture. The USA is nothing like Asia where in Korea they literally study themselves to death or kill themselves if they don't do good on their uni entrance exams, yet we've still managed to keep the romanticized emotion for university. I admit, I have too, and I feel a bit bad for going to a community college because it means I'll be a tiny bit late going to a in person campus and meeting new people and doing "college life" shit which is very important to me.

But it's the stigma. Community College is seen for stupid people, it's the "last choice", the, "oh you're going to community college? ah, okay, I'm actually going to Virginia Tech haha" that is enforced by peers. The first part has some merit though. There are many, many unintelligent people in my community college classes. But in the end, they're not going to go into debt if much at all and get their associates, probably transfer somewhere and save about half of their tuition.

>> No.24374895

This. I'm a wagecuck looking for a better way of life, and all I see are crypto threads. I appreciate threads like this, as empty as it is.

>> No.24374938


I'm finally gonna do it. probably some dumbass little Etsy store but It will teach me the ropes. Wish me luck, Bros.

>> No.24374941

Thanks man, that means a lot to me. I hope this can go somewhere. I'll make a better OP next time with good info

It's still the stigma, more of a cultural and emotional issue than a logical one than anything. It's cool to go to a cool school. But zoomers nowadays are advocating very heavily for student loan cancellation and free college and stuff, like what Bernie wants and shit, but a practical solution is already here in the USA with community college, I am quite hopeful it'll start slowly becoming a more relevant option for upcoming graduating high school students with less of a negative reputation around it, this pandemic has seen a lot of "Is college worth it?" "Student loan crisis in the USA" videos on Youtube made by big channels that reach a lot of people, might not seem like much because it's just Youtube videos but that idea is beginning to grow, people are waking up and realizing that taking an average of $30k student loans is fucking killing us.

I think there are quite a few potential entrepreneurs out there in the world whos ideas and creativity were killed by the chain dragging them down after uni graduation.

>> No.24374950

What're you making? If you do pull through which I hope you do, I'll buy something.

I'm teaching myself web development and AWS (Amazon Web Services), I'm very confident that in a year of deliberate practice I could make a decent side hustle off of it. Preparing for my first industry certification.

>> No.24374955

>What do you want out of life?

Nothing, I'd like to be dead.

>> No.24374975

What makes you feel this way?

>> No.24375022

good choice
t. aws sa, dev, practitioner certified

>> No.24375027

You've given me plenty to read now. I'll have to get started with reading these and think of something to sell

>> No.24375041

go buy deer antlers bulk on ebay and saw them into small, medium and large size dog bones and sell them to all the people that bought dogs this year
youre welcome

>> No.24375043

Life is a solipsistic illusion, a genuine lucid dream whose only purpose is nothing at all and simply to bewitch consciousness back into the experiencer-experience duality.

No matter how far into the duality consciousness goes, it will never satisfy.

No matter how far back into unity consciousness goes is it permanent.

It's a neverending slope from the top of the hill into shit so completely only to fall down the hill again. Infinitely.

>> No.24375046

Planning on get SAA by around March, then gunning for SA Professional after that.

I would personally say check out the Millionaire Fastlane first, it is practical, but there is some "feel good" in it that gives me hope though not in the way where it's annoying and all there is to the book. If you can't use epub then just google "convert epub to pdf" and put the file in that site.

>> No.24375061

Not a bad idea, thanks fren
Alright, I'll add it to the list. This may be a chance for us all to escape wage slavery, so let's give it a good shot! Worst case scenario, it's just a side thing.

>> No.24375075

I've bought into the "Life's meaning is what I give it" idea, even if you think it's a cope, it's a very useful one that keeps me going and rewards me for successes I have and encourages me after my falls. It sounds like you've gone through some bad times, spit and shit on by life and probably people you cared about. I'm just a random nigga on the internet but I do genuinely hope that you can climb out whatever dark pit is keeping you down. There can be more to life, but only if you will it. Godspeed, Anon

>> No.24375127

i used this guys videos to study. theres torrents for all his stuff
goodluck m8

>> No.24375155

unironically learn to code, there are infinite resources for free online.

