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24347216 No.24347216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

China sucks

>> No.24347232

China is pioneering digital currency. Planned blockchain economy by 2050

>> No.24347241

Taiwan is the legitimate government of China. Down with the CCP

>> No.24347242

Nope, shit country

>> No.24347256

t. Pajeet

Cope. China was as poor as you in 1945. The difference in trajectory is due to the leadership of the CCP.

>> No.24347260
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>> No.24347262

Oh, awesome! The CCP will be able to misallocate resources even faster!

>> No.24347281

China is sad. What a pathetic country!

>> No.24347290
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You can take your Shangai Shivers and you get the FUCK off my board.

>> No.24347334
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您的IP已被记录。 您的无礼将在不久的将来给您和您的家人带来极大的困难。 美国政府和世界所有大国都无法将您从即将发生的事情中拯救出来。

>> No.24347343
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>> No.24347435
File: 74 KB, 316x316, F5BF3B1D-8AAE-4E0B-BE72-1723613D958D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true KMT stands with New China.

We easily defeated the New Crown virus. You are the ones that have taken it.

>> No.24347502

Are you Chinese and supportive of the government of China?

>> No.24347539


I’m from Macau, which is Chinese.

>> No.24347570
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Do you support the direction of the government? If so are you a nihilistic hedonist, or do you believe there is purpose to life?

>> No.24347653

I support the government because I believe there is a purpose to life. Finding it requires a degree of prosperity, which the CCP has enabled. Here in Macau for instance, we have collaborated with Beijing and generally support them, and have been rewarded with much better jobs, less crime, public healtcare, and more.

>> No.24347686

studied trad music there for a few summers and have an offer to do my doctorate in Beijing
Overall, great country, food, and people. The gummint on the other hand...

>> No.24347692

Like we got rid of our manufacturing, and unlike most places including Hong Kong, we actually replaced them with better jobs in the new gambling industry

>> No.24347727
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>If so are you a nihilistic hedonist, or do you believe there is purpose to life?
This is why China supposedly hates us. You talk like you think you’re in a movie, and you’re laying your fragile emotional state and midwiticisms out for everyone to jeer at and pick apart. It’s like you’re not even human.

>> No.24347863

>Overall, great country, food, and people. The gummint on the other hand...

The government is the reason the people are great. You can still see in some rural areas what we all used to be like, almost India-tier. Soon they will be reformed as well, thanks again to the CPC.

>> No.24347914

so much cope ITT, china is unironically based. I find it funny that "redpilled" anons will lap up any propaganda they hear about china without any critical thinking whatsoever. for a place that calls reddit an echo chamber 4chan is actually quite an echo chamber too, lots of group think here, some of its legit othertimes its just the hivemind repeating to each other what it wants to hear

>> No.24348130

blink three times if you're being monitored

>> No.24348192

It's hilarious, you just post the most basic bait like "China sucks" and the CCP shills come out taking it seriously.

>> No.24348207

Thank you chairman Mao