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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24344764 No.24344764 [Reply] [Original]

has any of you spent some gains on seeking arrangement?

I'm tempted to rent a nice apartment in a cheap European capital and pay for the house bills in exchange for sex with a college girl. I am worth about $200k and 29 years old, so maybe I should wait a bit more?

>> No.24344808

I bought a wife for $5k

>> No.24344833

Imagine spensing you hard earned money just to get used by some dirty thot. Your better off stacking more and eaiting for the right female wholl actually build you up but you incels dont think about that huh? Just wanna get pussy, its actually pathetic

>> No.24344882

sage in all fields
dont do it bro cmon

>> No.24344885
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Look up Coach Corey Wayne on YouTube man, take care of yourself, and become the kind of person you want to attract into your life. You can't expect to have some hot chick fall in love with you if you don't at least take care of yourself. Trust me, I was feeling like you just a few months ago, but finding a semi-decent woman and dating her, even just for a few months, will make you into a much better man for the next girl. Paying them obfuscates the problem and makes things harder for you. Best of luck!

>> No.24344888

that sounds cheap, please explain

waiting for the right female until what age? I never had a gf in my life, I fucking need it. And it will be using that pussy, sex 2-3x/day, otherwise I find another

>> No.24344890
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>wait for the right female to "build you up"
>op is already worth almost a quarter million dollars @29

>> No.24344904

checked digits, still sage

>> No.24344930

Checked, I guess if you really want to play the prostitution route, you could hire a hot girl to take pictures with you, hell, a bunch of them, might have to pay them extra without masks, then throw it on your insta/facebook/etc.. link it to your tinder. Sleazy as fuck, and you should feel shitty about doing that, but yeah.

>> No.24344962

>paying to have sex

you're a failure of a man OP

>> No.24344964

bro you're too young & financially insecure to consider being a sugar daddy, that 200k will not last. just bang some escorts if you need the physical contact... i would worry that paying for sugar relationships in your 20s could be kind of psychologically damaging

>> No.24344978

>almost a quarter million dollars @29
That’s right he’s lagging behind. No wonder why he’s never had a gf

>> No.24345092
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get a clue

>> No.24345156

this is for which country?

I come from a poor country faggot, not the US

Thank you for the advice, I think I will just register on the website but won't do it. Maybe just getting there and see the girl desperation will give me hopes.

>> No.24345185


>> No.24345205

been doing it for 2 years

i'm 34 and i have social skills which already puts me ahead of the old and married men on there


>> No.24345227

>I come from a poor country faggot, not the US
If youre 29 and have a quarter million USD and not bolivares or whatever the shit currency is in your poor country - youre way ahead of the pack age wise by US standards let alone your countries.

Get some hookers if you really need to scratch the itch I guess, but dont break the bank.

>> No.24345254

how do you do it weeky/monthly allowance or pay-per-meet? Do you change sugar baby often? How do you optimize pussy for $? Hpw much do you spend? What is your net worth? Are you self-made or inherited?

>> No.24345268

government, capitalism, and feminism, have monetized and destroyed normal relationships

>> No.24345284
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>> No.24345289

OP is 100% going to end up scammed out of half his net worth from some floozy before he even tries to put a ring on it's finger, & that's a good thing. Enjoy looking after single mothers you pathetic faggot. Fuck, pay me an eth and I'll tell you exactly what you need to do over a week on cam. But my condition is I get to laugh at you whenever I feel like it.

>> No.24345295
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>> No.24345305

Why would you want to negotiate with an entitled 20 year old bitch who wants to find a "sugar daddy without giving sugar"
Just get an escort if you have money.

>> No.24345338

During the bull run of '17 I did some ridiculous shit

Paid a kindergarten teacher $200 for a foot job in a church parking lot, which escalated to sex for another $300

Paid an 18 year old $1000 for an hour of sex

Paid a 36 year old off seekingarrangements $500 for one night. Which didn't include the cost of a hotel or a rental car because I owned an 01 honda civic at the time. She didn't suck dick or kiss either.

All of these chicks were confused that someone like me would pay for sex. I'm 6'4 and good looking/fit. Well I lost 80% of my portfolio during the bear market and I ended up fucking way hotter chicks for free when I moved to the city for college. I can't believe I ever payed for that shit.

