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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24346926 No.24346926 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw biz accelerates the adoption of the world computer leading to a massive spike in technology advancement in the world

>> No.24347434
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We help frens to get rich and accumulate. Then in 2021 we unleash the power

>> No.24347602
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>> No.24347758

Yfw you realise it's completely usless as multiple vendors offer a faster and cheaper service

>But mAh dapps

No one gives a fuck about dapps in 5 years there's been 0 that have achieved adoption, iexec and those donating computing power will need 100000's of successful dapps to turn a miniscule profit

>> No.24347762
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>> No.24347771

>Yfw you realise it's completely usless as multiple vendors offer a faster and cheaper service
Not for long pajeet!
Stay poor NOILER!

>> No.24347920

how to scam people into buying your token that is not necessary in the pooled cloud that you're building:
>find VALID and OBVIOUS future tech innovation that has many benefits for future implementation (decentralized cloud computing)
>stick a token onto it with no role (RLC)
>"partner" up with brand names to hitch a ride
jesus fuck

>> No.24348026
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>token that is not necessary

>> No.24348034

why does cloud computing even need to be decentralized and how could it possibly ever by cheaper than centralization

>> No.24348048

Data centers have huge maintenance costs among other things, not gonna spoonfeed, stay poor

>> No.24348085


>> No.24348094

Decentralizing doesn't change that, infact it makes it worse as your running maintenance and upgrades on a smaller scale

>> No.24348163

You are a brainlet, decentralization means no maintenance costs if it's just millions of home-pc users connecting and making side money with idle processing power. The cost of upkeeping data centers is massive

>> No.24348266

Lmao you don't know a thing about data centres, the $/compute of a data centre would shit all over a decentralized network.

>> No.24348288

>big data centers that have to pay for millions of $ in electricity, upkeep, broken hardware, wiring, salaries of high paying jobs, among a million other liabilities will "shit all over" a decentralized network open marketplace filled with millions(or billions) of worldwide devices of all shapes and sizes.

Yeah okay stay poor kek

>> No.24348311

String your two braincells together and ask yourself why did they create data centres in the first place xD

>> No.24348322

Not sure if you're baiting me but that's the dumbest shit I've ever read

>> No.24348332
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But I'll feed you.
Because iExec didn't exist yet.

>> No.24348345

Because it's easier to just buy a bunch of servers if a complex network of decentralised computing power providers hasn't been set up yet?

>> No.24348382

It's the most economical way to process large amount of data, specialised hardware that's optimised for that one task kept at perfect temperatures for maximum efficiency, chuck in the ability to buy electricity and hardware in bulk and you can see why iexec can't compete, it logically makes 0 sense to decentralise that, your just increasing the $/compute through spreading out maintenance and operational costs on millions of pieces of less efficient hardware lmao

>> No.24348412

You are a fucking idiot. Look at the total computational power provided by all the various crypto projects that allow for "mining". It was a few years ago that the total power usage (As in, electricity, not CPU/GPU) exceeded that of some small Countries, and even sizeable "first world" cities.

Bitcoin alone did that, not even taking into account the hundreds of other cryptocurrencies being "mined" purely for profit.

Have you ever mined a cryptocurrency? Joined a mining pool to increase your odds? Obviously not, because if you had, you would understand at least on a conceptual level how much of an idiot you are.

Imagine for a moment, that instead of mining cryptocurrency for a few shekels on the side, that you could instead dedicate your idle CPU/GPU power to an iExec-RLC worker pool composed of thousands of other idle PC's just like yours, spread out all over the globe - each one earning a small portion of RLC for it's contributions based of the PoC model used by iExec-RLC.

Who do you think wins out in this scenario?

A Google Data Centre that costs tens of millions of dollars a year to run, and also had an upfront cost likely in the billions, or a decentralized pool of worker nodes that match or even exceed the computational capacity of all of Google's data centres combined - while spreading out the risk of failure over literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, of individual neet-nodes?

Take a guess, you disgusting low iq fucking monkey.

