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File: 53 KB, 563x539, 1604454468123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24360874 No.24360874 [Reply] [Original]

Saturday edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Suggested books:


>Weekly /smg/ update
Episode 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VJBcWXgDwI
Episode 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjvD6kHgy8Q
Episode 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCnXA-RnoE0
Episode 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOo54fs6wyU

>Links for (You)

Previous: >>24358001

>> No.24360935


>> No.24360955
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>> No.24360962

GME $30

>> No.24360974

I can't stop thinking of Utz bros, is this bullish?

>> No.24360975

anime girls make me...

>> No.24360979

Whats sex like?

>> No.24360983
File: 235 KB, 628x960, 1604278884977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added smg anon's videos to my version of the OP

>> No.24360988

NOW that Stocks like MARA and Riot are being discussed here more and more, Is btc and crypto proving that it is somewhat stable? Or is it 2018 2.0

>> No.24360989

and a beep beep boop boop to you two fine gentlemen as well

>> No.24360996

I bought CRSR at the top I’m scared what do

>> No.24361012
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PLTR is going to go up on Monday, right lads?

>> No.24361015

Satoko is for ____

>> No.24361016

I ate a whole bag od Bappys yesterday and my stomach hurts soooo good.

>> No.24361017

Yo what the fuck happened

>> No.24361039
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>> No.24361048


>> No.24361049

milk and salty coins

>> No.24361055
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>> No.24361058

Silence non coomer

>> No.24361066
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Which ones should I keep? I haven’t really lost money yet it’s not too late

>> No.24361069
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utz is the true smg meme.

>> No.24361081
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>> No.24361083

keep the baby monitor one, and do good for the world like bill gates

>> No.24361089
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>including the weekly video updates
Based OP

>> No.24361092

hello sirs new SPAC launched today it is called PJET please buy so I can feed my family

>> No.24361094

Dividends are your ______!

>> No.24361107

Voodoo bappys are my favorite

>> No.24361126
File: 696 KB, 728x1141, FirePunch114125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I had sex the first time I was disappointed. "This is it? This is what 95% of songs are about and is apparently oh so great?"


>> No.24361132

Nice account number.

>> No.24361145
File: 25 KB, 204x248, 48DA64EFD5314428B15C940FA6BD4A45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your account number again, it'll help us do your own research.

>> No.24361148

vodoo of course anon.
Someone said there was a potato shortage last night and thats the last thing i could think of before bed
Is utz gonna get hurt by this

>> No.24361163

bought 18k of PLTR at 24.44 got out at 30, should i plunge back in on monday?

>> No.24361165

How are you guys saving your cash? Citi Accelerate Savings used to be great, but it's not even beating inflation now that interest rates are so low. Are there any good bond ETFs that are worth buying?

>> No.24361166

Vanguard being so terrible for options and active trading is kind of saving me from my own degeneracy.

>> No.24361175


>> No.24361192

There is no potato shortage. Potatoes are easy to farm and we can always import them. Ignore the fud and acquire UTZ. Sell at 25.

>> No.24361206

Sir very good but how can I be certain that newest platform am only for the best of returns.

As you know the channel 4 business platform has many people who do not enjoy giving needful rates of advice

>> No.24361210


>> No.24361220
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It's nice.

That's how I felt until I started having sex with guys.

>> No.24361225
File: 25 KB, 474x355, potatos are extra goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone said there was a potato shortage

>> No.24361236

are SPACs a meme being pushed by that faggot socialist pajeet?

>> No.24361249

Is hedging on puts for pltr a good idea right now? The retards are yoloing too hard

>> No.24361254

Got a job working at Tesla. First time I've had a job that isn't menial work. One of the employee perks is getting $10,000 worth of Tesla stock. I don't know shit about the stock market. My question is, what is the smart thing to do? Should I hang on to the shares? Sell? I really don't know anything about stocks.

>> No.24361262

i park my cash in ICSH

>> No.24361264
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>> No.24361291
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PLTR is going to absolutely roar upwards monday

>> No.24361293

Fixed income is dead right now. Defensive consumer staples/utilities are the new bonds. Something like WMT may be the best bond you can buy.

Alternatively, you can look into preferred stock ETFs like PFF.

>> No.24361294
File: 126 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20201128-141404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh bros, did we get too cocky??

>> No.24361295
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>what is the smart thing to do? Should I hang on to the shares? Sell?

>> No.24361309
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Objective fact.

>> No.24361311

sell options

>> No.24361327

Nvidia seems to be good fundamentals seeings as they're trying to fuck with amd/intel as they're finding ways for data center to rely less on CPUs, and also they're trying to buy ARM

>> No.24361332

>believing shitron

It's fucking Tesla. Hold on for dear life.

