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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24369778 No.24369778 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a shitcoin, it's just ridiculously oversold, had a rough start, and private fags got shook by the market. $2M market will not last. The bottom has already been hit.

>Muh Compound for alts
>Muh REN partnership
>Muh Origin Protocol partnership
>Muh Orion partnership

Don't you brainlets understand? Whales want you out. They will manipulate it down to levels you never thought possible until you finally say "Fuck this shit I can't lose anymore money", puke out your bag, and that is the precise moment we 3x in one day, leaving you crying because how could you be so stupid.

Don't fall for it. This could easily hit a $100M marketcap (50x) from here in Q1.



>> No.24369792

>it's not a shitcoin

>> No.24369877
File: 82 KB, 1280x800, bondchart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I mean. In terms of "can this 100x within a year", it's absolutely not. Great partnerships. If the platform is even remotely good, it WILL get to $100M marketcap, and possibly a euphoric top higher than most expect.

I think much of this board don't remember or weren't around during a real ALT run. This is where you ape, hodl, and wake up to 500% raises in your portfolio in a proper alt season.

>> No.24370059

they're all shitcoins, but this one has a 10x in it within a few months imo. going hard in this range because fuck you whales.

>> No.24370203
File: 1.21 MB, 3440x3062, 1978382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not buying a brand new-to-market $2M cap shitcoin that has a platform release within weeks and all these partnerships and it hasn't even begun.

REN - https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/bonded-lists-ren-250340d43c4e
Origin Protocol - https://blog.orionprotocol.io/bondedfinance
OGN - https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/bonded-partners-with-origin-protocol-11505c27e341
Matic - https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/matic-partners-with-bonded-d119a76c36fb

>> No.24370226

yeah. imagine

>> No.24370228

You must be the guy with $100k invested

We're not buying your bags

>> No.24370291

I have almost as much as folio poster now, and guess what, only 30 people can have that much...and we are 2. Top wallets aren't selling, so that makes less than 20 ackshually. Stay poor bitch.

>> No.24370356

>he can't offload his bags

>> No.24370613

Like all shitcoins, there's a cycle that allows it. I think that cycle is where IDO buyers finally get out at break even then we continue much much higher. We'll see.

>> No.24370884
File: 9 KB, 318x159, PEPEBORNDOWNAROADDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was booooorn to shitcoinnnn

>> No.24371404

Ya only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow there's opportunity son once in a lifetime yoooooOOoooooooo

>> No.24371714

shitcoin, but in down here for a 5x by EOY

>> No.24371989

Reeee I tried to get buys in 0.008-0.009 but uniswap kept FUCKING me.

>> No.24372558

people will only buy this once it's back above IDO and we have a CEX listing. this is why they stay poor. it's a mental thing, but i have been here long enough to not be so retarded.

2M and accumulating.

>> No.24373066

It's happening TONIGHT!

>> No.24373205

twas I
and I believe you will buy my bags after this thing goes haywire in a few weeks. or you could just do the needful now?

>> No.24373584

LIES. It's me.

>> No.24373780

if IDO price ($0.035) breaks hard I suspect a mega moon so I am in down here for the possibility of a ludicrous De-Fi return / top of Christmas.

Godspeed OP even if you are larping

>> No.24374551

we will be above IDO price within the next 2 weeks. screencap this.

>> No.24374900

*CAPPED* please

>> No.24375877


>> No.24376019 [DELETED] 


>> No.24376219


>> No.24376345 [DELETED] 


>> No.24376451

ahhhh my linkies! (in russian)

is this russian?

how high we bonding ourselves into shitcoin slavery ?

>> No.24376894

Kek. I'm grabbing slow off Uni until it's back above 2 cents. I'm thinking 7-8 cent top when a CEX hits.

>> No.24377317

Current level : Mild send

>> No.24377343

stop shilling your niggercoin

>> No.24377550

Go Medium send. Go.

>> No.24377786
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>> No.24377811

>private buyer mad that he couldn't dump on public buyers
lmao you deserve it

>> No.24377826


>> No.24377841


>> No.24378054

Checked that shit.

>> No.24378275

Quints of 7x

>> No.24378482

I missed the fucking bottom. Goddamn Asians. It's 5AM. Why can't I ever wake up in a good mood.

>> No.24378522


>> No.24378535 [DELETED] 

Hey retard I live in Wisconsin and I've been moving this market upward singlehandedly since 3am

>> No.24378566

Whales don't manipulate 2m mc coins.

>> No.24378722

Of course they do.

>> No.24379133

Not fucking selling until a $25M marketcap, so, $0.14 or so.

>> No.24379445

why would you even sell ever?

>> No.24379523

If something 20x's I'll take 5x my initial and that's it. Then I wait for true euphoria.

>> No.24380199


>> No.24380417

Hello whale, I am not selling to you. Buy dips or get priced out soon.

>> No.24381418

Not selling.

>> No.24381786

do you know what that means.

>> No.24382031

Wen exchange? Hopefully it's a good one.

>> No.24382266


>> No.24382306

Looking forward to the thread where you're sitting there with your bag after the exit scam

>> No.24382394

they have 4 partnerships so far and even REN rt'd it, so, yeah...no RUG here. easiest 10x of December.

>> No.24382434

no /biz/raeli types this retarded way currynigger

>> No.24382438

Yes shit burger, you fucking don't know anything it's going to the fucking moon, easiest hidden gem invest ever in my life
This one is very based kek

>> No.24382726

What's wrong with the word RUG you mongoloid feces eating shit-kicker? Stay poor.