I'm personally learning HTML and CSS. I plan on starting my own webdev business, ill use a software so I don't have to make every website from scratch, but the coding that I learned will help me tweak things that I wouldn't be able to do with just the software.

>> No.24375157

Nah, you'll understand later that nothing can fix this. No amount of philosophizing or manifesting. You can only temporarily forget, and even then as you become more awareness, you're less able to forget.

You are Reality Itself and you're It forever.

>> No.24375171

Go back to /x/ honestly, your bullshit is not welcome here

>> No.24375196

Asking here because why not
How in the fuck would I make money off of an open-source (or just source-available) library?

>> No.24375209
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Are great sites I'm making my way through.

>> No.24375212

How to get rid of SEVERE foot fungus? My toenails are nasty, I do listerine/vinegar soaks a couple nights a week , sometimes, it's helping...

>> No.24375223

Dumb answer but, make a product with it? I know that d*scord uses quite a few open source libraries/technologies as well as many other companies.

>> No.24375234

Ironically fear and pleasure are the two states that constrict awareness into a more singular and separate experience, but lead to further cycles of fear and pleasure. They are sticks to beat oneself to forget.

The cessation of these leads to the realization of truth, but also to apathy. Equanimity only comes with self-destruction, but, being immortal, gives birth to duality again.

That's the trouble.

>> No.24375245

i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. I think that's a good thing

give it another few threads, we could combine our weaponized autism to create the perfect foot fungus ebay store kek

>> No.24375343
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Actually going to try this, pic related. Assuming I could sell each for maybe $6 I could turn quick profit, going to buy now and update in a future /eg/ thread I'll make

The seller is from Montana and most likely a hunter or related, so in my message I'm going to finish it with "God bless you", small thing but I hope it makes their day and maybe they'll add in an extra bone or something lol
>pic related ebay listing

>> No.24375347

How long does it take somebody to become a good coder if they start from nothing? Let's assume I can dedicate 2 hours per day

>> No.24375365

I'm also interested in skincare, what can help keep my skin as healthy and springy and wrinkle resistent as possible? Keep in mind I live a hard working (and drinking) lifestyle, and I don't get much sleep, although that's admittedly my own fault.

>> No.24375389

Yes, please update us with how that goes.

>> No.24375424
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>starting a business in the era of unenforced monopoly laws and forced shutdowns due to a flu with 99% survival rate

>> No.24375433

That's a lot of work to make them look like palatable bones for dogs, you at the very least will have to sand or grind down the jagged edges. Maybe soak them in gravy or something to justify a higher price.

>> No.24375452

2 hours a day is pretty good, WebDev isn't as complicated as CompSci and algorithms and shit so IMO you'd have a better time doing that then the latter, though I'm in the same boat you're in. My goal is to become as inhumanely good at Javascript as possible since it can be used full stack (for both front end and back end, and even in mobile apps on both ios/android with a framework called React Native).

I've been told by a friend in the field that webdev is pretty high in demand, I checked indeed.com for "Javascript" jobs in my area, Northern Virginia, and I saw listings paying over 6 figures asking for 3 years of experience in React (a Javsacript Framework) and ... that's it, seriously. I was fucking floored.

In the end though how fast you progress is entirely dependent on you. Slow and steady wins the race, even if you can only make in 30 minutes a day to mess around with some code that's infinitely better than saying "eh fuck this I'll have another drink".

Agree to disagree.

In that ebay listing the lister actually states they're made to order and he can cut them however I want, so I just asked kindly for dog bones. I wouldn't mind sanding them if needed, and I've considered soaking them in beef broth or something similar. I don't know how long that will last though, maybe there's a tonic or some shit that's made for specifically that, but for now I'll experiment and stick em in beef broth and see how it goes.