>> No.24361334

Thanks. I will look into these.

>> No.24361364
File: 18 KB, 250x208, 23873F7F-AA2A-487C-9135-10DEFE310D1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 8k last week, the most I have ever made in 1 week. To celebrate, I got a bunch of cocaine and jacked off to hentai for 6 hours

>> No.24361383

Fucking based next step is caine and hookers dressed as anime girls

>> No.24361391

Fucking based next step is more caine and hentai for 10 hours

>> No.24361400

buy THCB, its not a meme SPAC. The comapny Microvast is a actual profitable EV company.

>> No.24361418

Are they RSUs? RSUs typically have a four-year vesting period.

I'm guessing Tesla also has an ESPP program. Typically you can buy stock at a 15% discount. You can only sell during certain windows, though, since you're an insider.

>> No.24361450
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Holy based anon

>> No.24361453

>it's not a meme!
>it's an EV company!
so it's a meme

>> No.24361469
File: 773 KB, 763x509, Microvast-Testlauf-Fertigung-Brandenburg (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did some research. Microvast already have products in markets and expect 100M revenue this year, and this sets the company unique from other concept-selling companies in spac. They have an impressive range of products for different purposes, for instance, Li-ion HpTO battery systems for buses in very low-cost, but long life (over 10x to traditional Li-ion), toughest (work well in -40 C degree and on steep slopes), and proved being the safest by tens of thousands of buses running around the world (accident free). They also have high-density HnCO products for heavy equipment and trucks with energy capacity ≥260 wh/kg, which is actually higher than RomeoPower's products. Their 2nd plant in Germany will start production in Q1 next year. They have fully vertically integrated production and R/D chain. They are already one of the leaders in the EV battery industry. I am fully optimistic on this company.

>> No.24361473

This webm is my dream

>> No.24361514

fuck off with your SPAC shit, smg only buys chad stocks like GME and PLTR

>> No.24361522
File: 2.04 MB, 850x1131, 1574913768231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the SOLO bag holders that fomoed at $13.60, may he they'll buy your meme bags lmao

>> No.24361540

Sir I am doing nededful for SPACs as well but you must help in return by buying all of the mbile phone fetus cameras while driving and insuring your electric big wheel by the mile like Billiam Gate and the shark of ARK would like us for do to as well

Only best gains and line for us and many much best intentions on airdropped opinions and platforms, what do you say?

>> No.24361549

Go be a paid shill somewhere else.

>> No.24361551
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This may be an elaborate shill, but it's working on me. I don't entirely understand how SPACs work yet but I may buy some THCB on Monday.

>> No.24361552

>tfw holdin all the meme SPACs
I like THCB and HCAC the most and will prolly look to buy some more on dips.

>> No.24361557
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I was planning on holding for 5 years at least.

Hope it drops back to $20. I want to get more.

>> No.24361567

Anybody that took one look at those SOLO cuck mobiles and decided to invest in the stock after that got what they fucking deserved.

>> No.24361570
File: 80 KB, 700x695, 55dfb7161f8c6219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are good side jobs I can do on weekends?
I want to have more money to throw at meme stocks and since I dont have hobbies I might aswell just work more

Im ugly and autistic so I cant get into the gastronomy meme

>> No.24361578

Satoko is the actual mastermind of Gou and this ark will reveal that.

>> No.24361583

does SMG hate money? this shit will moon and I will remind you when the spac deal is finished 3th december

>> No.24361608

I too would like to know more.

>> No.24361613
File: 276 KB, 1745x1295, 1604032374503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I feel about almost everything I've experienced in life.

Also any the FUCK is this thread moving so fast today?

>> No.24361616

>spac deal is finished 3th december
I remember reading they didnt make an official anouncment. So its set for dec 3rd?

>> No.24361625

Kneepads sound right up your alley friends

>> No.24361633

Deliver pizzas? My buddy did it and said it's good tips

>> No.24361634
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>> No.24361638

I bought amc...

>> No.24361650
File: 3.89 MB, 1788x1075, Buy UTZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24361654


Literally anything that's desperate for a warm body that isn't gig work like doordash or shit like that. Lots of seasonal shit popping up in warehouses, retail and logistics so if you're willing to sweat a bit it's easy cash for the time being.

>> No.24361657

on 3th december is the vote of the shareholders. The shareholder are 90% institutions so there is no reason the vote should fail. If you wait til the vote its to late, buy on monday.

>> No.24361667

we only buy american companies not pajeet curry infested SPAC

>> No.24361700

It’s gonna be good merger.
I do believe that it’s gonna be 20-25$ till next week. It’s already showing itll moon. Dont be a fool and miss out on that rare oppertunity.

>> No.24361705
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THCB is hideous af.

