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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24368129 No.24368129 [Reply] [Original]

Guarantee less than 1% of the morons on this board have any sort of economics or finance degrees.

>> No.24368201

Which would make us significantly smarter than you.

>> No.24368302

econ degrees are ideological and make you dumber

>> No.24368346
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Doubt it

Yeah agreed, I have one. Fuck Keynes

>> No.24368379

I studied economics and never learned shit about financial markets, all they teach in economics courses is keynesian bullshit.

>> No.24368394

Doubt away, poorfag.

>> No.24368438

yeah that's why we move markets more than actual degree holders too

>> No.24368459

>taking out loans for an economics degree in a communist country

>> No.24368484

75k is not poor, not sure what deluded world you live in. Btw if you think Link made you rich wait till it collapses like all alts eventually do. Fag

>> No.24368527


>> No.24368576
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>75k is not poor

>> No.24368591

From your naive response I can tell you're still young.

>> No.24368605

lmao, posting that pic sure showed him

>> No.24368628

i have a degree in accounting. i make a living out of counting shekelstein's shekels.

>> No.24368631

>earn bachelor's in "economics"
>can't convert it to business success in a real competitive environment, so instead get a graduate degree in economics and peddle your "knowledge" to unsuspecting university newfags
>get a tenured position at a university after you've proven the ability to attract new money to the scam
academic economics is a literal rugpull ponzi scheme

>> No.24368641

poorfag bragging about his debt

>> No.24368669
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yes because this is not a midwit board.
Degrees are for midwits

>> No.24368683
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Wow you just got baited by smart op with an Econ degree BOOM Op is so cool

>> No.24368717

seriously man, it was total garbage, same here. keynesian bullshit + retarded mathematical quantifications of that bullshit that barely work. maybe a masters program wouldve taught us more, but after my undergrad i didnt wanna risk it, so i just self studied CS and got a job that way. would've been better in the long run doing CS and reading in my spare time about markets. an econ degree has to be the most insidious bullshit ever. its only slightly better than history-tier but they wrap it up in faggot math like muh optimization of the consumers utility function to dress it up

>> No.24368723

>implies having a degree is a positive
>shows off his portfolio, similar to a nigger going "LOOK AT MUH SHINY CHAINZ DAWG"
>portfolio isnt even a respectable amount
thank god i am not a midwit

>> No.24368726
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>75k is not poor

>> No.24368742
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I’m not young, I’m a big boy now

>> No.24368780

I make more than your mother in one day than her 45 years of wage slaving

>> No.24368790

I don't need to be rich to make a fortune. My bookkeeping grandfather always told me how his most succesful clients were also the most stupid ones because they got rich taking insane risks.

>> No.24368795

the only successful person i know who went to university to study economics or business dropped out to start his own business.

biggest cuck profession in the world. high competition, mediocre pay, a lot of work. would rather become a fucking male nurse

>> No.24368862

i took macro and micro econ as gen ed classes. it's nothing more than jewish handwaving that fails to pan out in reality. the advanced courses are just an extension of this worthlessness, mired in mathematical abstraction (yet another jewish trick.)

>> No.24368967

what part of CS did u teach urself

>> No.24369066

I have a finance degree, and wouldn't say it made me smarter. We just had the chance to see under how other business majors use their knowledge from the conventional knowledge we were taught.
We also saw deep roots of the establishment recruiting. That alone gives us an edge, but it still doesn't make us smarter tho. I'd very much prefer making money my own way instead of becoming a corporate puppet.
Those corporate managers get a power trip off of their positions. Becoming a CEO has been overrated since the 80s.

>> No.24369183

i had past 1.5 years beginner's coding experience so it wasn't hard, taught myself rudimentary c++ and python and did some projects to look good

>> No.24369223


>> No.24369690
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there is a lot to be worried about.
>the economy has been on lockdown for 9 months and likely another 6-9 more to come.
>about half the renters in the country are going to get evicted once the moratorium is lifted.
>excessive money printing (debt) is the only thing keeping essential industries like air travel alive.
>we lost 1/3 of our gdp.
>the recovery is already baked into markets.
on the "bright side" the monetary supply has been expanded with nowhere else to go but to hedge against inflation.

>> No.24369734

>like all alts eventually do
What about ETH?

>> No.24369896
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>college midwit
>btc maxi
oh nonono

>> No.24369920

You will never be a man

>> No.24369969

I have a finance degree and it was a waste of time

>t. getting a second degree in comp science

>> No.24370018

Have sex

>> No.24371355

I ironically just got an economics degree

>> No.24371377

Wish I did this
Might take coding classes at the local community college

>> No.24371400

cringe. this idea that college makes people dumber cause le sheeple will always be retarded, of course I believe you can learn a great deal by just reading books but more likely than not someone with a degree is far more knowledgeable. You dabble in puddles and there's an ocean out there.

>> No.24371417

Dev here. We are literally not joking when we say the field is insanely inundated and even if you excel, software is a very pozzed field and will always have priority on diversity hires.
I was in the boat with a dozen other highly qualified white guys and only got out due to having two strong referrals at a small company.

>> No.24371450

Fuck off were full.
>t. Marketing major turned code monkey

>> No.24371456
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>cringe. this idea that college makes people dumber cause le sheeple will always be retarded, of course I believe you can learn a great deal by just reading books but more likely than not someone with a degree is far more knowledgeable. You dabble in puddles and there's an ocean out there.

>> No.24371646

hey fag,

You do realize most people with an econmics and finance degree don't even know the history of money and know how the system is rigged by central banks.

they are trained to work in wallstreet and banks

>> No.24371722

Based. Historically based.

>> No.24371825

>muh credentials

>> No.24371838

I majored in math & econ at a real Ivy (not cornell) and agree with this.

I only threw the econ on because I had to take like one more class to "double major" and I didn't want to write my senior thesis on pure math. I kind of wish I had just done statistics which is really my passion but I do have to say that the "& econ" part has made a difference with more than one recruiter (who are literally all idiots.)

Econ is literally faker than sociology, all major methods just copied from 20th century physics. I would not even consider econ degrees to be STEM, even an English or psych degree holder probably knows more.

>> No.24371846
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Yes faggot I’m aware and learned more through /biz/ than any degree

>> No.24372340

- Economics at College
- International Politics/Geopolitics to Masters
- Currently pursuing Dip in Enterprise Risk Management

Learn innumerably more about economics autodidactically . . .

>> No.24373255

Finally, the only thing I'm in the 1% for

>> No.24373431

if you trade by recognizing patterns you’re just gonna get outsmarted by a bot. The best traders are sub 90iq bag holders. Your degree is useless and you’re lucky you haven’t been replaced by a machine yet

>> No.24373516

I have 4x your portfolio and I started with 4k lmao.

>> No.24373535

nice bait kek

>> No.24373587

why do economists even exist when the free market solves literally everything

>> No.24373605

I didn't need a degree to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from link lol

>> No.24373655

>econ degrees are ideological and make you dumber
I wouldn’t say they make you “dumber” as there is a ton of usable terminology and concepts, but it is definitely majorly ideological and not very useful

>> No.24373814

I've seen somewhere that econ and finance majors perform worse in the stock market than the general public. I am sure some do better than the general public of course, but a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

I don't know, maybe it's not true. Just read that somewhere.

>> No.24373846

>a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing
This is true. Very true. If you feel confident in your beliefs due to ignorance or immaturity then you are very likely to “outsmart” yourself, and make rash decisions, or even over think decisions to a fault

>> No.24373895