>> No.24375457

Yeah I think I basically need to contact a lawyer specialized in software to dual-license it as AGPL and some kind of “fuck you, pay me” license with a tiered subscription based on company size/revenue.

>> No.24375474

There is a difference between a recession and the government sporadically FORCING you to close for an indefinite amount of time.

>> No.24375502

We aren't starting companies here (yet), we're talking about making money off of dog bones and open source lol

The sun is looming over the horzion, we'll be out of this shithole pandemic soon enough Anon, and opportunity awaits!

>> No.24375560

How much is US avg study debt anyway?

I hate the fact that I undertook some risk to study because family pressure and now I am $160k in debt

>> No.24375572

The average is a little over 30k. What's your situation? What degree did you get and I assume at a private school?

>> No.24375631

selling shit online is different from opening a store, you brainlet.

>> No.24375635 [DELETED] 

Recently came across duckdao.io, Crypto incubator with an investment model system.
Also, there is a crypto card game with a fast rising community. What do you think about it? Is it risky to invest?Recently came across duckdao.io, Crypto incubator with an investment model system.
Also, there is a crypto card game with a fast rising community. What do you think about it? Is it risky to invest?Recently came across duckdao.io, Crypto incubator with an investment model system.
Also, there is a crypto card game with a fast rising community. What do you think about it? Is it risky to invest?

>> No.24375637

I got into dropshipping about 2 years ago and with absolutely no idea what i was doing i got 700k sales in the first year.

>> No.24375667

Seriously? Enlighten me please. I've disregarded dropshipping since it's low entry and too many people are doing it, though I can see it being a successful venture if you have what other's dont (luck, connections, maybe a really good product nobody else is doing). What did you sell?

My best friend made about $2k profit last summer dropshipping fake vans off of eBay, though he was able to do this because he got his Chinese friend to talk to the factory dude in China and struck up a deal.

>> No.24375683

I looked into amazon's top-selling toys, and it's all card games.... honestly anons, how hard would it be to make a card game? You just need laminated paper and creativity.

>> No.24375722

I was studying CompSci in London for 4 years
desu, I am fucking dumb in coding or I just stop caring after mom passed away

>> No.24375732

gee idk

>> No.24375751

what was ur niche ? trying to learn

>> No.24375763

Theoretically it wouldn't be terribly difficult. Using Pokemon and MTG as a baseline for setting up a Mana/summon system could work for just about anything. It probably wouldn't move as quick as you'd like unless you were able to make one around an intellectual property that already has a cult following where the source material lends itself to becoming a CCG. Best way I'd think to monetize CCGs would be to get into flipping rares/mythic rares.

>> No.24375770

I hope that you can honor her memory and get yourself out of debt, if you can't then it'll be passed onto your other family members or even your next of kin (if, you have any, debt is killing modern families).

Don't have much creativity, however for a card game I do know what you will definitely need is good design, I think something simple but flashy and colorful will hit the biggest audience.

>> No.24375790

Good luck getting those rare cards, I think it's a bit similar to the shoe resell market, if you didn't get in early or you don't have very good knowledge in those hobbies it's ridiculously difficult to jump in now

>> No.24375806

Can't you make money in compsci / coding type stuff in like 10% of the itme you spent? Where did you go wrong?

>> No.24375810


Furniture, as dumb as it sounds. Not your typical rustic wood stuff, though, something special. Etsy is really just a proving ground for the concept.

>> No.24375832

I've been trying to sell stuff on Ebay for six months now and I haven't got a single sale. Is it even possible to make money on there?

>> No.24375842

Are you a carpenter?

>> No.24375875

What are you selling? I've been selling laptop parts and other computer junk for awhile now and pretty much sold everything.

Good tip is to look up what you're selling and see what other sellers are doing.