>> No.24345394

>plebbit spacing
>absolute retarded cuck
go back you immense faggot

>> No.24345416

You wouldn't be dipping into the 200k right?
What's you're net income?
How much is the apt?
One girl? Or you'd use the apt as a revolving door?

>> No.24345429

>how do you do it weeky/monthly allowance or pay-per-meet?
pay per meet. never done monthly. i have dated girls off there several times that didn't ask me for anything in return just because they liked me.

>Do you change sugar baby often?
yes. this site filters for girls that are willing to have sex for money but not necessarily willing to admit to it. in other words, it selects for stupid people. i get bored of them quickly because i'd honestly rather browse /biz/, but they are way hotter than i can get on tinder.

>How do you optimize pussy for $?
i wrote an answer but it was a bit long so i will answer more thoroughly in my next reply

>Hpw much do you spend?
anywhere from 500-1000 per meet.
>What is your net worth?
>Are you self-made or inherited?
made it all from crypto

>> No.24345431

How do you know Reddit spacing if you've never been there? Reddit is usually more intelligent than 4chan, but 4chan is much better for fast paced stream of consciousness conversations.

>> No.24345473

>How do you optimize pussy for $?
ok so here's the thing.

these girls are whores that think they aren't whores. so your primary objective is to be as delicate as possible about the topic.

an actual whore would be very upfront about what she wants and tell you it's 300 an hour, for example.

these girls are different. so i talk them up like i would any regular girl.

conversation usually goes like this:

me: "hi, how's the search?"
girl: "hi not bad"
me: "have you had a daddy before?" (this does 2 things at once: makes it seem like you're not here to waste time and it gauges how receptive she is to the word daddy)
girl: "yes i have" or "yes i have had an arrangement before"
if she says the first one, it means she's likely to be more submissive and slutty. the second one implies she's uncomfortable with the word daddy and you should proceed with more caution and be less sexually aggressive.
if responds with the first one, you can probe her further by saying "what did your daddy do for you?"
in the case of the second you can be more neutral and say "what was the arrangement like?"
then they will tell you what it was like. usually it's going to be either "ppm" (basically she's a whore and you can have her because she's already talking to you and it's only just a matter of price now) or something like a relationship with allowance (these are usually more classy and selective, but still whores and there are ways around banging them once and bouncing too, if you want to do that)
so after she lays it out for you, you decide. if she says ppm and you're up for that, you can say:
"sounds good. what's your number? let's work something out"
you get her number and then set up a meet for coffee and drinks. get her number and text her "hey it's x from sa. let's get a drink sometime to see how we get along. how much were you wanting?"
she will tell you how much and you can say that you're up for that if the chemistry is right.

>> No.24345484

>made it all from crypto
Hows the taxes u larping faggot

>> No.24345503

did some line spacing upset you? you sound like a screeching virgin and would get folded like a chair

>> No.24345542

and then you can bang her for ppm.

the allowance ones are a little trickier, but there's a way around it too.

once she says it was more like an allowance with a relationship, just tell her that that was exactly what your past arrangement was like as well. that it was just like dating, except you helped her with bills, gifts, etc. don't worry about feeling bad. she's just a stupid fucking gold digger and you're smarter than she is. ask for her number and ask to meet for dinner. it will probably take you at least two dates before you can fuck her. if the first date goes well, tell you're okay with an allowance, but you were burned in the past because you paid the whole thing upfront and then the girl ghosted you. so you tell her that you want to build trust. so tell her that you can do weekly allowance. it will make her feel like she's less of a whore, but it will be the exact same thing as ppm. if you like her, you can keep paying her like this. if you want to bang her once and move onto others, you can just tell her you found someone else a week later.

>> No.24345549

500-1000 sounds like you're getting fleeced. I think you can do better.

>> No.24345567

we know bro
we didn't start fucking hookers cause life was going great

>> No.24345592

> You wouldn't be dipping into the 200k right?
I would dip a bit, maybe like $15 in six months... With the rise of bitcoin it might not be that much...

> How much the apt?
Appartment would cost about $500-$1200/month depending on the city plus other expenses, I would count with about $2k/month.

> What's your net income?
It's not stable. I have a small website business. I trying to build a new bigger business so it's nearly zero or slightly negative for the next half-year.

Yes one girl... but I would replace her if things cool down.

>> No.24345595

i don't go for anything less than 8.
i've met college cheerleaders, playboy models, classy corporate girls, strippers, etc.

>> No.24345605

>Reddit is usually more intelligent than 4chan,

Now this is good bait. Have a (you) faggot.