Is like they took the SOLO cuck car and took it to the next level desu

>> No.24361707

Would shilling on /smg/ even be enough to move a stock that isn't penny garbage?

>> No.24361708

I should set a stop loss buying random memes right? That way I only win

>> No.24361712

>PLTR to 35 EOW

This is the look of a Boomer who has just realized that he is being replaced by technology

>> No.24361714

eCommerce fulfillment picker/packer

>> No.24361715
File: 36 KB, 360x328, 1599665203641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donated 5$ to a gaming girl the first time in my life.
when I made the donation I was so exited that I did a lot of typos and only said some weird shit about that she should buy chink tech stocks.
I wanted her attention and ask for a date but she said that I am not allowed to spam eventho I have donated now and she gave me a yellow card.
She formed a heart with her hands for me at least.
I know her from my childhood and I am a beta orbiter now worst type simp. It was only 5$ but it feels like I have lost my balls

>> No.24361750

35 end of trading monday, 50 EOW.

>> No.24361752

You have

>> No.24361763

they make batteries not cars. this car has nothing to do with THCB as far as i know.

>> No.24361774

I donated 5$ to a gaming girl the first time in my life.
when I made the donation I was so exited that I did a lot of typos and only said some weird shit about that she should buy chink tech stocks.
I wanted her attention and ask for a date but she said that I am not allowed to spam eventho I have donated now and she gave me a yellow card.
She formed a heart with her hands for me at least.
I know her from my childhood and I am a beta orbiter now worst type simp. It was only 5$ but it feels like I have lost my balls

>> No.24361784

So now there's a cuck carriage and a dildo.

>> No.24361793

Ah yes very goodly buddy, may Vishnu smile on your kind words and actions as you shit safely in street

>> No.24361802

SPACs are purely speculative

>> No.24361808
File: 77 KB, 806x991, 1603912997851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you make a copypasta out of my experience?

>> No.24361813
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>> No.24361817

Pics or it didn't happen. Or at least a link.

>> No.24361822

Yes. What starts on /smg/ or 4chan in general quickly infests every corner of the internet.
Sentiment and unusual activity algos pick up on that.

>> No.24361831

Beep boop bop

>> No.24361835

high risk high reward, you wont get rich by trading boomer stocks. This SPAC however has low risk but high reward. Buy THCB!

>> No.24361844
File: 1.26 MB, 2370x2620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics, I want a laugh.

>> No.24361850

look here folks this is what SPACs are and this is what you are buying, a 10 yo can make a better design

>> No.24361855


>> No.24361859

SPACs have 0 risk when bought around or under $10 pre-merger.

>> No.24361871
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>> No.24361873
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> There are actually people alive RIGHT NOW who sincerely do shit like this and feel these emotions in real life

>> No.24361889
File: 9 KB, 249x189, frog laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek in the ID, kek'd from the posts

>> No.24361895
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Anon what the fuck.

>> No.24361901

Anyone heard about this PLTR stock

>> No.24361903
File: 256 KB, 1029x636, original_259879444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys missed it... If you dont buy THCB on monday you are a moron who hate money.

>> No.24361905

Its time to invest in steel.
Put down the beta stocks.

>> No.24361930


>> No.24361934

I bought every meme stock. If I set stop loss am I good

>> No.24361953


>> No.24361962
File: 48 KB, 959x639, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day of the BTFLY will be upon us soon.

>> No.24361992


>> No.24361994

> X is almost a $15 stock right now
Jesus christ if you had told me in June that US steel would 4x this year I would've laughed you out of the room.

>> No.24362009
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>> No.24362019

If I buy this I’ll get rich?

>> No.24362029

The steel supply shortage is absolutely mind blowing

>> No.24362033

Never, not even once, and I lurk /smg/ 12 hours a day everyday
What's PLTR?

>> No.24362051

>tfw /smg/ will never be a new generation of steel barons who 1000x' d their accounts because some faggot had to get off on pissing us off and shilling his twitch channel

>> No.24362059

they use computer to deport mexicans and decide who gets covid vaccines

>> No.24362064

such dir hilfe bruder

>> No.24362083

Pasta: copied
Pic: saved
Yup, it's enlarging the cringe folder time!

>> No.24362112
File: 218 KB, 661x1029, original_259896456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is logically going to hit +15 Monday/Tuesday.

>> No.24362115

reddit loves gme
is the squeeze finally on?
been playing with gme since low 8, recently dumped it all but might fomo for a short squeeze

>> No.24362145


I honestly never looked into commodities since I never had the knowledge to cut the cake correctly. Last times I bought steel were during the tariffs on chinese steel and then again when the south american mines got flooded.

>> No.24362148

>Are you aware this creep is posting your pics on the dark web hacker forum known as 4chan?