Post your link here when you've got it up, that sounds quite interesting I'd like to take a look, though my house is already quite small so might not get anything big lol

>> No.24375944

I used to play ages ago, and still have my cards from the 2010s. The stuff I had from Ice Age/4th Edition and Mirage I'm sure my parents still have in the garage somewhere. I really need to go see what kind of gold mine I'm potentially sitting on.

Basically I imagine collectibles are like stocks (probably even more atune to precious metals) in the sense you stack as much of whatever is hot right now, sit on it for 10 years, and after that gauge the market for when that generation is old/dumb enough to hand over their paychecks for a piece of their youth.

>> No.24375964

>he thinks he can compete against the chinks and Amazon

>> No.24375988

Great idea, I just got the AWS Certified Developer and I'm studying for the architect one. Let me know if you have any questions.

Btw what are you planning on doing afterwards as a side hustle? Commission work on sites like Upwork?

>> No.24376033

And to add to marketing and selling collectibles, if you have any PS1/PS2 era games still in great shape and in their original packaging, there's bound to be (for certain games there's already) a run up those. Obscure RPGs will likely run a pretty penny if you just want the cash. You can always emulate if you want to play for nostalgic feels later on down the road.

>> No.24376037

I just went on aliexpress and browsed products for a few hours and found paint by numbers kits. Seemed like a good niche product so i decided to make a shopify store for it, i spent maybe 2 days working on it and once it was ready i put up a few ads on google ads and got my first sale almost instantly. After that i started up another store for diamond paintings, almost the same product so i was able to copy paste my website and adds with only few changes here and there. Both stores were doing really good but then came competition and it was much harder for a complete noob like me so i knew my sales would keep bleeding amd decided to sell my stores. I sold them both for about 30k. And used some of that money to buy some stock on a different niche product. Sold my all my stock in a week for a very nice quick flip. And invested all the money i made into crypto. This all happened in about 1.5 years.

>> No.24376039

>What are you selling?
RFID readers and a few other related things. It's a niche thing so I didn't expect anything to sell very quickly, but I could've made a bunch if other sales in the time I've been waiting for them to sell (Ebay limits the number of items I can sell because I'm selling RFID readers).

>> No.24376053

eBay buyers eat up those "USA MADE & SHIPPED" stickers and shit kek

Keep us updated if you do find anything hot

I'll be real with you I'm not entirely sure on what I could do, I do however have really good connections with some people working in tech in this area so I'll definitely be utilizing that. I was thinking maybe some fiverr like websites? I'll check out upwork. Planning on having the Solutions Architect Associate early next year. Do you have any experience with freelance/commission AWS?

>> No.24376089

Wow, that really is niche. Cool to see that worked out for you, probably could do pretty well now too since adults are inside and probably interested in something other than sitting in front of a screen all day.

It's a crapshot but have you considered craigslist/reddit? I've sold quite a few things on reddit, much larger audience (keyboard on keyboardswap, some google USB Titan keys on hardwareswap).

>> No.24376162

>Do you have any experience with freelance/commission AWS?
Nah I'm a software dev for work and I'm getting the certs for my resume in ordee to switch jobs and get a better one. They seem very in demand right now. I only have like 2 years of experience so I'm not sure how much contract work I could actually do

>> No.24376217

>have you considered craigslist/reddit?
I'll look into it. I'll have to ask the guy I was planning to split the profits with if he's okay with it.

>> No.24376224 [DELETED] 


>> No.24376258

Yeah i will get back to it if i happen to find a product but its becoming harder and harder. Dropshipping is a good way to learn the basics but holding your own stock is the way to go because holding your stock in a 3PL warehouse is pretty cheap and makes 1 day shipping possible.

>> No.24376295

Yeah, and a welder/fabricator. former tradie in both. Current dayjob is halfway between compliance engineer and manufacturing.Most of the reason I'm even considering this is I really could make a hell of a run of it.

Definitely, man. We need more actual business threads on this board, keep them going and I'll post when It's off the ground. Still quoting some components, holding out some fading hope of doing at least part of the sourcing in the US. Final assembly will be here for sure, but damned if anyone seems to want to make shit here anymore.