>> No.24345711

You outcha mind. You can't start dipping into that 200k, especially if you don't have a stable income. 200k is incredibly valuable at your age. I'm the most bullish fucker Bitcoin has but only fools make assumptions like that. It sounds like the apartment would be closer to 1k, being drained 2k a month is absurd. And you have zero income during a recession. The one girl thing makes this whole operation even more absurd. You've gone from bachelor with secret pimp retreat to simp-tier. I think you're not giving yourself enough credit here. Have you tried to get laid before?

>> No.24345878

I was saying six months but I could as easily stop after one month.. Six months would be a maximum IMO.

>Have you tried to get laid before?
The only times I got laid without paying was because the girls were kinky and liked my big dick. But it's very hard to mention this. I can basically only get laid if I buy a lot of tinder boosts, which is about the same as paying an escort/sugar baby

What do you say to the ones that never had any daddy experience before? Girls that just singed up on seeking arrangement? And the bitches that do ppm, do you pay just when you decide to fuck after meeting at the cafe or you pay before even going to the cafe?

>> No.24346072

Okay, so 15k for 6 months of poon. Let's think long term here. After 6 months is over you've now created a new dopamine center in your head, going cold turkey won't be possible. I can see two distinct outcomes, one in which you've become more mature and comfortable with yourself by building on this "relationship", and the other where you have basically addicted to prostitution with a much more dark and complex mindset.

I think the latter is much more likely. You'll end up being a slave to this arrangement. Over time the money will mean less and less as the sex eats up more and more. All the while you haven't actually made any forward progress - you've just scratched an itch temporarily, and now you've still got an itch and a metaphorical (and actual, like on your penis) rash.

It's not sustainable. It's going to hurt you in the long run, and possibly have dire consequences. It's all about balance. I don't have great advice for you, but I think you should take things much more slowly than going to full blown sex apartment. I would work harder on your Tinder profile, and keep going on dates, SA maybe once in a while if for no other reason then just spend some time in any sort of relationship and try to build more confidence. Just my opinion based on what I've heard.

>> No.24346077
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>> No.24346092

I don't understand, you must have some other options?

I'd either:
>A: Find a nice girl and date her
>B: Fuck sluts from tinder and clubs

I'm gonna assume you are extremely unattractive and have nothing of value to offer except money, so maybe you should consider
>C: Fucking escorts

In any case, don't do what you just said.

If you're in it for the power dynamics money fetish, I'd rather give them some drugs or give them expensive bags.

>> No.24346106

>What do you say to the ones that never had any daddy experience before? Girls that just singed up on seeking arrangement?
ask them if they know how it works. if they don't, tell them you'll spoil them with dinners. proceed to exploit them until they disagree or learn. you might be able to get away with dinners or like 200ppm when you usually pay 500ppm but they'll get swarmed with messages and learn what it's about pretty quick.
>And the bitches that do ppm, do you pay just when you decide to fuck after meeting at the cafe or you pay before even going to the cafe?
lollll. no man you never pay before going to the cafe. are you fucking stupid? you're just asking to get scammed.

>> No.24346107

Uh Mazin

>> No.24346129


>> No.24346144

have sex buddeh

>> No.24346183

I told you, this anon is going to get grifted by one, max 2 of these whores and he may even deserve it.

>> No.24346325

of course I am not going to pay before going to the cafe. What I am asking is if you pay just for the sex itself or do you ever pay just to go out with her? For me paying just for a regular date is lame, but I suspect some girls won't even meet if you don't agree to pay just for going out.

> might be able to get away with dinners or like 200ppm
Yes this is my main goal now, get cheap overnight sex. After paying a nice dinner how do you convince her to go to your apartment for free? I never actually done this in a real scenario.

>> No.24346468
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>> No.24346480

>of course I am not going to pay before going to the cafe. What I am asking is if you pay just for the sex itself or do you ever pay just to go out with her? For me paying just for a regular date is lame, but I suspect some girls won't even meet if you don't agree to pay just for going out.
no, obviously you do not pay for the date. you meet, then you decide if you want to proceed and then you have sex with them

>> No.24346567

>After paying a nice dinner how do you convince her to go to your apartment for free? I never actually done this in a real scenario.
if you've never done it in a real scenario then you won't be able to do it with a sugar baby. you need skills.

>> No.24346581

You will never be White