>> No.24362150

I moved out of GME and into PLTR last week but I plan to get back in before earnings

>> No.24362154

I lost 20% on Corsair should I sell it for another meme? Apxt?

>> No.24362173


don't forget the first post

>> No.24362180
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>> No.24362195

You should learn some TA so you know where to place your stop losses, but yes using stops is a good practice. You just need to be careful to give the stock enough wiggle room so you don't get shaken out by dips. I always place a stop in advance before I buy something and move it up as stock goes up. If it goes against you, you're honestly better off just cutting your losses and moving on to the next one, that is unless you're ok bag holding because you believe it will go higher.

>> No.24362198

Don't mention AP*T I'm still accumulating.

>> No.24362199

I did doubled my money with CRSR and sold before black friday.If I were you I would buy THCB.

>> No.24362221

>Gets stop loss harvested by algos
Nothing personnel kid.

>> No.24362234

>the twitch whore he donated money to has whore nails
Disgusting, my waifu UTZ girl would never do this

>> No.24362241

How do I learn ta? I’ve been watching stock videos in ones I’m looking at and not learning a fucking thing

>> No.24362242

that's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.24362290

just watch vtubers instead
that way you never form these idiotic ideas in your head that you'll have a chance with the girl you're simping for, you can just admire the illusion of a perfect 2D waifu and enjoy the fantasy of spending time with her by just watching streams
none of this depressing shit you just wrote

>> No.24362291

is NKLA the next tesla?

>> No.24362309

>Unlike other companies involved in SPAC
>2018 Olympics
>Electric Buses
>Award from literally who
>Initially planned on bringing cannabis company public
>Switched to EV to follow the trend that emerged over the summer

All of you retards who are new and throwing money at these SPACs should just take this steaming pile of shit into consideration when listening to the fuckheads shilling this crap here, if you want to try to ride the pump and dump before merger announcement fine, but most of this stuff is retarded and will never go anywhere

this list hits every buzzword needed to bait every person asking "whats the next meme, im new and fucking stupid, how do you guys find all this stuff and make money"

>> No.24362318
File: 2.06 MB, 1179x835, nessi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like your point of view

>> No.24362355

I had a 9% stop loss on WKHS and I got rekt by that mini crash on Wednesday, the price recovered but I lost £100 buying back in.

>> No.24362359

She looks like she's 75 and still sucking dicks for $5 behind the mcd.

>> No.24362361

>You know her IRL and donated to her.

Next time you see her IRL you better keep talking about chink tech stocks so that she can go back and tell everyone that you’re not a pathetic beta, but you’re just autistic.

>> No.24362372

Oh fuck you're a yuropoor too!? That's even funnier.

>> No.24362386

She looks like trash anon wtf

>> No.24362391


Is this bullish?

>> No.24362419

Thats it im pulling out of all my SPACs I had APXT HCAC and EOSE, but now i think ill sell everything, except hcac which hasnt mooned yet.

>> No.24362431

Please tell me this woman is at least 35 years old...

>> No.24362437

>EVE Online avatar
makes sense

>> No.24362438
File: 31 KB, 1100x619, 11-2019-Microvast-Logo-169FullWidth-70430ed4-1649579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one will be huge, when people realize how big Microvast are. Existing product already deployed in vehicles with no accidents to date, 100 million 2020 revenue, battery awards that resulted over 1 million in contract..
so this company basically makes battery like KCAC and kcac is currently reached a high of 39. if this DA gets announced this stock will sky rocket. this is a good stock just wait for the DA.

>> No.24362482

THCB is better imo

>> No.24362491
File: 77 KB, 626x602, mmmmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashallah Bruder, ich bitte dich. Das ist doch kein Leben so.

>> No.24362495

nah, that's just what white women look like, you forget when you only see gooks and japs get posted all day

>> No.24362502

It sounds the generic company off of gta. Lmao microvast

>> No.24362522

I'll pay your you 25x the money make today to fuck off, so $6 and you'll get to pay your rent for a month

>> No.24362538

Why do liberals say that the rich are the biggest polluters?

My stock trading is less of a burden on society than wagies who drive a half hour one way each work day.

>> No.24362541

good goi now buy good stocks like AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, AMZN

>> No.24362572

looks good sir I will invest all my village moneys tomorrow morning

>> No.24362573

lads my hairdresser just asked me if I invested in stocks

>> No.24362580

based anon with godly timing
im jealous fuck you

>> No.24362597

they're likely referring to people who fly privately, have big boats, etc. not someone on an anime forum who thinks he's rich

>> No.24362600
File: 62 KB, 805x317, 2-format6001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they arent though, they are a global player and they just opened a factory in brandenburg germany right next to Tesla.he start of series production of battery systems in Brandenburg is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2021. ic related is the factory getting builded in Brandenburg, Germany(outdated picture).