>> No.24376371

>The Millionaire Fastlane (MJ Demarco)
Unironically the best of the three suggested books. Also suggest 80/20 Sales and Marketing.

>> No.24376524

Bump, keep this general coming. I am a uni student starting freelancing as web developer to make some side money so i don’t have to work in McDonalds to get by. I am in central europe so the college is tuition free.

>> No.24376592

Thank you fren. Vid is an absolute must watch for everyone btw


>> No.24376722

that's a fucking sick story man. Wish you best on your crypto adventures - crazy gains for 1.5 years

you think start a aliexpress dropshipping hustle now is too late and over saturated or there's still some untapped markets ?

>> No.24376941

entrepreneurship is defined by the brilliance of GLITCH

>> No.24377156

Kys faggot and leave our thread

>> No.24377174

I was considering buying a nightclub, since they've been shut forever and probably all bankrupt, theres probably some cheap ones, and as soon as covid restrictions fuck off, idiots will be lining up

>> No.24377326

Been thinking of starting a consulting biz. I do niche cybersec for work and thinking of going solo. Not sure I have the patience to do sales and all the pre-sales admin work that happens before the actual engagement.
I could try to find someone to go st it together, someone who could take care of that part but it's so hard starting a business with other people.
Dunno what I'm asking honestly, just really like these threads

>> No.24377448

I go wrong

>> No.24377905
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I want to start a porn buisness.
But fine art with any type of body (healthy that is) mixed with a social media reality video format. Sort of a mix between classy playboy nudes, 2000's Japanese porn, reality tv and hustler.

>> No.24377916

Add youtube to that list

>> No.24378027

Complete noob but here's my gameplan so far.
>Be Filipino
>Earn PHP3Ok/mo
>Heavenly invest in diversified dividend paying stocks
>return payouts to more stocks
>Rinse and repeat for 3O years before I spend the last 1O years of my life leaving off dividends. Let my kid/s inherit shares.

Other plans:
Pursue PhD
>PHP35Ok in tuition alone
>Possible gross income increase is PHP16k/mo

Should I go for the PhD? Would probably use my salary for to avoid getting into student debt, but that'll set back my stock investment. 29y.o. and no mortgage/debt btw. Thnx

>> No.24378344

Anyone knows if dropshipping is still doable these days or is the market completely saturated?
I'm just trying to find a business that earns okay, is easy to start up and not completely saturated.

>> No.24378464

Malaysian here. I legit considering opening a Halal certificate market

It is currently monopolized by the government and for a shop to procure a cert, it cost them at least $10k. A lifetime cert for that business. For big businesses it's no big deal but if I count ever small businesses paying small fees, and the cert is reputable, it would be a great things small owner needs.

I did consider energy (also in a sense monopolized) but it's going to need huge capital. A Halal cert on the other hand, the reason I am thinking about it is first: the body that handle is have rumor for corruption, and second I just want to fuck with the Islamic authorities since I fucking hate those niggers (tho I still am and will be a Muslim)

>> No.24378510

Not worth messing with people linked with the government, especially when religious shit is involved. They have all the cards and you have none.

>> No.24378744

all low hanging fruits were already gathered.

>> No.24378917

What's your field of study / phd?

>> No.24378929

Quality thread, thanks fag OP
Right now I'm attempting to make some money through crypto, as I can get no one to hire me so that I can rent my time. So, my only way to acquire capital is using permissionless money.
When I make an enough-to-move-away-from-home amount that allows me to live off rent and hire other developers I'll need, I will choose one idea, do some prototyping by myself. This is the step I'm confused about, how do I find people that "get it"? As in, start-ups are risky, our capital and time will possibly be lost. How do I find employeers/partners that understand this and won't flinch?
I also need them to be independent and bold, and I'd rather have them being competent and creative enough so that I don't have to spend more time reviewing than developing myself.
If you were in my dire situation, assuming you finally got a decent amount to invest in moving, would you move to a central tech hub? Which one? Is Silicon Valley a meme at this point?
I wouldn't mind hanging to another guy's idea and work for another startup, if I got stock. How do you assess if some startup is absolutely retarded? How do you get recruited? And, how do you find startups to get recruited, given that they are relatively unknown when you enter?