>> No.24348494

I'm sure they will continue to exist in some capacity but they will also connect to iExec anyways. There is zero chance for general computing that they will ever be able to out price an open market of decentralized computers.

>> No.24348520

Based. I think the pajeet is trying to accumulate and since they know RLC has no real fud they default to token not needed style fudding

>> No.24348547

Using 4chan, ironically pays for Googles Data center costs (Recaptcha data). Googles ad revenue subsidizes its datacenters big time, not including tax writeoffs from various cities for them bringing jobs to those cities by building said datacenters.

>> No.24348655

thanks for the thoughtful response redditspacingnigger. anyway i'm sure a lot of neet biz autists love the idea, and it is a great idea. i realize that there is indeed all that unutilized capacity. but the ff are my concerns about it being decentralized:

1. i expect that big data centers will compose the vast majority of available computing capacity on the cloud for a long time. adoption by regular basementdwellers like us will take a long long time. these companies have economies of scale and will receive a value of RLC that is based on their economies of scale, vs the costs of an individual which are much less efficient. and the resources an individual could contribute would be highly diluted and less profitable.

2. this will turn the i-Exec blockchain into a glorified marketplace, benefiting these big companies and not individual users. that doesn't sound very decentralized.

3. this will just add to pureplay third party computing resource providers. scale is everything. individuals DO NOT have economies of scale. this is assuming that this business is even profitable in the first place. there aren't enough autist neets in the world willing to leave their computers on all day. also think of the impact on depreciation of personal computers and upkeep costs. someone from their team has to do some legit financial modelling and cost benefit analysis.

>> No.24348667
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>benefiting these big companies and not individual users. that doesn't sound very decentralized.
not if we hold most of the supply.

>> No.24348682

This is just purely retarded fud. Not sure if you spent nights coming up with trash copy pasta fud or what but you seemingly have zero idea what iExec is.

>> No.24348710

I'm on my phone now or maybe I'd completely dismantle your retardation, but alas I'd rather you and other retards here to stay poor.

>> No.24348728

Based kek I wonder how much biz has

>> No.24348759
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hm i wonder

>> No.24348885
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It's dogshit

>> No.24348890

It must be a sizeable amount there are lots of posters that claim to have over 10k. most of the Whales are probably biz users.

>> No.24348929

Listen i own some rlc and I think that this decentralized cloud computing is a really cool idea but literally no one has been able to answer where this token comes into play and I just don't see how what Iexec is doing translates into value for rlc coin?

>> No.24348936

I used to have 70k. I was sick last year and said fuck it and put what I had left on Binance into it. Cuz I have a decent stack of link locked away. Then 3 days later I said fuck it again and sold.

>> No.24348942

Still have 15k tho

>> No.24348958

Google iExec RLC tokenomics

>> No.24349530

you post this shit in nearly every rlc thread
says a lot

>> No.24349551

load balancing in a decentralized cloud is hell
that shit will sink

>> No.24349555
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>> No.24349600
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out of date tech with useless token tacked on

>> No.24349643

The next fun token

>> No.24350396

I bought 10k RLC because I like the memes, Well played biz

>> No.24350567

Came in to see dudu the dogo reddit spacing post but left disappointed. He must be from usa or something

>> No.24351065

I blame the leafs

>> No.24351094

Electronic dog excrement. Buy Xrp. The true standard

>> No.24351105

already bought that long ago retard
RLC will surpass even XRP though newfag

>> No.24351334
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Nigger 20k oil Barron checking in suck my barrels. Your retarded ass should have a better sense of sarcasm. Still love you. NSMDO

>> No.24351392
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veritably based

>> No.24351487

>Using mining as an example of why decentralised computing will work
Lmao, Bitcoins mined predominantly from several large players it's barely decentralised, the only reason the big boys haven't bothered mining crypto is because it's vapour ware, their data centres would clean house if they wanted to.

Microsoft Amazon and Google already offer cloud computing, decentralised cloud computing can't compete from a price perspective, iexec has already admitted as much. So wtf can they offer?

>> No.24351516

Checked and bless oil Jesus. We’re all Guna make it. Zyzz