>> No.24362605

Fuck youre right, i just cant handle the stress of Spacs even tho its bascially free money
I found LGVW at 11 and posted it here

>> No.24362608

>Why do liberals say literally anything that they say
because dumb is uncurable

>> No.24362610

Imagine being German and finding some completely Americanized roastie like this attractive. Rope tier

>> No.24362616

say no.
unless you want to fuck her but I would say no anyway.

>> No.24362625

>pays a hairdresser
thats worse then donating to e-thots

>> No.24362632
File: 499 KB, 1168x1784, 1578721773601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow u weren't LARPing...........

>> No.24362640
File: 2.68 MB, 1158x1360, 5F52D1D6-679E-4047-A385-8D77745D74DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling for PLTR end of week price. A nice cool $40.

>> No.24362643

Maybe your expectations are too high in general. There are very few mind-blowing experiences out there. The only thing you can really do is learn to appreciate the little things, as cliche as it sounds.

>> No.24362644
File: 50 KB, 515x515, 1588013989438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Random people want to talk about hydrogen car stocks
>Random fucks know about TSLA and want to "get into stocks"
We're going down soon, aren't we?

>> No.24362656

I've had it. I'm switching my Roth IRA from Vanguard to ThinkOrSwim so I can YOLO my Roth IRA from the toilet at work.

>> No.24362666

This MarcusWerner dude actually paid 200 yuros.
I know anon only paid 5 but why would someone donate 200 for some e-grills attention?

I just don't understand.

>> No.24362686


>> No.24362710


>> No.24362721
File: 692 KB, 1125x2436, ED427380-10C4-4901-B4EB-6D38489D4878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im here because I want biz to make money after falling for all that shit stocks in the last months. You already called me a shill and to shut up when I told you to buy CRSR at 20$ in end of October. BUY THCB

>> No.24362732
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Oh shit, guess I got to go all in now.

>> No.24362746
File: 339 KB, 1386x1600, JPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Puffing on an expensive cigar, Morgan calmly explains that exiting the market was the only option once his shoeshine boy turned bullish.
The bubble is popping within 6 months - this is the best time to make gains in the market (the end stages of a bubble) this is when you see the most absurd, clown market growth. Stay in the markets - but keep an eye on the exit, if a "fire breaks out" - you'll be the first one to the exit, and you won't get killed in the nightclub fire stampede

>> No.24362756


>> No.24362763

lel, this.

>> No.24362767


Boomers have such a hate boner for volatility. Like something moves more than 5% in either direction and they go WHOA NELLY THAT'S TOO DANGEROUS.

>> No.24362782


Fuck off Muhammed

>> No.24362814

I mean, it's Vanguard so only boomers actually use their platform, but cutting out potential customers that aren't boomers seems retarded.

>> No.24362819

Monday is going to be interesting; a lot of people that were away from their screens during the Thanksgiving holiday will either panic sell or FOMO in on the dip. We'll see what Palantir does then...
Hopefully goes up

>> No.24362822

God I wish that were me

>> No.24362833

whiter than you amerishart

>> No.24362889

Help I just want a meme stock that makes numbers go up im going fucking insane looking at them

>> No.24362900


Vanguard is just a glorified no load mutual fund these days, only that their preach to "safe, but effective" investing makes all the boomers and shit for brains chug down the koolaid.

>> No.24362915
File: 146 KB, 1301x1300, En0XJIEVgAEXWwJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that in February and it worked out, but this time it won't be as obvious I think. They could pull the rug at any time and some companies like big tech could even not be affected by it.
Maybe exiting the market is not even a good idea, because they will just let it crab.

The main problem I see is a lot of cyclical stuff being way up for no reason. Look at V and MA despite losing their main cross border traffic. Their prices soaring while reality sucks.

>> No.24362916

I'm a Finngolian Potatonigger, never claimed I was white

>> No.24362920

did you even read the thread? I did a full DD on THCB and why you should dump all your money in it.

>> No.24362961

Here's a book you can read, it's old and outdated in some parts but it can help you understand some basics about market cycles. https://litter.catbox.moe/z8eyrw.pdf
Bonus google drive of free books.

>> No.24362967
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>> No.24362970
File: 4 KB, 125x124, 1606324348759s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone thats interested in investing in PLTR for the long term and not just playing options should watch this video. Really explains in detail what Palantir is all about and how they're moving forward

>> No.24363013

PLTR is getting ready to shit on all the people who FOMO'd too late
THCB is a pajeet scam
I'm only telling you this because you're based and posted Kei-chan

>> No.24363022

THCB will moon on 3th december so probably them

>> No.24363023
File: 1.50 MB, 1838x1342, sdfdfddfdsfdsdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With only 44 million APTX's shares compared to PLTR's 1.87 billion,and SNOW's 276 million...

how much potential do see in APTX's price movement?