>> No.24378951

Based. I'm also bruteforcing myself through web development while I wait for my crypto to moon a bit. JavaScript is so intuitive once you 'get it', I don't know how I've survived this long without learning it.

>> No.24379186

Psychology. Possibly 2.5-3years if fulltime in the academe. Open shop for adolescent psychotherapy to parents with kids.

>> No.24379232
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>> No.24379262

> Sell or be sold
> The art of the start

You forgot the books that teach you how not to become a bitch for the investors.

Also AWS is giving a grant for new startups, you only have to apply with LLC.

I recommend you the Atlas program of Stripe it only cost $500 and now is possible to open an LLC.

Plus 1 year without fees with stripe and many other benefits.

See you anons, let’s be rich.

>> No.24379333

Uuugh, well, you're balls deep inside that now, you could go for it. Right now, the world demands computer related stuff hard, so if you're in this for the money (like I am), put your remaining energy into learning programming. Don't have leisure time, I stopped having this a year ago. The closest thing I have to leisure these days is browsing 4chan to get a hold of "more likely events than the ones in media" and get some information for future trades.

>> No.24379574

Funny you'd bring it up. I've posted this ago in /fitsig/ but what the hell.

Endgame/life goal for me is to successfully mentor children (biological or not) from newborn to adolescent in a hyperspecialized field to produce talent, e.g. Polgar sisters in chess, Mayweather in boxing, etc. The field I want to specialized them in is Coding AI for Quantitative trading.

I have an MA in Education and Psychology.GF has already agreed to the plan, and she's training to be a neurosurgeon. One of my best friend is already a programmer for quant trading.

Not really /eg/ related but I'm curious how most of you would feel if you were forced into a talent. Can't help but remember memoirs Michael Jackson saying how much he hated his father for putting him through something like that.

>> No.24379623

>Coding AI for Quantitative trading

wouldn't the ultimate level be having an AI that trades for you, instead of having a bunch of kids grow up to learn to make an AI to trade for them while you get nothing?

>> No.24379773

I'm more interested with the education of prodigies than with riches so I don't mind not getting anything so long I can accomplish the goal. So long as the hypothetical kids get a financially stable and secure future, I'm satisfied.

I'm not completely familiar with the technicalities of it myself for now. But according to my friend, since trading (not investing) is a zero-sum game, then it would logically be impossible for there to be a completely adaptive trading AI if a sufficient number of assets are being traded using the same algo due to conflict of interest. Human intervention must still be present to do the occasional tweak.

>> No.24379811

Interesting. I want to mentor children too, using a mixture of mastery learning and "Aristotle mentor" method. My idea is to make a child be able to withstand the knowledge I currently have, and to make the child be as acknowledged as I am right now at around age 12. I make some cash by tutoring in my spare classes and I'm so annoyed by the fact most pupils are exceedingly confused by everything.
I had a big aversion to authority as a child (I still do), so I'm sure I wouldn't have liked it if I was mentored this way, not until I understood, so one of the first topics I'd focus on teaching is logic, reasoning and understanding persuasion, to make the child become a rational beast as soon as possible and be willing to soak in the knowledge. I'm sure that if I had been taught early that "you don't do it because I say so, but because it's good for your future" and I had had put effort into making me understand why would that be the case, I would have been willing to learn at an earlier age.

>> No.24379854

In other words, the key would be to make the child prodigy able to understand as soon as possible WHY is exploiting this talent a good thing. Nothing improves learning as willingness to learn. You can also use it as an heuristic to find easy-to-convince pupils and filter the others out, as will is key for making this process fast