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24361109 No.24361109 [Reply] [Original]

There is not a single crypto that focuses on ease of use by adopters. All of them are useless nerd shit that can only be useful in very specific cases.
Give me ONE(1) crypto that will actually change everything.

>> No.24361136

haircomb currency

>> No.24361143

all the ones i own

>> No.24361255


>> No.24361335



>> No.24361894

I don't see the point. By looking at their site their main advantage seems to be no transaction fees. But most banks already don't have any transaction fees. I can send a bank transfer to anyone in the EU without paying a single cent as a fee.

>> No.24361917

us dollar digital currency will probably win. lets be real

>> No.24361931

Utrust UTK
Travala AVA
Very easy to use for total normies

>> No.24361966

INJ is the definition of crypto given that it brings in decentralised derivatives with zero gas fees

>> No.24361983


The best part of the anti XRP delusionists is they base their entire assumption on the basis of “XRP hasn’t mooned, therefore it never will”. Their simple minds fail to observe anything, compute mathematics, incorporate logic, entertain reason. These fools are the definition of fool. They are their own worst enemy. Their blind bias and hysterical anti XRP stance emanates from their own ignorance and frustration at themselves for being unable to understand the very facts making XRP have value. The depression and anguish these morons will feel when they indeed witness XRP explode (and I can guarantee it will), will be perhaps the worst anguish a man can exist with when it comes to a “missed opportunity”. They will have to realize they had extensive time and opportunity to examine, learn and acquire XRP, and instead hemorrhaged capital on non-starter shit show coins. They will go through grief like stages of DABDA - denial, anger, blame, depression and acceptance. They will deny XRP is truly on an upward trajectory. Some may FOMO in too late, however many entrenched haters will deny it is happening and deny it will last. The anger will occur throughout the process as they lash out, upset by missing the opportunity they had ample time to partake in. They’ll blame each other, blame you, blame me, blame family and forums and threads and every crypto retard they can point at, and even most
Importantly blame themselves. The depression phase will last years, maybe decades. They’ll be reminded of the missed opportunity in XRP every single day they awake to their peasant like existence of toil and hardship. Some may kill themselves as a result. I actually had a friend say this to me exactly after he sold a large position of XRP, “If XRP ever hits the $10 you talk about, I will kill myself.” Acceptance will be rare and only the most mature and emotionally secure individuals will truly accept the reality of XRP rising.

>> No.24362055

OMG Network will plug your business needs directly into Ethereum and manage it all for you with the resources of the largest payment provider in SE Asia. You can go on their website and set up as a business customer straight away

>> No.24362134


>> No.24362223

interesting. Do clients/buyers need to have an ethereum wallet or does it take whatever currency from user, handle the exchange and give you ETH? So the normie doesn't even know it's going through ethereum. If not then it's already a dealbreaker for most people imo

>> No.24362235

Libertas is offering censorship resistant podcasting on the blockchain. Creators get 90% of ads and tips creating a strong incentive over other platforms. Very low mcap right now.

>> No.24362253
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>> No.24362324
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>> No.24362326
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Crypto will never be adopted when everything has faggy names like Polkadot and Etherium.
My ultimate test to see if a crypto will make it is if I can imagine niggers talking about it. I absolutely cannot imagine some welfare queen hoodrat saying "ayo homie send me some muffuggin Etherium bix nood"

>> No.24362354

Lmao either this is very clever bait or you’re actually 90 IQ

>> No.24363031


>> No.24363056
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>> No.24363070


>> No.24363226

Link and rlc

>> No.24363268


>> No.24363277

PNK, staking is in the form of particpating in courts, which allows normies to do things like translate work, use prediction markets, rule on courts related to their professional experience, providing a subjective oracle for blockchains

>> No.24363304

First it was
>you can use crypto for all kinds of purchases and it’s anonymous bro!
Then people found out every transaction ever made with BTC is public information and traceable, and that if more than 1% of the worlds population used it transaction times would reach 3 days with $100 fees. Then it was
>you make a shit ton of money off it bro!
Only if you bought in early. Now it’s
>it’s a store of wealth even better than gold bro!
Bitcoin is fundamentally useless, and does not exist outside of the internet. I can’t touch Bitcoin. The price of BTC can go to zero at any time and your fancy internet token will be worth nothing, while an ounce of gold will forever be an ounce of gold

>> No.24363678

does any company use it in production?

>> No.24364767

Based scammer

>> No.24364886

>There is not a single crypto that focuses on ease of use by adopters
Probably vidt
It’s the whole appeal of that Dutch scam

>> No.24365009

I agree. I don't know how any of this bullshit can actually be used except for bitcoin/monero as "digital money." I just swing trade shitcoins and accumulate bitcoin/eth.

>> No.24365039

I get up when I want except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen
I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house
I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too
It gives me a sense of enormous well-being
And then I'm happy for the rest of the day safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it

>> No.24365078


>> No.24365137


>> No.24365171

bitcoin is a perfect name, that's why it took off.

>> No.24365179


if you don’t understand you are quite literally a retard nigger

>> No.24365983

TKY - Research BDMI

>> No.24366254


>> No.24366359
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Pi Network (search on app/play store)

you will need a trusted member's code to gain access - feel free to use mine

>> No.24367297

Oxt, btc,xmr,numeraire