>> No.24363025

Can someone translate this to freedom dialect?

>> No.24363046

PLTR Will rule them all

>> No.24363057

>They could pull the rug at any time
I don't think it'll happen like that. There will be a major catalyst that kicks it off - something like Lehman Brothers going under (like in 2008) or like Dell and Cisco selling huge blocks of shares or the Fed raising rates (like in 2000)
It's not going to just happen randomly - imo one of the triggers for this era may be if California, New York, or Texas go into lockdown
If these three states go into lockdown due to coronavirus, huge loss in GDP - I think that it will trigger selloffs; everyone is so overextended long in the market that once the selloff starts it will be very difficult to slow down/stop

>> No.24363061

By God, brother, I beg of you. You can't live like this.

>> No.24363068


>> No.24363069

mashalah brother I plead to you, this isnt a life.

>> No.24363091


>> No.24363101


>> No.24363115

if it makes you feel better I'm mad at myself for having such iron hands that I didn't FOMO into PLTR sooner

>> No.24363133

I don't think it will be a rug pull as much as a massive sector shift, with retail struggling to buy into the new sector while institutions dump the tech bags on them.

>> No.24363135

Why dec 3rd. That share meeting is to extend the timeline to merger another 3-4 months and allows shareholders to redeem.

>> No.24363147

>If these three states go into lockdown due to coronavirus
Texas is unlikely, but California and New York 100% possible - I would be wary ~10 days from now, after the gestation period ends from Thanksgiving

>> No.24363180

I can see PLTR hitting 40 this week. That fool did it a favor. The interest in PLTR has been jacked up even more. Combined with the dip and his uh "stellar" track record (all his picks have done the exact opposite) this will fly. I'll be ready with my sell order set to strike! Some I'll keep. Some I'll sell.

>> No.24363192
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>> No.24363198

Another possible catalyst will be when 14 million people lose their unemployment benefits on December 26 - extremely unlikely that a stimulus will get passed now in conjunction with the government funding bill due in December
End of benefits + end of eviction protections could also be a catalyst

>> No.24363199
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>> No.24363215

Hope oil moons before Christmas.

>> No.24363248

If the crackwhore fucker is still alive he's going to be swimming in gash once those evictions start

>> No.24363254
File: 104 KB, 354x765, original_259881998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extension was set in place prior as a fail safe , they could announce a DA beforehand. Additionally EV is trending which overrides technicals. This is 90% institutional owned, ther is no reason they should unnecessarily extend.

>> No.24363262

I put a few thousand into crude oil ETF's around march. They're doing okay but I don't expect them to boom until this quarantine shit is over.

>> No.24363270

They could still pass the stimulus if they add it to the govt funding bill. Then it'd be shoved down the throats of all those who held it back. Cause then it'd be either pass it or watch the govt grind to a halt.

>> No.24363282

What is the most full-featured, no-compromises broker that offers every type of security imaginable? Options, futures, forex, warrants, OTC, 4am pre-market trading, etc...

>> No.24363286

December is historically the worst month for oil [cold weather = less driving] this plus coronavirus = more people staying in = less oil used
We'll see though, it's possible OPEC is able to win the fight / fuck the fundamentals

>> No.24363309


IB pretty much.

>> No.24363318

Depends on the girl honestly. It can range from okay to pretty great

>> No.24363330
File: 65 KB, 600x525, ios_large_1594930945_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's completely contradictionary to my statement.

Tech is the only thing still doing well. If anything everything BUT tech is completely overvalued. What are they gonna do? Dump the +20% a year growth MSFT for... KO? XOM? BA?

>> No.24363349

Go back

>> No.24363350

It's precisely because of this that I think it won't happen. Fancy Nancy will add even more poison pills, make the stimulus bill $3 trillion, bail out Democratic cities, checks to illegal immigrants, halt to deportations - everything she did the first time. She will use the government funding bill as an excuse to add even more poison pills, precisely because "then it'd be either pass it or watch the govt grind to a halt"
McConnell will not budge, he will not ever go "well we really need there to not be a government shutdown, so I'll be willing to compromise and go for a bill $2 trillion more than I want"
Imo, the stimulus bill will not get passed until February

>> No.24363361

Holy shit it's even worse than I thought.

>> No.24363384
File: 58 KB, 976x850, BE5B0152-9D47-438F-BE52-6219A3538113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen if I buy every meme and set a stop loss at 1% and then only keep the ones that keep going up and set a stop loss at 1% and then buy back lower keeps dipping?

Would I outperform warren buffet?

>> No.24363392

Wzf, anon. Die ist nicht mal Süß. Absolutes Pferdegesicht. Aber gut zu wissen das es leute gibt die erbärmlicher sind als ich.

>> No.24363400

>Fancy Nancy will add even more poison pills,
Some people deserve a stroke.

>> No.24363403

>not selling your oil bag after the retard surge
You had the perfect exit opportunity, assuming you don't plan on holding for years

>> No.24363417

your stoplosses would be triggered on the second day due to volatility and you would be left behind

>> No.24363423
File: 56 KB, 612x380, Tony-Soprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They WANT to extend though correct? Thats what the vote is about.

I'm going to wait for DA before buying if the price is still reasonable. Yes, I'll miss out on gains. Yes EV SPACs are a meme. But I think the risk makes more sense for me.

>> No.24363432

Is apxt good?

>> No.24363437

you can't put a stop loss that low,

the legal condition is at -%20

>> No.24363451

You'd be stopped out on everything the same day

>> No.24363455

yes, but I'm taking profit in the 20s

>> No.24363456
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The only manganese mine in north America.

Elon says they are changing their battery to 33% manganese.

CEO of manganese will release dig report Monday or Tuesday. Get in for a wild ride.

>> No.24363459

So now that the PLTR meme is dying down, whats the next memestock that I should throw a couple grand into?
What do the tea leaves read

>> No.24363492

> Buy 7 SPACS
> Set 1% stop loss on all
> 6 of them dip 2% and then rise another 5% later in the day, close at +3% and then only go up from there for the next month

It could happen to (you)

>> No.24363496

i got in PLTR at 24.44 got out at 30, should i go back in monday or go THCB or APXT instead

>> No.24363503

>stop loss at 1%

also algos already do that far better than you

>> No.24363505
File: 219 KB, 1080x1440, 1606501076112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the Shitron guy have such a hate boner for PLTR? Did Karp fuck his ex-wife?

>> No.24363543

Hodl PLTR and trade meme SPACs. I set a hard price I'm going to take profits on SPACs and never FOMO. It's a bubble and I think its the best way not to get holding the bag.

>> No.24363558
File: 9 KB, 263x191, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PLTR meme is dying down

Reddit literally found out about it last week. It's getting a second wind.

The THCB shill in this thread grew on me. Everything he said made sense. When I found out he's German and not a pajeet/chink, I was pretty much sold.

>> No.24363566

>It's a bubble and I won't hold bags
kek, CLF

>> No.24363569

Man this 30% shit sucks I want a pltr

>> No.24363580

>VZ and DTE
>no T
any reason they leave AT&T out?

>> No.24363590

this is just an extension to give them the necessary time to complete the business combination. t will pass 100%.. the float is 90% institutionally owned. This vote is just an SEC formality. I expect them to actual merge in early january or mid december

>> No.24363602

mark cuban insurance

>> No.24363608

you guys realize PLTR is going to 22 on Monday, right?

>> No.24363613

THCB is still cheap so go for it

>> No.24363616

Which SPAC?

>> No.24363617

why is PLTR a meme? It's the best long hold you can have

>> No.24363631

So how do we prepare for the big dump this week?

>> No.24363649

lol you wish

>> No.24363663


>> No.24363666

Based thanks yurobrothers

>> No.24363668

okay gary oak

>> No.24363673

Institutions have been buying Palantir like crazy for a straight month. If you think it's going to dip further you're ngmi

>> No.24363679
File: 20 KB, 1016x407, smg poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope so

someone on the GME circlejerk stream was saying that $18 was the critical point for hedge funds to start cutting losses, and Justin agreed (the hedge fund manager dude with 500K GME shares in their fund). Justin was also the one who found out that there are hedge funds that are plain short on GME, it's not just an arbitrage play

i still cant fucking believe we are getting rich off fucking GAMESTOP. At least 27 of you faggots

>> No.24363686


see my DD above >>24361469

>> No.24363697
File: 401 KB, 1280x720, 1601683532849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retail investors panicking over some short selling article is not gonna drop the price that far lmao. I honestly hopes it does go that far so I can load up on more calls.

>> No.24363699
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>> No.24363710

Guaranteed replies

>> No.24363713

it may keep going if you hodl. im unemployed and this is my paycheck.

>> No.24363722


>> No.24363723

What’s the risk on riskier etfs. You just might have to baghold for awhile right? You usually won’t lose money on etfs there just might be a bad spike where you have to wait it out? Or are there etfs that literally shit the bed

>> No.24363758

Look up the chart for SQQQ over the last decade

>> No.24363775

I just bought 25k worth of nio what am I in for

>> No.24363778


PLTR at $35 in Monday holdfags.

We are going to make it

>> No.24363783

SNOW has 40 million shares

>> No.24363785

Weird ETFs like leveraged short VIX sometimes blow up. A non-levered ETF filled with basic stonks shouldn't implode, but look at the Nikkei 50 year.

>> No.24363812

you redditors need to go back

>> No.24363832
File: 263 KB, 1200x674, original_259913280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is THCB labratory. This isnt a meme company.

>> No.24363845

How much further could PLTR run? It's already way over price targets and has been running too much.

There's gotta be another recent IPO that's got potential.

>> No.24363858

looks abandoned/ unfinished.

>> No.24363861

>someone on the GME circlejerk stream was saying that $18 was the critical point for hedge funds to start cutting losses
That info is from someone who knows someone who knows someone.

>> No.24363862
File: 33 KB, 681x586, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You usually won’t lose money on etfs there just might be a bad spike where you have to wait it out?
just saying riskier ETFs is way too broad, diversifying for the sake of diversifying doesn't help you

there's garbage like airliner and weed ETFs too
oh and natural gas. I have a friend who showed me he was down -$18K (maple dolalrs) in his fucking TFSA so he can't even use it to write off taxes what the fuck
i cannot fucking convince him to cut his losses, he's been holding for 2 years. If he just put it in fucking tech or whatever, he'd probably have made up all his losses by now

>> No.24363866

I was thinking moon or arkk not leveraged

>> No.24363877


>> No.24363893

Isn’t that an inverse etf though?

>> No.24363901

So owning PLTR equates to being a redditor now. Fuck off

>> No.24363906

THCB lab or Microvast?

>> No.24363907

>looks abandoned/ unfinished.
yeah because they rapidly expanding

>> No.24363917
File: 33 KB, 692x586, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*this was -$18K back in summer

I'm fucking convinced he maxed out his TFSA to put into this garbage HNU or whatever. He said he had the other half in HND so that if natural goes down he wins because HND goes up
like what the fuck

and this guy had the audacity to laugh at me for buying Gamestop fuck lol

>> No.24363932

Microvast AKA THCB after the SPEC deal is done.

>> No.24363952

no, HND is the inverse ETF, which actually looks like you can swing it >>24363917
especially on a wealth simple account with $0 commission

but no, my friend is just HOLDING these leveraged shit

>> No.24363953

Sell on the merger?

>> No.24363960


>> No.24363974

A cannabis spac switching to batteries?

>> No.24363982

i'll bake

>> No.24363988


>> No.24363992

well done vishnu you managed to persuade some dumb americans to buy your SPAC

>> No.24363998

no hodl its a actual profitable company with great future in the EV market

>> No.24364007
File: 218 KB, 321x376, 1600218521571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only people who are mad about PLTR dropping on Friday, and its potential continued red on Monday are FOMOs and reddit. i dropped half my bag on you retards at 33.

everyone who has been holding since 12-15 doesn't give a shit or is even posting about PLTR. im just antagonizing you newfaggots for fun

>> No.24364011

Based OP

>> No.24364017

That's retarded, spacs don't move like this and they can be redeemed at $10+bond yield.

>> No.24364022
File: 138 KB, 553x466, bobito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its done. im going to wait.

>> No.24364034


>> No.24364043


>> No.24364054

>everyone who has been holding since 12-15 doesn't give a shit
enjoy my bags :^)

>> No.24364061

these SPACs just move into whatever's being hyped

pretty sure SRAC was a cannabis SPAC too, and now it's doing a merger with the Momentus space shit
Finally got an alert on my phone when it popped up to $11 out of nowhere, but I didn't have cash to ride the momentum up because of GME

pretty sure that's the play with any SPAC, don't actually buy them until there's momentum, you have other shit to put money into that will give consistent gains. Money in SPAC is just dead cash until they wake up, and I hate bagholding cash

>> No.24364142


>> No.24364170

lol I'm still in from 10?

>> No.24364177

Insane gains in 5 years Niobro.

>> No.24364182

Hey that’s my birthday!

>> No.24364197


>> No.24364215

I bought calls in the 15s and I still post :(

>> No.24364220

>The stock IPOed a couple of months ago, it can't go up more, too late to buy now.
This is why Warren Buffet is rich and the majority of people isn't.

>> No.24364269

> sir
> am
Reluctant kneepad pajeet?

>> No.24364281

I bought at 10 and won't sell for less than 200. Enjoy wasting long-term opportunities.

>> No.24364431

I fucking wish it did, I wanna buy more

>> No.24364541
File: 162 KB, 750x904, AD9B1DB1-9D75-4749-BA1D-D823C16AEA4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think we’re there

>> No.24364750
File: 24 KB, 1155x549, 2020_11_28@1641_49_firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet I don't think

>> No.24364829

that is literally the $30,000 question.

>> No.24364900


>> No.24365127

short sighted fag